Wanted dead and alive ~ A Hel...

By BabyDragon05

27.5K 820 140

Thirty years after the attack on London. Integra has kept a secret that could save the Hellsing family line... More

Chapter one wanted dead and alive
Chapter three Plans to celibrate talks to kill
Chapter four A night to remember
Chapter five The explanations lead to unwanted guests
Chapter six New recruits
Chapter seven Jealous demons can have clousure
Chapter eight Expected meetings unexpected surprises
Chapter nine Training that can kill
Chapter ten The aftermath
Chapter eleven Saying good by
Chapter twelve Rules of the title
Chapter thirteen The substitute
Chapter fourteen The devil with in him
Chapter fifteen Confesions with a hint of insanity
Chapter sixteen News to challange
Chapter seventeen The night she rises
Chapter eighteen The traitors
Chapter ninteen The new hellsing
Chapter twenty The restrictions and levels of the vampire
Chapter twenty one Changing perspective and shape
Chapter twenty two A Christmas they will never forget
Chapter twenty three A series of unexpected turns
Chapter twenty four Aranging ones life
Chapter twenty five Terror of the night
Chapter twenty six The way we fall
Chapter twenty seven Aranging fate
Chapter twenty eight Only in our dreams
Chapter twenty nine Past the point of war
Chapter thirty This is the end

Chapter two It only beguins

1.7K 37 3
By BabyDragon05

It only begins

The following day, with the help of Interga's instructions, Jane found the estate to not as hard to find as she thought. The trip took her a while, as the estate was far into the countryside, but it was not hard to find. When one is driving down the long expanse of country road, within two hours of leaving London, the shadow of a large house seems to come into view. However, it is no mere house, for the enormous walls of the estate are complete with all the trimmings of a true Victorian estate. Jane had never seen anything so grand before besides pictures in fantasy books and films. London was large yes, but its economy suffered, not allowing anything of such regal splendor to exist just yet. Naturally, Jane stared helplessly at the towering walls of the Hellsing Organization as her minuscule vehicle drove into the front gravel road.
A gentleman waited for her at the foot of the stairs to the front door and came to her car side window, smiling politely. The man looked to be only a few years older than Jane, handsome enough with his hair combed back, and a pair of glasses resting over his straight nose.

"Good afternoon ma'am." He said as she got out.

"Hello." Jane responded, a little breathless, but came around the car and gave the gentleman a firm handshake and a smile.

"My name is Thomas Holt, the butler here for the estate. If you would please follow me, I will take you to Sir Integra." He said.
Jane smiled, feeling like she was no longer in reality but somewhere far and distant from all she considered real. Now this was a dramatic outlook for someone merely visiting a house. But for Jane, her mind tended to wander to more fantastic and whimsical possibilities when faced with something that amazed her. Of course, she knew this was merely a house, but still, who wouldn't want to be swept off their feet by the look of s place or imagine something more out of a small visit.
She followed Thomas on the grey, smooth steps to the front door and saw men dressed in heavy gear prowling all over, looking at her with hard eyes. This was unnerving for the woman since guns were illegal in England for civilians and being so close to so many weapons made her uneasy.

But she came to no harm upon passing the front door and was led into the great house of Hellsing. At once she noticed the pounding presence of wealth that Integra had. Jane knew Integra was rich and possessed many assets to be well off, but not /this/ well off.
Every wall, floor tile, window, pillar, and arch way was painted with astounding beauty and lusciousness. The color of blue was all about the place in different shades and tints. The marble pillars that lined between the windows gleamed against the noon sun, creating a warm peach hue in the halls. The ever-present scent of cigar smoke mingled with that of a very clean smell that floated high in the air, filling Jane's senses. The floor at her feet was so well cleaned that she could see her reflection gazing back at her and even see the dome celling above engraved with designs overhead. Angels, monsters, men in armor, the cross, and Italian buttresses glorified the place perfectly. All in all, Jane concluded this was probably not a bad place to live, should one need it, and that Integra had no issues with the look of her home.

Thomas guided Jane through these pristine halls of glory and wealth, more than happy to show every object to her and offer brief descriptions. On the way he pointed out paintings, or random artifacts displayed on the walls, giving her his knowledge on each object, which she absorbed like a sponge to water. Often there were paintings of a men who bore a striking resemblance to Integra which Jane could only assume were an ancestor. Other paintings were of fantastic battles, beautiful mountain landscapes, and at times a large black wolf that had a grin of its own.

Before long the two stopped at a set of large doors the color of white, reaching up to the shaded, dome celling.

"What is in there Mr. Holt?" Jane asked with glassy eyes, overcome with amazement.

"That would be Sir Integra's office Ma'am, she is expecting you. Allow me to announce you, then you may come in." Jane nodded absently not sure why he needed to announce her but let him do as he pleased. Thomas knocked upon the door and waited for Integra's response.

"Miss Hellsing is here Sir Integra." Thomas called as he opened the towering door.

"Let her in." Came a low voice from within the office. Thomas nodded then gestured for Jane to enter. She did so and had to blink a few times before she was able to see into the room due to a pure light shining from the office windows. Once her eyes adjusted Jane was greeted by a large room, fitted out with chestnut furniture, red Persian rugs, light blue curtains on the open windows, a functioning hearth in the corner, plush couches, and one desk where behind sat Integra herself in a consuming armchair.

"Integra." Jane smiled, walking briskly into the room toward her cousin.

"Hello Jane." Integra greeted standing from her chair with a surprisingly warm expression on her face. Jane came around the desk and hugged Integra snuggly, Thomas gasped as his eyes widened considerably, never in his time working there had he seen any such gesture from Integra before. It both surprised and slightly disturbed him to watch Integra hug someone. Integra was never one for hugs herself, but considering how long she had not seen Jane, she made an exception.

"Welcome to the estate." Integra said, ending the hug short. "You're visit has been long overdue."

Jane smiled up at her and said. "I am honored to be inviting, your house is amazing."
Integra raised her brows at that, but then resumed not to look surprised.

"Really now?" She smirked. "Perhaps you would care to see more of it?"

Jane's eyes brightened with interest. "Oh yes please, that would be wonderful." Integra smiled, this time as if some goal had been achieved by Jane's excitement regarding the house. At once Integra grabbed her cane and made her shaky way to the office door.

"Come along then." She called, Jane's smile widened, and she trotted after Integra while Thomas watched them leave the office by the door. He and Integra making brief eye contact with each other then he closed the office to follow them, not saying a word.

