Irl DreamSMP oneshots


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Oneshots based on mainly most of those who are in the DreamSMP and sometimes others. As the title says the o... More

Please read this before you start reading
Floatie (Tommyinnit)
Fracture (KarlJacobs)
Left Out (Ranboo)
Sick (Tommyinnit)
Low Blood Sugar (Bench Trio)
Glasses (Crimeboys)
You've got to do it (Georgenotfound)
The Meet Up (Dream Team)
Peanut Allergy (Quackity)
Do a flip (Tubbo)
Spider (Sapnap)
Jaw (Eret)
I'm not? (Wilbur Soot)
You did great! (DreamNotFound)
Drunk (Tommyinnit)
Stupid? (Foolish)
Uh Sir? (Tommyinnit)
Scoliosis (Dream)
Th's Gross (Tommyinnit)
Nick, do it (Georgenotfound)
Halloween Costumes (DreamTeam)
Just Dance (Karlnap)
Theme Tunes
Happy Birthday (Georgenotfound)
Thanks guys (Ranboo)
Halloween (Ranboo)
Ow, fuck (Sapnap)
Cleaning (Crimeboys)
Headache (Tommyinnit)
Stealing Food (DreamTeam)
Curtains (Quackity)
Jet (Georgenotfound)
Warm (Tina Kitten)
Stupid Ladders (Tommyinnit)
Sex Sells (Crimeboys)
Stood Up (Jack Manifold|Tommyinnit)
I was (Wilbur Soot)
Beaker (Badlinu)
oh. (Tubbo)
Catboo (Ranboo)
Lost (ClingyDuo)
Tattoos (DTQ)
Weary (Tommyinnit)
Sushi (Karl Jacobs)
Pancakes (Tubbo)
Thank you (Lovejoy|Tommyinnit)
In-laws (DreamTeam)
Chlorine (Tommyinnit)
Rat (Quackity)
Antarctica (Dreamnotfound)
Locked in (Crimeboys)
Tour (Crimeboys)
Be careful (Tubbo|Smajor)
Blue meets brown (Crimeboys)
If Tommy says it'll pass soon, then Tubbo believes him. (Clingy Duo)
A sign of his love. Their love. (Crimeboys)
If he breaks it, his heart breaks too (Jack Manifold|Tommyinnit)
It was meant to be (Crimeboys)
The foot raised. The foot landed. The foot slipped. (Crimeboys)
Doubt wrapped in a blanket (Crimeboys)
negative outweighs the positive (Smajor|Wilbur Soot)
The suit that will never even graze his hand again (Crimeboys)
Each word collected added to his collage (Crimeboys)
I was dancing in the rain, i felt alive and i can't complain (Crimeboys)
We have all the time in the world, Sunshine, just relax (Crimeboys)
'The metal contraptions of death' (Crimeboys)
The foot raised. The foot landed. The foot slipped. Good ending (Crimeboys)
He cried over the memories but lack of emotion attached to them (crimeboys)
The emotions a lyric can hold (crimeboys)
Tommy didn't mind(crimeboys)

Sunburn (Georgenotfound)

354 8 1

This oneshot may contain inappropriate  language. If a warning needs to be added please let me know.
Side note — Schools starting in a day for me so updates may be even slower than usual!
Warning(s) — none
Content Creators — Georgenotfound, Dream and Sapnap
It's George's first time at a beach. Well, at a proper beach anyways. The beaches back in England aren't nearly as enjoyable. There they have rocks and pebbles that's lead into the water, here they have sand that gets uncomfortably between your toes.

As George looks around he sees families packed under different coloured umbrellas, little kids making sandcastles in the sand, teenagers swimming in the waves with their friends. George's never seen a beach so bright.

By bright, he means happy. He's never seen so many families smiling and having such a good time at the beach. He's never been to a beach where the weather is actually appropriate to swim in.

When he was younger, he, his sister, and his parents had gone to the local beach a number of three times in total throughout the years. It was... something. It was neither good or bad, it was just something that happened. He and his sister would splash in the water for a few minutes before quickly getting out as it was freezing, then they'd just sit on the hard rocks for an hour until his parents deemed it time to go home.

But now, now, he's going to be able to swim longer than five minutes. Now, he's going to be able to sit comfortably on sand, maybe even make a few castles or holes with it. Now, he's going to be able to have an enjoyable time at the beach with his two best friends in the entire world.

