Till Death- The Salvatore Baby

By ShadowN15

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"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't barge into my room threatening my boyfriend," Tori yelled at th... More

Town of Misery
Cast a Spell
Take a bite
In Vain (Pt 1)
In Vain (Pt 2)
Rescue Mission
The Truth
The Truth pt 2
Founder's day Chaos
Twisted Carnival
The Vamp who cried wolf
The night of the concert
Skylar and the Swan Witch
Consequences Pt 1
Consequences Pt 2
Sacrifice Yourself
Masquerade and Suits
Wanna play charades?
Crying Wolf
Zdravei, Katerina!
Ugh, the 60s
I'll Find a way
The Sacrifice
The Deal
Part 2
Her Birthday
Disturbing Behaviour
Turn. It. Off!
Just one day!
Ghost World

Rose and Wolves

1K 32 9
By ShadowN15

Jeremy walked down the stairs to the tomb with food, he had hoped he could have been here to meet Tori earlier but he got distracted when he met Bonnie at the grill.

"Hey, T! I got your usual from the grill," Jeremy yelled out at the entrance of the tomb. Instead of seeing his best friend Jeremy saw a a pissed Katherine

"Ria and Stefan got out," Katherine told the boy

"What? When?" Jeremy asked his sister's ancestor

"How about you give me some blood and. I will give you the information," Katherine told the boy. Jeremy turned around but Katherine yelled out at the boy "Tell Damon that Tori is with Elijah and knowing the originals, she is most likely dead," Katherine told the boy. Jeremy rushed up the stairs calling Damon. If what Katherine said was true. Tori's life was in danger.


Elijah drove Tori to the field, the same field she had revived almost a year ago.

"Okay, Question? How did you know where the field was?" Tori asked the vampire, it was too crazy of a coincidence that he would take her here.

"I have my ways," Elijah told the girl

"That's not creepy at all," Tori mumbled "So, what do you want?" Tori asked as she turned to look at the vampire

"Before I get to what I wanted to talk about, shall we...." Elijah indicate that they get out of the car.

"Sure, I could do with some fresh air, since I was stuck inside that tomb for two days," Tori said as she got out of the car and walked to the field. Elijah watched the girl as she bent down and picked a dandelion. Tori had her eyes closed and she blew it before she turned to look at the vampire.

"Sorry, force of habit," Tori said as she realized what a freak she would have looked like in front of the vampire but instead of a puzzled expression she saw a brief smile on the vampire's face

"Okay, what do you need to talk about?" Tori asked as she started feeling awkward as the vampire stared at her, as if he was trying to read her.

"Why were you inside the tomb?" Elijah asked

"Because I thought I would have a wonderful picnic with Stefan and the vampire who almost killed me," Tori said sarcastically. "What do you think? I was stuck inside the tomb with them," She said

"But you are a witch, you should have been able to walk out," Elijah stated

"Yeah, turns out I couldn't. Look Mr. Suit guy, I am a 17 year old girl who was stuck inside a dirty tomb for two days. I feel like crap and I would like to reach home before my mother decides to put an ankle monitor on me. Now, can we please cut to the chase," Tori told the vampire.

Elijah smiled at the girl "You attacked a thousand year old vampire and managed to cause me a lot of physical damage, yet you are afraid of your mother," Elijah joked

"Oh, I am sure if you had to deal with your mother too, you would be afraid. Vampire or not," Tori retorted back

"Well, its a good thing she is dead. Now, I have a proposition for you, Victoria." Elijah began but Tori interrupted him

"Proposition?" Tori asked

"Yes, it seems you, the Salvatore brothers and I have a common goal. Keeping Elena safe. At the mansion, when I had come to take Elena, it was to make sure that she was hidden and safe. I do not wish to cause the girl harm but my goal is to lure Klaus out and kill him," Elijah revealed

"Wait, you want to use Elena to bait this Klaus dude? You know there are easier ways to locate him. I am sure you can find a strong witch, especially since you managed to get the tomb walls down," Tori told the vampire

"You see, killing Klaus is not as easy as you think it is, for me to succeed I need Elena. I will explain things further once you and I come to terms with our deal," Elijah told the witch

"Why me?" Tori asked

"Because you are the Swan Witch," Elijah told the girl.

"Swan witch? What makes you think I am a Swan witch, as far as I have heard they don't exist anymore," Tori lied. Sheila had told her the dangers of people finding out about her being the Swan Witch.

"A regular witch would not have been able to cause as much damage as you did to me. A thousand years and nobody has bested me other than Klaus. You are the first to get one up on me," Elijah told the girl

"Wow, I feel special. But whatever theory you have ab—," Tori tried to lie again but Elijah cut her off

"Elena was kind enough to share the information and forgive me but I needed to get my information so I did read your grimoire," Elijah confessed

"Sorry to say this, but Elena is as good as dead when I get my hands on her," Tori commented, pissed that her friend told Elijah, a vampire who clearly was dangerous her biggest secret

"I understand you are angry but I did use Elena's desperation for Stefan's release to get my information," Elijah explained. Tori looked at the vampire

"What do you want?" Tori asked

"I want your cooperation. Klaus is paranoid and seeks to remain powerful, I am sure that information about the doppelgänger has already been spread around, it is only a matter of time before he finds out about it. If he finds out about the Swan witch existing he will use any means necessary to control you so that you can be his puppet. My proportion to you is to help me defeat Klaus and in return I will help you understand what it means to be a Swan witch," Elijah told Tori

"Look, I am young but I am not stupid, you need to be a lot more clear with what you mean about 'cooperation'. You say you are a man of your word and I believe that, the fact that you got Stefan and I out of the tomb as part of your deal with Elena..... I am not naive, if you want my help to lure  Klaus out, you need to specify exactly what you need me to do. I maybe clueless about being a Swan witch but I am not desperate," Tori told Elijah

Elijah looked at the young witch, he thought it would have been easy to persuade the girl like he did with Elena. Especially since he had read her anecdotes about how she wanted to learn more about being a Swan Witch and how she found it frustrating when Sheila couldn't answer the questions she had.