Jane stayed by Intagra's side for every second of the tour, listening to all she had to say about her home. It was equal to taking a walk through a museum for Jane. Everything was pristine and perfect in those halls of Hellsing. Not a detail, speck, or crevice was overlooked. Jane was shone the great hall, the forays, the upstairs and downstairs corridors, filled with bedrooms and Garrison bunkers for the soldiers who lived there. She peeked at the kitchens while the dinner rush was being put together for that night. Thomas was proud to show off his kitchen crew at work, and rightfully so, it was like watching clock work with.
Integra then guided Jane to the training facilities were the men practiced their skills and became familiar with the equipment. There was also a modern armory, and small treasury where the money was kept, like a bank vault. They strolled among the thick garden behind the estate, were flowers of radiant beauty whispered to each other through the breeze.

The family crypt was kept in this garden and Jane could see her past ancestors going back to VanHellsing himself, even her father was laid down in that tomb. She knelt next to his coffin feeling the rock of his death box. She felt odd being this close to her father, not sad, or sentimental, just emotionless. Jane never knew her father, but she did know he tried to kill Integra for Hellsing and was killed for it. She had little option on him and had no reason to miss him or weep at his grave. You can never miss something you never had, and Jane never had a father figure in her life, not one. So, there was no need to miss him, she respected the man who helped bring her into this world, but that was all.

After they left the crypt, they had a quick snack in the great hall we're all meals took place. Next, they wandered on to the roof of the estate looking out across the English countryside and walked the battlements until, finally, somehow, Jane found herself back in Integra's office.

By now, around evening, the Sun had already gone down in the great windows and the stars winked among the puffy clouds on high. After the extensive tour Thomas provided them a tray full of tea fixings, small pastries and a steaming tea pot. The ladies took the treats without delay having their fill of the warm beverage, as was English custom, and sat in pleasant silence a while. Once Jane indulged in the forbidden fruit that was the Hellsing desserts, she sighed contently, leaning back on the couch.
Integra watched her from behind her desk, drinking tea, her icy eye almost glaring at Jane as she delighted in treats. Integra had kept a close watch on Jane all afternoon, looking for all her reactions and expressions to the estate. Integra was not a foolish woman and never asked anyone to do something without an express goal, there was a reason for Jane's visit to the estate.

"What do you think of it?" Integra asked, placing her cup down as Jane looked back.

"The tea?"

"No." Integra chuckled. "The house."

"Oh!" Jane smiled. "Integra." She said, unable to express her full wonder of the place. "Your house is amazing, the most beautiful establishment I have ever seen. I don't know how you can live here and not be overwhelmed by it every day."
Integra smirked, leaning back in her chair, pleased with Jane's answer. "It takes a few years of practice." She said coolly, then took the opportunity to get to the point.

"My offer still stands." Integra said, bringing her teacup to her lips seeming not overly interested in what she had just announced, yet watched Jane for her reaction. Jane looked back; her eyes deep with the realization of what Integra meant.

Integra was no fool, she knew bringing Jane there would make her reconsider her rejection of living at the estate. All Jane had to do was say the word, and she could be delivered from London and brought to the estate, her rightful place.
Jane tapped her fingers together briskly then looked back at her cousin. Integra smirked behind her teacup, ready for her answer.

"I appreciate your offer Integra, but I am not ready to leave the city just yet."
Integra's smirk vanished and was replaced with an expressionless line. She put her teacup down then clasped her hands together.

"You know your family home is here." Integra said calmly. "Why not live where you belong?"

Jane shifted, feeling the pressure of that cold eye. It was like being interrogated under an icy magnifying glass.
"Trust me, when the time is right for me and I have what I want from the city then I will happily oblige you. But until then I would like to live independently. I just- don't need all this." She said meekly.

Integra figured as much, and it did not surprise her. Jane was as hardheaded as her mother....and father. But that stubbornness would cost them if Jane refused Integra again. Time was running out, Integra only had so long before her window of opportunity was gone. She needed a way to secure the future.

"I assume you still have a job as a waitress then." Integra said bitterly.

"Yes." Jane said, lifting her head a bit. She knew Integra did not approve of her low pay, civilian job.
"I would prefer to work with books, pen and paper. But London seems to have no need for such a perfection. However, my job at the restaurant should hold out for a while and I can save up money to continue to live independently." She said, stressing the independent, alone, and self-supporting-ness of her life.

"And being a waitress for the rest of your life is something your proud of?" Integra jabbed, propping her elbows up and leaning forward. Her eye sharply baring down on her.
Jane frowned, holding her arms and shifting again. Integra's gaze was a difficult thing to sit comfortably under.

"No." Jane stated. "But it is the best I can do for myself right now."

"But you could be doing so much more here." Integra said, carefully bringing the amount of anger in her voice down. "Do not let your desire for independence deter you from coming to me. We are family, and that is something I put above everything. Don't think because I am wealthy that I will spoil you rotten and cause you to become lazy. I truly admire and respect your decision to remain independent and I would not change that for you. But remember there are other options open to you."

Jane fretted with Integra's persistence. Jane was grateful for all Integra was offering, but Jane just didn't want it, not yet, if ever. Why couldn't she just let it go, like other normal families did.... but at the same time, this family wasn't normal.

"I understand." Jane said. "And am gladder of the time you give me; I truly appreciate it. I just don't want to give up the value of working for my own life. You may not know, but it is the most satisfying feeling in the world. I can pay my own bills with the money I make, do as I please in my house, make my own decisions and so on. I don't want to lose that gratification. If worse comes to worse then I promise to come but until then I have no real reason to be here." Jane assured.

Integra's features were hard impressed with Jane's resolve and hard headedness. If father had been there, he would have been able to make Jane stay. He was always good with making people see his way, and not in a cruel manner either. But father was not there, and Integra was the one truly in the hot seat. Oh, how she wished Jane was not so stubborn.

"I certainly hope so Jane." She said at last, breathing out irritably.
"No Hellsing on this planet will be left to wander in the streets if this house is standing. It is a privilege and right to be well treated and respected when you carry the name Hellsing. Remember that, and do not think so low of yourself, you can do better than being a waitress and living in a shoe box. Besides, you know you have a place here, if you ever need a home, the doors of Hellsing are always open for you."
Integra had to feed lightly. She pushed Jane enough for that evening, she would gain nothing if she scared the girl away. So, Integra let the topic down, for now.

Jane nodded sitting up a little straighter at Integra's words. "Thank you, Integra I promise to take you up on that offer when the time comes. I just hope I can repay the kindness."

Integra leaned forward, she smirked darkly at Jane, as if whatever Integra may think of to repay her with, might scare the girl.
"Oh- I would not ask for anything major my dear." She waved her skeleton like hand. "Simply take care of yourself, we must stay in good health, there are so few people like us left you know."

'People like us?'

"Of course, Integra, I will be careful." Jane nodded, an uncertain expression on her face. Surely this was just Cousin Integra being, well.... scary Integra. Jane expected nothing less, the old woman could still give Jane the spooks.

