Percabeth Dirty One Shots and...

By Lex4205

429K 2.4K 1.6K

Percabeth dirty one shots and Drabble replacement I own nothing. All the original authors will be credited ... More

The Roommate Agreement 1
The Roommate Agreement 2
The Roommate Agreement 3
The Roommate Agreement 4
The Roommate Agreement 5
The Roommate Agreement 6
The Roommate Agreement 7
The Roommate Agreement 8
Roommate Agreement 9
The Roommate Agreement 10
In The Bedroom
Percy's Goddess
Long Way Home
July Rain
For Her Sake
The Things We'll Remember About Quarantine
i don't want you like a best friend
Pizza Delivery
Made your mark on me
Percy x Annabeth
He Calls Her "Sugar" because she's the sweetest thing
It's Not Serious (i swear) 1
Ins(is) 2
Ins(is) 3
Ins(is) 4
Ins(is) 5
Ins (is) 6
ins (is) 7
Ins(is) 9
Ins(is) 10
Ins(is) 11
ins (is) 12
ins (is) 13
Ins(is) 14
Ins(is) 15
ins(is) 16
Back To Black
Okay, it's serious (The First Date)
OIS: first times
OIS: Jealousy, Jealousy
OIS 4: Dinners and Diatrides
Naturally Beautiful, Like You, Annabeth
When you get me alone, it's so simple
Made your mark on me
Better Than Ambrosia
A Crazy Christmas
Yours To Keep 1
Yours To Keep 2
Twin Sized Mattress
Being Productive
Blissful Morning
Ribbons and Lace
Your Voice, That Touch, This Night, Got Me Higher Than The Skyline
Broken Ego, Broken Heart ๐Ÿ’”
Kickstart My Heart 1
Kickstart My Heart 2
Kickstart My Heart 3
Kickstart My Heart 4
Illicit Affairs
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 1
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 2
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 3
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 4
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 5
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 6
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 7
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 8
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 9
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 10
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 11
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 12
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 13
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 14
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 15
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 16
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 17
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 18
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 19
All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) 20
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 21
Heatwave 1
Heatwave 2
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 22
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 23
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 24
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 25
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 26
All Of You, All Of Me (intertwined) 27
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 28
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) 29
All of You, All of Me, (intertwined) 30 (last chapter)
So Bad But He Does It So Well 1
So Bad But He Does It So Well
So Bad But He Does It So Well 3
Untitled Part 112
So Bad But He Does It So Well 4
So Bad But He Does It So Well 5
So Bad But He Does It So Well 6
His bare neck
my hot blood's been burning for so many summers now
Wink (and im yours)
Pretty much the most impulsive first kiss of all time
Skeleton in the Closet (Ice Ring)
I Can Breathe Underwater
Ice Ring 2 (guilty as charged)
Willful Ignorance (ice ring 3)
Friend or Foe (Ice Ring 4)
Ice Ring 5
ice ring 6
Ice Ring 7
Ice Ring 8
Ice Ring 9
Untitled Part 131
Percabeth's very horny Lockdown Christmas 1
Welcome To The Jacksons; 'Merry Christmas'
Ice Ring 10
Ice Ring 11
Ice Ring 12
Ice Ring 13
Ice Ring 14
Ice Ring 15
Ice Ring 16
Ice Ring 17
Ice Ring 18
faster than a hairpin trigger
FTAHT 2 (Faster Than A Hairpin Trigger)
What is going on?
Good Boy

ins (is) 8

2.7K 21 5
By Lex4205

Goodgodwhy on ao3

Now that he was sleeping with Annabeth on a regular basis, he could honestly say that for the first time in his life, he actually looked forward to going to school. She had become a constant for him, and he genuinely enjoyed spending time with her, even if that time was basically just spent fucking her at every chance he got.

He would never tell anyone this, but he was actually a little glad that he had managed not to get expelled yet. He still wasn't sure how long his luck would last, but he decided to enjoy himself in the meantime.