"You coming?" Sapnap asks George, following Dream's lead to find a good place on the sand to keep their stuff.

George blinks back to the Now, quickly closing his mouth and following along. The both of them jog after a running Dream, the sand burning the soles of George's feet. He had yelped when he first started running along the hot sand but now it's turned into giggles and laughs.

After what George feels was an hour of pain, which was probably less than two minutes, Dream chooses their spot and lies a towel down.

"Oh my god," George sighs in relief when the shade of the umbrella Dream and Sapnap set up covers his body, more importantly, his feet.

"Welcome to Florida George." Dream throws his shirt on top of the bags they brought, Sapnap doing the same thing right after. George had chucked his shirt off and stuffed it into the bag as soon as they set the towel down, he wanted to just run straight into the sea of water but of course, he had to wait.

Dream throws his arm around George's shoulders and beams down at him, Sapnap choosing to just put a hand on his shoulder, but grinning just the same. He knows they're just as excited as he his from the glint in their eyes.

"C'mon, race you guys to the water!" Dream exclaims, beelining to the ocean ahead. Obviously, George isn't going to let him win so he quickly runs after, the burning of his feet doesn't bother him as soon enough, he crashes into the water.

The first thing he notices is that it's cold but... warm? It's nice, nicer than the beaches at England. He feels as if he could stay in the water for days, it's refreshing to say the least.

He takes takes a deep breath in when he resurfaces. "Is the water always this nice?" He asks in surprise.

"Oh yeah, always." Dream answers him, splashing down into the water and floating on his back.

"I would've gone to the beach all the time as a kid if it were like this." George beams, copying Dream by floating on his back.

They stay like that for a few minutes, just in a warm silence. It's all just as George imagined back in England; Early mornings together, adventures together, shopping trips together, movie nights together, swimming at beaches together...

He's been wanting this since they all become close, and well, here he is! His dream right in front of him.

His thoughts get disrupted by a large splash of water hitting him in his face.


Apparently he wasn't the only one. He rubs the water out of his eyes and sits up; they haven't even made it past the seabed yet. He's welcomed by Sapnap rolling his eyes at both him and Dream, and Dream frowning playfully in Nicks direction.

"What was that for?" Dream continues on, weakly sending a splash of water Sapnap's way.

"We haven't even made it past the seabed!" He points out, "Come on! We've got to go our further!"

George supposed he's right, they can't stay here relaxing as small waves wash over them. No, they've got to go splash in the waves and try to drown each other... playfully of course.

"Alright, fine." George rolls his eyes jokingly. He and Dream stand up and the three of them head further out into the water; to the point where their feet no longer touch the seabed.

They should've brought surfboard to ride the waves, George figures. Oh well, he'll just have to remember that for next time.

The waves are tall but not tall enough to completely dunk them under the water. Sapnap quickly takes to swimming through the waves, which George doesn't really understand considering the amount of seaweed the waves suck in. Let's just say, George just doesn't like the look or feel of seaweed, but Dream doesn't seem to share the same hatred as he picks up and throws the seaweed and him and Sapnap.

"Ew ew ew," George shrieks, throwing the seaweed off himself and back into the ocean, or on Sapnap, both seem to work.

"Don't throw them at me!" Sapnap shrieks just the same, lunging it back to its throw-ee, Dream.

"Not a fan of seaweed?" Dream chuckles and flicks it back into the water. George scrunches up his nose in disgust, "Most definitely not, it's all gross and slimy."

"Vouch. How can you stand to touch it? It's fucking gross like George said." George points to Sapnap and gives a see expression to Dream.

Dream rolls his eyes, "Whatever, you're all just wimps." As soon as the words leave his mouth, he's being tackled by the youngest of their group into the water.

George laughs as Dream resurfaces and begins coughing his lungs up, exclaiming that he didn't have a chance to breathe before being pushed under, resulting in water being breathed in instead.

This continues on for the next few hours. They continue splashing around in the waves, throwing around insults here and there. They relax for a bit as well, electing to just float and chat.

Eventually, they get out and take it upon themselves to make a little village in the sand not too far away from their stuff. They use the bucket, that was a last minute thought item, and make a few building next to each other. Soon enough, each one has a few windows and a door, as well as a few decorations they found in the sand. It's not exactly ideal, as some of the buildings are lop-sided and some are a bit destroyed, but it's good enough for them. And if they manage to dig up a few blue crabs in the sand, place them in the village, and deem it Crab Village? Well, who's going to stop them?