A soft knock rapped on the office door causing Jane to whirl her head back to see who it was.

"Come in!" The door opened and Seras Victoria walked into the room.

"Is this a bad time, Sir Integra?" She asked noticing Jane sitting there stunned from the sight of Seras. Not only was Seras wonderfully beautiful, but the black arm that swayed at her side frightened Jane on the spot. She had never seen or encountered anything like it before, all Jane could do was stare at the black appendage. Seras was a tad nervous herself, for all Seras knew Jane was a civilian who now saw the dark vampiric power course from her arm.

"No, what do you have for me?" Integra called. Seras walked to the side of Integra's desk quickly, a folder filled with papers in her normal hand.

"last night's mission report, I am afraid to say that the team sent out came back without the subject."

Integra sneered. "So, we lost him?" She questioned.

"Yes sir, but we know he is still in the city. The fourth Garrison is on the hunt now, he was last seen around the city centers."Seras informed.

"Understood." Integra leaned back in her chair slightly, pondering deeply on this apparently serious matter. "Keep me informed if there is any change and I will take the measures needed to see it finished."

"Yes sir." Seras glanced at Jane across the desk, carefully leaning toward Integra. "What if he is undead?" She asked quietly.

Integra smirked darkly. "Then I will send your master, it won't be an issue police girl." Seras nodded and pulled away, she shook her golden locks determinedly. "Is that all you can bring me up with?" Integra asked flipping to open the folder.

"Yes sir, may I have your leave to go about my duties?"

Integra waved her hand while looking over the papers. "Yes, police girl you are free to go." Seras bowed with a relived smile on her face, then glanced again at Jane again. Seras crinkled her nose for moment at Jane, finding her scent to be very sweet and like Integra's. Seras figured it was because she was in Integra's office, then made her way from the desk.

As she walked by, Seras looked at the woman on the couch as Jane looked at her. It was an uncomfortable exchange. Jane didn't know what to think and Seras was all too happy to move on with her evening without giving the human a second thought. So the creature smiled at Jane, two sharp fangs twinking at Jane like stars.

"Holy shit!" Jane gasped looking back to Integra. "What the hell is this Integra?" She demanded.
Seras blinkd back from the girl while Integra merely glanced upward, a devious smirk on her face.

"When I told you vampires live here, I was not telling you a lie." She said smoothly.

Jane was left gaping at what was said. So simple a response managed to shake Jane to her toes.

"No." Jane said flatly. "No, no, that's not possible." She pointed out, as if she were instructing a child. Jane then came around the couch and approached Seras. She had to disprove this ridicules hoax. Vampires were not real; they are fictional creatures created to explain aspects of bodily decay. Seras watched Jane approach, looking to Integra for an order or suggestion of what to do. But Integra did nothing, so neither did Seras.

Jane took hold of the woman's pulsing arm; something she would never do without permission; sure, it was no more than an elaborate prop made of fleshy material. Only... the arm was so much more than that. When Jane touched Seras' black arm the appendage dissolved into shadow and wisps of fiery darkness wafting downward. The movement of the darkness was like ink in water. The fluid motions were as beautiful as they were off putting. As Seras' arm dissolved Jane felt neither warmth nor chill. The passage of the arm made her hand feel prickly- the same feeling you get when you feel like someone is following you, or when your hair stands on edge from fright. Her body was telling Jane to be aware, on guard. Something was horribly wrong with the woman before her.... Undead.

Jane screamed out, horrified and filled with terror that she vaporized this woman's arm! She backed away to the couch and put her hands over her mouth, watching as the vapor then collected itself around Seras, becoming an arm once more.
Jane was panting now, eyes wide as Seras couldn't help but look sympathetic for the poor girl, integra only chuckled.

"Perhaps you should try to tug on her fangs." Integra mused. "Who knows, they may pop out."Seras looked none too thrilled with the suggestion, frowning she crossed her arms with a proud head tilt.

Jane sunk into further horror with the idea of reaching into that woman's mouth. She merely shook her head declining the idea.
Seras stood awkwardly, glancing between the two, curious of integra's lack of action. So, she stepped forward and took it upon herself to try and calm the human.

"Uh- I'm sorry." Seras said with a cheek to cheek smile. " I didn't mean to scare you; comes with the job I suppose." She said, doing her best to lighten the mood.
Jane kept her eyes on the woman, slow to offer up a response of any kind. She wasn't trying to be rude to the vampire, usually Jane was very polite and more than open to meeting people from all walks of life. The only problem here was this person walks- but she is dead. This was groundbreaking, unthinkable, let alone mind blowing. How- how was it possible for such a creature to exist? Standing here before her? In truth, it should have been a dream come true for Jane. Finally, she was meeting a fantasy become reality. How often Jane had wished to step into fantasy, into these amazing worlds where creatures like vampires could exist. Problem is though, fantasy is the unknown and often it's frightening. Fantasy is meant to be out of reality for a reason if only because the truth of it is far more terrifying than the story books let on. It is one thing to read about a monster of literature. It is another thing entirely to be face to face with one.

Now Jane was usually a down to earth individual and was well to treat all with the best of English curtesy, but at this meeting she couldn't help but stare with her mouth agape. It was not till Seras started to speak and apologize that Jane's mind began to function properly once more. She was skittish and unsure of the situation, slow to act or speak. Jane swallowed her intimidation and asked the obvious question.

"So... you really are a -?"

Seras smiled and displayed her fangs again.

"Vampire." She finished, seeming to blow Jane's mind with just that word alone.Integra had been watching this interaction, a pleased smile on her face as she looked on, at peace with this. She was showing Jane something new and exciting, something that would play a large role in her life. Whether she knew it or not.

"This is my cousin police girl." Integra announced after a drawn-out silence filled the room. " Jane Lynn Hellsing, my late uncles' daughter."
Seras blinked in surprise, looking back to Jane to find little to no resemblance between the two. But it would explain why her blood smelt like so alluring and why integra herself was acting so leniently. Seras straightened up a little before Jane, looking at her in a new light.

"It's an honor to meet you Miss Hellsing, my apologies. I had no idea you were Integra's cousin; I did not even know she had one." Integra chuckled at Seras's last comment then flipped another page of the folder. Seras offered her hand to Jane, being more than respectful to a member of the Hellsing family.Jane looked at her hand, thankful she was using her normal one, and was comforted by the familiarity of the gesture. Seras was not trying to suck the blood out of her neck or seduce her. She seemed more than kind and was clearly trusted by Integra, so, what more could Jane do than relax a bit around this strange woman?
She leaned away from the couch and lifted her hand toward Seras's.

"Nice to meet you." She said with a lopsided smile. "I apologize for my reaction to.... your arm. I just did not expect it to poof away." Seras laughed at that and nodded understandably.