"Do you know why there is only one Swan witch that exists in the world at a time?" Elijah asked Tori

"I am sure you already know the answer given that you read my Grimoire, which is a huge breach of privacy," Tori commented

"Swan witches bring balance but the flaw is that because they are a great source of power, everyone wants to be able to control them. Nature created you when vampires were created, to bring order. You, Victoria are the first Swan witch that I have encountered with so much power. I see your struggle with control. You are young, powerful and that is your weakness, the lack of knowledge of what you are capable of, that will be your weakness, that will give people like Klaus the power to control you. I will reveal my plan to you eventually but right now is not the time. I understand you aren't willing to trust me so I will offer you something, the only thing in return is that you keep this conversation between us. Nobody can know about this till I tell you," Elijah told Tori

"Okay," Tori told the vampire. Elijah took out a sheet of paper that looked old and worn.

"This is a page from your ancestor's grimoire. Her name was Anya.... This spell is a simple yet complicated one. It helps with controlling your emotions," Elijah told Tori as he handed her the sheet

"I understand that you have been able to perform spells far more powerful, like reviving the field we are currently standing on. This spell however is a lot tricky than the average spell. Swan witches often lose control because of their emotions, it can be a powerful tool if you know how to guide these emotions in the right path. This spell will help you with that. When you succeed with this I will give you another spell. I hope with time you and I can work together. Now, let's get you back to your house before your mother decides to put that ankle monitor on you," Elijah joked making Tori smile despite her skepticism towards the vampire.

"So the other day when I saw your reflection on the window, you were spying on me?" Tori asked

"Yes, I wanted to know what you were, considering you killed me," Elijah told Tori.

"So, I guess you heard about what I said to Stefan," Tori stated

"Yes," Tori looked at Elijah, who was looking at the road, she could see that he had questions but was not trying to pry the information.

Tori didn't want to talk about anything at the moment, Elijah understood the girl and remained silent despite wanting to seek more information on the girl.  The rest of the drive was silent, a comfortable silence, which surprised Tori. She didn't understand why she trusted the vampire.

"Victoria, I don't mean to harm you or your friends. I hope with time you and I can come to an understanding," Elijah told Tori

"Can I ask you a question?" Tori asked the vampire as she sat in the passenger seat in his car. They were parked a little away from her house.

"You were surprised when you saw me in the tomb, why?" Tori asked

"Well, I wasn't aware that you were also stuck inside the tomb, Elena only mentioned Stefan," Elijah told Tori

"Oh, well, thank you for getting me out of the tomb, even if you were unaware and for the spell," Tori told the vampire. Elijah noticed the brief moment of fear and sadness flicker through Tori

"Give me your phone," Tori told the vampire

"Why?" Elijah asked

"If it seems we are going to help each other then I think its necessary to exchange number, incase," Tori told Elijah. Elijah nodded agreeing.

"Also, please call me Tori, everyone does. Thank you for keeping your word, I'll see you around Elijah," Tori told the vampire before getting out of the car and walking towards her house. He waited till the girl was safely inside before driving away. Elijah was surprised at the girl, though she was only 17, she was a lot more observant, powerful and smart than the average teenager. He also didn't fail to notice the amount of power that radiated off of the girl. The power was similar to Klaus. Elijah decide to continue his research on the girl, it seemed that he had a lot more questions than answers after meeting with the girl.


Damon, after receiving the call from Jeremy about Tori being taken by Elijah, panicked. He had searched almost every place he could think of, at the moment he was royally pissed at Stefan for leaving his daughter with a un-killable vampire but Stefan had no memory of that happening. Damon was having a really bad night, he was attacked by a wolf he was sure was Jules, the lady who threatened him but Rose had interfered and was attacked instead.

Damon rushed back to Elena's house hoping Tori was there but it seemed as if she disappeared. Damon was about to lose his mind when his phone rang and he saw it was Caroline.

"Did you find her?" Damon asked Caroline

"Yeah, she is home," Caroline told Damon

"Give her the phone," Damon told the vampire. Damon heard Caroline and Tori talk, he figured Caroline had covered the microphone because he could not understand what was being said. "Uh, Damon, she is going for a shower, she said she will talk to you tomorrow," Caroline told Damon

Damon hung up the phone and rushed to Tori's house. He needed to make sure she was okay.


Tori closed her eyes as she recalled Katherine's words about Damon and Elena. She was not a fool, she knew ever since Tori was revealed to be a witch Elena and her friendship seemed strained. She couldn't understand why Elena was acting indifferent towards her, so she decided to confront the doppelgänger about it. As for Damon, Tori knew he was her biological father and he did care about her but part of her felt as if she was a burden on Damon.

She couldn't understand why she felt unwanted, which frustrated her. She was plagued with negative thoughts, Ester's attack, the visions, the pain and suffering that she felt, that she would cause in the future made her question everything.

After her shower Tori sat on the bathroom counter and stared at the phone before dialing a number.


"Dad, it's me. I know it's late but... can we talk?" Tori asked, she didn't understand why she was so emotional and moody today

"Princess you know I will always be there to talk. What's wrong sweetheart?" Bill asked his daughter

"I don't.... Why did you adopt me?" Tori asked

"What?" Bill didn't expect his daughter to ask this question, he wasn't even aware Tori knew about the adoption.

"I knew about me being adopted since I was 10 years old, Dad. I am not mad that you and mom hid it from me. I just why did you decide to adopt me?" Tori asked

"When I found you, I knew you were meant to be part of our family. Adopted or not, Tori you are and will always be my daughter. No matter what," Bill told his daughter "What brought this up honey?" He asked his daughter

"I just, I don't know, I guess I was curious about how you could love me when I am not your blood, I guess," Tori said, partially telling the truth

"Tori, the day your mom and I decided to adopt you was one of the best days of our lives. You and Caroline are the two people that will always be my number one priority. Family means a lot more than blood Tori, You may not have my blood running through your veins but you have mine and Liz's love, no matter what happens, I will always be here for you and I will always be your father," Tori cried as she heard a father's words.

