Dad For One Oneshots || MHA

By Luna_Herobrine

152K 3.4K 3.6K

My collection of DFO Oneshots because I love the theory about Hisashi Midoriya being AFO. The Oneshots will c... More

Quick Introduction (Content Overview)
1 - Party at UA
2 - The devil (aka AFO) visits Aldera Middle School
3 - The piano incident
4 - The vault
5 - Birthday Boy / Surprise!
6 - Baby Izuku with a gun
Intermission - Crack Pics From The Movie
7 - I have a quirk?! - aka Izuku gets AFO
8 - My son / My nephew (AFO & OFA)
9 - DNA Test
9.2 - DNA Test (The Aftermath)
9.3 - DNA Test (The Aftermath part 2)
9.4 - DNA Test (The Aftermath Finale)
10 - Villain
11 - The grand reveal
12 - AFO kidnaps his child (because he can)
13 - Quirk rants (AFO and Izuku cry over quirks)
14 - Forever One (AFO & OFA)
15 - Custody War of Midoriya Izuku
Important! New Content Overview
16 - Green Bean breaks into Tartarus
17 - Little Nestling (Wings! AU)
17.2 - A father's choice (Wings! AU)
18 - Coming Home (Soulparent! AU)
19 - Nowhere to run (Yandere! AFO)
19.1 - Suffocating Walls (Yandere! AFO)
20 - The Midoriya-Shigaraki Family Reunion
21 - Rock Man finds Little Lord and cries
22 - The Hair Dye Incident
23 - Deranged father breaks into hospital

17.1 - A Nests Shackles (Wings! AU)

2.2K 62 32
By Luna_Herobrine


This is a short continuation of Oneshot 17 (request by 28sharpea) and I thought, why not? ...since I admit, it's a little mean to just end a chapter like that. 

 So I couldn't simply leave you all hanging, noooo. 

I'm not like that... hehe. 



Welp, I hope you "enjoy" this little add-on! If you do then feel free to leave a like and/or comment to let me know!

Onto the continuation. . .  Blame sharpea for this. 



Izuku floated.

He didn't remember. His brain is too numb to work and his body is too heavy to move. So why should he even bother?

Warmth surrounded him, almost like an embrace.

All he knew is that he was safe. Silent whispers slowly dragged him deeper into the waters of unconsciousness. Izuku couldn't be bothered, so he let himself submerge.

He was fine. There was no pain, no shouting, and no explosions... it was peaceful.

Drifting further into the deep waters of his mind, his subconsciousness, Izuku was brought out of his trance by a string of hurried whispers and muffled curses. Something cold slithered around his right bicep and pulled and then-


Izuku's eyes snapped open.

He violently gasped for air, a heavy feeling in his chest as he tried sitting up, only to take notice of the force pulling him back, restraining him to the covers he was laying on. The teen blinked blearily, having trouble shaking off the sleepiness, which had hogged his brain and body just a few seconds ago.

Where was he?

Glancing around, his green eyes focused and gave him a good view of his unfamiliar surroundings. This was neither his room at home nor a hospital room... then where? To his left, he noticed a small lamp standing on a plastic drawer. Izuku sat himself up a little straighter, his wings puffing up with his movements.

The green-haired teen carefully moved around on the bed- no. Was it even a bed? The furniture he was laying on was a weird round shape, maybe a couch? Deciding he could just try and figure it out later on, he tugged his arms forward to reach for the lamp, only to have the noise of a chain rattle through the dimly lit room. Izuku froze, turning his gaze down to his scarred wrists. His chained wrists. 


One second passed. Then another...


Realization struck him like lightning.

Everything came flooding back to him in a flurry of emotions and colors, pictures flashing through his head at a rapid speed that made him want to curl up and just forget- "It hurts". The memories racing through his mind overwhelmed him, his body flinching against the cold metal shackles encasing his wrists.

Before he knew it tears flowed from his eyes without his control. His limbs shook and his breathing picked up. It was all too much. Izuku was working himself into a panic attack in an unknown room, not knowing where his captor currently was or if he wasn't already watching-! His stomach churned violently.

The teen choked helplessly on his sobs, wings fluttering in terror, pushing the warm white and green blanket off of him with a strong shove. "I can't cry now! All Might and the other pro heroes are surely already searching for me! I- I just have to stay strong until then...!". Izuku tried to cheer himself up, though his body did not listen in the slightest.

