Percabeth Dirty One Shots and...

Per Lex4205

429K 2.4K 1.6K

Percabeth dirty one shots and Drabble replacement I own nothing. All the original authors will be credited ... Més

The Roommate Agreement 1
The Roommate Agreement 2
The Roommate Agreement 3
The Roommate Agreement 4
The Roommate Agreement 5
The Roommate Agreement 6
The Roommate Agreement 7
The Roommate Agreement 8
Roommate Agreement 9
The Roommate Agreement 10
In The Bedroom
Percy's Goddess
Long Way Home
July Rain
For Her Sake
The Things We'll Remember About Quarantine
i don't want you like a best friend
Pizza Delivery
Made your mark on me
Percy x Annabeth
He Calls Her "Sugar" because she's the sweetest thing
It's Not Serious (i swear) 1
Ins(is) 2
Ins(is) 3
Ins(is) 4
Ins(is) 5
Ins (is) 6
ins (is) 7
ins (is) 8
Ins(is) 9
Ins(is) 10
Ins(is) 11
ins (is) 13
Ins(is) 14
Ins(is) 15
ins(is) 16
Back To Black
Okay, it's serious (The First Date)
OIS: first times
OIS: Jealousy, Jealousy
OIS 4: Dinners and Diatrides
Naturally Beautiful, Like You, Annabeth
When you get me alone, it's so simple
Made your mark on me
Better Than Ambrosia
A Crazy Christmas
Yours To Keep 1
Yours To Keep 2
Twin Sized Mattress
Being Productive
Blissful Morning
Ribbons and Lace
Your Voice, That Touch, This Night, Got Me Higher Than The Skyline
Broken Ego, Broken Heart 💔
Kickstart My Heart 1
Kickstart My Heart 2
Kickstart My Heart 3
Kickstart My Heart 4
Illicit Affairs
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 1
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 2
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 3
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 4
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 5
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 6
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 7
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 8
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 9
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 10
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 11
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 12
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 13
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 14
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 15
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 16
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 17
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 18
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 19
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 20
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 21
Heatwave 1
Heatwave 2
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 22
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 23
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 24
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 25
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 26
All Of You, All Of Me (intertwined) 27
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 28
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 29
All of You, All of Me, (intertwined) 30 (last chapter)
So Bad But He Does It So Well 1
So Bad But He Does It So Well
So Bad But He Does It So Well 3
Untitled Part 112
So Bad But He Does It So Well 4
So Bad But He Does It So Well 5
So Bad But He Does It So Well 6
His bare neck
my hot blood's been burning for so many summers now
Wink (and im yours)
Pretty much the most impulsive first kiss of all time
Skeleton in the Closet (Ice Ring)
I Can Breathe Underwater
Ice Ring 2 (guilty as charged)
Willful Ignorance (ice ring 3)
Friend or Foe (Ice Ring 4)
Ice Ring 5
ice ring 6
Ice Ring 7
Ice Ring 8
Ice Ring 9
Untitled Part 131
Percabeth's very horny Lockdown Christmas 1
Welcome To The Jacksons; 'Merry Christmas'
Ice Ring 10
Ice Ring 11
Ice Ring 12
Ice Ring 13
Ice Ring 14
Ice Ring 15
Ice Ring 16
Ice Ring 17
Ice Ring 18
faster than a hairpin trigger
FTAHT 2 (Faster Than A Hairpin Trigger)
What is going on?
Good Boy

ins (is) 12

2K 13 5
Per Lex4205

Goodgodwhy on ao3

So, her plan might not have been a particularly sound one, which was not easy for her to admit. Annabeth Chase, known for her carefully thought out and concocted schemes was willingly acknowledging that she may have made a mistake. Annabeth Chase, one of the most prideful people you will ever meet was owning up to her faults.

It started to go downhill from the moment that she raced home from Percy's apartment, terrified and reeling. She went straight to her room and flopped on her bed and sighed, already resigning herself, fully aware that she had to end it.

She knew that she could get a handle on these stupid feelings, she could crush them into a pulp if she just didn't have to see his dumb, handsome face every day. If she could create some space, she was certain that they would fade.

It would be hard, she wouldn't just be losing her fix for consistent, mind-boggling sex, she would also be losing a friend, but it was the only way.