"I miss you dad," Tori told her father

"Oh Honey, I miss you and Caroline so much," Tori sobbed as she heard her father. Bill could hear Tori cry, it broke his heart hearing his little girl cry "You remember when you were 6 years old and how we went to the park and picked all the dandelions and wished on it?" Bill asked

"Yeah, Care, you and I spent the whole day looking for them and then you got exhausted because Care and I decided we wanted to find fifty but we only found five, so you gave two to me and two to Care while you got one and we all wished upon the dandelion together," Tori continued the story

"Yeah, do you know what I wished for?" Bill asked his daughter

"That you and Caroline always remained safe and protected," Bill said

"Dad, you can't tell me the wish, otherwise it won't come true," Tori laughed

"Well, my wish did come true honey, You are here with us, you and Caroline. Now, that I revealed the wish I need to go dandelion hunting again, so that I can wish on more. How about you come visit me sometime next week. You, Caroline and I can go to the fair that's coming up next week and we can go hiking. How about that?" Bill suggested making Tori smile

"Yeah, that sounds awesome!" Tori laughed as she wiped her tears "I love you, Dad!" Tori told Bill

"I love you too, kiddo!" Bill told his daughter

"Dad?" Tori asked her father

"Yeah princess?"

"You should go to sleep, you need to rest," Tori told her father

"Yeah, you should also go to sleep honey. It's late and a school night. Let me know how the doctors appointment goes tomorrow, okay?" Bill told his daughter

"Yeah, okay, Bye...Goodnight," Tori told her father

"Goodnight honey," Bill told his daughter before hanging up. Tori felt calmer. She didn't understand why she feared being abandoned but listening to her father reassured her.

Tori looked at her face in the mirror, she could barely recognize herself, she had become paler and looked dead, she felt that her past self died, the girl who was happy, stupid, crazy in love....she was dead and as much as Tori wanted that life back she knew her life could never go back to that version of herself. But she was determined to better, and not just the sad, depressed, moody girl that she had become.


Damon was in Tori's room when he heard her conversation with Bill. He didn't realize how much his daughter was struggling with till he heard her talk to Bill. It pained him that Tori hadn't talked to him about her problems but he couldn't blame her. He was too caught up with Elena's problems to realize that Tori was suffering.

"Damon?" Tori called out, she was startled to see Damon in her room but what did she expect.

"I thought I told Care to tell you I would speak to you in the morning," Tori told Damon

"I had to check on you. Jeremy told me Elijah had taken you, are you okay?" Damon asked his daughter

"Uhh, I am fine. Elijah wanted to let me know that he didn't mean any harm to me, especially since I hurt him and he explained about his deal wit Lena, then he dropped me home," Tori told Damon, hiding the fact that Elijah knew about her and the possible deal with them working together to defeat Klaus. She had promised to keep the conversation between them.

"I heard about the wolf attack. Are you okay?" Tori asked Damon

"Yeah, Rose, however.....it seems that the rumor of werewolf bite being toxic is true," Tori's eyes widened

"Is she dead?" Tori asked

"Not yet, but it seems she will soon," Damon told Tori. Tori saw that Damon seemed to care a lot about Rose.

"I'll look for a cure, I am sure there is one," Tori told Damon

"You, rest....Bonnie and Elena are on it," Damon told his daughter

"Okay, I will help in the morning," Tori old Damon as she lay on her bed. Damon watched as soon asTori hit the pillow she was out cold. Damon stayed with his daughter the entire night, occasionally checking on Rose. Stefan had volunteered to stay with rose with Elena's help while Damon stayed with his daughter.


"I hate this. I'm a vampire, I haven't had a cold in five centuries," Rose complained to Elena

"Just get in bed," Elena told the vampire as she helped her.

"We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden and it's certainly not drawn out in illness," rose continued

"You're not gonna die," Elena told Rose who laughed at her words

"Such a human thing to say," Rose commented as Elena looked around Damon's room

"You've never been in Damon's room before, have you?" Rose asked

Elena looked at the beside table and saw a book, 'Gone with the wind' surprising her

"Not what you expected?" Rose asked

"It's just a room with a bed. Maybe I expected there to be silk sheets." Elena joked making rose smile

"You're lucky, you know. No one's ever love me the way you're loved," Rose told Elena

"I doubt that," a voice spoke up from the door. Rose looked and saw the girl, who had 'killed' Elijah stand there with a huge book and two large one bags in her hand

"Sorry for eavesdropping, I come with possible cures for the nasty werewolf bite," Tori told the vampire

"Hey, Tori!" Elena greeted the girl

"Hey!" Tori greeted back halfheartedly, she was upset with Elena. Rose noticed the tension between Elena and Tori

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself, I am Tori, Caroline's sister," Tori told the vampire

"She's also Damon's daughter," Elena told the vampire

"What?" Rose asked shocked

"Yeah, that too. So, Rose shall we see if we can find an antidote to the werwolf venom?" Tori ignored Elena's comment

"Elena, could you get a glass?" Tori asked the girl who nodded, leaving the room to get a glass as instructed by Tori

"Why are you helping me?" Rose asked Tori

"Because you don't deserve to die, especially after getting your freedom from Elijah," Tori told the vampire

"How did you?" Tori looked at the vampire

"I saw the pain you went through when Elijah killed your friend," Tori told the vampire

"Trevor, he was my best friend, nothing more...he was the only family I had," Tori smiled at the vampire.

"May I?" Tori asked indicating Rose to let her see the wound

"Is it bad?" Rose asked the girl "please tell me the truth," Tori looked at the vampire

"It's bad but the good news is I am a stubborn witch, I will make sure you are healed and then you will recover and I will give you a daylight ring so that you can see the world," Tori told the vampire

Tori held Rose's should "This might hurt," Tori warned

"It's fine, I am willing to try anything," Rose told the girl. Rose watched as Tori closed her eyes and began chanting, pain erupted on Rose's shoulder causing the vampire to flinch. As much as it hurt in the beginning Rose felt relief. Tori could feel the venom, she had hoped a simple healing spell would have worked but it was only a temporary bandage on a bullet wound.

"I feel better," Rose whispered as Tori stopped chanting

"Well, it's only temporary relief, the venom is spreading through you blood fast, I may have slowed it down a bit, but there is a lot more we have to do," Tori told the vampire

"For now, just sleep, while I check on spells," Tori told Rose

Elena entered the room as Rose fell asleep "How bad is it?" Elena asked Tori

Tori after making sure Rose was out turned towards Elena "It's bad, I am going to see if I can drain the venom faster than it spreads, so I need you to get all the blood bags you can get from the cellar, maybe that will help," Tori told Elena

"Are you okay, T?" Elena asked, she could sense the cold shoulder from Tori, something Elena never witnessed before,"

"I am fine," Tori told the girl

"T—," Elena began

"Look, Lena, right now, I am trying to save Rose's life. Can we skip this for now?" Tori said sternly before going back to flipping through Sheila's grimoire and the grimoires that were there in the house.