"We've had a good run Crab Village, but now it's time to leave this place behind and seek greater things." The three of them salute as Dream speaks. Sapnap and George share a look and their mouths twitch slightly, the want for all three of them to just burst into laughter is there, and it's big.

"Fair-well crab village."

Like before, Dream and Sapnap dismember the umbrella and get it back in its case. Dream shakes off the towel that had been laying under it and rolls it into one of the bags. They had brought two; one has a few snacks along with the bucket, and the other has the towels, although they don't really need them since they dried off from the sun (something George isn't very used too).

"You know it wouldn't kill you to help, George." Sapnap comments, hand on his hip as he glares weakly at George, who has a smug look on his face as he stands off to the side watching.

"Yeahhhh... but you see Nick, I don't really want to." He replies smugly.

"C'mon George, you can at least carry one of the bags to the car." Dream reasons, hoisting the umbrella over his shoulder as he does.

"Fine fine."

It only takes them five minutes to gather all their stuff and put it all into the boot of Dream's, and George's only way of transport, car.

It wasn't exactly needed back in the UK to know how to drive. Everything everyone needed was a quick walk away from their houses or apartments. Most walked and some rode bikes around, like George. So, it doesn't need to be said that George: one, doesn't have a drivers licence, and two, doesn't know how to drive.

George learnt quickly though that in Florida, nothing is really a short walking or bike trip compared to wear he lived. Now he gets lifts from Dream when or if he needs to go somewhere or on the odd occasion, he'll get a taxi.

It takes them two hours to get back home with Dream driving, Sapnap in the passenger seat and George kicked to the back. A deal was made that George got to sit in the front on the way there, and Sapnap on the way back. But, the perks on being in the backseat is that you get to control the music.

The ride consisted of listening to genuine music they all like (mostly George), Dreams music (they love to embarrass him), and joke songs like heatwaves, ect.
They also stop at a Wendy's per Sapnap's request, but they couldn't complain, they were also hungry too. Plus it's late so they considered it dinner, no complaints.

"Georgeeeee" Sapnap shakes George awake, or at least tries, he knows by now that it's almost impossible.

"Clay! He isn't waking up!" Dream shakes his head and huffs a laugh. He didn't expect him too.

"Just leave him, we'll put all the stuff in the house first." Sapnap nods, trying one last time before ultimately giving up. He leaves the backseat door open and walks round to the boot. He collects the bags as Dream takes the umbrella.

"He's such a prick, he's probably fake sleeping so he doesn't have to help bring everything in." Sapnap mutters to Dream as they lunge the stuff to the front door. "Why, just why does the front door have to be soooo far away from the driveway." Dream complains, pulling his keys out of his pocket with his free hand.

Once Dream unlocks the door, Sapnap quickly walks through and dramatically places the bags on the dining table, while Dream carries the umbrella to the garage.

Sapnap's the kind of person to go on holiday for a week and leave all his belongings in his suitcase, then come home and wait a few days before unpacking it all. Dream on the other hand, he's the kind of person who, as soon as he gets to the hotel, will start unpacking all his clothes into the wardrobe and will put his toothbrush, toothpaste, ect in the bathroom, as soon as he gets home? Same deal.

Sapnap leans against the table and waits for his taller friend to return. "Patches! Oh, come here baby.." Patches walks into the living room. She meows and creeps closer. Sapnap falls to the floor and crosses his legs, his arms out in front of him.

"C'mon Patchy," He coos, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her into his lap.

"Alright I'm back." Dream announces, walking back into the main room. He spots his shorter friend on the floor with Patches. "George still in the car then? God, I swear he could sleep even if we were blasting airhorns in his ear."

Sapnap nods in agreement, "we'll have to test that next time we can't wake him up."

Dream rolls his eyes, "C'mon, let's go get him. He'll die from the heat if we leave him out there."

"Fine. But if he won't wake up, I'm not carrying him in."

Sapnap reluctantly leaves Patches and follows Dream out the door.

They find George in the same spot in the backseat of the car; the middle seat.

"So what now?" Dream shrugs in response to Sapnap. "I guess I'll just have to carry him."

Sapnap moves back and puts his arms out in a go for it gesture. Dream leans in and undoes George's seatbelt. He then puts his arms under George and pulls his out, carrying him to the house bridal-style.

