48| "You two kissed, didn't you?"

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Last night I couldn't sleep. I couldn't bring myself to shut my eyes because I could feel the hurt I'd caused him.

I kept replaying and replaying that moment over and over again.

Amaras still asleep. She's not going for tutoring today so she's got a free day today.

I was quick to take a shower.

I did a natural glam look and left my hair curly. I style it into a sleek back ponytail.

I left the room and I had to go apologize to him.

I couldn't let him feel like this any longer.

I firstly went to go cheek his office and I knocked hearing a come in from the other side.

I opened the door and he sat behind  it.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Yeah." He softly said.

I walked further into the room.

He stood up and walked around the table to the front and leaned on the edge, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Last night," I started. "I'm going to apologize because I can't handle hurting you anymore. I can't stand seeing you hurt because it just haunts me. I'm sorry Ace, I really fucking am and I hated myself the moment I pulled away. I really did wanted to kiss you, I really fucking did. Hell i still do, but goddammit I was scared. Scared that if I did, I'd loose you again, because that's a genuine fear I've always had. I was scared that I would have to go through suffering again. Scared that I'd regret it-" I said and he cut me off.

He came and cupped my cheeks.

"Don't ever think your gonna loose me again, because you won't. Never. Now, I don't want to loose you, ever and if I did I'd fucking make sure I found you again and bring you right back to me. Nothings going to happen to you, me, Amara. I love you Nai. Always and forever. There isnt anything that could stop the love I have for you." He said softly.

I just looked at him with a smile. I wanted to kiss him.

Right fucking now.

So I did.

I leaned in and pressed my lips with his.

His hands went down from my cheeks and slowly down my curvy sides to my waist.

My arms were quick to find their way around his neck. He pulled me in closer to him, like we weren't close enough.

I felt the world freeze. I felt him only. It was only us. And I missed this. Missed this feeling. His kisses. His everything.

His lips were soft, gentle yet passionate.

I smiled into the kiss.

I pulled an inch away from him and said, "I love you too." 

He grinned and took my lips back onto his.

Fucking hell.

I've miss her.

Missed this.

I didn't realize how much I've missed and needed it until now.

Needed her lips on mine.

I've had her close to me a few times but this time- this time was different. Felt different and my head was all over the place, but I still managed to only think of her.

She slightly opened her mouth and I slid my tongue in. I could hear her soft moans fill the room and those sounds were making me insane.

A knock was heard.

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