She would feel horrible for a while, she would sulk and bitch, but with time, she would get over it, get over him. But, she would never be able squash her slightly massive crush if she kept letting him look at her with those beautiful green eyes and infuriating smirk.

She had to do this.

She considered texting him, just saying that since the summer was nearing, they should stop whatever it was that they were doing. She couldn't though, he deserved more than an impersonal message after the months they spent together.

She decided to tell him on Monday.

She spent the rest of the weekend practicing her words and preparing a little speech to say to him. She went through some withdrawal, but overall, she was handling it pretty well.

She saw his texts lighting up her phone here and there, but she didn't allow herself to look. She knew if she did, she would unravel rapidly.

When Monday finally came around, she walked into class confidently, her head held high. She was ready, she had her words memorized, she just had to tell him plainly and go back to her seat.

Her feet faltered when she spotted him at his desk. He hadn't noticed her yet; his hair was especially fluffy but just as messy and disheveled as usual. He was smiling at Grover, a grin that she had come to recognize as kind and friendly. He threw his head back, his broad shoulders shaking at something their friend said. The sound of his laugh reverberated through the room and lifted her off her feet. He sounded so open and carefree, so different from the cautious and guarded look he used to always wear.

Her heart clenched painfully, and she stumbled backwards out of the room, bumping into students as she rushed away. She couldn't do this, she didn't want to do this.

So maybe she lied about just how shitty it had been not to see him or talk to him.

She ran into the bathroom and gazed at herself in the mirror. She looked exhausted, large dark bags under her eyes, and her hair missing its usual shiny buoyancy. Even her outfit couldn't make her look more alive. She wore all white, having made a conscious effort to wear the exact opposite of the black clothes in her closet which had been getting much more attention as of late. She was in a typical short skirt and button up cardigan, trying to prove to herself that she could go back to the person that she was before Percy entered her life and shook everything up. She wasn't entirely convinced she was succeeding in that effort.

She stared into her own eyes, a washed-out dull grey. She couldn't do it. She couldn't end it.

Instead, she took the coward's way out.

For the next two days, she avoided him at all costs. Their project was as good as done, she had no reason or need to see him. She started steering away from the library as much as possible, she continued to ignore his texts as they popped up on her phone and every time she spotted him in the hallway, she promptly turned the other way.

It had only been about four days since she walked out of his apartment and his life, but it was embarrassing how badly she was holding up. They had gone longer than four days without seeing each other before, so she didn't know why it was so much worse this time around.

She wondered if it was hitting her so hard because she had finally accepted that she was slightly obsessed with him. She was no longer trying to convince herself that the flutters in her chest whenever she saw him, were just irregular heart palpitations.

Maybe it was especially painful because she was purposefully staying away from him, and there was no clear end in sight as to when she would get to go back to the way they were. Or maybe it hurt so much because they used to spend all their time texting, or working on their project, or chatting even when they weren't sleeping together, and now there was just nothing.

How had she not realized sooner just how deeply she had fallen?

She didn't just miss being with him physically, she missed the other stuff, she missed all of it. She missed the talking and the arguing and the laughing harder than she ever had in her entire life.

On Wednesday, she hit a low point. Percy's absence had been hitting her particularly hard that morning. For the past two days, she had stayed away from the West hallway because she knew Percy walked through there on his way to his first class. Today, she found herself heading in that direction because she just needed to see him.

She noticed Jason at his locker and raced towards him, striking up a conversation and using her tall friend as cover so that she could watch covertly as people walked by.

Then she spotted Percy, and she sucked in a deep breath. His gaze wandered across the faces of the other students casually, slowly scanning their way towards her. She tried to duck down but it was too late, his vibrant green eyes found hers, rooting her to the spot and immediately rendering her hiding place useless.

He gave her a sneaky little smile that was meant just for her. A grin that he had been giving her ever since they started their agreement. A knowingly cheeky smile which reveled in the secret between them.

He looked unfairly good. He wasn't wearing anything particularly special or out of the ordinary, just dark pants and a graphic t-shirt, but she would challenge anyone to find a single piece of clothing that Percy didn't look good in. Trick question, there isn't one.