His mom had spoken to him again about it, ensuring him that this would be their permanent home, no more moving or running. He was actually kind of starting to believe her too, just a little bit. He was allowing himself to hope, because despite all the odds, he sort of liked this place. He liked the town, he liked the school and yes, he liked the people.

And maybe there was one particular person that he liked more than others, but that was irrelevant. Annabeth was just fun, she was a good time, that was all.

They still met in the library to work on their essay every few days, and he was eternally grateful that she had forced them to start so early on the project because they ended up getting distracted more often than not.

Sometimes they would leave their table hurriedly to go fuck in her car until the windows were fogged up and the vehicle was rocking violently side to side.

One time, Annabeth couldn't wait until their study session, so she dragged him behind the portables during free period to give him an earth-shattering blow job that left him jittery for the rest of the day.

Another time, he pulled her into the forest during lunch, and ate her out against a tree, with her leg hooked over his shoulder and her hands pulling at his hair.

He still remembered vividly one day, where he nearly passed out when she walked by, wearing her hot little cheer uniform, in the hallway. She had stopped next to him just long enough to whisper throatily in his ear, "I'm not wearing any panties," before going on her way, totally unbothered. He stared after her with his jaw nearly on the floor until she rounded the corner, and then he ran to find a bathroom stall once again, so he didn't explode right there. He made sure to pay her back later that night, waiting for her after the football game to fuck her in the shower of the girl's changeroom, once everyone else had cleared out.

It had been three full weeks of unbroken, incredible bliss.

Whenever he saw her anywhere outside of their little sex bubble, they would both purposefully ignore each other, although he couldn't help the lingering glances and heated stares as she walked by, because she always looked utterly amazing. Every day she tortured him with these little outfits that probably would have been cute on anyone else, but when she wore them, they became something else, something indecent and dangerous, tempting him to follow after her, forever drawn to her, like a moth to a flame.

Today, he was sitting with Grover in the back of class, waiting for the lesson to begin.

He blamed it on Annabeth's influence, but Percy had become a little friendlier in his good mood due to the amazing sex he was having, and it seemed to make people think he was suddenly approachable.

He tried to turn them all away, with a judgemental scowl, but unfortunately it didn't work on everyone.

Nico, the skull boy that he met on his first day, (who Percy had coincidentally learnt was related to one of Annabeth's friends, Hazel) and his boyfriend, Will, the cheerleader, would often chat with Percy on their way into school. He hadn't really known what to do when it first started happening, but it was hard to ignore them, when he had so much in common with one of them and the other was impossibly nice. So, now he called them friendly acquaintances.

Grover was even more insistent. One day, the guy just plopped down at Percy's table during lunch to say his thanks for helping out with a few bullies and then the redhead was around all the time after that, no matter how hard Percy tried to get rid of him.

Percy was a little embarrassed at how miserably his plan to shun any and all relationships was failing so far. A little over two months at this school, and he had already made four too many 'friends.'

There was simply no avoiding Grover though; he would just show up at the back of the class, telling Percy anything and everything about the environment or the trees or something. Or sometimes the curly haired boy would find him between periods to gush about Juniper, and Percy would lean against his locker, half-listening while his eyes followed Annabeth across the hallway.

He was doing the very same thing now; partially listening to Grover as he raved about this new earth documentary on Netflix, while Percy's gaze was glued to the door, waiting for her to enter.

As usual, just before the bell, she finally waltzed into class with her friends, wearing her hair in a loose bun, with jeans and beautiful flowy blouse. It was more laid back than her usual outfits, but she still looked utterly ethereal in it. She was glowing, so much so that it was difficult to stare directly at her, and everyone else just looked dim and distorted in comparison.

He noticed that he wasn't the only one looking her way, everyone seemed just as mesmerized by her presence as he was. Maybe it came with the whole 'being popular' territory, or maybe it was simply due to the fact that she was simply the most stunning person he had ever laid eyes on.