Elena nodded and rushed to the cellar, she knew something was wrong with Tori so she called Damon.

"Damon, its me. I think you should come to the house. I am worried about Rose and Tori," Elena said to Damon's voicemail.

Tori searched and flipped through all the grimoires but there was nothing she could find. She then decided to go trust her instinct.

"No, stop, wait. Tell them to prepare the horses." Rose yelled out in her sleep. Tori woke Rose up, the hallucinations were a bad sign, so whatever Tori needed to do she had to do now.

"Rose, this is going to hurt really bad but I need you to hold on okay?" Tori told Rose.

"Elena, do you remember when your dad taught us how to start an IV?" Tori asked

"Yeah, I think so," Elena replied

"Start one," Tori instructed as she handed an IV live to Elena. Once the ivy line and blood flow was given to Rose Tori lit the candles in the room, she was going to be channeling the energy from the fire and the water that she poured inside the bowl to help her siphon the venom out of Rose.

"Rose, are you ready?" Tori asked Rose nodded

Tori's eyes turned blue, Elena noticed, she saw the resemblance to Damon. Elena watched as Tori's hand turned red. Rose yelled out in pain as Tori began siphoning the venom out.


"Here, drink this," Damon said as she handed a glass of water

"Thanks," Tori said "Is she still asleep?" She asked as she drank her water

"Yeah, her wound looks better. Is she going to be okay?" Damon asked

"I drained as much venom as possible but, its spreading faster. She doesn't deserve this," Tori told Damon

"Yeah, I know." Damon told his daughter

"She's going to die?" Elena asked, getting the answer

"She won't survive and as the venom spreads, she will be in a lot more pain. No one deserve such a death. I know you care about her and I am sorry," Tori told Damon as she walked to check on Rose

Rose lay in bed, knowing that her time was coming, she was grateful for tori, trying to help her but she knew that it was over

"Hey!" Tori told the vampire

"I know," Rose told the girl  "Thank you for trying to help me," Rose told Tori

"I didn't do..." Tori said but

"You did a lot more than anyone has done in my life. Thank you Tori," Rose told the girl grateful. Tori smiled at the vampire "You will find peace, I know you will," Tori told the vampire as she put the vampire in a dream state.

Damon watched his daughter "be with her. I am going to go home. I'll see you tomorrow," Tori told Damon before leaving.

Elena saw Tori walk towards the front door of the Salvatore house  "T! Can you drop me home?" Elena asked Tori

"Uh, yeah sure," Tori told Elena

Tori drove silently to the Gilbert residence "T, is everything alright between us?" Tori sighed turning to look at Elena

"I don't know Elena, I want to believe that things haven't changed between us but it has ever since I revealed that I was a witch to you. I know you told Elijah about me," Tori told Elena

"What...T, I needed him to get you and Stefan out of the tomb..." Elena began defending herself

"You didn't mention me being stuck in the tomb, Lena.... You know what never mind, it doesn't matter, point is no matter what you cannot go and tell anybody about me. Revealing my secret, not a wise move, Lena....so I am pissed," Tori told Elena

"I don't know why you don't trust me Lena but please figure it out," Tori told Elena. Elena looked at Tori who was angry, she didn't know why she was behaving the way she did towards Tori.

"T, I am sorry about the way I acted, I owe you a lot and I guess, I was scared, when I read about Swan witches, I thought you would accidentally hurt Jeremy. But I should have known better," Elena told Tori

"I would never hurt anyone, despite what people say." Tori told Elena. Elena got out of the car watching Tori as she drove away. After entering her house she saw Stefan

"Stefan, you're home," Elena smiled as she saw her boyfriend

"Rose?" Stefan asked but Elena shook her head.

"Tori tried but the venom spread to fast,"

"I um...I called Isobel,"

"I know," Elena told Stefan, Damon had told Elena about what Stefan planned to do and despite not wanting to deal with her birth mother she knew it was a best option

"I'm sorry, I had to," Stefan told Elena

"It's okay. Did you find her?" Elena asked but instead of Stefan replying John walked out of the kitchen "Not exactly. Hello Elena!" John greeted his daughter


Rose had long hair, she was wearing a beautiful blue dress, she smiled when she saw where she was, in a paddock with horses, the same place she grew up as a child. In the distance she saw Damon sitting, running towards him she laughed smiling, sitting next to him she smiled as she felt the sun on her face.

"This was my favorite place to come as a girl. How did you know?" Rose asked the vampire

"Word gets around. Tori saw this memory when she was trying to heal you, you kept picturing this place," Damon told the vampire

"Am I dreaming?" Rose asked. Damon shrugged but Rose didn't care if it was a dream. She loved it.

"The sun is so warm. I miss this. I miss being human," Rose told the vampire

"Humanity is not all it's cracked up to be," Damon told Rose

"I had friends, I had a family, I mattered," Rose commented

"You still do," Damon told the girl

"No but you do. You built a life whether you want to admit it or not. You have a wonderful daughter, a brother...I spent 500 years just existing," Rose told Damon

"You didn't have a choice, you were running from Klaus." Damon said

"There's always a choice," Rose retorted back

"You know, you're ruining a perfect day with your strange philosophical babbling," Damon told the girl who laughed

"I'm sorry," Damon apologized to Rose

"For what?" Rose asked

"It was supposed to be me, Jules was after me," Damon told Rose

"I am glad I was able to save you. Seriously Damon. You have what many vampires would kill for, a child. I didn't think that would have been possible. Despite the mistakes you have made, when you were seeking the wench Katerina, you got a second chance with your daughter. I would have loved having a child, a daughter like Tori. It's a gift don't ever take it for granted. She is one of the kindest souls I have ever met, don't let the world taint her," Rose told Damon

"I know, it's just, she's grown up and I don't know how to handle a teenager. I can't protect her all the time and she is stubborn," Damon ranted

"She is challenging because she is exactly like you," Rose told Damon

"Yeah, well...I am a dick," Damon told Rose

"That you are, but you are also sweet, and caring," Rose told Damon "Now, will you enjoy this beautiful day with me?" Damon smiled at Rose

"Sure," he replied

"The pain is completely gone, Thank you," Rose told Damon who nodded

"Come, ill race you to the tree line," Rose told Damon

"On the count of three, one.. two.." Damon let go Rose's hand walking up from the dream, stabbing the vampire in the heart killing her. Tears rolled down his eyes as he mourned Rose's death.