He places George down on the couch with a thud.


George startles awake. He shoots up from the... he looks around, couch. He groans and wipes the sleep from his eyes. How long had he been asleep?

He goes to put a hand in his pocket, where he usually keeps his phone, but it's not there. He takes notice of what he's wearing; a blue singlet with swim shorts.


He sits up and notes how there's bright light coming through the window. He knows he slept in the car but for how long?


"Jesus," he startles and looks to the side. Patches is lying on one of the couch pillows. "You must've been what made me wake up with a fright." He smiles fondly, reaching his arm out and petting her gently.

"Do you know what's going on Patchy?" He asks, obviously not expecting a response. He hums softly when she meows in response. "We'll c'mon then, let's go find out." He picks her up and holds her close to his chest.

He walks around the couch and walks to the kitchen; the time shows on the microwave. He gets close enough so he can see. 6:21 am.

"God, did I sleep through the night?" He winces. Oh the others are going to be so pissed at him. He sighs tiredly, oh well.

He waltzes back to the lounge room, on the way he does a quick stop to collect his phone off the table. He sits down with Patches on his lap and checks his phone. He hasn't received any important notifications over the past hours, besides a few Twitter notifications from his friends.

He plays on his phone for a bit while longer, wasting away time until Sapnap or Dream come down stairs.

He chucks his phone to the other side of the couch and grabs the TV remote off the coffee table.

"What should we watch Patches?" He mumbles, flicking through the shows on his watch later list. He ends up selecting the Titans DC series.

He lies down on his back; or well, he tried too. He shoots back up with a quiet yelp. "Oh Jesus Christ," he winces. He didn't realise that sunburns could be the result of spending so much time out in the sun at the beach. He kind of thought that the water would lessen the chance of getting sunburn. Don't get him wrong, he did put sunscreen on, but he should've put more on considering the paleness of his skin.

Great just great, he thinks. Is it just his back burnt? He better go check. "Sorry Patch.. I'll be right back." He gives her one last head pat and a kiss to her heads before rushing upstairs to the closest bathroom.

He opens the door, flicks the lights on, and (accidentally) slams the door closed. He stand in front of the mirror and throws his shirt off and instantly winces. His entire stomach and back are definitely burnt. His feet, legs, and arms too undoubtedly.

He traces his finger down his arm and instantly regrets it. He's never actually had a proper sunburn before, the perks of living in England, and he can't really say he enjoys it.

"George? You alright in there?" His names called from outside the door. Dream. He's usually a light sleeper.

"Uh, yeah sorry." George opens the door to let his blonde friend in.

"I heard the door slam, wanted to make sure you're alright?"

"Oh," George smiles sheepishly, "Sorry, just got sunburns."

Dreams eyes lower to his chest and he seemingly winces as well. "Jesus, I know you should've worn more sunscreen. Your skin is so pale, it was bound to happen." He says sympathetically.

"Yep," George sighs knowingly. He can't say Dream didn't warn him. "It'll be fine."

"C'mon, we'll go put something on it." Dream leaves the room and George follows right after he puts his shirt back on.

They get to the kitchen and Dream pulls out a cream and instructs George to pull his shirt up. George does as told and whines as the cream irritates the burns.

Soon enough, after the cream has been rubbed all over his burns including his legs, arms ect, George is free to go.

"I think this is the worst pain I've felt in my life." He complains, the only response he gets is an eye roll from Dream. "You could at least pretend to be sympathetic." Dream gives me a look, "nope, I warned you before. But did you listen to me? No, because a George knows best and George's sooo smart memememe." He mocks.

"Whatever twat." Dream snorts in response. He always laughs when George uses what Dream and Sapnap call 'British' insults. "Twat." Dream mocks with a laugh.

George glares and storms up to his room, slamming the door on purpose this time. He flops onto his bed and groans into his pillow.

"PRICK! STOP SLAMMING DOORS, SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Sapnap bangs on the shared wall. God why does his room have to be right next to his. It's not even soundproofed! Only the offices are!

"FUCK OFF!" George deems the appropriate response.

"DICKHEAD!" Is the response Sapnap deems appropriate.

George yells frustratingly into his pillow. He's never going to last here; he'll probably die before the year ends. Whether it's because of his two idiotic friends or this fucking sunburn.
Hi! Leave a request if you have one
I'm not extremely proud of this one - I don't like it too much. I'm definitely better at writing angst in third person

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