She sat down in the front with her friends and before long, his mind began wandering as he gazed at her elegant neck and the delicate ridges along her back. He wanted to plant more dark hickeys on her. He didn't think he'd ever get enough of the sound of her panting breaths as he sucked and kissed marks onto her soft skin. There were so many things he'd still like to do to her, and he didn't see his fantasies running out any time soon, not when each new day he managed to concoct more and more convoluted ways to make her unravel.

"Do you like Annabeth?" Grover asked suddenly, breaking his focus.

Percy whipped his head around, "what?"

Grover looked sheepish, "sorry, I just noticed you staring."

Percy frowned defensively, "whatever, everyone was staring. It's human nature to look when someone enters a room."

Grover grinned, "I mean you weren't looking at her friends, but I won't bring that up."

Percy flushed and bumped Grover's shoulder, "shut up."

Grover shrugged, overly innocent, "it's okay, I get it, man. We're not as close as we used to be, but she's still a good friend of mine. Everyone is obsessed with her; they have been since she hit puberty."

"I'm not obsessed with her," Percy argued.

Grover put his hands up, "I know, I'm not saying that. I've just seen guys go after her for years, so I wouldn't blame you. I mean I have Juniper, but I get it, Annabeth is great, and she's pretty and she's nice, once you get to know her."

Percy thought 'pretty' was kind of putting it lightly, but he digressed.

"I mean yeah, she's pretty," Percy conceded. "But I'm not looking to date or anything, and we barely know each other. We've only worked together a few times for our school project, we're not about to become a couple, all of a sudden," he deflected.

"I know, I just think you guys could be cute together. You're this dark, lonely skater boy, and she's like a pretty, academic popular girl, I mean how adorable is that?" Grover said cheerfully. "But, you know, no pressure," he shrugged.

Percy's face reddened and he spluttered, "No, not cute. No, we're just friends, or partners, just partners. We wouldn't be adorable."

Grover smiled knowingly, "whatever you say, my guy."

Percy shoved his shoulder again, despite the small grin on his lips, "shut up, dude."

They were both silenced when Mr. Blofis began speaking. As was customary at this point, Percy's focus was quickly pulled away from the teacher, his gaze flickering instead over to where she sat.

He had been trying, truly, to pay more attention in class. He actually did the homework, and he even took notes now. His grades had been steadily getting better ever since his discussion with Annabeth in the library, more than a month ago. But she such was a strong presence, impossible to ignore.

Soon enough, he was zoned out, Mr. Blofis' words sounding muffled, and all that Percy could think was Annabeth, Annabeth, Annabeth.

He had missed the majority of the lesson, too busy examining her, and wondering whether there was anyone in the world with ears as adorable as hers, but he perked up suddenly when he heard mention of the essay.

"I'm going to give you the last 30 minutes of class today to get into your groups so you can discuss the upcoming project and decide on your ideas and topics," their teacher said.

Annabeth glanced back at him, a bored look on her face masking the tiny grin pulling at her lips. Everyone stood up, including Grover who gave him a quick pat on the shoulder as good luck, and they got into their pairs.

He opted to stay in his seat, thinking she probably wouldn't appreciate him joining her at her table with all her friends. Instead, she came to him, grabbing her bag and dropping down into the desk next to him.

He couldn't explain why, but it felt different being with her when other people were around to see it. He had to hope that his spot in the back would shield them from prying eye; it was why he had picked this seat in the first place. It offered privacy, hiding him behind rows of other students and tucking him around the corner of a wall, so he was more unlikely to get called upon, which he appreciated, since he rarely knew what was going on.

"At least we don't have to worry about coming up with our idea," she said once she had gotten comfortable in her seat.

"That's because you're a little freak that made us work on this way too much in advance," he shot back with a smirk.

She bit her lip which he had come to recognize as her way of holding back a smile. He wished she didn't feel the need to hide them because he adored her smiles. Even her suppressed little grin was enough to send his heart fluttering, but he pushed the feeling away.

"Well, if I didn't have an idiot for a partner, I might not have had to worry about starting in advance," she shot back, and it was his turn to grin.

