Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

196K 10.6K 523

The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV

Chapter XV

3.4K 185 4
By Krazy_Kupid

[XV.] At Dusk

It was quiet. Too quiet, in fact.

For days now, all she could hear through her door were the sounds of clanging armor and heavy footfalls. But today, there was nothing. 

Normally, the silence comforted her. The solemnity of the emptiness calmed her senses, slowing down the beating of her heart until she could simply be. However, the silence that surrounded the hall felt ominous. 

It scared her. It felt as if they were all waiting for something to happen, for the next loud sound to break through the air before everyone could return to their clockwork movement. Every second, every tick of the clock did not ease her in any way. 

The prince may have been dead and the queen may have gone but the war was not over until the king was dead. The king who had gone mad. The king who would rather kill every person that stands in his way, even if it meant killing everyone in the Seven Kingdoms. 

A sigh left her just as a knock sounded on her door. Looking up from her book, Cassandra called out. "Come in." 

At her response, a servant came in carrying a tray of food. From the smell of it, it was vegetable stew. It was a sign of things. The capital was running out of food to eat that even the keep could not provide as well as it did for its inhabitants.

After setting the tray down in front of her, the servant left immediately. After all, no one wanted to associate with the supposed traitor to the crown. 

Cassandra was just about to push the tray away from her when her eyes landed on something inconspicuous, hidden by the bowl of stew. Lifting the plate, she saw a small piece of parchment with a few words written on it in familiar handwriting. 


The docks. Be ready. All of us will leave here. 


At those words, Cassandra felt her body surge with hope. Gods, Ashara was brilliant. They could escape. Far away from all of this war and suffering. She stood from her seat and looked around the room, looking around for things that she does not wish to leave behind.

Grabbing a satchel, she filled it with some of her simple clothes before picking out a cloak. There was only one thing left. She had to escape from this dreaded room and find her way to Flea Bottom to locate Owain. There was no way she would be leaving him here.

Then it was straight to the docks to leave the godforsaken city. Grabbing the stowed pair of boots, she hurriedly laced them on as she recounted all the ways she could leave the keep without being spotted. 

With nothing to do all day, she had been ingrained to listen in whenever her guards would change rotation. It was just a little after noon which meant she only had a few minutes before her guards changed. Usually, they would leave early before they were relieved by the next set. 

She had thought about escaping about once or twice but there was always a flaw in her plan. That flaw being that she refused to leave the Red Keep without her friends and without Owain. Now that she knew that there was a way to leave without being seen, with all of them together, she could finally enact a plan she had thought of. 

Below her window was a small balcony reserved for servants to store crates and liquor. It was a couple of feet down but with something as sturdy as her curtains, she could lower herself upon it and escape through the servants' halls. No one would look twice at her. 

She waited in bated breath as the guards left their posts, their loud metal boots sounding upon the floors, the echoing of it growing farther and farther. Cassandra took that as her cue, pulling on her curtains until the metal bars gave way, the drapes falling to the floor in a heap. 

With hasty actions, she began to tie one end of the drapes to her bedpost, testing out its strength. She threw the other end to the balcony and positioned herself on the ledge. However, before she could swing her leg over, the doors to her chambers opened. 

Cassandra turned quickly, attempting to hide the drapes behind her back though it was all for naught. Her eyes were wide, praying to all the gods that she would still have a chance, to survive, to escape. 

"What do we have here?" Lord Varys strode into the room, shutting the door behind him. His eyes zeroed in on her satchel and on the curtains tied to her bed frame. Only an idiot would not see what she was planning on doing. 

Cassandra opened her mouth to utter some type of excuse, not knowing the other man very well. Perhaps she could look to him for understanding. "Lord Varys, I-" 

Lord Varys raised a hand, stopping her. Instead of anger or deceit, he only looked at her with what looked like sadness. "Please, Lady Cassandra, there is no need. I am only sorry that you did not leave much earlier." 

"Why are you here?" Cassandra asked, unmoving as she stood defensively. Her eyes shifted from the man in front of her and to the balcony she had been planning on jumping to. 

"I am to accompany you to the throne room." Lord Varys answered, gesturing for her to go with him. 

