83| "I have beef with you"

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As we entered the house, the familiar sound of chatter greeted us, drawing us into the living room where our family awaited.

Amara's eyes lit up as she spotted us, and she came running, her arms outstretched. I knelt down to meet her, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"Hi," I greeted her, smiling.

"I missed you," she replied, her voice muffled against my shoulder.

"I missed you too," I said, planting a kiss on her forehead before she bounded off to Ace.

Turning my attention to Kai, I gently cradled him in my arms.

"Now, I have beef with you, mister," I teased Kai, holding him up and pretending to scold him. "We practiced every day, and you wanna go and betray me like that?"

Kai grinned in response, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You find this funny, don't you? You had this planned all along," I continued, playfully kissing his neck, which elicited giggles from him.

Meanwhile, Ace and Amara departed with Ace's dad, Amara excitedly proclaiming that she had something to show them.

I settled in with Ace's mom, Kai nestled in my arms.

"You guys are back," Ace's mom remarked, turning to face me and resting her hand on the couch, her head propped on her hand.

"It was perfect," I replied, a contented smile playing on my lips.

"I'm sure it was. That man has his ways with gifts and trips that never disappoint," she remarked with a knowing smile.

"He really does. And his way with words too," I added.

"Mmm, he gets it from his dad," she mused.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

As we settled into the familiar comfort of home, surrounded by family, I reflected on the incredible journey we had just experienced in the Maldives. The memories of our honeymoon were still fresh in my mind—moments of laughter, adventure, and quiet connection with Ace.

Ace's mom glanced at me with a knowing look. "He takes after his dad in more ways than one," she added with a chuckle.

I nodded in agreement, remembering how Ace's charm and thoughtfulness had made our time together truly magical.

A short while later, Ace and Amara returned, both with bright smiles on their faces. Amara eagerly showed us a video on her phone, recounting their adventure at Disneyland and proudly sharing Kai's first word.

Ace joined us on the couch, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Looks like you had fun without us," he teased Amara, who playfully stuck out her tongue in response.

"It's good to be back home," I remarked, leaning into Ace's embrace.

"It is," he agreed, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

the evening settled in, the atmosphere was filled with the familiar sounds of home—the gentle hum of conversation, the laughter of children, and the comforting presence of loved ones. Amara eagerly recounted more stories from their time at Disneyland, her excitement infectious as she animatedly described their adventures.

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