"Dot worry about it, miss, you wouldn't be the first to find my arm alarming or the last." She said innocently. "So, your father was Integra's uncle?" Seras asked, also trying to learn more on this mystery cousin of Integra's.

"Yes." Jane said simply, the subject of her father was not a personal one. Integra remembered like it was yesterday. Jane's father threatened to kill Integra as a child for the right to lead Hellsing. Jane was told this of cores and was resolved to think of him as a shadow of the past. Not a reflection of herself. "I didn't know him, so I don't have much to talk about on the subject." Jane shrugged.

Seras understood completely as she had her own unpleasant history concerning her parents.

"What about your mother then, if you don't mind me asking?"

"She is traveling abroad and taking a long-needed vacation. I think she is in Italy now, but I am not sure."

"I see" Seras commented. What a strange occurrence that a cousin would appear like this out of nowhere. Father dead, mother's location practically unknown. This girl is alone.... Not only that, but a Hellsing as well. Seras smiled despite her thoughts.

"In any case it is an honor to meet you miss Hellsing but I must get along with my evening duties." Seras said, turning back to Integra bowing low in respect."Good evening Sir Hellsing, I shall see you tomorrow."

Integra nodded Seras off as she was busily reading the context of the folder, or at least looking at the pictures posted. So, Seras said her goodbye to Jane and strolled out the door towards the main hall. Her steps lead her toward the familiar red hallway where a large golden mirror hid a log slope of stairs. This secret way led down into the vampire's quarters, deep in the bowls of the estate. At the base of these steps, a darkened kitchen lay empty save for a large fridge, stuffed full of blood packs. Seras sighed tiredly and opened the fridge, taking out her perfected blood pack. At once an animalistic hunger snarled into Seras's face, giving way to a terrifying beast that drank the blood pack dry.

Seras breathed in ecstasy as she drank in the sanguine ambrosia, pulling her blood covered fangs from the pack with a sigh. She felt the blood strengthen her body, giving her the power, she needed. The power she craved. Licking her lips in deep pleasure, the blood thirsty beast inside her growling for more. God how she had come to adore every drop of blood that ren between her lips. Years ago, she struggled ceaselessly to resist the urge to drink blood. Now look at her, an entirely different creature prowled in those halls. Seras grabbed another pack, sipping so deeply in her red ecstasy that she failed to notice a shadow stride up the dark stairs leading from the dungeon below.

"Hungry police girl?" A voice asked. Seras looked around but could not see the owner of the voice, though she knew perfectly well who it was. How could she not?

"A bit master, this night has only just started, and I am already in need of my lunch." She smiled. "There is a woman in Sir Integra's office, she has a lovely sent master."

"Hm, how lovely is it Police girl?" The voice purred in various locations.

Seras blushed a bit, her white cheeks rounded at the thought of a drop of Jane's blood. How potent, rich, thick and warm she would be. Delicious.... But too strong for Seras' liking. "Enough to make me ravenous. I came to ease the need, but she is not so sweet to spike the heat for her blood. My type is just a tad more mellow."

The voice chuckled like thunder echoing in the small kitchen. "Is that so? Interesting."

Seras, out of the corner of her eye caught a moving shadow from the kitchen door. She bowed her head and watched her master's black form glide through the corridor. Once she was sure he had gone Seras took another swig from her blood pack, no longer thinking about the young Hellsing woman.

In Integra's office, Jane had occupied herself by looking through a huge book filled with the Hellsing family tree. She needed a book to help quell her fright from moments earlier. It was all incredibly interesting and Jane could not look away from the pages, for if she did her mind would stress on the existence of a fantasy. She was already an avid Dracula fan, having read the book many times. But then being able to see a vampire and read about her great ancestors in the extensive family tree gave her goosebumps. She had so many questions, so much in her head that needed to be explained. How legitimate was the name Hellsing?

"How is any of this possible?" Jane asked looking away from the book toward integra. The woman behind the desk was leaned back into her armchair, watching Jane closely all this time. When did she stop reading the folder, Jane wondered?

Integra stood up from her chair behind her desk then sat beside Jane on the couch. The frailness of her arms, hands and shoulders put off tat she was a delicate ageing woman. Her demeanor was something entirely different however.

"The story you know, the one of Dracula and Van Hellsing, is true." She said simply and quietly. Jane was as still as stone, she held her breath as her heart skipped a beat. Leaning forward Jane's eyes strained on Integra, her lips pressed in a firm line.

"All you know, our history and the story Bram Stoker wrote is true from Rynfield to Harker, Mina and-." Integra paused for a moment he lips also in a hard line.

"Dracula?" Jane asked in a whisper, her eyes wide but concentrated on Integra. The house seeming to lean in and listen, the walls that were s white seemed dimmed. Pleasant smells of cigar smoke and paint faded to dull vapor. Warmth in the air went stale. Any pleasantness the estate had to offer decayed at the mention of his name.
"Yes." Integra continued, looking to the family tree in the book Jane held. "Even Dracula. And from that name came the many generations of Hellsing's you see in that book. All of them contributing to the creation of this great organization, against all enemies undead and unholy. Hellsing was founded from the need to defend the people from evil that they could never hope to defeat, saving the retched and ignorant masses from destruction. And we succeeded. For generations the Hellsing organization uses the power of God and domesticated monsters to fight off the evils of this world. Generations of bloodshed and sacrifice, stemmed from the actions of just one man, to protect the children of God. It is a hard and often unrewarding occupation. But it is rewarding in spirit, that people are being kept safe thanks to what we do here. It's not glorious, it's not clean, it may not even be holy in morality. But it is our duty and pride to defend against all enemies of Christ. Whether they be human or not."

Jane stared up at Integra, taking in all this information like a sponge to water. She was speechless, amazed and overwhelmed. It is a strange sensation to find what you believed to be just s story was now your entire family history.
She looked back at the book in her hands and digested the fact that each name written fought against evil their entire lives. Each one was a hero, unknown to the masses, and valiant to the end. From Van Hellsing passing down the line to her father and mother....to integra.
Jane could not imagine herself in such a position, she was nowhere close to being as heroic or people of great deeds like them. She was a waitress... a book worm, hell, a bit of a coward. So often she was terrified and scarred of the smallest things. How can a Hellsing be afraid of anything when the devil killing is their stock and trade? Devils, Monsters.... Vampires.

"If that is true..." Jane spoke softly. "Then there are such things as monsters out there?"
Integra looked down, her one cold eye piercing into Jane.

"Yes." She stated. "It's all true."

