Naruto:The next Sage of Six P...

By Chase0345

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The Sage of Six Paths the strongest shinobi in the world of Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki the nine tails jinchuriki... More

Chapter 0-Birth of the new sage
Chapter 1-Meeting The Sage and learning of a legacy
Chapter 2-Training
Chapter 4-Naruto and Hinata
Chapter 5-Academy days 
Chapter 6-The Uchiha Clan's choice
Chapter 7-The Uchiha,the Senju,and the Uzumaki
Chapter 8-Genin
Chapter 9-Team 5 ?
Chapter 10-Its time for a C Rank
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Thanks for 5k
Chapter 11:Land Of Waterfall Home of The Seven Tails
Chapter 12: Land of Waves Team 7's first C-rank
Chapter 13:Team 5's arrival

Chapter 3-Naruto Namikaze

1.1K 25 3
By Chase0345

*I don't own Naruto,any crossover elements or any art*


"I'm going to reveal to them I know my lineage" The words of Naruto Uzumaki echo throughout the apartment.


Training Grounds, day

Naruto was currently practicing with shurkin and kunai throwing with Kakashi supervising.

"Hello you two" Hiruzen says smiling

"Hi Jiji" Naruto says smiling.

"Ha lord 3rd" Kakashi says

"So Kakashi" How's Naruto training been going. The 3rd Hokage's asks

"Good he been training in the Shadow Clone Justu and Body Flicker Technique mostly, I think he's ready for the next step" Kakashi says in a serious tone.

"Oh really" The 3rd hokage says shocked.

"What next step" Naruto asks

"Learning your Nature transformation" Kakashi says

"What's that" Naruto asks in a shocked tone

"Nature transformations is a even more advanced form of chakra control that lets the user utilize five elements in battle, the justu I showed a while ago was a nature transformation justu" The 3rd explains showing why he gained the name of the Professor.

"So we want to find out yours" Kakashi says

"Ok, how do we do that" Naruto asks.

"With this" Kakashi says pulling out a piece of paper.

"How is a piece of paper going to help" Naruto asks pouting.

"We'll this is chakra paper if you put chakra through it will either turn ignite and turn to ash if it's fire, spilt in two if it's wind, crinkle if it's lightning, turn to dirt and crumble away if it's earth, and will wet or damp if it's water" Hiruzen says again explaining why he is sometimes called the Professor.

"Oh ok" Naruto says as Kakashi would hand him the paper as Naruto would pump chakra into it as after a small bit of time the paper would spilt into five pieces as one would spilt in two, another would damp, one would crinkle, another would ignite then turn to ash, and the last piece would turn to dirt and crumble away.

"What the heck" Hiruzen and Kakashi would yell out seeing what just happened.

"What's the matter did I do something wrong" Naruto says looking confused.

"No Naruto it's just really unnatural for someone to have affinity for all 5 nature transformations" Kakashi says dumb founded

"Oh really" Naruto says shocked.

"Yes most shinobi have only 1, 2 or if there really lucky 3 nature affinities me and Kakashi only have all 5 but that came from years of training and those 4 of those aren't are true affinity as your main one is your strongest but all of your are on the same level shockingly" Hirzun explains.

"Alright, thought something was wrong with me" Naruto says laughing.

"No there isn't your just unique,I'll be back tomorrow I get some scrolls so you can learn some element justu" Hirzun says walking back to the office.

"Wait Jiji" Naruto says stopping the old man in his tracks.

"What is it" Hirzun asks.

"I KNOW WHO MY FATHER AND MOTHER ARE" Naruto words echo out threw the training grounds.

"You d d do" Hirzun asks shocked.  

"Yes their names are Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki" Naruto says in a serious tone

"Who told you" Kakashi asks shocked.

("I can't let them know about the stuff with the sage well not yet at least") "My Dad, My Mom and The Nine Tails" Naruto says in a serious tone.

"You've talked to them" Hirzun says in a serious tone.

"Yes I have on my fifth birthday when I went to sleep I meet them my dad explained he sealed a bit of his and mom chakra essence in the seal so when I needed them I could meet them and Ive been talking to the nine tails for a bite" Naruto says.

"Minato was a good seal user,what did he tell you and Kushina tell you.

"About my lineage" Naruto says in a serious tone.

"Who are they" The 3rd asks questioning Naruto

"Tsurugi Namikaze my grandmother,Jinsuku Kage my grandfather, Tsunda Senju my other grandmother, Dan Uzumaki my other grandfather, Tobirama Senju my great uncle on my mother's side, Mito Uzumaki my great grandmother on my mom's side, Hashirama Senju my great grandfather on my mother's side, Misa Yami my great grandmother on my dad's side and Madara Uchiha my great grandfather on my father's side.

As Kakashi would be utterly shocked at what he just heard come from the small spike haired blonde.

"What" Kakashi and Hirzun said at the last part.