"I think you just wanted to get your hands on me as soon as you could," he teased cheekily.

Her face warmed a little and he tried not to beam.

"I think I remember you being the one that had your hand between my thighs, when we were trying to work that first time. You started it," she shot back with an adorably petulant glare.

He was about to answer with another smart-ass comment when she dropped her palm onto his upper thigh, making his leg jolt.

He tried to remain casual and not pass out at the feeling of her delicate fingers tapping across the fabric of his pants. He knew she wouldn't actually do anything, not when they were in a classroom, she was just trying to throw him off. Unfortunately, his breathing turned a little ragged just at the prospect of it.

He smirked at her, not wanting her to know how affected he already was, just from the lightest of her touches. She narrowed her eyes, accepting his challenge and slid her hand a little higher.

He gulped but kept his expression calm and collected, "you actually going to do something?" he taunted, knowing full well she wouldn't.

Despite their risky sex thus far, it had always been fairly well hidden. She would never take the bait here, not when they were surrounded by their classmates. She would never actually chance getting in trouble when her academics were so important to her.

Except, he was forgetting one important thing about Annabeth. She was prideful and she couldn't back down from a challenge, she would do anything to prove him wrong.

He gasped when she scowled and trailed her fingers up even closer to where he really wanted her. He looked around the room frantically, but he found that everyone was wrapped up in their own affairs and they were too well covered for anyone to see what Annabeth was doing anyway.

He choked out, "probably not a good idea?" even though his cock perked up excitedly.

"That's not what you thought when you were fingering me in the library," she shot back with a cocky grin, like she knew exactly how affected he was.

He quickly grabbed his sweater off the back of his seat and threw it over his lap, cloaking her hand. It wasn't the best cover, but at least it hid him a little more. If someone were to look over, now they would only see he and Annabeth sitting close together, rather than finding her with her hand in his pants and her fingers wrapped around his rock-hard dick.

"In my defense, there were a lot fewer people around," he squeaked out as her palm came to rest over his bulge.

"Well, you better stay quiet then," she shrugged simply, giving him a squeeze. "What was it you said? Act natural and keep an eye out, or something like that," she goaded.

Her skilled hands palmed his hardening length and in no time, she brought him to full attention, his cock straining to be freed from their confines. He crinkled the papers on his desk into a tight ball in his hand as she unzipped his pants agonizingly slow. Rather than pulling his shaft through the hole, she snuck her fingers underneath his boxers. He coughed in an attempt to hide his loud gasp as her warm hand wrapped around his leaking member and began to work him skillfully despite his restricting pants.

"So, I'm thinking for our paper, we should add a paragraph about the opposing opinion before launching into our rebuttal," Annabeth said casually, looking utterly indifferent to the fact that she was going to make him come while her friends and their classmates were sitting mere feet away.

He was an adventurous guy, his sex with Annabeth was evidence enough of that, but this felt different. If he wasn't so close to release, he might have even stopped her, but it was hard to think with her hand was squeezing him so wonderfully.

She raised an eyebrow, waiting for his answer. She was really overestimating his ability to communicate at the moment.

He gulped, "I like that idea."

He could feel sweat trickling down his back as he tried to keep his lips clamped shut and his hips still on the seat. Annabeth twisted and pulled his cock like it was her job. That tingling sensation was already welling up in his stomach, itching to explode. He tried to keep his gaze on Annabeth's face, observing her quirked smile and the small scrunch of her brows as her hand worked him furiously, but eventually it became too overwhelming, and he had to close his eyes.

"I think we should still do a little more research, I'm not sure we have enough convincing arguments," Annabeth continued breezily, although this time he noted her light panting breaths between words.

His motor functions had all but disappeared as that tide inside him churned. He could only offer a hum in response; he was about to blow, his cock starting to twitch and large beads of moisture rolling from his tip.

"How's it coming over here?" Mr. Blofis asked, and Percy nearly choked on his tongue as his eyes shot open.