He felt like he was suffocating. The heaviness in his chest made his lungs ache and his tears blurring his vision once again. Panting for air, the terrified greenette tried to reach for his quirk to soothe himself but...

He felt...


Izuku couldn't feel One For All anymore.

His wings rose from behind him in a wild flurry, harshly knocking off the lamp on the nightstand with a loud clank, the metal chains clinking together as a reminder. A reminder that he had been caught. That he was powerless. At the mercy of All For One // his own father //.

Izuku sobbed, curling together as close as he possibly could, his wings folding securely around him in a meek attempt to protect himself from whatever was outside of these walls. 

"Someone please. I'm scared".


Aizawa was downright furious, storming down the empty halls of UA, he finally reached the infirmary, ripping the door open and letting it crash against the frame, not caring about the startled exclaims the action got him. His black hair was a complete mess and his eyes stung from using his quirk out of anger, but the pro hero could not care less right now.

His attention rested solely on the alarmed blonde man sitting on one of the hospital beds. Shota gritted his teeth bitterly, his eyes blazing a blood-red as he lurched forward, grabbing the boney man by his collar and getting face-to-face with him, pure wrath radiating from his very being.

"Y o u" He seethed, his lips pulling into a disgusted snarl as he tightened his hold on the surprised hero. A man who did not deserve the title of Number One. "How dare you. How did you get the nerve-!? He was right there. Right in front of you. And you just watched as that monster took him away to fuck knows where! TELL ME, TOSHINORI YAGI!".

The blonde shrunk back, sunken eyes widening at the murderous expression directed at him. "I... I was frozen- I didn't mean to-!". Aizawa scoffed mockingly, letting go of All Might's collar and distancing himself a few steps so he wouldn't smash that fuckers face in. His jet-black and red wings wrapped around his shoulders to calm himself, his piercing stare never faltering.

"'Didn't mean to.' You've got to be kidding me. My-... Midoriya's gone. Taken by that so-called arch-nemesis of yours. And we have no idea where he could be. All because you couldn't fucking get yourself to just move and save the kid. Fuck, and all of that because their wings harmonized?!". The black-haired teacher spat out venomously, only to have the blonde try and retort. Try and defend his failure.

"W-Well-! You couldn't possibly know, Aizawa-kun! That man is-!". Shota's wings spread out behind him threateningly, immediately getting the hero to shut up with a click of his teeth. "I don't give two shits who he is. What I care about is that he has my student because you failed. And it's what you should currently concern yourself with". He bore his finger into the other man's chest, shoving him back toward the bed.

All Might spluttered helplessly, slowly shrinking in on himself as realization finally seemed to settle in. "Oh young Midoriya... What have I done". The blonde man fell back onto the bed, blue eyes haunted and lost. Aizawa growled lowly but didn't get another chance to jab at the man as the sound of hurried footsteps approached the infirmary.

A stressed-looking Yamada Hizashi appeared in the doorway, assessing the situation before turning to the angered underground pro. "Oh thank god you didn't rip out his throat- Sho, come on. Your students need you more than he does right now. You can yell at him later but please". Aizawa frowned down at the distressed Number One before letting his husband carefully pull him out of the infirmary.

Hizashi wrapped one of his bright yellow and green wings around Aizawa's body, sending him a saddened stare. "My Problem Child needs me, Zashi. I should've done something-!". Yamada tightened his wing around his partner's form, taking a hold of his trembling hand. "We'll find him, Sho. I'm sure we will. Midoriya is a strong boy". But the underground hero just pursed his lips.

"I truly hope so, Zashi...". Yamada gave him another reassuring squeeze of his hand. "I truly hope so..."


Izuku didn't know how much time had passed since he first woke up. A few minutes, maybe an hour? He couldn't keep track. His mind was too occupied trying to keep himself from passing out again. All he knew was that he was terrified. Terrified of what would happen next. Terrified that no one would come to save him after his wings had-

His breathing picked up again without his control, a violent shudder racking through his body, making his wings cramp up again. The patterns and colors were still there, reminding him of how they had harmonized right in front of All Might. The horrified look in his mentor's eyes burned deep into his mind. Would he even attempt to come and save him now that he knows?

Another tear fell, dampening the soft covers he had curled himself around. Another thing he had taken notice of, was that the "bed" he was laying on closely resembled some sort of nest. How ironic. The teen gritted his teeth, clawing at the shackles rubbing at his sore wrist. No matter how much he tried to pry at them, they would only dig further into his flesh.