"I know off everyone of your family linage except Madara explain Naruto" Hirzun says in a serious tone

"Well Madara didn't die at the valley of the end he somehow survived and ended up a small town where he was taken care of by Misa Yami a Uchiha who left the village the two and fell in love and had my grandfather" Naruto says explaining.

"Do you have any prove" Hirzun asks

"Yes I do you just have to take me to the Namikaze compound" Naruto answers.

"Alright let's go" Hirzun answers.

"Nice" Naruto says

At the Namikaze compound

The rebuilt Namikaze compound is large mansion with one building for room's,and most regular house things a second house with a indoor training area, armory, library and much more.

"Wow this place is huge" Naruto says walking threw the gate.

"Yes when your father became hokage they decided to rebuild the Namikaze compound after someone destroyed it" Hirzun said.

"Oh who did it" Naruto asks.

"No one knows, but your grandfather had a lot of powerful enemies so it could have been one of them" He says
("I know jiji trusts me and all but him and Danzo have been friends for years I'll expose the old creep when I get some evidence on him") he thinks scowling.

"So where's your prove your related to Madara" Kakashi asked.

"In the armory" Naruto explains

In the armory

The Namikaze compound armory is a medium sized room in the second building it's wall have weapons on it that being the Flying Raijin kunai a the sword which belonged to Jinsuku,Tsurugi's weapon a trident, Kushina's sword and a big scroll with its on wall.

"There it is" Naruto says pointing across the room

"We'll do your thing Naruto" Kakashi says

"Alright" Naruto says walking up to the scroll then making making a small cut on his finger and putting it on the scroll as a fan connected to a scythe would appear.

Madara had two signature weapons the Gunbai fan is a non folding fan carved from a unique spirit tree from which only ritualistic instruments are made is had sliver tint around it white in the middle and two three things resembling the tomoe on side his other weapon was your regular scythe.

"Is he telling the truth lord 3rd" Kakashi asks

"Yes I've seen this weapon once and looks exactly the same I guess Naruto is the great grandson of Madara" He says shocked

"Naruto if you are a Uchiha have the sharingan" Kakashi asks

"We'll I haven't had anything to help me awaken it" Naruto says.

"Don't worry Naruto I'll get it out of you" Kakashi says with a devious smile.

"Oh no" Naruto says.

("This I all very interesting" Never have 4 strong bloodlines collided before") Hirzun thinks.

"Another thing Jiji" Naruto says

"What is it" Hirzun asks.

"I want to change my name to Naruto Namikaze and move here" Naruto states.

"You do,why" Hirzun asks.

"Because I want to honor my father's legacy if you said he had enemies then I'm prepared to face them I'm ready to face everything that comes with the name Naruto Namikaze" He's says with pride.

"I'll think about" Hirzun says.

"Please jiji" Naruto says with stars in his eyes.

"Fine but your training will have to be put to the next level, got that Naruto" He says

"Got it" Naruto replies.

"Alright well you and Kakashi go to the library and get some elemental justu I'll go back to the hokage's office alright" He says

"Right" Kakashi and Naruto reply

As Kakashi and Naruto would find some justu for him to learn in the Namikaze library

Lighting style section

Lighting Style:Thunder Clap Arrow C-Rank=This justu has the user mold, then shape lighting then can throw it.

Lighting Style:Lighting Ball Justu C-Rank=The user shoots a small balls of lightning at the opponent

Lighting Style:False Darkness B-Rank=this justu has the user emit lighting threw there mouth in the shape of a spear.

Fire style section

Fire Style:Fireball Justu C-rank=This justu has the user use the chakra in there body and turn it into fire which they expel from there mouth.

Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Justu, C-rank=The user spilts a volley of small fireballs into the air,

Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation Justu, B-rank=Similar to the FireBall Justu but instead the user shapes it into a seas of flames.

Wind style section

Wind Style:Gale Palm C-rank=the user has to clasp their hands together the wind is composed and transforms into a powerful gale.

Wind Style:Great Breakthrough C-rank=The user breathes wind from their mouth blowing away whatever is in front of them.

Wind Style:Vaccun Sphere B-rank=The user takes a deep breath and exhale  several small blasts of wind that scatters in different directions.

Water style section

Water Style:Water Prision Justu C-rank=This justu traps the target in a sphere of water.

Water Style:Water Bullet Justu C-rank=The user fires of a bullet of water at the enemy.

Water Style:Water Formation Wall B-rank=The user spits a stream of water from their mouth at the ground which circles around them a rises upwards to create a wall.

Earth style section

Earth Style:Earth Spear C-rank=The user creates earth spears that emerge from the under the enemy.

Earth Style:Earth Wall C-rank=The user create a earth wall for defense.

Earth Style:Earth Flow River B-rank=The user creates a mud river that crashes into the enemy.

As Naruto would continue to walk threw the library seeing something called Kushina's Techniques which Naruto decided to check out.

