¡!RUNNER!¡ (Haerin x Reader)

By deathkidlvl

19K 1.1K 272

Dective Kang gets involved with a team of street racers to help catch the notorious G-dragon. Things start to... More

< WHAT? >
< REI >
< ETA >
< EX >


831 48 13
By deathkidlvl


Dective Kang had stopped at the police station to submit more evidence for her case.

Haerin-ssi was surprised to get a praise from her Lieutenant.

"Woah, G-dragon and E'Dawn evidence? Very impressive, Dective Kang!" Her lieutenant said to her.

Haerin handed all the evidence over to Minji then headed home.

- Y/N POV -

I had spent my whole day drunkenly kissing randos all over the club.... Something I rarely did.

I just couldn't help but try to find the sweet lips I had kissed earlier. I knew the lips I had loved so much were Haerin's but I couldn't help to try to find the next best lips.

"You ready?" Yunjin asked as I finished off a makeout session.

"Mhm," I hummed out.

I knew if I didn't leave with her then I would never leave. Jackson always gets too drunk and Soobin's introverted ass always goes missing.

Yunjin helped me up into her car.

"Where to?" She asked as I put on my seat belt.

"Dective Kang's!" I unconsciously said.

"She has your car?" Yun asked.

"Mhm," I drunkenly hummed out.

I knew I shouldn't be going to a cops house right now or even be driving, but couldn't help but want to see The Dective.

Yunjin pulled up to Kang Haerin-ssi' place and I got off the car. I headed up to Haerin's apartment and knocked on her door.

It wasn't long before she opened the door and I smiled like an idiot.

"You look super drunk," The Dective told me.

I abruptly cupped her face and kissed her. We took a few steps inside her place and I heard the door close behind us.

"Y/n-ssi, you're drunk" Dective Kang whispered against my lips.

"Mhmm," I hummed out as I took control of her lips again.

I started taking my jacket off as I kissed Haerin-ssi.

- Haerin POV -

Y/n-ssi had showed up super drunk to my place.

She started kissing me and as much as I had been thinking about her lips all day, I couldn't bring myself to kiss her in this state.

"Y/n-ssi, please stop. You're drunk," I whispered against her lips.

Surprisingly, y/n-ssi pulled away and said, "Okay, You're right."

I didn't expect that reaction. She looked like she couldn't make coherent decisions.

"But ummm," Y/n-ssi suddenly said.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

"Let's fuck up the friendship," Y/n-ssi said as she took off her shirt. She then pulled me closed and pressed her lips on mine again.

"We're friends?" I smugly asked against y/n's lips.

"More than that," She whispered against my lips as she pulled my sweater up.

I knew it was over once y/n-ssi managed to get my sweater off.

It wasn't long before that happened.

"Dective, please tell me you missed me just as much as I did?" Y/n-ssi suddenly asked.

I froze for a second.

"I'm too sober for this," I thought to myself but I couldn't bring myself to let go of y/n's lips.

- Y/N POV -

I woke up hungover ass fuck the next day.

I had taken like 3 different drugs and had been drinking for 24 hours straight.

"Where the am i?" I asked myself as I got up off a strangers bed.

I quickly realized I wasn't wearing anything and panicked. I looked for my clothes and got dressed as fast as I could.

I tried to sneak out the house before anyone could notice, but found Dective Kang in the kitchen.

"Oh, you're up! I was starting to think you were dead," She joked.

I felt a bit confused but started to remember how I showed up at her place all drunk.

My jaw then dropped when I realized we had hooked up.

"I- I- I'm sorry about last night. I was completely out my mind.... I promise that wasn't my intention!" I stuttered out trying to explain myself.

"It's okay, it'll help me learn to be your fake girlfriend a little better!" Dective Kang said with a wide and genuine smile.

I looked at her all confused.

"I could have swore she hated me just as much as I hate her," I thought to myself.

"Yes, I'm younger than you and no I don't hate you" She randomly said.

I looked at her even more confused.

"You had asked me last night.... they seemed like important questions so I decided to wait until you were a bit more sober," Dective Kang explained.

"Oh-" I simply said all confused.

"So, can I get my baby back?" I then asked just trying to get the hell out of the situation.

"Who? Me or your car?" Kang Haerin teased.

I got even more confused and sighed in frustration.

"You kept calling me baby last night so now I'm all confused," Dective Kang kept teasing.

I shook my head trying to get a hold of myself then walked over to Haerin-ssi to get my keys from her.

"I'll take you home," Haerin-ssi suddenly said.

She turned off her stove then walked out her apartment with my Keys in hand.

I grabbed my jacket from the floor on my way out the door and followed after her.

"Wtf?" I asked myself.

This Haerin seemed more confident and playful... unlike the crying whimpy mess I had met just days earlier.

Detective Kang drove me back to the shop in my car.... I realized she didn't actually know where I lived.

"Did you still want to learn how to drive?" I asked her as we pulled up to my shop.

"Yes!" She cutely replied.