Jane couldn't help but get goosebumps, a shiver tiptoeing up her spine. At that moment she refused to ask any more questions on the matter. It felt like she was opening a door, one that she was peeking into a world beyond her grasp and understanding. If she just opened the door a tad more, the enormity of that world would crush her utterly. So, she stopped right then, for there are some things in this world Jane was better off not knowing.
Her gaze returned to the book, forcing them away from Integra to keep from being dragged into further curiosity. Though she was slightly irked when she found her name not under her father or mothers in the book. Jane leaned over to Integra and pointed this out to her.

"Should my name be here Integra?" She asked. Integra skimmed the page then chuckled to herself as if there were some joke that Jane missed.

"That is an old book it has not yet been updated to the current generation. Don't worry, that will soon change. I would prefer to have a professional do it, have it look perfect when it is time."

".... Alright." Jane said slowly. She felt in no great hurry to have her name in the book, it didn't mean that much to her. She knew who she was and didn't need a piece of paper to confirm that. But.... Wouldn't it be cool to be on the same page as her ancestors? Being apart of history for a moment. It may not have any significands one hundred years from now, but the cool factor could not be denied. As Jane pondered how her name would look among the branches of the Hellsing tree Integra got up and hobbled to her desk, lighting a cigar from her pocket swiftly. She breathed in and let the sweet smoke fill her torn lungs and mouth, slowly exhaled a swirling cloud of grey and white. Her hands shook slightly, her lips trembled as she held the cigar in her mouth. Before Integra could breathe in again a violent cough bent her like a tree. She ripped a rag from her pocket bringing it to her withered lips, heaving into it.

"Integra?" Jane called standing from the couch to help her. Integra raised a hand to silence the girl and indicate no help was needed. Turning to the windows so Jane could not see, she brough the rag to her lips and gagged into it. After her cough subsided, she found a pool of blood in the cloth. Integra returned the rag to her pocket discreetly, replaced the cigar in her mouth. A cool smirk appeared on Integra's face, putting Jane off from any harsh concern.

"Another master?" A voice asked. Integra's smirk faded in an instant, a worried but accepting expression crossing her face. Jane gasped and looked around, wide eyed, in the dark for this new speaker. But to her dismay she could not see him. What the hell was going on now? Integra pulled another cigar out of her pocket and offered it to the darkness closing in on her.

"Yes, it calms me down and I needed one. I always do." The lamp light to the office faded to a dank hue, letting the room fall into an uncomfortably close dimness- near darkness. Only the light from the night outside gave any real illumination in the office.

"Care to join me servant?" Integra asked the darkness surrounding her. A gloved hand reached out and took the cigar from Integra. Jane saw only a glimpse of

"Of course, master it would be a pleasure." Jane watched, unable to see the hidden person beside their arms in the moonlight. Rather confused and intimidated, she sat down on the couch silently, as an unknown dread crept over her. As couldn't say why, or how. But this feeling of being cold, being frightened sunk into her bones like that of a sickness.

Integra, seemingly oblivious to her cousin's panic, lit the cigar for him and watched as puffs of smoke floated from the dark into the air.

"Thank you master, it is quite delicious." Integra nodded and inhaled her cigar, now keeping a careful eye on Jane as she sat rather awkwardly, clearly confused.
There was an unpleasant silence after that where the master and secluded servant smoked and the only sound to be heard was the inhaling and puffing of smoke. Jane's breaths of slight anxiety made her fidget. She did not know why, but for some reason she was more on edge than she should have been. But with the change in atmosphere and the darkening of the air, she felt caught in an unforeseen trap.

"The smell in your office." The voice spoke. "Has changed I 'see'."

Integra side glanced. "Really now? "She said looking at Jane and moving from her desk closer to her cousin. The sound of heavy footsteps and chuckling filled the office as the shrouded figure paced. An image came to Jane's mind. A tiger in a cage prowled behind her, the moon streaking across various stripes. Jane could hear the footsteps, the growl like breath, the stench of death. Who would have a presence like that and why would Integra have such a person around? She heard steps circle around the couch she sat on, feeling a pair of eyes on the back of her neck, glaring at her. Jane dare not move or turn around, she felt that if she did, she would regret it. Paralyzed by her tension, she managed to look over to Integra, with wide eyes.

'What is going on?' She clearly mouthed but Integra did not answer. She merely watched Jane, frowning, just standing there!
Directly behind Jane she felt a darkness close in on her shoulders, then heard something sniff her, like an animal. The person was so close in proximity to her that a cold and dry winters wind danced from their lips to her prickled skin. Whoever it was chuckled again, continuing to walk around the couch.

"This one smells nice." The person said.

Integra huffed. "Keep your comments to yourself." She snapped not wanting him to scare Jane any more than she was. Jane would have said something to question what was taking place around her, but she was utterly lost for words, remaining silent. On her shoulder Jane thought she felt fingers press against her skin, but when she looked up nothing was beside her. What the fuck?

The footsteps echoed next the couch across from Jane and sat down there. She could hear him inhale the cigar slowly, exhaling another puff of cloud, flowing out around him.
She did not have to see his face to know his eyes were on her, she squirmed under the gaze but remained silent. Jane looked back to Integra wishing she would at least introduce this person or have the decency to tell her what was happening. But Integra did nothing, only stood there watching Jane, seeing what she would do.

It was unnervingly silent before the person spoke up again as the conversation was clearly going nowhere.

"Who is the woman?" Jane glared at the hidden person, irritated with both Integra and whoever else was with them. To Jane this treatment was infuriating, she was perfectly capable to speak for herself. It was as if she were not even in the room while they were talking about her!

"An important guest of mine." Integra clarified. The figure snickered, darkly, ever so slowly leaned forward from his hiding place. A broad man seeped into the moonlight, the face of eternity.
He was dressed in a red trench coat that trailed behind him, Victorian in style and to be made of heavy material. His hair, though wild, trickled down his neck in waves of midnight. Some strands of this ebony covered a pair of piercing red eyes that caressed over Jane's slim figure.

His face curled into a mocking smirk as he inhaled from the cigar between his fingers. Jane did a double take on the man, looking at him from head to toe.
Never had Jane seen someone so fantastically horrifying before. She was, to say the least, happily terrified.

He was dark. Not in skin tone but in presence. Never had she ever been so violated by merely looking at someone. The violation was not physical or even a blatant offense. The man had a sinful sort of beauty that was hellish to look upon. One of those faces that you wanted to look at, something pleasing at first, but held danger behind every pleasant expression. She was violated in both allure and complete rejection of this person merely based on his appearance. Something was wrong with him. Jane did not have the words to even greet him, she just stared at him, trying to figure out what she was looking at. Why did his face affront her so?

"See anything you like, important guest?" He asked, tilting his head and putting the cigar back in his mouth. Jane quickly shook her head, her face blushing red.

Was all Jane could say to him as she was still in wonder of him. He blew smoke at her and reclined back into the shadows when her answer was unimpressive.