God, she missed him.

Her palms started to sweat, and she felt sick to her stomach as she scanned him up and down. Her face must've been full of horror and longing because Percy's grin fell from his lips, and he cocked his head to the side like an adorable puppy trying to figure out what was wrong. Her heart panged pitifully as she pulled her eyes away from him and forced them back on Jason, trying to make it appear like she was in the midst of an important conversation.

After a moment, she peeked out again to see that Percy had kept walking, but he was glancing back at her intermittently with furrowed brows. When he was gone from view, she dropped her face against her friend's shoulder with an embarrassing huff.

Jason laughed questioningly, "you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired," she lied.

"Very strange reaction to being tired," he mused.

"I know," she sighed simply. "I have to go to class."

"Okay? Have fun," he said with a pat on her on arm.

She waved, "thanks."

Jesus, this was not going well.

She mercifully made it through the rest of the day without seeing Percy, even though everything inside her wanted to seek him out. She rushed to her car as soon as the final bell rang before he could find her or before she made anymore horrible decisions and went looking for him, herself.

She walked through the front door of her house and threw her bag down with a tired groan. She ran her fingers through her hair and walked into the kitchen, where her dad sat, typing furiously on his laptop.

"Hi dad," she muttered. He didn't look up, so she repeated louder, "dad? Hello!"

He glared in concentration at the screen in front of him and leaned in closer, not breaking eye contact with it. Annabeth waited for a moment, giving him the benefit of the doubt, but after a minute of silence, she clenched her jaw and went up to her room.

She fell onto her bed and exhaled heavily. Her phone buzzed and she lifted it above her face to read Percy's name with squinted eyes. She bit her lip and paused, trying to decide whether she should look through his messages that she had been avoiding. She did love to torture herself and she had been having a shit day so she kind of deserved it. There was no harm in just reading his texts, she wouldn't do anything. She was just curious.

She opened his thread and swiped up to the top.

PERCY (Saturday 5:54pm):
Hey sorry about my mom, I know she can be a lot
See you Monday

PERCY (Sunday 10:32am):
Actually do you wanna meet one more time before we submit our essay?
I know it's basically finished, but idk we can look it over one more time or something
Just let me know when you can

PERCY (Monday 1:25pm):
I don't think I can meet anymore cause of work but maybe we can ft if you want

PERCY (Tuesday 6:22pm):
Do you want me to print the essay or do you wanna do that?
I can submit the online version for us

PERCY (Tuesday 7:39pm):
Lol Grover won't stop calling
Is he this clingy with you, too?

PERCY (8:40am):
Hey, just saw you in the hallway and you looked sad or something
Are you okay?

PERCY (12:03pm):
Just wanna check in
I'm starting to actually get worried now lol
You good, Chase?

PERCY (3:04pm):
Did I do something?
I'm sorry if meeting my mom freaked you out
I know this is just casual
I didn't expect her to be home so soon
She doesn't suspect anything

She pulled the ends of her hair in frustration and groaned.

ANNABETH (3:06pm):
I'll print it
See you in class

That's all she said. She squeezed her eyes shut and cradled the phone to her chest. She was truly an awful person. He didn't deserve this. He was probably so confused, one minute they were having a good time, and the next she was avoiding him at all costs. God, she missed him. She wanted to text him back and joke about Grover's clinginess, and talk about their project, and gush about his mother. But she couldn't do any of that.

A clanging noise from downstairs brought her out of her thoughts. Her dad was probably moving from the kitchen into his office to continue his work. He wouldn't stop until 12 am at least, and he would be up and typing again before she even left for school in the morning.

She thought back to what Percy had said when they sat on his bed with their fingers entwined. He suggested that she speak to her dad and clear the air. Percy thought that by speaking to her father she may finally have clarity, some catharsis over the mountains of pain. It was good advice, something she should have done years ago, really. If she couldn't speak to Percy, then the least she could do is take his suggestion and speak to her dad. She wasn't going to run anymore, at least not from this.

She curled her fists and jumped up from the bed, making her way back down the stairs. She paused at the door of her dad's study, her hands suddenly shaking and her heart beating faster. This wasn't the same exciting nerves she felt when Percy was near, this was true panic. She sucked in a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey dad?" she asked quietly. Once again, he didn't answer, so she cleared her throat and spoke loudly and clearly, "dad."