"Then just keep the car, come back around 5pm. We'll take you up the mountain to teach you how to drift!" I told her as I got out the car.

- Haerin POV -

Y/n-ssi had trusted me with her car for yet another day.

I had realized she didn't know what had happened the night before.

We had a quick hookup which eventually turned into a long conversation about our pasts.

At the time, I thought y/n-ssi was sober enough for everything... but this morning I realized she wasn't.

"I get the feeling that you're younger than me," Y/n-ssi suddenly said after we had finished our business.

I looked at her a bit confused.

"Here," Y/n-ssi awkwardly said as she handed me her ID.

She was right... she was older than me.

Round two came around and y/n-ssi whispered against my lips, "Do you hate me? At first, I thought I hated you but now I realize I was just sacred to have someone this close."

I went back home to shower and changed. I made sure to wear y/n's jacket.

At this point, I had realized I really liked y/n-ssi and I wanted show her it.

In the afternoon, I drove back up to the shop and found a random girl trying to manhandle my y/n-ah.

I angrily got out the car and walked over to them.

"How could you fall for that skill-less little driver!?" The girl yelled at y/n-ssi.

"That's none of your business!" Y/n-ssi yelled back.

"I swear to God, y/n.... if you're just pretending with this girl.... I'm going to make sure you roll over in your grave!" The girl yelled.

"Yeobo!" I interjected trying to get y/n-ssi out of a clearly uncomfortable situation.

"Babe!" Y/n yelled back, playing along.

The girl then suddenly scoffed and walked away. We could all hear her heels echo throughout the shop.

"Thanks," Y/n-ssi said as I got closer to her.

"Mhm," I hummed out shyly.

I was getting nervous being in her presence.

"BTW, I'm sorry about last night. We can finish all our conversations after your driving lesson," Y/n-ssi suddenly said as she leaned in to peck my lips.

I froze for a minute then smiled... hoping she remembered what had happened.

- Y/N POV -

The crew and I had taken up Dective Kang up to the mountain where we had all learned to drift.

Jackson was the first one to try to teach Haerin-ssi how to drift. It didn't work very well, so Yunjin gave it a shot.... that didn't work either. So, I let Soobin attempt to teach her.

No one had managed to teach this girl how to drift. So, I tried it myself.

The only reason I hadn't taught her how to drift myself was because I had a very unconventional way of drifting.

"Bro, She sucks!" Taehyun-ssi said.

He had taken time off the hospital and the clinic to see Kang Haerin-ssi drift, but it was clear he was just as disappointed as us.

- Haerin POV -

I was so annoyed that I hadn't learned anything. I was about to give up when y/n-ssi got in the car.

"You nervous?" She asked as she made herself comfortable.

"Mhm," I nodded.

"Remember how we drove during the car chase at the car meet?" Y/n-ssi suddenly asked.

"Mhm," I hummed out a bit nervous.

"Okay, so I'll take over the gears and the pedals you take the wheel. Once you've gotten comfortable moving the wheel, I'll let you shift gears then you can used the pedals," Y/n-ssi told me.

My heart fluttered at her clear directions. Everyone so had has just gotten in the car and explained to me how they drift ... no one had actually tried to help me.

"You ready?" Y/n asked.

I nodded a bit nervously but was ready regardless.

Y/n then abruptly kissed my lips then quickly put on her seat belt looking all nervous.

"You're acting like I'm going to kill you," I teased her.

"Mhm, we'll see!" Y/n-ssi sassed then moved the gear shift to first.

My foot was replaced by hers on the pedals too and she quickly shifted to second.

"You ready?" She asked again.

I nodded nervously.

Y/n-ssi then helped me place my hands on the correct sides of the steering wheel then helped me turned.

Her hands over mine felt so gentle and warm.

"Pull to the left a little," y/n-ssi softly said.

Once we got to a straight part of the road, y/n shifted again and then again as she helped me with the clutch.

I felt a bit nervous as we started to reach the 100mph mark.

"You've seen that Disney move cars?!" Y/n-ssi suddenly asked in a panick.

"Yes," I answered abruptly.

"Turn right to go left! TURN RIGHT TO GO LEFT!!" Y/n started yell.

It took me a minute to figure out what she was trying to say.

I abruptly turned the wheel and we spun out, hitting the side of the mountain.

Y/n-ssi quickly got out the car and I followed.

"My baby!!" She whined as she looked at the dented front end of her car.

I took a deep breath trying to keep myself calm from the whole spin out situation, when suddenly.... y/n cupped my face and said... "Is my other baby okay too?"

My eyes widen at the sudden question.

I shook my feelings off and slapped y/n's hands away from me.

"Stop playing. I'm here to learn," I coldly told her.

"I'm sorry you're having a hard time with your dad!" Y/n-ssi suddenly said as I tried to get back into the car.

I stopped in my tracks a bit.... surprised that she remembered.

"Just because you're dad is the Lieutenant doesn't mean you have to follow in his footsteps!" Y/n-ssi said as I got in the car.









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