"Seems I have rendered her speechless my master."

Integra sighed. Jane was doing better than Integra had expected. Women typically have a unanimous reaction when seeing Alucard. Stunned and allured is the vampire's way of luring in the prey. Jane seemed to be no different than any other woman. At least she didn't fawn over him immediately, she was more on edge than attracted. Good. "Why don't you bloody well introduce yourself, damn vampire." Integra snapped.

"Vampire?" Jane repeated, looking back to the figure across from her. She felt rather stupid that she had not guessed someone who looked like /he/ did, was a vampire. His eyes, his white skin, that smirk. There are some things humans just can't do, smirk like he did, is one of them. Not that there was anything otherworldly about the smirk but just the way his fangs peeked under his lips- that was more than enough to intimidate her.

"Yes." He said. "Vampire, good job you can say it. "Jane narrowed her eyes at him, finding him to be an unreasonably rude vampire. Seras was far better company than this bastard. She then stood abruptly from the couch and looked at her cousin.

"Integra, enough of this evasiveness, who is this person?" Jane demanded, her face red and her hands on her hips. Behind her the man manifested, took her hand in his and smiled over her shoulder. Jane gasped at his speed, silent movement and how close he was. She cowered away from him, standing by Integra making him chuckle.

"Are you frightened, important guest?" He asked.

"Hardly." Jane replied quickly, taking her hand out of his and stepping closer to Integra. "Who are you?" Jane asked point blank, losing her patience with them both. The man smirked at Jane then bowed his head a bit.

"Of course, where are my manners my name is Alucard, a pleasure to meet you, important guest." He lifted his eyes waiting for her name, looking up at her from under his thick bangs.

"My name is not important guest, it is Jane." She clarified "Jane Hellsing."At her name Alucard furrowed his brows, looking to Integra then back to Jane. Integra said nothing but held her chin up high.

Alucard stood up straight, his eyes hard and focused on the both of them as he tossed his cigar into the ash tray on Integra's desk.

"Hellsing?" He repeated to Integra, voice low.

"Good job you can say it." Jane mumbled, happy to throw his own rudeness back at him. The vampire ignored her, standing there a moment before his eyes clicked back to Jane.

"You can't be serious." He hissed glaring at Jane up and down.

"Is there a problem?" Integra narrowed her eyes.

"You honestly think /this/ will replace you? This scheme was the best you could come up with?" He snapped at the woman. Integra griped her cane tightly in her hand at his remarks, her eyes glaring a bit.

"I won't discuss it with you now, control your mouth and remember who you are talking to." Alucard rolled his eyes then grabbed Jane's arm as she backed away, he yanked her to him, causing her to scream out.
She had never been grabbed in such away, let alone by a creature like him!

"Look at her, she is pathetic a worthless child, do you truly think this insignificant civilian will take up your place and live? You are foolish."

"Let go of me!" Jane protested, pushing and struggling in Alucard's hold.

"Alucard get a bloody hold of yourself let her go, you are frightening her. This is ridicules!"

"Ridicules?" Alucard questioned, stepping into Integra's personal space and tossing Jane on the couch like a sack of potatoes. Jane recovered herself and glared at the vampire as she reached for a silver knife on the tea tray.

Alucard hovered over Integra's face, staring into her crystal eye. His shadow casting over her entire body in the dim light, while his shoulders were illuminated by the moon light. His mouth was set in a deep snarl. His lava eyes burned in Integra's ice gaze.

"This." Alucard said in a deadly softness. "Is a pathetic excuse to keep me here another lifetime. Why would you insult me by having a lowly, unworthy civilian claim your title?" He whispered so softly and deeply that Jane could not hear. Integra did not flinch or step down, she glared back directly.

"Such is not a matter I will discuss with you at this time, vampire. Now remember yourself and who you speak to." She replied with in a similar soft tone but not lacking the edge of her words.
Alucard growled, his features that once were so human like turned in to the vicious monster that was caged in his eyes. His teeth elongated into wicked sharp ivory daggers.

"Do I need to remind you of who I am and who you belong to, slave?" She asked quietly. Alucard's face twitched as the gears in his body wanted desperately to strangle his master right then and there. Yet, despite his need, he did not touch Integra. The contract binding him to the organization and the Hellsing family line forbade him from disobeying his master's orders or harming her.
So, with great hate written all over his face he lowered his head and sighed.

"Forgive my outbreak master, it was inexcusable." He said with the upmost calm voice, though was writhing with his fury inside. Integra regained her regal stature, not wanting to stir the unhinged creature any more than was necessary. However, Integra was clearly distraught with the undead slave that spoke out against her. A punishment had to be given for such disobedience.

Alucard lowered his head down toward the ground as Integra walked back to her desk. He managed to glare at Jane and snarl at her, causing the poor girl to tremble as she held the knife tightly.

"Now." Integra said returning to the seat behind her desk. "Properly reintroduce yourself to my cousin." Alucard hissed as a response, now snapping his eyes at Integra. She raised a brow at him. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

He lowered his head again and did not move for a moment. Then he finally stood up straight and walked before Jane, stopping in front of her.
Rather suddenly he took her tiny hand in his with surprising genteelness.
Alucard looked from the knife in her free hand to her caramel eyes, he huffed in amusement to her pathetic means for defense but bowed his head to her respectfully.

"Pardon my rudeness, miss Hellsing, it is a pleasure to meet you." He leaned down and kissed her hand without hesitation to which she found terrifying. She gripped the knife as tightly as she could to her chest.

Again, to her shock he kept his lips on her skin for a considerable amount of time but was in fact staring at the blue veins under her flesh. He breathed in the aroma that flowed into his nostrils from her blood, finding it to be more lovely than Seras had previously stated.
Alucard did not take the time before to deeply breath her in but now that he was this close to her, the scent of blood overwhelmed him. The girl was truly mouthwatering and no doubt, a delicious specimen should he ever have the pleasure of drinking her blood. She smelt.... like Integra.

Alucard finally lifted his lips from her hand smirking as his fangs resting on his voluptuous, bottom lip. The silence was broken by his soft chuckling, his gaze on Jane once more , this time his eyes flowed into hers, giving off a completely different effect.

She took this brief and strange opportunity to get a good look at him. He had the most mysterious features that Jane had ever seen. His red eyes, tinted with orange flames, gazed down on her like a hawk. She felt small and powerless looking into those eyes, to say no matter how hard she wished to escape them, she never would.
The shadows, cast by the moonlight in his face, allowed the darkness of his features to deepen with length. There was so much depth in his expression. His black, shoulder length hair, smooth angular face, voluptuous, soft, full lips, and tall, broad, terrifying stature made a horror of a man. Every little detail about him tingled in her mind with gut tugging surges.