"Yeah?" he responded, not looking up from the papers on his desk.

"Can we talk?" she requested.

"Hmm? Yes, sure honey, what can I help you with?" he answered, still distracted.

"Dad," she said more forcefully, and his eyes flickered up to see the serious set of her face.

He set down his pencil and beckoned her closer, worry lines creasing his forehead, "yes, sorry, what is it?"

She gulped, "do you want me to go to NYU?"

His brows scrunched with confusion, "what do you mean?"

"Do you want me to go to NYU, or should I pick Berkeley," she asked again.

"I didn't know you had been accepted to those! That is great sweetheart," he said genuinely, like she hadn't told him countless times when her acceptance letters had first arrived. "I think you should go wherever you'll be happy, my dear," he added with a dismissive wave of his hand, trying to go back to his work in front of him.

She cleared her throat, suddenly feeling angry. He never listened to her, he never cared to pay attention, she was invisible to him.

"I would be moving to California; I wouldn't see you anymore. Do you even care if I choose Berkeley?" she barked, her own brows pulling down into a defensive frown.

He looked back up in surprise, "well of course I care, I would love to have you nearby at NYU, but I just want to see you reach your full potential and if that's at Berkeley, then I don't want to stop you," he said earnestly.

She huffed, "dad! I want to pick Berkeley specifically to get away from here."

His shoulders slumped slightly, "oh, I see."

"You see? I- we have barely spoken two words to each other since you met your new wife, and suddenly you want me to stick around. You didn't even care enough to ask me which schools I was applying to, for fuck's sake. You haven't cared since mom left, you don't love me, I'm just a remnant of your old life that you can never get rid of," she declared furiously.

He reached for her but then pulled back, dropping his hand onto his desk with defeat, "I'm sorry. I know I have been absent, I- I have always struggled after your mom left and I didn't know how to deal with that. But I do love you Annabeth, of course I love you."

She hated the hot tears that began to spring to her eyes, "you don't, I have been trying to impress you, trying to get your attention for years and you never noticed. You never cared," she whispered brokenly.

He stood from his seat immediately and wrapped her in a hug, bringing her wet face into his shoulder. She pushed back lightly, but the fight went out of her when he began to smooth his hand over her hair, just like he used to when she was a kid.

"I'm sorry," he repeated over and over like a mantra, rocking her gently until her sobs began to subside into quiet whimpers. Finally, when she felt strong enough, she stepped back and wiped her damp cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," he repeated sincerely, as tears threatened to fall from his own eyes. "I am so proud of everything you've accomplished, and I wish I knew more about what's going on in your life, and I'm sorry I didn't show you that. I love you, and I know I haven't told you that enough, I promise to work on it. I want to work on this, on us, if you will let me. I want to earn your forgiveness, I want you in my life, Annabeth. And if you want to go to California because it's a good school, then you should do that, but don't choose Berkeley just to get away from me, don't make decisions based on me. You deserve more than that, you've worked too hard for that," he begged.

It drew a fresh wave of tearful blubbering from her throat. He held her for a while and her anger ebbed away. Maybe she was forgiving him too quickly, too easily, for all the years of pain his absence had caused, but she didn't care. She was tired of being mad and resentful.

After she had gotten control of her crying and freshened up, her dad called her brothers and stepmom into the kitchen. He forced them all to have an awkward family dinner, where they asked about her day for maybe the first time, ever. When they finished eating, Helen brought out some left-over desert and they stuck a candle into it to celebrate her college acceptances. The twins fought about who got the first bite and she couldn't remember the last time she had actually smiled and laughed inside her own home.

It was nice. It was a good distraction. They weren't perfect, and she knew they never would be. One good night didn't fix all the hurt, but it was a start, and that was enough for right now.

Annabeth felt like she finally had that clarity that Percy had been referring to, and as he had suspected, she was finally free to choose a school without anything influencing her decisions or holding her back. There were no more unanswered questions or lingering regrets, she had a clean slate.

It felt strange, but she started to allow herself to seriously consider NYU as an option, because she adored the campus, and it had the best Architecture program in the country, it was closer to her friends, and there were really no downsides anymore.