"I'm not going back there. Not after what happened last time." Cassandra shook her head as she began to feel imaginary tremors run up her arms, refusing immediately. She could still hear the echoes of Lord Rickard and Brandon Stark's screams, both in her nightmares and in her waking hours. She did not think she could ever go back there again. 

"I'm afraid you have no choice." Lord Varys sighed, having the courtesy to look despaired by his own actions. "You know that there will be consequences if you do not. Please."

Knowing that there was no other way out of this, Cassandra raised her head and removed the satchel from her body. It took everything in her not to break as her failure began to seep into her form. 

With what dignity she still had left, she took the arm that Lord Varys was offering, suppressing every urge to attempt escape. Elia and Ashara would just have to leave without her. At least, she could take comfort in the fact that they would be far away from this treacherous place. 

"Do not despair. You would not have succeeded either way. All entrances are guarded and there is pillaging in the streets. Much have suffered this day." Lord Varys spoke, his eyes straying to the direction of the city as he recalled the news that was delivered to him early that day. 

Cassandra turned to him, cold horror creeping into her veins at his words. "Pillaging?"

Lord Varys answered, acceptance dawning on him that he had failed to save the people of the city. He had failed in stopping Tywin Lannister from entering King's Landing. "The Lannister army. I suppose, in support of your brother." 

"Gods," Cassandra uttered to herself, praying that the children were alright, that they had hidden and gotten out in time. Even when everything in her told her that it was wishful thinking. It was then that she spotted a familiar head of raven hair surrounded by guards. "Elia? Where are they taking her?" 

Lord Varys explained, continuing to lead her away, to the throne room. "To her chambers, I assume. For her safety." 

"Elia! Elia!" Cassandra called out desperately, trying to wrangle her arm free to get to her friend. 

The princess did not even turn her head, did not even look up at the sound of her voice. She looked as though she had already given up, like a person being led away for their execution. A woman who had already accepted her fate. 

Cassandra knew then. There would be no escape. There would be no ship at the harbor. There would be no distant land they could escape to. There was no way out of this. 

There would only be fire and ruin.


Cassandra stood before the Iron Throne, head bent in defeat. 

The king remained seated upon it, a mad glint in his eyes. His hair was unkempt, the long silver tresses lay in tangles. His nails were long and ghastly, yellowing at the ends like some kind of animal. His arms were littered with cuts from the throne, his scabs and wounds making him more like a leper than a monarch. 

Ser Jaime stood beside her, keeping close and for that she was grateful. For the entirety of the war, he had tried to protect her. In a way, they were the same. They were both kept close to the king as a last resort, Jaime to keep Lord Tywin at bay and Cassandra to threaten Robert and Ned. 

Though she supposed that time was now, with the Lannister army pillaging King's Landing. If she were to die, she would do it facing her death with a proud look. She would not beg. With all the strength she had left, she would accept it. 

The two could only remain unmoving as the king gave instructions to Lord Rossart, his pyromancer, to ignite the caches of wildfire and burn the city to the ground. They were all to perish. The once great city succumbed to ashes. 

She would cry if she had any tears left but at that moment, she knew there could be no savior to arrive just in time. She could only pray that the gods receive them into a place of no suffering in the end. That she could see her friends once more. 

"As for you, Ser Jaime, you have one last chance to prove your loyalty to me." King Aerys announced, a mad smirk growing on his face. "Bring me your father's head."

Cassandra's head snapped up at his words, turning to the young man beside her as he paled immensely at the command he was given. At the end of the day, he was still on the cusp of manhood despite being named to the Kingsguard. And he had just been commanded to kill his father. 

Ser Jaime opened his mouth, knowing that any protest was for naught but trying to twist his words in a way that would still appease the king. "Your Grace, I-" 

The Mad King challenged, standing from his throne and descending the steps to stand before them. "You would defy me for your traitorous father?" 

Cassandra barely suppressed a flinch at the king's nearness, his foul stench permeating the air like an inescapable plague. In a way that was what he was, a plague to the realm. At the thought, she was filled with rage, he was but a plague that they needed to be rid of. 

Ser Jaime reasoned, now begging. "Please, I would do anything but-" 

The Mad King grabbed Cassandra by her hair, making her cry out before presenting the young knight with an impossible choice. "Bring me your father's head or run Lady Baratheon through. The choice is yours." 