Jane did not have to know Alucard personally to know that this creature was dangerously unhinged and lethal. Jane felt off pure instinct that she was in the presence of something far more dark, powerful, and insane than anything she had seen or heard of before. It was like an instinct from ages past that alerted her of the danger. A terrifying sensation to be near such a beast, so close to death without a barrier of time to separate them. At this realization Jane felt truly threatened and quickly took her hand from his, leaning away from the burning eyes. Alucard leaned in after her, a smirk on his face that could only mean trouble for her. In fear she snapped the knife in front of him, keeping him back.

"Don't come near me." She spat a little breathlessly. Alucard snarled as he did not like to be denied his fun. But he regained his cool smirk and, for his own reasons, remained uncomfortably close to her.
He smacked the knife out of her hand sending it clattering on the floor. Once Jane was defenseless, she curled away from him against the couch as he stared at her like a piece of meat. Alucard reached out to touch her neck and would have succeeded, but Integra had enough of his games and stopped him.

"Alucard that is enough." She ordered. Alucard growled at being denied, lowering his hand from Jane. He then stood straight and tall, waking back to Integra's desk. The sides of his large trench coat waved behind him, sliding over Jane's legs, slowly. She felt a jolt of electricity snap through her when the coat traveled over her thigh making Alucard chuckle and Jane's hair stand on end.

Integra glared at the vampire keeping her eyes on him. She had no idea what Alucard was thinking now or why his attitude had changed drastically with in the last few seconds. But she did not like it.
Jane sat absently on the couch having a difficult time understanding what just happened. So, feeling herself at wits end she stood from the couch with a forced smile.

"Well I really appreciate seeing your house Integra, I had a wonderful time. But I have to go home now."
Both Integra and Alucard looked at her with wide eyes, each with their own reason.

"Already?" Integra questioned.

"Yes. "Jane said, unable to be in the same room with that vampire a second longer. His presence was enough to drive her insane she had to get out quickly. "I am so sorry I really had meant to stay longer but I just realized I have things to do in the morning and need some sleep." She said with the up most sincerity.

"Things to do is the worst excuse I have ever heard." Alucard shook his head seeing right through her lie, arms crossed and eyes on her.

"Silence." Integra hissed as she narrowed her eyes toward Jane. She knew the girl was lying however, Integra was no fool and thought it best if she did leave." Very well, I will have Thomas escort you out." She said coming around the desk to stand before her cousin.
"It was lovely to see you again Jane."

"You to." Jane said, giving her a quick hug around the middle. Her dark eyes getting one last glance at the beast behind them.

"Wait in the main foray, just follow the way you came in. Thomas will take you out from there. Do you remember how to get there?"

"Yes, I can manage." Jane said quickly heading toward the door, not wasting a second to leave. Integra nodded, rather downtrodden, watching as Jane made all speed to leave her office. She waited until Jane had gone before looking at Alucard with a fire in her ice like eye.

"What the hell were you thinking?" She asked when they were alone. Her tone as sharp as nails and her temperate turned vicious.

Alucard raised a brow, his form leaning against her desk leisurely.
"That is a very broad question my master. What do you mean?" He replied, his tone never losing its amused snap back. Integra always had to grit and bare his antics. But this later was personal.

"I mean why did you act so differently once you got close to her. I know you; you wouldn't do that without a personal interest or motive. What was going through your head?"

Alucard shrugged but could not stop the smirk that kept crawling upward on his face. Integra saw it, he did not even try to hide it.

"Alucard." She warned, her voice dropping a few tones. "What are you planning?"

"Planning?" He chirped.
"Oh, nothing master, the lady just has a very appealing scent. Sweet and pure, fresh. Her blood must taste divine." He speculated, giving a cat like grin to Integra. She rolled her eyes.

"Unfortunately for you, she is to be your next master, not your future meal. So, forget what she smells like and focus." She snapped.
Alucard raised a brow, a more serious and almost unamused expression crossing his chiseled features. Far be it from anyone, including his master to say he could not have blood. It was like commanding someone to not breath.

"Are you denying me blood?" He asked coolly, crossing a leg over his knee as he sat on her desk.

"I am forbidding you from her blood, any other's blood is of no concern to me. In blood packs that is. I told you before. Special types are not given. They are earned. And your behavior of late tempts me to hardly give you a single drop of blood."

His deep breaths cracking into insane like laughter.
"The blood is mine and only mine Integra. You know this. None, not even you, my master, can push me away from my right, nor will I let you." He smirked devilishly from under his thick strands of hair. Challenging Integra on a level she knows she could never compete with him on.
Yes, she could withhold blood from him, she could deny him easily without a second thought. But even if she did so he would find ways around it. He longed to serve her and for her to command him. Yet When Alucard had his mind set on something he found ways to get it. Much to her anger and disapproval.

"I do not give a damn about your rights or so-called entitlements. As far as I am concerned you have none. So shut your trap and keep such things to yourself. I am your master and I control what you can or cannot have. Jane's blood is not for you, you cannot have it. " Integra demanded.
Alucard lowered his head again, yet kept a wicked smirk on his face, unaffected by his master's words to subdue him.

"You know my master the longer you separate me from my red desire the longer I continue to suffer through the urge. I could decimate any supply of blood here. I will drain every drop of blood, virgin or not. And if you delay what I want for too long I just may snap and go completely insane."

Alucard amused himself, finding it somewhat funny that acting as if going insane were not already an issue for him.

"Then go insane."
Integra said simply.
"It would not bother me in the slightest. All I hear from you is excuses and empty threats to try and snatch what you want. You have plenty of blood to drink and will somehow manage without her blood. Blackmailing or threatened me is not an effective way to have any blood you wish just because you wish it."

"Are you sure?" He asked leaning in close to her. Integra glanced at him, then tossed her burnt out cigar to an ash tray, blowing the remnant of the smoke at him.

"Quite." She chirped. "I am sure you have had this blood lust before and it has passed without the consumption of living, virgin blood. So, you will contain yourself and drop any ideas of drinking from Jane." He gazed at Integra directly in her eye, finding that she was right, but continued his taunting. He leaned so close that his nose brushed against her cheek.

"Why do you care if I have my way with the little human's blood. I do not believe she is anything more than a lowly civilian. A peasant. " He mused. " I may not be an omnipotent being however, I do not recall you having any cousins, so I believe this girl is nothing but a fake. I believe she is a cheap lie you created to keep me caged after you die. I don't know nor can fathom how you made her blood smell near to yours. It is a neat trick. But simple facts in this situation seem too farfetched for me to simply accept that this is you heir. This child is nothing but a fake. Therefore, I have all the right in the world to take her blood."

"I forbid it!" Integra hissed, turning on him with such fire and venom on her tongue.

