In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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This the the second book of the series. If you haven't read the first one....what are you still doing here?!?! More

Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: Where are you going?
Chapter 3: I am back
Chapter 4: Memories and Visions
Chapter 5: The mission
Chapter 6: Sokovia
Chapter 7: Back in action
Chapter 8: Make a choice
Chapter 9: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 10: The final part of the plan
Chapter 11: The new base
Chapter 12: Date night
Chapter 13: Plan puppy
Chapter 14: And then you had a plan
Chapter 15: The new plan
Chapter 16: It's time
Chapter 17: And then the spell started
Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup
Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events
Chapter 20: Just you and me
Chapter 21: Back to the world of the living
Chapter 22: Please, wake up
Chapter 23: Almost
Chapter 24: Better than okay
Chapter 25: Keep them safe
Chapter 26: An interesting phone call
Chapter 27: I'm coming
Chapter 28: Because I changed
Chapter 29: The final exam
Chapter 30: We need to talk
Chapter 31: The end of and era
Chapter 33: This is not a goodbye
Author's Note

Chapter 32: A big decision

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By KatLovesFictionalMen

The day after your graduation you decided that it was time to leave London. Saying goodbye to Laura was the hardest part. You didn't want to let her go. She told you that she would come and visit every time that she was available but you had to crush her dreams when telling her that you would be moving to a different planet.

The look in her eyes when you told her showed you that she had a very strong urge to kill you. But she calmed a bit down when you promised her to come to London at least once a month to see her.

The plane ride home was very quiet. No one was really in a state to move or talk after partying so much the past few days. Almost all of you slept the entire time and the ones that didn't, occupied themselves with something very quiet.

Once you were in New York, things were back to normal. For the first few days you and Loki spent almost every minutes in your room. It was as if you desperately tried to make up for lost time. Of course such thing was not possible but you still had to try.

When you and Loki finally decided to have breakfast in the kitchen, with the rest of the family instead of inside your room, after almost a week, everyone seemed shocked to see you.

"Oh thank you for honoring us with your presence you two lovebirds." Tony mocked you once you entered the kitchen.

You laughed and gave a quick glance towards Loki.

Even though it was about eleven a.m. everyone was still sitting on the breakfast table. Most of them it was obvious that had woken up not so long ago. They had clearly been staying up late.

You and Loki sat down, you next to Bucky, who was reading a newspaper and Loki next to Thor, who as always was eating his favorite pop tarts. Paper immediately brought the both of you a good breakfast even though you told her that it was no need. But, she insisted on you needing all the energy that you could get in order for your magic to come back.

No one commented on that. You and Loki had filled everyone in the day that after you came back. Loki told them that it was just a matter of good rest. But it also had been a week and everyone knew very well that you worried quite a lot about your magic.

As for Frey, she was healthy and better than ever. She had her full powers back and you were sure that the only thing stopping her from unleashing them on you was Tony's genius handcuffs.

You cleared your throat. "No one reads newspapers anymore grandpa." You tried to block Bucky's vision with you fork.

"Leave me alone." He answered, clearly annoyed, moving the paper away from you. "How am I supposed to learn about what is going on in the world?"

"Your phone?" You asked ironically.

"The TV." Added Nat, not taking her eyes away from the book that she was reading.

"The radio. Which is still very old person-like but it better than going out every day to get the paper." Tony said as well.

"Don't worry Buck." Steve tapped on his buddy's shoulder. "I am on your side. There is no better source of information."

"I think that you forget the fact that you are the only one is actually the same age as him." You laughed and ate your pancake.

"And if I remember correctly...Aren't you older than both of us?"

"The years on Asgard don't count because I didn't know about them." You tried to defend yourself but you knew it was already a lost game.

"Then the years on the ice don't count." Buck said without even looking at you.

"He's got you there." Nat laughed and pointed at you. 

"Speaking of which..." Tony looked at you with a more serious face. You knew very well that what was coming you were not going to like. "What have you two decided?"

You and Loki exchanged a curious look. Neither of you seemed to understand what Tony was talking about, but suddenly everyone's attention was turned on you.

What was this about really? Were they waiting for something in specific?

For a moment you tried reading Tony's thoughts, just so you could prepare yourself a bit but all you managed to do was give yourself a headache, so you dropped it. You glanced at Loki again but this time his face didn't have any type of curiosity on it. Now he looked more worried, but why?

"Tony, I don't think-" You started but Tony didn't let you finish.

"I'm talking about Asgard. Are you moving there?"

You were shocked. How the hell did he know? You and Loki had indeed been trying to figure out how to tell everyone but you hadn't yet. So, how could Tony possibly know about this?

"How?" It was all that you asked.

"You forget that I know everything kid. This didn't change during those three years."

"Did you spy on us?"

"Of course not!" He defended himself and maybe got a bit offended. You didn't blame him though. You knew very well that Tony would never do such a thing and accusing him of it was quite insulting.