Tori sat on her bed when she read the news about Rose's death. She felt sad for the vampire. A knock on her door brought her out of her thoughts

"Hey, can we talk, I am having boy problems," Caroline told her sister

"Sure," Tori smiled at her sister

"So, Matt and I kissed and he said he hates that he and I are not together, basically. But then Tyler and I kinda maybe sorta.....kissed," Caroline told Tori who froze in shock

"SHUT UP! Care....what the....when? Was it good? Whose the better kisser....I need all the details," Tori yelled out

"Tori! Stop, urgh," Caroline yelled as she lay on her sister's bed screaming into a pillow.

"what did you say after kissing Tyler, wait did you kiss him back or was it him kissing you and them you pushing him away?" Tori asked

"I gissedhimback," Caroline mumble

"What?" Tori asked confused

"I kissed him back and then I pushed him. And said 'everyone needs to stop kissing me'," Caroline told her sister as she removed the pillow from her face

"Oh wow! I mean...wow," Tori said before bursting in a fit of laughter

"Seriously, I am dying here of embarrassment  and your laughing, I am glad my misery is entertaining you," Caroline said sarcastically

"But in all seriousness, Care be careful. Tyler, as much as I love the dude, he is a wolf. One bite and he can kill you, so please be careful." Tori told her sister

"Yeah....gosh, one guy if I date him can kill me on a full moon night and the other guy, if I date I could lose control and kill him. This sucks," Caroline complained

"Yeah, well...at least you still have ben and jerry's cookie dough ice cream," Tori told her sister

"Yeah, the only guys who will treat us right," Tori laughed at her sister's comment

"I'll go get us a tub and spoons," Tori told her sister


It was early in the morning when Damon went to check on Tori. After Rose's death he spent the night at the grave yard talking to his daughter's mother's grave. Damon walked into his daughter's room to see Caroline and Tori passed out on Tori's bed with empty candy wrappers and ice cream tubs everywhere, a trashy reality show played on Tori's laptop. Damon decided to turn the laptop off but when he was about to do it a notification popped up with Elijah's name.

Damon stood shocked at his daughter. He knew the night he had asked Tori about her conversation with Elijah she had behaved strange, but considering the past couple of days he had brushed it off. Damon clicked on the message and to see what Elijah wanted with his daughter

Good evening Tori, I understand that you have had quiet a difficult day considering the loss of Rose. Let me began with offering my condolences.

Damon narrowed his eyes at Elijah's message, 'how did he know about Rose?' He thought before he continued reading the thread

I barely knew Rose, but she didn't deserve what happened especially since she spent the last 500 years running from you.

Forgive me, I didn't mean to upset you. Would it be possible to meet tomorrow? I will explain some things to you.

Yeah, Tomorrow at 5:00pm, I'll meet you at the field

Take care, Tori. I will see you tomorrow

Damon closed Tori's laptop and rushed out of her house to talk to Stefan. He needed to come up with a plan to get rid of Elijah, especially since it seems Elijah was manipulating Tori.


Caroline and Tori had decided to go to the grill and then to the mall. They figured they deserved a day of shopping and getting their nails done, considering everything that was happening. Tori was grabbing her coat and wallet and had told Caroline to take the car out of the driveway while she got her stuff.

Caroline was walking to the car when Tyler appeared in front of the car.

"Hey. How's it going?" Caroline greeted the wolf

"We need to talk," Tyler told the vampire, Jules had cornered Tyler last night and revealed that Damon, Stefan and Caroline were vampires and they had killed Mason

"Yeah, we do. Listen...I've been thinking about it, and I don't want to over analyze. It was just one kiss, but Matt's still kind of in the picture. We can't go there, Tyler," Caroline told the boy, after talking to Tori last night Caroline had decide that she was still in love with Matt, and wanted to be with him.

"Fine," Tyler told the girl making Caroline smile, she was glad that there was no drama

"Great. That's settled," she said as she turned to get into her car but Tyler blocked Caroline

"What happened to my uncle Mason?" Caroline looked at the wolf in shock

"What?" Caroline said

"He's dead, and I want you to tell me what happened," Tyler told the vampire

"I...I don't..." Caroline mumbled not knowing what to say

"Then let me tell you: Stefan and his brother Damon killed him, because Stefan and Damon are vampires, just like you," Tyler yelled

"Who told you that?" Caroline asked confused

"Is it true?" Tyler asked Caroline

"Let me explain," Caroline tried to calm him down but it pissed Tyler off

"Did you know he was dead this whole time?" Tyler yelled at Caroline

"Please..." Caroline tried to say

"Did you know?!" Tyler yelled aggressively. Caroline nodded in fear. Tyler slammed Caroline against the car but before he could hurt he further Tori ran out and gave Tyler an aneurysm causing him to yell out in pain

"Never, hurt my sister again, do you understand me?" Tori told Tyler in an authoritative voice. Caroline watched Tori's eyes turn turquoise, the same color she had the day she stopped Mason from attacking her and Stefan.

"Stop!" Tyler begged

"Tori, leave him, please," Caroline told her sister

Tori let Tyler go, he looked at Tori in shock before turning to Caroline

" I trusted you!" He yelled as he walked away.

"You okay?" Tori asked her sister

"Yeah, I am fine." Caroline reassured her sister.

Once Tori and Caroline reached the Grill, Caroline excused her self to the bathroom while Tori went and found a booth for them.

Caroline immediately called Stefan she was scared especially since Tyler knew about Mason.