Alucard smirked. "Oh, do you? Well if she is truly your cousin then you must prove it to me. Tell me the lies you have come up with, make me believe she is something she is not."
He pushed, not letting this down.
Integra shot dagger at him, and if looks could kill the undead beast would have dropped dead. She hated being forced into something and being subdued to the will of others. Especially his. But in this situation, he had a point in wanting to know the truth. And that yes, the facts were too convenient to be true. But it was no lie.

"She is Richard's daughter and the last Hellsing."
Integra said slowly. Alucard stared blankly at his master's face seeming to be un phased by her words. That is until a wicked smirk cracked on his face that spread from ear to ear. He then quickly went into a launching fit to where he had to clutch his sides harshly. His laughter soon rattled the air as the office seemed to tremble at Alucard's amusement.

"Your uncle!" He bellowed. "That is perfect, absolutely divine master!" He flipped his head back cackling like a mad man. "The man who tried to kill you as a child shall take Hellsing with his child. Such a convenient lie to sway me but I am not so blind to believe such a tail! You really must be desperate to keep me so locked up. Perhaps I should just keep my self-restrained to save you the trouble of creating such stories."

"I do not lie!" Integra roared causing Alucard's amusement to be cut short. "Do you think I would fall to such a sin as lying, is your idea of me so low? I tell you that if I had a choice I would have not come to this resort and had a child of my own take my place. But you know as well as I that that can never be! What else was I to do when the end of my family came to me, when I have missed any opportunity to have children? There was no other choice but to take the last possible option and use it to save my name!"

Alucard sneered at her defense. Painfully aware of the fact Integra could not have children if we own. His chest heaved slightly, and his nostrils flared. His joking tone now gone.

"Fine words but why should I or any other member of this organization believe such a story? Your uncle was killed by your own hands nearly forty years ago. Jane would be only a few years younger than you if she was his daughter and yet she appears to be in her twenties. If she was Richard's daughter then she would be older, the facts do not add up. Also, there is no record of a Jane Hellsing anywhere in the past fifty years of this family, I would have noticed if there was."

"Of course, she is not in the records you idiot!" Integra slammed her fist on the desk. "How could it be safe for her growing up with a defenseless mother to protect her; while living in the most unstable city on earth? If I had announced her as the next Hellsing another like her father would have come to kill her finishing the family for good and taking the estate when I die. I had to make positive she remained as invisible to the government and our enemies as possible, even from you."

Alucard felt slightly conflicted that Integra refused to tell him of another Hellsing in London. He would have thought something as important as this would have been made known to him immediately. But clearly that was not the case.

"Explain why she is so young when her mother was left as a widow for so long." He pressed, wanting all the facts on the situation.

"As Jane's mother told me, her father had a low seed count and had what he could give saved so that his wife could bear children for him. After the death of her husband Katherine left London for America. Wanting to be as far away from is as possible. But shortly after the attack in London I received a call from her mother asking for my permission to use her husband's supply to have a child of her own.
She was a faithful woman and did not remarry and thought it would honor her husband's memory to have a child from him and her. She was depressed, void of happiness and unable to find a new life in America. The recollection and loss of her husband was a blow to her. So, I approved her request and asked that she come back to England and live at the estate, so her child would be raised correctly.
Katherine however, refused as she did not want Jane to be raised in luxury and become like her father. Or be near the vampires in fears that you or any other undead thing would murder her only child.
I cautiously agreed, coming to the terms that they should at least live in London.
So, Katherine took the concentration of seed her husband left, became pregnant and raised Jane by herself as a construction worker. I have kept a close eye on them since then ensuring she and Jane were protected.
Even when you returned from being gone for so long, I made sure to keep Jane a secret. I needed to make sure she could handle all of this before revealing the truth."

Alucard stared at his master a moment. Taking in all the information she was laying before him. Is was quiet a lot to process. Yet despite that he started chuckling again as shook his head at her.

"So, then your uncle will indeed lead Hellsing after all, oh the irony. You who killed him so long ago only to have his child take over for you when you die. Oh God how sweet is this disgusting arrangement! How about I end your shame for this and kill her before she takes the title?" He suggested, raising a brow as if his idea was worth considering.
Integra's face however, contorted in rage.

"You dare not lay a hand on that girl when she is under my protection?"

"What would it matter?" He urged. "She is unfit to lead this organization regardless of whose child she is and what she knows of the organization. I shall not call master to such a one as her. The dishonor of something like that is too low for you to sink my master. Simply let me have her blood, you rest in peace, and I acquire my freedom." He raises his arms up as if he had already won, and the victory was his. "Everyone wins in that scenario."

Integra narrowed her piercing eye at him, clearly not convinced.

"No Alucard, she knows better than that and you do too despite your blatant stupidity. After all we have been through, you would defy me and my family line?"

Alucard glanced at her for only a second then allowed his face to fade in shadow.

"Perhaps" He said quietly.
Integra's breath caught in her chest as she felt some part inside her break at his cruelty. Yet he continued speak despite her clear shock. " I see that law as a challenge not a rule. All I need is time."
He looked to Integra, bowing respectfully with every bit of genuine loyalty to her. "And you my lovely master, are running out of that. "There were times when his charming manner caught her off guard and she enjoyed his company. He could make for a great friend a protector; but also, a hardheaded and difficult opponent when it came to arguments.

"I am aware of that." She said softly but with an edge. "It is a pity though that you would say such things and plan to kill an innocent person just to earn freedom."
She said, perhaps trying to make him see the wrong he was proposing.
Alucard laughed at that.

"There have been worse situations." Alucard pointed out, not swayed by her attempt at his sympathies. "Besides the girl should thank me. In killing her I would be saving her from the stress of your job."

"She doesn't know yet Alucard." Integra announced. "Jane does not know she is to be the next Hellsing, I only told her of what Hellsing was. Not that she is to be the owner of it."

Alucard laughed out even louder at her words, the details and surprises of the conversation continuing to add up.

"You know, if I were you, I would have gone about this entire thing the exact opposite. Not telling the child a damn thing is not going to work in your benefit. Like any human she will rebel, she will 'fight for her right' and overreact. I highly doubt this will go as you plan. Better to just give up now than try this stupid scheme and burn the organization down."

Integra stalked silent as she sunk back behind her desk and into her armchair listening to his words. In the chambers of her mind she knew he was right. Already she had made too many mistakes. Errors in her judgment that would affect the immediate and distant future. But there was no way for her to stop now. At least to her it was. So, she shook her head slowly, a withered sigh escaping her lips.
"If that is how this all ends, then so be it. But you must know my mind will not be changed. She will be the heir."
Alucard allowed a small, almost defeated from grace his lips as he nodded. The future suddenly becoming a bit more interesting for all of them.

"Yes, my master. I know."

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