Love me or leave me

By malecsd_magical_luv

3.5K 372 63

Magnus Bane-asian-chocolate brown eyes-famous writer-rude but charming-talkative-fashion lover-bisexual-fianc... More

Chapter-22(changd my mood)
Chapter-23(i love you)
Chapter-24(You're mine)
Chapter-25(already missed you)
Chapter-26(I'm complete yours)
Chapter-27(I'm in love with someone)
Chapter-28(I'm not jealous)
Chapter-29(you broke my heart)
Chapter-30(She's pregnant)
Chapter-31(Lap dance?)
Chapter-32(Leave me)
Chapter-33(I can't do it)
Chapter-34(Who are you)
Chapter-35(How's that kiss)
Chapter-36(Hello Mr. Bane)
Chapter-37(Do you regret)
Chapter-38(Not more than my heart)
Chapter-39(I loved him)
Chapter-40(where's Alec)
Chapter-41(Marry me)
Chapter-42(Get ready)
Chapter-44(Stop teasing)
Chapter-45(We're married)
Chapter-46(oh my god)


86 6 1
By malecsd_magical_luv

After a lovable and a breathtaking kisses they walked towards the table. Alec signaled jace so jace stood up. Magnus and Izzy looked at each other with a smile. After few minutes the two boys came with a tray and Alec put it on their table and Jace put the tray one for him and one for Izzy. They all started eating.

Mags: Babe..
He took a food in his spoon and offered to Alec but Alec shook his head as 'no'. So Magnus felt disappointed but he smiled and start to eat. Alec smiled and waited for Magnus put a spoon of food inside his mouth.

Once he put it Alec put his hand under Magnus chin and pressed his lips on Magnus. Magnus eyes opened wide but he opened his mouth for Alec. Alec's tongue caressed his lips before took some. He sat on his bench when Izzy laughed. His face looks like a tomato.

Izzy: Big brother? I never thought you'll do this kind of things in front of me..
Alec smiled. Magnus put his hand on his face and laughed loudly.
Jace: Izzy.. He's a naughty boy more than you think..
Alec turned and punched his brother's back. Magnus called Jace after they ate. Alec didn't know what they're going to talk privately but he concentrate in Izzy's chitchat.

After a fifteen minutes Magnus walked towards his husband and sat on his lap.
Alec: Can we dance?
Magnus put his hands around Alec's neck. He leaned and kissed Alec's neck slowly sensually. Izzy already left the place before Jace. Alec smiled when his beautiful man's lips gaves him a goosebumps.
Mags: Alexander I like to dance with my husband.. But now you're must be tired.. So you want some sleep babe..

Alec: No Magnus.. I'm fine..
Magnus inhaled Alec's scent while hugging him. But Alec held Magnus face and said. Alec: Babe today's our wedding day.. So I want to spend time with you..
Magnus smiled at his sweetest man and  he pecked his lips.
Mags: I know Alec but we have this whole day.. Don't worry and come with me..
he stood up from Alec's lap.

Alec know how much caring person Magnus was and he knows magnus will not convince when its come for Alec's health. But magnus didn't walked towards the wooden house he walked towards a car. Alec got confused.

Alec: Magnus where are you going? isn't we're going to sleep in this wooden house.?
he asked but magnus said.
Mags: No.. we're going somewhere.. get in.. he winked at Alec. Alec didn't ask anything because he knows Magnus planned something. But after Alec saw were they're he couldn't help but asked.
Alec: Airport? Where are we going?
Magnus smiled and got out of the car. Alec did same.

Alec: Magnus.. What-
Mags: Babe.. I can't say anything now.. But I'll tell in the plane..
He held Alec's hand and walked inside. Jace came with a suitcase.
Jace: Magnus.. Here.. Your and Alec's dresses..
Alec: Jace?
Jace: Alec have a wonderful journey..

He hugged Alec. Now Alec realized what they're talking about before. Izzy ran towards them.
Izzy: I love you Alec.. Be happy with your man..
Alec: Thanks Izzy..
They hugged. Izzy hugged Magnus too. Izzy and Jace waved their hands when malec entered into the airport while holding hands.

In the plane..
Alec: Babe.. Please tell me..
Magnus smiled and played with Alec's lower lip in his ringed fingers.
Mags: For honeymoon..
Alec: I know that.. Which country?
He was very curious.
Mags: Once we planned the place where we want to go for our honeymoon.. Remembered that..

Alec eyebrows waggled. He closed his eyes to remember that place but he snapped open and asked.
Alec: Venice?
Magnus nodded his eyes while biting his lower lip. Alec smiled happily because the place Venice was a favorite place for both of them.
Mags: Now get some sleep..
Alec nodded and relaxed.

After two hours of travel they landed at Venice. While in the air Magnus didn't see the amazing view of Venice. He was busy staring at his beautiful man's face. Magnus already prepared everything. So they got into the boat.
Mags: Alexander.. I know you want some more sleep so once we got room you can sleep-

Alec: Babe.. I took more time for sleep.. Now I want to celebrate my first night..
Magnus smirked.
Mags: Do you think it's really a first night?
Alec laughed.
Alec: No no.. But it's a night after we got married..
Magnus smiled and moved close to Alec.

Once they entered into their room. Alec locked the door and pushed Magnus against the door. Before he pressed his lips on Magnus he noticed the room full of decorated with a red rose and it's petals.

He moved away from Magnus and looked around. In the center of the bed 'malec' name arranged in white rose. The room looks like it's specially prepared for them by Magnus taste. Alec opened his mouth and closed. Magnus chuckled at Alec.

Alec: It's beautiful.. It's amazing..
Magnus hugged him from back. Alec turned and cupped Magnus face. Magnus eyes told unconditional love, desire and happiness. Alec slowly kissed his husband forehead. Magnus closed his eyes. Alec pulled back after felt it's a most lovable kiss.

He pressed his lips on the pinkish lips. Magnus hands gripped Alec's shirt. They didn't changed their dress because Alec said 'he want to undress Magnus from that matchable dress of Magnus fashion'. The kiss started slow and passionate but it got heated. Alec's hand lowered down Magnus hips.

He put his hand on Magnus ass and lifted him so Magnus wrapped his legs around Alec's waist. Alec moved and put Magnus on the wall and licked Magnus neck.

Magnus fingers cupped Alec's hair to pull him closely. Alec rubbed his lower part while sucking that man's beck hungrily. Alec started rubbed roughly so Magnus moaned loudly.

Mags: Ahh.. Babe. Bed. Now..
Alec smirked and carried Magnus while eating each others lips. Their sucking sound only heard in that room. Alec put Magnus on the bed without breaking their hot kisses..!

Hot chapter is coming coming!!!

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