"Hello, Caroline, now is not a great time," Stefan told the vampire. He and Damon were discussing about Tori and Elijah's meeting and what they were going to do. Damon had gone to get himself a drink when Caroline had called him

"Tyler knows about you and Damon. He knows that Damon killed Mason. I didn't say a word," Caroline panicked and told Stefan

"It's that woman, Jules. She had a run-in with Damon," Stefan explained

"Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed, Tori had to do that supernatural headache thing that she does to us to get him to not attack me," Caroline explained

"Wow, this is bad," Stefan stated

"You're not gonna tell Damon, are you?" Caroline asked

"No! He already wants to kill him. He thinks all werewolves should die, and he's not wrong to think that, Caroline. I mean, what if Tyler tries to retaliate? He has every right to. He could get himself killed," Stefan told the vampire

"Well, we're not gonna let that happen. We have to get to him and reason with him before he does something stupid. You have to talk to him. Just try to explain, you know? You always know the right things to say, okay? He and I...we're friends, please," Caroline begged the vampire

"Alright, I will deal with him. You stay safe and stay with Tori," Stefan told Caroline


"Woah, you look like you could use a drink," Tori told the woman who looked pissed

"Hey Ric," Tori greeted her history teacher/ therapist. Ric nodded at her and gave her a look saying things are a lot complicated than it seemed.

"Oh, Tori, you have no idea. I just found out that Elena is my sister's husband's brother's daughter and her mother is my boyfriend's deceased wife. You can't make this stuff up," Jenna told the girl who looked shocked at Ric

"Well, it would make a crazy awesome reality tv show, so...." Tori joked making Ric choke on his food while Jenna snorted

"How could they keep this a secret!" Jenna commented, Tori looked at the woman with a empathetic look but suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hello! Do you think I could join you?" John asked Jenna and Ric

"Oh, look Jackass...John's here," Tori commented making Jenna laugh and Ric smile.

"I am going to leave you guys to it, while I go detox my self from being in jackass, I mean john's aura," Tori told the duo.

Tori walked away and took the corner booth, way at the back since she didn't want to see anyone. After a while Matt had come with Tori and Caroline's food.

"Hey, T," Matt greeted his ex girlfriends sister

"Oh hey, Matt, so a little birdie told me you kissed my sister" Tori teased Matt

"Yeah, well, she basically rejected me," Matt told Tori

"Oh, Matty, she will surprise you. Give it a day, maybe two depending on her mood," Tori told Matt

"Yeah, well, enjoy!" Matt told Tori before leaving her to her booth.


Stefan stood in front of Tyler, trying to explain the situation to the young wolf

"Maybe we're getting off on the wrong foot, here," Stefan told Tyler

"What happened to Mason?" Tyler asked. After him confronting Caroline and Tori almost making his head explode he had gone to Jules who explained that vampire and werewolf's were enemies and Tori was most likely a witch.

"Tyler, there's a lot for us to talk about."Stefan explained Tyler tried to leave but Stefan grabbed him, which made Tyler try to over power Stefan

"I wouldn't do that. Without a full moon, you're no match for me," Stefan told Tyler before letting him go "Look, about Caroline, no matter what her flaws are, when push comes to shove, you're gonna want that girl on your side. She's your friend, stop being a dick to her," he explained making Tyler scoff

"I thought vampires hated werewolves," Tyler told Stefan

"That's some sort of leftover idea from another time. It doesn't have to be that way anymore. We go to the same school, we have the same friends. we keep the same secrets. This can work, Tyler. I mean, it's your home, it's my home too. I want this to work," Stefan explained as Tyler's phone buzzed. Tyler rushed and answered the phone when he managed to slip past Stefan "Help, help!" He yelled out just as Stefan hung up the phone once he managed to wrestle the phone out of Tyler's hand

"Who's number was that, hm?" Stefan asked but Tyler remained silent frustrating Stefan

"Damn it Tyler! I'm trying to save your life, can't you see that?" Stefan told the wolf.

Jules after hearing Tyler's call for help turned to her boyfriend Brady "we have a problem," she said as she figured that one of the vampires had Tyler, she guessed it was one of the Salvatore brothers since Caroline was still a new born vampire.


Tori convinced Matt to talk to Caroline while she waited near the car for her sister. Tori smiled when she saw Caroline's happy face, knowing that their conversation went in the right direction

"So, should I start covering for you with mom, since you most likely will be staying with Matt soon?" Tori teased her sister making Caroline roll her eyes

Suddenly a woman approached the girls

"Hi, are you Tori and Caroline Forbes?" The woman asked

Tori's instinct told her that something was wrong but before she could react she felt a sharp pain on her head, as her vision got blurry, before everything got dark she heard a gunshot and Caroline yell out in pain. Tori tried to stay focussed but she felt sting on her neck knowing that she was injected with something. Before she knew it everything got dark

It had been a couple hours since Tori and Caroline were kidnapped by Jules and Brady.

"The dark haired one, she's a witch according to Tyler. We need to be careful about her," Jules told Brady

"Don't worry babe, I pumped her up with enough witch hazel and drugs to put down a wolf, I got to say, the brat is one strong girl," Brady commented

Jules walked out of the trailer leaving Brady inside. Caroline gasped awake, she felt a stinging pain in her head, she remembered that there was a bullet in her head, she struggled but she managed to fish out the bullet. After breathing out in relief because of the lack of bullet in her head, she looked around to see Tori laying on the opposite side of the cage, Caroline could smell her sister's blood.

"Tori, wake up, please," Caroline tried waking up her sister. She knew if  Tori and her had to survive they needed to get out of the cage. Just as Caroline tried to break free she felt pain in her chest as a wooden bullet hit her

"I see you got the bullet out. That was nasty. I got lots of wooden bullets, other toys. It's gonna be a long night, sweet pea," Brady said as he shot Caroline' leg making her yell out in pain

"Please, don't do this," Caroline cried out begging the wolf to let her go. Suddenly she heard Tori moan out in pain as Tori started to wake up "Great! Looks like your baby sister is waking up too," Brady mocked

"Please, don't hurt her, she is human. Please," Caroline begged, she knew that Tori although a witch was still mortal, meaning she would die if she did get shot.

"It doesn't matter, she is your sister, she helps vampires, it will be fun torturing her," Brady smirked before shooting Tori in the leg making her yell in pain even though she was still not fully awake.

"You want to be friends, great, we're friends. Will you go now?" Tyler told Stefan, they were at this for almost two hours.