Luckily he managed to calm down enough from his panic attack earlier on and collected his thoughts, coming to realize that the cuffs restraining him were quirk-suppressant shackles, meaning that he most likely was still in possession of One For All. That information helped him gain a little bit of hope, remembering how All Migth had explained to him that One For All was a quirk that should be unable to steal as long as the carrier didn't pass it on themselves.

Though Izuku knew that this ultimately meant nothing in the end.

Because his Dad always found a way to get what he wanted.

That was just the kind of man he was.

He shuddered, his ruffled wings securely surrounding his balled-up form. "Please, hurry and find me already".

He sniveled silently.




The voice of the news reporter droned through the hospital room, but no one had enough patience to pay attention to them, too busy either crying or staring down at the floor in disbelief. "Midoriya's... gone". Todoroki weakly dropped down onto one of the plastic chairs, his head in his hands as he tried to keep himself composed. Bakugo grimaced, but kept silent, turning his gaze down to his aching hand. 

"I... I didn't notice fast enough. I could've grabbed him if I had noticed-!" Iida hissed, clearly agitated. Midoriya had been one of the people who not only cheered him up when his brother had been attacked but also had been the one that had saved him from certain death. And now he was taken by that monster of a villain. All because he didn't realize that Midoriya's grip faltered and- He shut his eyes tightly, forcing the image of his friend falling with that horrified look on his face.

Kirishima placed a shaky hand on his shoulder, a grim expression showing on his normally cheerful face. "They'll find him. Let's- ..let's have some faith in the pros! I'm sure they're already working hard on tracking Mido-bro down". The redhead tried to cheer them up, only to get saddened glances and a few unsure smiles. Iida sighed, nodding lightly at his classmate before squaring both his shoulders and wings up.

"I guess you're right. There's no use if we all just sit around and break our heads over "What-If"s". The navy-blue-haired student announced, pushing his glasses back into place. Momo joined him with a nod of agreement. "Exactly. As the class representatives, it's our job to make sure to look after everyone. We should be glad that Bakugo is now back with us and hope for the best". She spoke, though the underlying shakiness in her voice never quite left.

Bakugo clicked his tongue, turning to retort something at the two of them, only to be interrupted by the hospital door flying open and the rest of their distressed class to suddenly filter into the room, accompanied by a very pissed-off looking Eraserhead, whose wings were raised in agitation and a worried Present Mic. "You better have a damn-good explanation ready once all of this is over, hell children". The angry teacher rumbled, rubbing his irritated eyes.

Present Mic gave them a small grin of reassurance before turning to pat Aizawa on the back, sending him a concerned glance. The underground pro simply shook his head at his husband, observing his students grouping around their friends. He had a near stand-down with several nurses and doctors just to let all of them into the hospital but it was certainly worth it.

The kids desperately needed this kind of closure right now.

Shota sighed, tilting his head a bit to peer out of the window with a distant look. "Hold on a little longer, Problem Child. We'll get you out of there". Yamada frowned but remained silent, only increasing his hold on his husband's hand as he watched their students group together to share what little comfort they could muster up. 

They would be okay.


Izuku was frozen still like a deer caught in headlights. His entire body had locked up the second that haunting creak echoed through the silent room he was trapped in. His wide green eyes shone with newly gathered tears, his wings stiffening op and his mind on full alert of any other sounds. A few seconds passed and no sound was heard. 

Just when he was about to release the tension in his muscles and blame the noise on his mind playing tricks on him, there was another. The student trembled, his knuckles hurting at how tight he was clutching the covers.

Click, clack...



The eerie noise of shoe soles hitting the wooden floor crept closer and closer. Izuku's heart shot up to his throat, beating loudly in his ears as his mind went into overdrive. 

When he assessed the room he was in earlier he had noticed that there wasn't a door in sight, so that could only mean that the person that had just entered the room was-!

"I know you're awake, my precious Nestling". 

. . .



So... How's it going?  :)

What a nice cliffhanger, ay?

Welp, I hope you enjoyed this short continuation of the Wings! AU.

Until next time :D


Word Count: 2284

Next Up: 18 - Coming Home (Soulparent! AU) // or  // 17.2 - Continuation (Wings! AU)

You decide what comes next. 




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