All she wanted to do was tell Percy about everything, confide in him. She felt grateful that he pushed her to do something that she had been wanting to do for a long time but that she had never really allowed herself to consider. But thinking about him and everything he had done for her, just made those feelings that she had been trying to squash, grow even stronger. So far, staying away from him had not fixed anything, in fact, it made them worse. She felt like she owed him something now. He had done so much for her, and how had she repaid him? By ignoring his texts and treating him like he meant nothing to her.

Thursday was the day that she had been dreading the most. Today they had to hand in the printed version of their essay, together, as a pair. There was no more avoiding him. There was no way to not cross paths, confrontation was inevitable.

She peeked around the wall, peering into class to see him already lined up in front of Mr. Blofis' desk, waiting for her to arrive. She tapped her foot nervously, trying to build up the courage to join him.

It didn't help that he looked particularly good today. She wondered if he had somehow gotten more attractive, or whether distance really did make the heart grow fonder. If that was true, then she was royally fucked because she didn't think it was possible to be more infatuated with him than she already was.

She missed the intimacy they once had, and okay, maybe she was a little horny. They hadn't gone this long without sex since they started their agreement.

He wore a dark grey long-sleeve shirt and faded pants, with a hat taming his wild locks. He drummed his fingers against his leg, his black nails glinting from the reflection of the bright lights. He had on a single chain, the one she knew had his mother's initials on it, and all she wanted to do was hook her hands in the silver necklace and haul his mouth down to hers.

Shaking her head, she pulled the essay out of her bag and with big, nervous exhale, she walked towards him. He didn't spot her until she was right at his side. He turned in surprise and then frowned slightly, an expression she had never seen directed her way before. His face was wary and appeared nearly as exhausted as her own. She hated how guarded he looked, his arms were crossed over his chest protectively like he was scared she was going to hurt him. Maybe she already had.

They stood in stilted silence, her nails digging into her palms as her mouth opened and closed, looking for something, anything to say. She didn't know how long they stayed there, just staring at each other, when their teacher's voice broke them out of their daze. She hadn't even noticed that the pair ahead of them had walked away. She shuffled forward awkwardly and slid the paper across his desk.

Mr. Blofis smiled up at them, "ahh Percy, Annabeth. How are you two?"

Percy cleared his throat, "we're alright, thanks," he croaked, his voice sounding raw.

"Good, I'm quite excited to read this. How was the process?" Mr. Blofis wondered.

Annabeth forced a strained smile, "it was great."

"I'm sure she's just glad it's over," Percy said coldly.

Her chest felt tight.

She lowered her gaze and stared at her hands as Mr. Blofis said, "oh well, yes I'm sure it's a relief to almost be done with your final year."

They both nodded mutely, and the next group stepped up behind them. She and Percy moved out of the way, and she turned to walk from the class. Maybe she could make it out unscathed.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked quietly.

Or not. She closed her eyes and turned slowly. He was closer than before, leaning into her, the smell of his cologne making her nearly stumble.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Are you okay?" he asked.

Her heart almost cracked, and she plastered on another fake smile, "Percy, I'm fine. I've just been busy."

He nodded unsurely, "oh okay. So will I-"

"Look, I have to go, I'll talk to you later, okay?" she cut him off.

"Uh, okay, but-" she had already spun back around and raced away before he could say anything else.

Enough was enough. She fled to the cafeteria and frantically searched for her friends. When she spotted them, she sped their way and slammed her hand down on the table, making them all jump.

"Party," she started.

"Party?" Frank asked confused.

She nodded emphatically, "party. Are there any parties on tonight?"

"Uh, let me check." Rachel pulled out her phone and swiped through her calendar, "oh, yes my friends are having one at their sorority!"

"I'll take it, are you guys down?" Annabeth asked the group.

"Um, I don't know if I can go tonight. Exams are coming up and I have no idea what's going on in Calc," Hazel answered.

"Since when do you want to go to a party on a school night?" Piper wondered.

"Shut up, I've gone to ones on a school night before," Annabeth responded.