Annabeth's hand stilled immediately, but continued to grip him tightly, as Percy stared at the teacher red-faced, partially out of embarrassment and partially from the torturous strain of holding back his orgasm.

He waited for the hammer to fall, there was no way they hadn't been caught. Except Mr. Blofis didn't look angry or uncomfortable, he just smiled down at them curiously.

Percy's fingers were cramping from how tightly he was clutching the papers on his desk. Veins bulged in his forehead and his neck with the effort to hold back his release, as his entire body shook and broiled.

Annabeth just smiled sweetly, looking rather pleased with herself and not at all concerned, "we're doing well, thank you."

His balls felt like lead, heavy and aching. The pressure was nearly unbearable, throbbing and pulsing rhythmically. It was like a sneeze that evaded him, an itch he couldn't scratch.

He couldn't say he particularly enjoyed having the tables turned on him. He loved teasing Annabeth, making her beg and whine for him. He got off on taking her apart slowly, utterly ruining her and making her forget that anything else existed aside from him. However, being the one forced to wait, full of anticipation and need, was more difficult than he thought.

Mr. Blofis looked at him expectantly, waiting to hear Percy's opinion. He cleared his throat and croaked, "yeah, Annabeth is very hands on, so we're getting a lot done."

Maybe the jab wasn't the smartest idea considering he was utterly at Annabeth's mercy, but he needed to regain some sense of control and he really just couldn't help himself. He was rewarded when she flushed a deep red, making him smirk broadly. His victory didn't last long as she glowered back at him and then swiped her thumb over his tip in retaliation, making his hips buck into her hand at the unexpected sensation.

Luckily their hovering teacher didn't seem to notice it, "well, I'm glad to hear that, I think you two will make a great pair," Mr. Blofis commented.

With another shiver-inducing brush of her fingers, Percy grabbed onto Annabeth's leg and squeezed it in his palm, as heat spread down his body and through his length. He was trying to warn her that he was about to explode, whether Mr. Blofis was there or not, and not was definitely the preferred scenario.

Annabeth stared Percy down for a moment, trying to gauge just how far gone he really was, but she finally conceded and turned back to their teacher, "yeah it's been fun. I guess we'll back to it," she prompted, signalling to her uncrumpled paper on her desk full of their project ideas.

Mr. Blofis nodded with a smile and headed back to the front of the class. Their teacher made it exactly two whole steps before Percy couldn't hold back any longer.

His balls pulled up tight and there was no stopping it. He cleared his throat noisily, trying to cloak his deep, ruined groan as he launched strings of cum into Annabeth's waiting palm, over and over. He continued to clutch at her jean-covered thigh, trying to hide the obvious shivering that sizzled its way through his bones, from head to toe. She jerked him through it and captured some of his seed in her hands but there was simply too much to catch it all. The rest of it shot into his boxers and down his leg and he whined internally, knowing just how uncomfortable it was going to be to walk around for the rest of the day all sticky.

Annabeth pulled her hand back out of his pants and they both stared at it, splashed with his thick fluid. She locked eyes with his, looking hungry and very smug as she dipped one finger after the other into her mouth, sucking it all up. He squeezed her leg again as his softening dick jolted in his pants, incredibly turned on at the sight of his cum getting lapped up greedily into her mouth. He would never need porn again, when he had this memory stored away. He retracted his clenched fingers from her thigh while she zipped him up.

His eyes blazed and his ears rang thunderously as desire rolled over him. He needed her. He needed to return the favour, the teasing, the torture.

The bell rang suddenly and it broke him out of his thoughts. She stood without a word, looking unfairly composed.

"I'll see you around," Annabeth said simply, looking smug as she waltzed out of the room, leaving him with a spent cock, weak legs, and a large vendetta.

Oh, he would be getting her back for this.


Annabeth had never felt quite as pleased with herself, as when she had left Mr. Blofis's class the day before, glancing back smugly at Percy who remained seated, all flushed and stunned.

That boy had been teasing her for too long, and it felt good to turn the tables on him.

