63| "Butterfly tattoo"

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After tucking Amara into bed, I made her way down the hallway towards Ace's bedroom, my heart filled with gratitude and a lingering sense of vulnerability after the events of the kidnapping. I knocked softly on the door, feeling a mixture of nerves and relief as it swung open to reveal Ace,  in a towel that showcased his toned abs and intricate tattoos.

"Hey," Ace greeted, a warm smile playing on his lips as he took in my presence.

I cleared my throat, my voice soft yet sincere. "I just wanted to thank you again for bringing our daughter back safely," I said, my eyes reflecting genuine appreciation.

Ace's expression softened, his gaze meeting Sarah's with unwavering warmth. "Always," he replied simply, stepping forward to envelop me in a comforting hug.

As Ace's arms wrapped around me, I felt a rush of conflicting emotions—gratitude, relief, and a profound sense of longing for the security that Ace's embrace offered. It was as if, in that moment, I could finally let go of the weight of uncertainty and fear that had gripped her during the ordeal.

When Ace pressed a kiss on my hair, my heart skipped a beat. I looked up at him with unspoken vulnerability, finding solace in his silent gesture of reassurance.

"CmDo you mund If... I stay with you tonight?" I asked softly, my voice tinged with vulnerability. "I just... I don't feel comfortable sleeping alone after everything that happened."

Ace's expression softened even further, his eyes filled with understanding. "Of course," he replied without hesitation, his voice gentle yet resolute.

He led me into his familiar bedroom, where I was grateful to find a bathroom at her disposal. I took a shower and memories flooded my mind—the fun and laughter they had shared when Ace and I were in here.

When I emerged from the bathroom, Ace had laid out a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and a loose black top for me—a thoughtful gesture that brought a soft smile to my lips. I slipped into the comfortable attire, feeling a sense of familiarity and warmth wash over her.

As I climbed into bed beside Ace, I felt a wave of gratitude for his unwavering support and care. In his presence, I found a sanctuary—a place where she could lay her burdens down and find solace in the embrace of love and understanding.

With Ace beside me, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to drift into a peaceful slumber, my heart lighter knowing that I was not alone in facing the challenges of the night. And as sleep claimed me, I held onto the hope that tomorrow would bring healing and renewed strength, guided by the steadfast presence of the man she loved.



As I woke up the next morning, I found myself greeted by a heartwarming sight—Naomi nestled in his arms, her peaceful expression radiating a sense of calm and contentment. I lay there for a moment, taking in the soft curve of her cheek against his chest, feeling a rush of overwhelming happiness and love.

Gently, I shifted slightly to get a better look at her. Her hair cascaded over the pillow, and a small smile played on her lips as she slept. In that quiet morning moment, with the gentle light filtering through the window, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for having her by my side.

I traced a finger along the curve of Naomi's cheek, marveling at the beauty and grace she exuded. I knew that this woman was my anchor, my partner, and my source of strength.

She stirred slightly, her eyelashes fluttering as she began to wake. My heart swelled with affection as I watched her slowly come to consciousness. She looked up at me with a soft smile, and I couldn't help but return it, my heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time.

"Good morning," I murmured, my voice a low whisper filled with tenderness.

"Morning," she replied, her voice husky with sleep.

I leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead, savoring the simple intimacy of the moment. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and fulfillment knowing that she was here with him, sharing this quiet morning together.

In that fleeting moment of tranquility, I knew that he was exactly where I was meant to be—wrapped in Naomi's warmth and surrounded by the promise of a new day filled with love and possibility. As we lay together in the soft morning light, I felt an unspoken connection that transcended words—a bond forged through shared experiences and unwavering devotion.

As Naomi fully awakened and nestled closer to me, my heart swelled with gratitude for the love we shared. I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, guided by the strength of their love and the unbreakable bond they had forged.



I gazed at Ace's tattoos, my eyes were drawn to the butterfly inked in the center of his chest. Its delicate wings spread, catching the light in a mesmerizing display.

"What does the butterfly represent?" I asked, my voice soft with curiosity.

Ace smiled, a fond expression crossing his features as he looked down at the tattoo. "This butterfly is special," he began, his tone reflective. "It symbolizes you and Amara."

My eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Me and Amara?" I echoed, intrigued by the explanation.

Ace nodded, his eyes meeting me with warmth. "Yes," he confirmed. "The butterfly represents transformation and growth. Just like how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, our lives have transformed for the better since you and Amara came into my world."

I felt a rush of emotion at Ace's heartfelt words. The significance of the tattoo, a permanent mark on his skin, spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings for them.

"It's beautiful," I murmured, my voice filled with appreciation.

Ace reached out to gently stroke my cheek. "You both have brought so much light and beauty into my life," he confessed, his gaze unwavering.

I felt her heart swell with affection for this man who wore his love for us so proudly. In that moment, I knew that our connection was something truly special—an enduring bond that transcended words or gestures.

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