"No, I specifically remember you chastising all of us last time we did it because 'we were being irresponsible and High School is the cornerstone of a lifelong education and blah, blah, blah'," Leo joked, making air quotes with his fingers and putting on a high-pitched voice to imitate her.

"Okay, I do not sound like that, and I never said that," she said defensively.

"Sorry Annabeth, but I can confirm that you have indeed said that," Jason jumped in.

She shook her head, "whatever. Are you in?"

Hazel sighed, "I guess I can take a night off."

"Yes!" Annabeth said excitedly.

Everyone else reluctantly agreed as well, and gave her questioning looks at her strange behaviour. She needed this, something to take her mind off of him.

The party couldn't have come soon enough. She met her friends at the front door, the house already bumping with noise, and they made their way inside.

She had put on her favourite little, black, satin dress for the occasion. It was short and it pushed up her boobs and it made her feel hot and that's what she needed tonight. Her heels dug into the back of her feet, but the straps snaked up her calves nicely and they completed the look, so she dealt with the sting.

She went straight to the punch, filling her cup to the brim and downing it quickly.

"Woah, we're going hard tonight, I see?" Piper said with raised brows.

Annabeth shrugged, "one of our last High School parties ever, I want to have fun."

Leo knocked his cup against hers, "cheers to that. Last party until Prom."

She refilled her drink and nodded at him, "God knows I'll have to be drunk for that if I'm going with you," she joked.

"Honey, you practically begged me to take you. I had many offers," Leo responded.

She laughed, "who? I just felt bad for you, that's why I agreed to going as your date."

"Calypso considered going with me," he answered proudly.

"I heard she firmly turned you down," Annabeth taunted.

Leo shrugged, "okay fine, she said no, but she was definitely feeling me. She's just hung up on that new guy, but she'll see what she's missing one day."

Annabeth frowned, she was supposed to be getting away from Percy. She didn't want to think about other girls asking him out and throwing themselves at him. She knocked back another drink and shuffled towards her other friends.

She would not think about him. She was going to have fun tonight.

Time passed in a daze, bodies moving around her, music blaring, liquid flowing through her lips on repeat. Her ears were ringing and the buzz in her brain was powerful. Rachel had her arm strung over Annabeth's shoulder as they sang obnoxiously loud. Hazel bumped into them, and she stumbled forward with a giggle. An arm caught hers and helped her stay up.

"Thanks," she mumbled through a laugh, looking into brown eyes.

Brown eyes so different from the green she adored.

"No problem," he said. The guy smiled and looked down at her lips, "do you want to dance?"

No. Not really, but this was exactly what she needed. Forget Percy, go back to unimportant, unfulfilling and uncomplicated fun. That's what this boy in front of her represented. Someone she could be completely unattached to, boring, bland and easy. No nerves, no fear, no excitement. He would serve his purpose well.

She grinned, "sure."

She pulled at the boy's hand as Rachel slapped her ass gently in encouragement. She dragged him to the dance floor and wrapped her arms around his neck. His palms found her waist automatically and then quickly slid around to her ass. She shivered but not in the way that she did when Percy was touching her, where goosebumps rose on her skin, and she felt like she might combust at the simple, overwhelming sensation of having his fingers tapping against her. No, she shivered uncomfortably at having someone's else hands grabbing at her in the way that she only ever wanted Percy to grab her.

She pushed away the uneasiness which had begun to settle like a pit in her stomach. She closed her eyes and began to sway side to side in time with the music, focussing on the lyrics instead of the boy whose chest was pressed too close to hers. She ignored the unbearable shudder that went through her and the sting behind her eyes. She let the guy pull and push her around, spinning her along as he chose. She breathed heavily, trying to steady herself, but all she could think about was that this guy was not him. He was not Percy. His hands were too small, and he didn't know where she liked them on her body. He smelled like beer and stale chips not the delicious mixture of chocolate and salt. He wasn't tall enough; his eyes were nearly level with hers so she couldn't even nestle her face into his neck.

Why couldn't she just lose herself in it? She was drunk and she used to do this all the time. This was nothing new.

Except too much had changed. Nothing was the same.

When the guy leaned his face down towards hers, his lips pursed and searching, it became too much.

She pushed him away, "sorry I have to go."

"Wait what?" he shouted incredulously over the loud music.