"I'm sorry." You murmured.

"I saw Reindeer Games a bit off last night and decided to ask what was going on with him."

That definitely took you by surprise. When was Loki not in the room with you last night? Had he gone out while you were sleeping? And most importantly was Tony really worried about Loki? So much so that he had asked him about what was going on AND sat down to have a talk with him?

Well that was really something and way beyond you for sure.

"You asked him?" You smiled, pointing first at Tony and then at Loki who seemed a bit bothered by the revelation.

"This is beside the point." Loki said coldly.

"Wait, we didn't know that either." Pietro said with a smile on his lips.

"So are you guys besties now?"Nat asked.

"I think that this is enough." Tony cut you all. "Can we just get back to our main topic?"

The jokes died down quickly and all the eyes returned on you. Your heart rate got a bit faster. You hadn't had any time to prepare yourself on how to tell your family that you would be moving to another planet! You hadn't planned on announcing it so quickly. But then again maybe it was for the best because you would be needing to leave soon.

"Well..." You took a deep breath and looked at everyone. "Me and Loki have made a decision and I really hope that you can all accept and be happy about it." You took a quick glance at Loki. He gave you a small, reassuring nod and you turned back to your family. "We have decided that we will be moving to Asgard." For a moment no one spoke, which made you a bit worried.

Had they gone into shock?

Did they think that maybe you weren't serious about it?

You really needed one of them to speak soon otherwise you would go crazy in zero time.

The silence that had filled the kitchen was almost killing you. You heart was now pounding so loud that you were almost sure the whole block you hear it. Loki's hand had somehow found its way to yours, his fingers softly brushing your palm, desperately trying to calm you down.

The only thing that you needed right now was for someone to speak up, to say literally anything. You eyes kept scanning the room, trying to figure out what everyone was thinking but without the help of your powers it was quite the difficult task. Everyone seemed to be trying to take in what you had just told them.

Suddenly Tony cleared his through, which immediately made you flinch and squeeze Loki's hand as hard as you could, he didn't say anything. Tony pushed his chair back and got up. For a moment you thought that he might leave the room but then he headed towards you. He put a hand on your shoulder and you looked up at him.

"Kid, if that is what will make you happy then we will support your decision to the fullest." He told you with a soft smile on his lips.

"What?" You asked in confusion. "Maybe you didn't hear me right. I am about to move. To a different planet. With this guy nonetheless." You pointed at Loki.

"Thank you darling." He commented.

"No, we heard you alright." Steve looked at you with the same smile that Tony had. Honestly, this was getting a bit scary.

"We just want you to be happy Y/n." Nat added.

"So you don't mind?" Something was definitely going on here.

"Of course we mind you idiot!" Bucky said, a bit stiffly.

"What Bucky here means is," Tony tried to explain while sending Bucky a death glare. "that we know how much you've been through kid, and we just want you to be calm and happy and we don't really care where that is."

"And of course we will miss you." Steve added. "But you can't let our feelings get in the way of your happiness."

Their words really touched you. Of course they wanted you to be happy, that's what every family wanted for its members. You stood up and hugged Tony as tight as you could. Gods, you loved all of them so much.

"I am going to miss you so much kid." You suddenly heard him whisper in your ear.

"I will miss you too, Tony." You whispered back.

Tony quickly pulled away and looked at you, wide eyed. He looked almost in...shock? Was it because you had said that you would miss him? Didn't he know that already? Why was he looking at you like that?

"Tony what is it?" You asked him. almost terrified at this point.

"Y/n I never said that I'd miss you."

"Okay what? That is rude. You can at least-"

"No you idiot!" He snapped. "Sorry. I mean that I never said it." Tony said, highlighting the word 'said'. "Kid I only thought about it."

The realization hit you very quickly. You had just read Tony's mid!

"Oh my God!" You exclaimed.

"What is it?" Loki stood up and asked you.

"What is happening guys?" Pietro asked, equally worried.

"I just read Tony's mind!" You threw your hands in the air and shouted. "My powers are back!"

Everyone got very excited, very quickly. You started jumping around the room, hugging everyone. You really couldn't believe it. You never thought that they would come back in such a random and unexpected moment. You were ecstatic and so were the rest of your family.

You spend the next couple of hours just talking and laughing, with you making everyone think of a random things so you could read their minds and tell them the answer. You did it quite a few times with everyone but no one complained, they knew well how happy you were at that moment.

Which of course was true, you were more happy than you had been in days. You also needed to make sure that what happened was really real and not some kind of imagination that you had, or a random spark of magic that would go away. As silly as it sounded you still couldn't believe that it had happened, you were starting to believe that you would be left powerless for the rest of your life.

After you all left the breakfast table, everyone got back to their daily tasks. You and Loki finally got out of your pajamas and decided to spend your day training outside. Reading minds was easy but you still needed to make sure that your powers were the same as before you lost them.

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