"I don't know what else to say to you Tyler. I came back to this town because I wanted a life, I wanted to exist where I could have friends and where I could build a family. I have that here, we can both have that," Stefan told Tyler as his phone rang. Seeing it was Caroline's number he picked up while still keeping his eye on Tyler

"Hey. Is everything okay?" Stefan asked his niece's sister

"That depends. How badly do you want to keep the girls alive?" Jules answered

"Who is this?" Stefan asked panicked

"Ask your brother. Where's Tyler?" Jules asked

"Jules? Where's Caroline and Tori?" Stefan asked as Fred filled him

"You made a mistake, Stefan. I'm gonna give you a chance to fix it," Jules told Stefan

"Where are they?" Stefan asked, his voice had changes scaring Tyler, he had never seen Stefan look angry before and Tyler feared for his life

"Right here. Want proof?" Jules asked as she walked into the trailer to see Tori bleed while Caroline tried her best to wake Tori up. Brady watched the sisters as he sipped on his beer.

"He needs proof," Stefan heard Jules say, before he heard a gunshot and Caroline scream in pain

"Please Stop, Don't shoot her!" Caroline yelled as Tori groaned in pain, the drugs that Tori was injected with messed with her concentration. Tori was trying her hardest to sit up but the pain on her leg and her shoulder hurt bad.

Stefan gripped his phone hard almost breaking it as he hear Caroline and his niece's scream. Tyler could hear the screams of who he recognized as Caroline's "What's happening?" Tyler asked Stefan but Stefan ignored the wolf.

"Hurt them again and you're dead," Stefan threatened the wolf

"I hurt them again, and they both are dead. Bring Tyler to me, the clearing by Wickery Falls. You have 20 minutes until they die, actually make that 10 mins if you want both of them to survive, looks like the witch is bleeding out," Jules told Stefan before hanging up

Tori felt Caroline feeding her blood. "You need it," Caroline panted out.

"Where? what—," Tori couldn't remember anything. "You're hurt," Tori told her sister when she say Caroline's arm bleeding

"I can't get the bullet out, so its not healing. Can you get us out?" Caroline whispered to her sister

"Yeah, hold on. Tori tried breaking the cage with her magic but she was too weak to do anything, her head hurt bad and blood poured out of her nose. "I can't, the cage is—I can't," Tori words slurred. Caroline knew her sister was drugged and probably had a major concussion

"Well isn't this adorable?" Brady commented

"Alright girls, which one of you will give me the answers I need?" He asked

"I will kill you!" Tori threatened as she struggled to move, she felt as if her body was on fire, she could feel the familiar burn of the nightshade but the one that was injected in her was different, than the one that she knew could be like vervain to her. Tori could feel her powers within her, all she needed was a way to expel the drugs out of her system, even if it meant she had to bleed out.

"Oh, you have got spunk, I like you!" Brady told the girl " Don't bother with the witchy stuff, I pumped you full of tranqs made with a special little plant called nightshade, you know, on mortals it can be paralyze you,  and  the witch hazel will prevent you from trying blow my brains out," Brady told the girl

"Please, my sister is a mortal, she will die if you hurt her," Caroline begged

"So, How many vampires are there in this town anyway?" Brady asked ignoring Caroline

When Caroline didn't answer he squirted vervain water on her causing Caroline to scream in pain. Hearing her sister's scream Tori used every bit of energy she could find within her self and caused the knife that sat next to Brady to fly and stab the wolf in the shoulder causing the wolf to yell to in pain. Brady stood up from his seat and shot Tori in the shoulder and Caroline with vervain bullets. Causing both girls to pass out.


Elijah waited at the field for Tori, it had been 15 minutes past 5:00 pm, the sun was starting to set, Elijah while studying Tori knew that the girl was always punctual. He rushed to the Martin witch house, his instinct told him that the young Swan witch was in trouble.

"Jonas, I need you to help me find Victoria," Elijah instructed the witch

Jonas immediately rushed to locate the girl. Elijah let Jonas cut his palm as he placed it on the image of Tori. Elijah searched for the girl and suddenly he found himself staring at a dirty trailer, in the corner he saw Tori drag her self toward her sister

"Caroline!" Tori forced the vampire to feed of her blood. Caroline after feeling the blood enter her system felt herself start to heal.

Elijah opened his eyes "they are in trouble," Elijah told Jonas who rushed to help the girls and the vampires that Elijah had sworn to protect.

Jules stood smoking a cigarette when she sensed the vampires "I know you're out there," she said as she burnt out the cigarette as Stefan and Tyler walked out to stand in front of her

"Where's Caroline and Tori?" Stefan asked

"Locked up tight and bleeding out," Jules told the vampire

"Let them go, and I'll release Tyler. It doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy, Jules," Stefan told the wolf, he knew if he reacted aggressively Tori could be killed in a split second..

"It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?" Jules told the vampire

"You need to leave town. No one else has to get hurt," Stefan told the wolf

"'m not leaving without Tyler," Jules told Stefan

"Tyler is free to make his own decisions, as soon as you release Caroline and Tori," Stefan told the wolf but Damon arrived, he could smell Tori's blood from outside causing him to worry more, knowing that his daughter was bleeding out profusely

'My brother the peacemaker. Since Stefan got here before me I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier. So give us Tori and Caroline," Damon told the wolf

"Let go of Tyler," Jules demanded

"Give us Caroline. Without a full moon it's not an even fight and you know it. We will take you," Damon told the wolf

"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy," Jules whistled and from around the corner a pack of wolfs walked out with weapons and flame throwers "Let's try this again. Give us Tyler," Jules old Damon

"You heard her. Go. Get over there," Tyler looked at Damon before walking towards the trailer.

Tyler was pushed inside the trailer by Jules.

Tyler could hear a commotion out, Caroline noticed Tyler in the trailer, relief spread through Caroline's face,

"Tyler, there's a latch on the door and I can't get to it, Tori is bleeding out I need to get her out, please, Tyler," Caroline yelled when she saw Tyler hesitate

"Tyler? Please Tori is dying, please! Tyler, please! Tyler?" Tyler saw Tori in pain and Caroline's face, they were his friends. Tyler ran toward the cage and let Caroline out and carried a bleeding and passed out Tori out.