She didn't bother with a response, she just stumbled back towards the group.

Rachel noticed her first, "done with him already?"

Annabeth nodded exaggeratedly and fell into her friend as she reached for another drink, "he's not him."

"He's not who?" Rachel asked confused.

Annabeth waved her arms and downed her cup of punch, "you know."

"No, I don't think I do," Rachel answered.

Annabeth started laughing and slapped a hand over her mouth, "oops, I forgot you guys don't know."

"Don't know what?" Rachel pushed, holding in a laugh of her own.

Annabeth shrugged and booped her on the nose, the new alcohol already clutching at her brain, "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy."

Rachel's cackle broke through the loud music, "how drunk are you?"

She straightened, if she hadn't been drunk before, she definitely was now, "hmm. I'm going to say very."

Rachel nodded, placing a helping hand on Annabeth's forearm to keep her still, "I agree with that assessment."

Annabeth grabbed another drink and snapped her head back, letting the lukewarm liquid slosh down her throat. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. An idea so genius she couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it before.

"I'm going to call him," she said excitedly.

"I don't even know who this person is, but I know that is not a good idea," Rachel pointed out while reaching for Annabeth's cup, effectively cutting her off.

Annabeth pouted as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket, "be supportive."

"I am supportive, but I also know that contacting anyone while drunk usually does not end well," Rachel answered, far too logically.

"Okay fine. I won't call him," Annabeth lied. "I have to pee."

Rachel eyed her suspiciously, "do you want me to come with you?"

Annabeth shook her head, "no, this is a private matter."

Rachel laughed again, "fine, please just don't embarrass yourself too much."

Annabeth began walking away, "I don't know what you're talking about," she denied.

She dodged bodies and walked through the maze of a house until she found a hallway where the music wasn't so loud. She pulled up Percy's contact and pressed call before she could regret it. She was a little too drunk to think things through anyway, and she just wanted to hear his voice.

"Hello?" his asked gruffly. She shivered at the sound, the good kind of shiver this time. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, just listening to the rattling of his breaths, "Annabeth?"

"Yes," she answered quietly.

"Uh, what's up? You called me?"

She bit her lip, her cheeks flooding with warmth, "mhm."

"Can I, uh, is there a reason you called?"

"I'm at a party," she told him.

"Oh, cool. Deja vu, right," he forced a laugh.

"Except I'm not alone in a room fingering myself this time," she stated.

She could almost feel his eyes widen, "yeah, that's t... you're right."

"I miss you," she said bluntly.

She knew she'd regret it tomorrow, but she didn't really care. She was struggling to remember the reason she was staying away in the first place.

"I miss you too," he sighed, and it made her heart flutter.

Oh right, that's why. Because she had a huge crush on him that she was trying to get rid of.

"Sorry, I've been kind of m.i.a. this week," she told him.

"That's okay," he sounded a little defeated.

She didn't want him to be sad, "you're very annoying, did you know that? I feel like you did know that, but it's not for the reasons you think. Do you want to know the reason? I'll tell you. It's because you look really good, all the time. You're literally wearing like baggy garbage but somehow you look hot? How do you do that?"

He barked out a laugh that made her smile, "I like my clothes," he said defensively. "But thanks. I did not know that."

She ignored him, "I miss talking to you, which is annoying. I expected to miss the other stuff, like the sex, but I miss your face too," she frowned.

Percy chuckled, "well why don't we hang out then. You don't have to miss my face."

"That does sound nice. Then I could kiss your face. I like kissing your face, I like having sex with you, you're good at that," she babbled.

He laughed again, "you're good at that too."

Her cheeks reddened further but she was on a roll and a little too drunk to entirely know what she was saying, "you make me come a lot, like more than I thought was possible." She was pretty sure she heard him cough on the other end, but she kept going, "and you're the perfect amount of rough, I like when you take control, it's really hot. Actually, you know what, you could be rougher. I really liked when you slapped my ass and choked me a bit. You should do that again, you should do more, I can take it."

Percy groaned, "Jesus, Annabeth."