Kushina section


Secret Sword:Moonlight C-rank=The user dashes at the opponent with great speed before attacking them with a quick lateral slash.

Uzumaki Sword Style:Crescent Slash C-rank=The user slash's multiple cresescent moon like slashes at the opponent.

Samurai Saber, Technique C-rank=similar to Tsunda's super strength technique the user powers their weapon in this case being a sword with chakra.

"Kakashi" Naruto yells out.

"Yes Naruto" Kakashi replies

"Can you teach me to use a sword" Naruto asks.

"Mabye after you work on your ninjutsu for a bit" Kakashi replies


Adamantine Sealing Chains Style:Attacking Chains B-rank=The user blasts out 4 chains that attack the user.

Explosion Kunai: C-rank=the user slabs a explosion tag on a kunai and throw it at the opponent.

Paralyze Kunai: C-Rank=The user slabs a paralyze seal on a kunai and throws it at the opponent.

"Kakashi,I can learn Fuinjustu too" Naruto asks

"Maybe we'd have to find you a teacher so will see"Kakashi replies

As the two would continue walking until they came upon Minato techniques section which Naruto definitely wanted to check out with not much Naruto really finding interesting other then.

Minato's techniques


Flying Raijin Justu S-rank=The user places a tag on a anything allaying the user to teleport to that thing.

"Who can learn this" Naruto says in aw.

"Maybe another time" Kakashi says

"Dang" Naruto says.

"Ha Naruto it's getting late how about I get you some ramen on me ok"Kakashi says trying to make I up to little brother.

"Sure" Naruto says smiling

As they would head out of the compound and head to the ramen shop where they would eat and head back to Naruto house.

Streets of Konoha,night

"Ha Naruto since I paid for dinner how about you pay for desert" Kakashi says.

"Um sure where would you like to go" Naruto asks.

"Oh um to the dango shop" Kakashi replies.

"Ok" Naruto says as they would head to the dango shop.

At the dango shop

Naruto and Kakashi would arrive at the shop get some dango and sit down at a table but Naruto could tell Kakashi seemed off the whole time.

"Ha Kakashi why have you been looking at that purpled hair girl" Naruto asks.

"No I haven't" Kakashi says in a serious tone

"Yes you have, do you like her" Naruto asks

"No" Kakashi says in a embarrassed tone.

"You've helped me Kakashi so I'm going to help you" Naruto says getting up and walking to the purple haired girl.

"Naruto no" Kakashi replies

"Hi" Naruto says

"Hi" The confusion girl says

"Do you want meet someone" Naruto asks.

"Kid don't you know I'm Anko Mitarashi the supposed traitor of Konoha and student of rouge ninja and one of legendary sannin Orchimaru" she says with venom in her tone

Anko Mitarashi is a average sized teenage girl with a slender frame. She has light brown hair, pupil-less eyes.she has violet hair it styled in a short, spiky,fanned out ponytail. She wears a thin metal mesh that covers the lines of her body that covers her from neck to her thigh she usually wears a tan overcoat with a purple inseam and a pocket on each side a dark orange miniskirt a dark blue belt, pale gray shin guards,dark blue sandals a blue forehead protector and a small pendant that looks like a snake fang.

"So they treat you differently two"Naruto asks

"Ye yeah" Anko admits just realizing she was talking to the jinchuriki.

"Yeah they chase me and from a riot on my birthday and sometimes they hurt me" Naruto says in a sad tone.

"You poor cutie,just call me big sis Anko ok" Anko says hugging the small boy.

"Ok big sis Anko" Naruto says hugging back.

"So who did you want me to meet" Anko questions.

"Oh my big brother" Naruto says pointing to Kakashi.

"Ok" Anko says

"Ha Kakashi" Naruto says pulling Anko to the table.

"Hi Kakashi" Anko says

"Hi I'm Kakashi Hatake" He says in a nervous tone.

"Anko Mitarashi" She responds

As the night would go on with Kakashi deciding to take Naruto home.

Naruto's apartment

"Bye Kakashi and Anko" Naruto says heading inside.

"Alright rest up your working on your nature transformation tomorrow" Kakashi says

"So why did the 3rd asks you to train Naruto again" Anko asks

"Because he's the jinchuriki" Kakashi responds

"Oh" Anko says

"Ha Anko I was wondering" Kakashi says

"I know" Anko says

"Know what" Kakashi asks

"You think I'm the most beautiful woman in the 5 nations,the kid the most terrible whisper in the world" she says.

"We'll I uh" Kakashi says.

"Look Kakashi you seem like nice guy and all but I don't know you" Anko says

"Oh got it" Kakashi says walking away.

"But I like to" She yells out

"Really" Kakashi says.

"Yeah how an we get dango tomorrow" She says.

"Ok" Kakashi says in a happy tone as two would walk away from Naruto's apartment.


Author's notes,thanks for the support

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