"We need to get the bullet out of her, my blood isn't healing her because the bullet is still inside her. Tyler placed Tori on the table while Caroline dug through her sister's shoulder and managed to get the bullet out. She immediately fed her sister her blood, Tyler watched as Tori's wound healed. Jules grabbed Caroline and shoved her face first towards the RV holding her at gun point. Damon was on the ground with a bullet in his chest , he watched as one of the wolves held his daughter with a knife ready to slit her throat. Caroline begged Tyler to help her and Tori but he stood there without doing anything, suddenly all of the werewolves except Tyler begin to scream in pain. They all cover their ears with their hands falling to their knees.

"What's happening?" Caroline asked as she rushed to catch her sister when the wolf that held her dropped to the ground

"What the hell is going on?" Tyler asked in shock

Damon once Stefan managed to get the bullet out of his chest rushed to his daughter trying to wake her up, he saw all her wound had healed but Tori was unresponsive. Tyler panicked as he saw Jules and Brady all pass out in pain as a man walked towards him. Stefan saw Joanas Martin walk chanting as he held his arms out

"Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's upheld," he said as he walked towards Tori

And held her arm, Damon watched as Jonas chanted a spell. Tori open her eyes and winced once Jonas finished healing her, as she felt the pain in her head. "You need to go. Get out of here. Now," Jonas told the vampires "Get her to drink a lot of water, it will help her remove the toxins out her system faster," Jonas told Damon who nodded. Stefan, Damon and Caroline sped out of the woods and rushed to the Salvatore boarding house leaving Tyler with the wolves and the witch.

Jonas looked at the boy "When your friends awaken, give them a message: They need to get the hell out of this town, do you understand?" He told the boy who nodded in fear.


Damon, despite him hating the idea let Stefan call Elena and Bonnie to spend the night in Caroline's and Tori's house.

"Stop with the brooding Damon, I checked on Tori and Caroline, they are fine, they need some girl time," Stefan told his brother as they listened to Elena and Bonnie try and cheer the sisters

Damon looked at Stefan "Come on let's go deal with John, Damon told his brother as he got inside his car. He was struggling, with being a father, he didn't know how to be a parent. The only parent he knew was his mother but she died when he was only eight years old and his dad used to physically abuse him. Finding out his daughter was alive was one of Damon 's best days, after her birth but he hated the constant worry, him almost losing her. He wished he could compel her to go away from all the supernatural but she was a huge part of the world.

Tori was still getting over the drowsiness of the drugs and the concussion, she was sure if a doctor took a scan of her head they would be in shock with the amount of damage it would show.

It was 4 in the morning and Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline were passed out. Tori tried falling asleep but no matter how much she tossed and turned she was unable to. Frustrated she decided to make herself a glass of warm milk but a knock on her front door diverted her attention.

Tori opened the door to see a familiar face, unknowingly a smile appears on her face. "I hope I didn't disturb you,"

"No, you didn't. Thank you for saving Caroline and me," Tori told the man

"I gave my word to Elena," Elijah told the girl

"I know, but still. Thank you," Tori said gratefully

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I came up to check up on you, you went through something traumatic," Elijah told the girl

"Trust me, this was the least traumatic thing I have been through," Tori mumbled out with a laugh but Elijah furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Would you care for a walk?" Elijah asked the girl

"Sure, let me grab a jacket," Tori told the vampire who nodded. Tori quietly rushed grabbing he coat and walked out of her house with Elijah.

"How did you know Care and I were in trouble?" Tori asked the vampire

"I assumed something was wrong when you failed to show up at the field. So Jonas helped me locate you. He explained you were drugged," Tori nodded at Elijah

"Yeah, I could barely see or understand what was happening," Tori told Elijah

"So what did you want to talk about?" Tori asked Elijah as they walked in the woods

"I wanted to give you this," Elijah said as he took a small bracelet "it's a concealment bracelet. When you performer the spell to help Rose, Luka and Jonas could feel the magic, this will help you hide it so that no one knows about you," Elijah explained

"Sheila gave me one but that made me weak, I was drained every time I performed a spell," Tori told Elijah

"Yes, I noticed that but this is different, it will help with control and will conceal your powers," Elijah told Tori

"Could I ask you a question?" Elijah asked Tori, who nodded giving him the go ahead

"What did you mean when you said you have been through worse trauma than last evening?" Elijah asked curious

"Well, I almost got barbecued last year with Damon because of Elena's uncle. My ex-boyfriend and some witch tried to drain my powers, they killed my boyfriend, who I later found out was friends with said witch and was apparently using me.  Then two weeks ago I was stabbed by Katherine, I died, well almost and a witch on the other side tried to torture me into killing myself by making me watch the evil I will bring into this world and the made me watch my loved ones die. Compared to that last evening was paradise since I had no idea what was going on," Tori told the vampire who looked at the girl in shock. Tori noticed that Elijah had stopped in his tracks "you okay?" She asked

"Is that why you were bleeding the day you killed me?" Elijah asked

"Yeah, I popped my stitches and are you ever going to let the tiny fact of me killing you, go? I mean you are still breathing and standing in front of me," Elijah smiled at the girl

"So, are you going to tell me about your plan, you killing  Klaus?" Tori asked

"Not today, Tori. Right now, I would rather get to know you," Elijah told the girl

"Why?" Tori asked confused

"Because you intrigue me," Elijah told Tori

"Why, cause I am the rare, once in a blue moon witch person?" Tori joked

"No, because you have a compassion and kindness that I have not seen, ever," Tori looked at Elijah

"You have met me twice, what makes you thing I am kind, for all I know I could be a bigger monster than Klaus," Tori told Elijah

"The thing about being alive a thousand years is you learn the skill of knowing about a person through the way they carry themselves.  From the moment I saw you, Tori. The command you have, the strength you have, the power you have, never have I seen a person remain as humble as you. You have a goodness that can never be taught, it comes from within," Elijah told the girl. He noticed tears in Tori's eyes but she had blinked it away before clearing her throat

"So, tell me about how Mystic falls was when you were a kid," Tori asked the man

"How did you know I grew up here?" Elijah asked

"I have my ways," Tori said smiling. Elijah knew what she was talking about, he remembered the conversation she had with Stefan, about the vision she had of him and Klaus but he decided not to reveal that bit of information. At the moment, he wanted to enjoy the moment, as he found the young witch's presence bring him a comfort he had not felt since he was human. He didn't want to destroy the little happiness and peace he saw in Tori's face as he explained about his life as a human.


Not Edited

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