"You also have a huge dick. Do not judge me, but I have been with my fair share of men, and they're always so cocky, you know? And then they whip it out and it's like three inches when it's hard and I'm like what am I supposed to do with this carrot stick. But not you. I was like his dick has to be small because he's already so hot, he shouldn't be allowed to also have a huge cock, but here we are. You have a monster dick and I get to sit on it," she rambled.

"Uh, I think you might want to stop," he tried but she continued to cut in.

"Next time, I want you to fill all my holes. And by like all, I mean all, if you catch my drift," she emphasized each word.

"Okay, Annabeth. I'm going to stop you now, because as much as this is stroking my ego, I'm going to guess that you're going to regret saying this tomorrow and I don't want to embarrass you," Percy tried to cut in.

"That's nice of you, but I like stroking your ego, if you know what I mean." She tried to wink but she's pretty sure she just ended up blinking a few times.

Percy chuckled lowly which made her happy, "how drunk are you?"

"People keep asking me that, I have already admitted that I am very drunk," her grin turned down into a pout.

"I can tell. Maybe we should talk about this when you're more sober," he suggested.

"I want to talk about it now. I like talking to you," she said pathetically.

"I like talking to you too, but this isn't fair to your sober self," he explained.

"I already know that, I don't care," she said petulantly. She knew she sounded like a brat.

Before he could answer, she felt a tap on her shoulder, "Beth, you okay?"

Annabeth spun and blinked at Piper, her phone still trapped to her ear, and looking very guilty.

"Yup, I'm good," she blurted.

"Who are you talking to?" Piper wondered.

"No one."

Piper cocked her head, confused, "uh okay. I think we're heading out, you coming?"

"Yup, I'm coming." She turned back to her phone, "um, I have to go."

"Okay, I'll see you soon," Percy said.

She cringed, "uh, yeah maybe."

She hung up and tucked her phone back into the top of her dress. She threw on a happy smile and followed her friend out of the party. The cool air blasted her face when she stepped out the door, and she could already feel her alcoholic brain receding. Oh God, she was definitely going to regret this tomorrow.

Friday morning was the true low point of her week. If she thought lightly stalking the boy that she had been sleeping with just so she could see his face after a few days apart was embarrassing, then she had truly no idea what was in store for her.

Regret it, she did.

She woke to a pounding headache and a mountain of remorse. Unfortunately, she remembered everything, every humiliating word and confession.

The only solution was to skip school and never show her face in front of Percy ever again. She knew her dad wouldn't say anything if she took the day off because he was trying to be extra nice.

Her whole body ached, and she felt like crying so staying home definitely sounded like a good idea. She almost drifted back to sleep when her phone began to buzz next to her ear. She groaned and clicked answer without opening her eyes.

"Hello?" she croaked with her sore throat.

"Hello, is this Miss Chase?" a feminine voice asked.

"Yeah, who's this," she asked.

"This is Nancy from Event Design and Catering. I'm really sorry to do this to you, but we've had some unforeseen circumstances here and we will be unable to cater the Prom for your High School," the lady said apologetically.

Annabeth probably would have freaked out if she were more cognizant. Prom was in less than a week and she would have to find a new place to serve the food for hundreds of kids.

She just sighed, "okay. Thank you for letting me know."

"We will of course reimburse you fully, and we hope that you will consider us for other events in the future," Nancy continued.

"Will do, thanks again for telling me. Bye," Annabeth concluded.

"Thank you, bye now," she said kindly.

Annabeth dropped the phone onto the bed and sighed, running a hand over her tired face.

This felt like fate smacking her over the head for being an absolute idiot. Her first thought as the lady's words rattled around in her brain was a memory of Percy admitting that his mom's business had been struggling.

Annabeth had the perfect solution to her Prom problem, and she had a way to potentially repay Percy. How could she possibly stay away from him now? She wouldn't just be a bit of an asshole; she would be a truly awful person if she chose not to ask Sally about catering the dance because of her own personal problems.

God, she had to do this, didn't she?

She whined loudly and pushed off the bed. She could do this. Get in and get out. Just tell him about the catering job, and leave. This didn't mean she had to let her rampant feelings return, not that they had ever really disappeared.

She could do this, easy stuff. It would be fine.

Tell him and leave. Tell Percy and leave. She repeated it over and over in her mind. She could do this.

Just tell him, then turn around and leave.

Continua llegint

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