Ser Jaime gazed at her in shock, the conflict raging in his eyes as he stared at a woman he considered a friend. "Cassandra," 

Not wanting the Mad King to win and get what he wants, Cassandra assured the man in front of her. "It's alright, Jaime." 

There was no hesitation in the young knight as he declared without question. "No, I will not-I can't do that." 

The Mad King let out a victorious laugh, letting go of the young woman without care. "Then it is settled. Hurry Ser Jaime, time is of the essence if you wish to be by my side at my greatest achievement." 

With one last look sent her way, Jaime left immediately with a new plan growing in his mind as he refused to be a pawn for such a man any longer. 

Cassandra breathed heavily, her fists clenching as her uncle towered over her. Her raven hair ran in tangles down her back.

The Mad King spoke in mock concern, his tone condescending as he brandished a dagger threateningly, though in his hands it looked pathetic. "Little Cassandra Baratheon with traitorous brothers and a fickle betrothed. I almost pity you enough not to kill you." 

Cassandra decided then and there that if she were to die, she would not die helplessly. She was the Tempest of Stormsend and the seven hells would freeze over before she allowed such a man to best her. "I do not pity you for what you are. You are a monster and I will not seek your mercy." 

King Aerys moved to grab her, his teeth bared. "Then you will die." 

"If I must." Cassandra returned, reaching for the dagger in his hands.

The two struggled for the dagger, the king's nails digging into Cassandra's forearms but she refused to let go, kicking at his legs. He yowled in pain, letting go of her for a second. However, it was all she needed as she wrangled the knife from his hold.

She slashed at him fiercely, striking his side. He fell to the ground and she felt a sick sense of satisfaction at seeing him crawling on the floor, clutching his side. Cassandra raised the dagger above her head but before she could do so, the king recovered quickly clawing at her hair painfully. 

Cassandra cried out in pain and the king, as if knowing how important it was to her, used the dagger in her hand to cut her long raven locks. The shock of it all caused her to freeze and the Mad King, grabbed her by the neck, stealing the dagger back and pressing it to her throat. 

Yet before he could slit her throat and end her life, a voice called out from the large double doors of the throne room. 

"Your Grace!" Ser Jaime called out, horror on his face and blood on his sword as he stared at the scene unfolding in front of him. 

"Ser Jaime. Good, just in time to see this wretch die." The king sneered, a sick glee present on his face. 

Jaime approached them cautiously as he answered. "Your pyromancer is dead. You have lost. The Lannister army will enter the keep soon. Let her go." 

The king let out a gasp of indignation, denial overcoming his being. "No! I am the dragon and I will not stand for this!" 

At his distraction, Cassandra pushed away from the king and fell to the ground, just in time for Ser Jaime to run his sword through the madman who had ruined their lives. The young knight pulled his sword free, breathing heavily as he stared at the corpse of their tormentor, knowing that he would be branded an oathbreaker. 

He turned to look at Cassandra, only to see her barely conscious. He dropped to his knees, pulling her into his lap as he tried to do something. Anything. This could not be the end. "Cassandra! Gods, keep your eyes open." 

Cassandra's azure eyes blinked open, glassy as she carefully asked. "Is it done? Did we win?" 

Like the young boy that he is, Jaime nodded, stroking through her short hair gently. "He's gone. We're safe. All of us."

Cassandra hoped that everything would be alright. The war was over. The mad king was dead. Elia, the children, Ashara, Owain, they would be alright. There had been many losses but hopefully, after this, they could still have some semblance of a life. 


As her eyes drifted shut, Jaime could only plead for somebody, anybody to arrive as he tried to get her to stay awake. His cries echoed loudly against the wall of the empty throne room. 

The war may have been over but it seemed this tragedy was far from the end. 


Hello everyonee!! So sorry for the wait, uni was hectic but will be uploading much more since finals are almost over :>> Anywho, this chapter is full of subtle details that will be very important in the future so try to spot thosee teehee.

We will soon be dealing with the aftermath of the rebellion and well, it's not going to be pretty. However, we will be seeing a reunion in the next chapter so that's something to look forward to. Thank you all so much for waiting, sending you all my love <33

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