Annabeth loved the role she played during their sexual escapades, one where she relinquished control and let him do just about anything he wanted to do to her, which fortunately coincided exactly with what she wanted him to do to her.

However, she was competitive and assertive by nature, and sometimes she just needed to show that boy who was really in charge. Even when she was letting him take the reins, she was still the one calling the shots, and he needed a reminder of that.

She was still a little shocked at what she had done, she didn't entirely know what came over her, but being so close to him, that combination of salt and chocolate mixed with his cologne which always followed him around filling her nose, she just couldn't help herself.

She was still thinking about him the next day at lunch, huddled with Piper, Hazel and Leo.

Rachel was stuck in her art class and Frank and Jason were at football practice, so they were fewer than usual. Their group was chattering happily, but she was too busy pointedly ignoring Percy's annoying figure as he shovelled food into his mouth, a few tables over, sitting with Grover. It really shouldn't have been attractive but somehow, he even made his disgusting eating habits appealing.

Percy had ended up being decidedly different from what she expected when she first saw him. He continued to defy every one of her original assumptions.

He was still a bit of a loner, even if Grover had somehow weaselled his way into Percy's life, but she didn't think it was due to a lack of social skills. When they worked on their project together, or chatted after sex, Percy was exceedingly easy to talk to. He listened intensely and he always asked perceptive questions.

She mulled it over and came to the conclusion that his lack of friends was probably a conscious choice, and she wondered why he made it.

He also wasn't as serious as she once thought either. When she had first seen him, he was all brooding and angry looking, but his personality was not like that at all. He cracked silly, juvenile jokes that made her eyes role, and he always responded with just as much sarcasm and sass as herself when they traded teasing insults. He was quick with his answers, and intelligent in a way that wasn't obvious at first. It was all very endearing.

It was hard to believe there was ever a time she thought he was a selfish, untrustworthy asshole, because he was actually quite selfless, and he would do anything for the people he cared about. She figured that out quite quickly, when he turned down her advances a few times because he was too busy working at his mom's café, and Annabeth had a feeling it was more about supporting his mother's growing business, than making money for himself. And even before he really knew Grover, Percy had defended him on a several occasions.

He was just such a good person, a solid presence in her life that she appreciated. That was another thing that she took her by surprise. She never would have expected that the guy that had grinned at her cockily like he didn't have a care in the world on that first day, would end up being one of her closest confidants.

She had become quite dependent on their time together, especially whenever her life at home was particularly difficult. It wasn't just the sex either, although he was admittedly great at fucking the tension right out of her. But any time she was in a bad mood, she knew she could rely on him to cheer her up.

After an argument with her dad, she could just shoot Percy a text and he would answer with something admittedly hilarious that made her shoulders relax. If she was stressing about school, she could glance over at him in class and a smile would immediately grace her lips, her worries suddenly forgotten.

"You like him," Piper whispered suddenly in her ear.

Annabeth lurched up, her eyes ripping away from Percy towards her smug friend.

She swallowed hard, her eyes wide, "what?"

"That Percy guy. You like him, don't you," Piper accused.

Annabeth forced out an awkward laugh, hoping to seem casual, "no, no I don't. We barely know each other."

"You guys are project partners, you know him well enough," Piper insisted.

"Not well enough to like him like that. I don't date," Annabeth shot back defensively.

"You could make an exception," Piper told her.

"Not if I don't like him," Annabeth kept maintaining.

She didn't like him. She honestly didn't. She just thought he was interesting to look at. She liked examining him, she liked to stare, but that didn't mean she wanted anything romantic. Sure, sometimes she enjoyed trying to figure out what exactly made him tick, and she wanted to know his most embarrassing stories, and what his hopes for the future were, but that was just objective curiosity. Nothing more.

"Why do you spend so much staring at him, then?" Piper smirked.

"I wasn't staring, I was just horrified by the way he eats," Annabeth lied.

Piper looked over and her face turned down in distaste, "fair enough, that's disgusting."

She sighed with relief as her friend spun towards their group and joined back in the conversation. Annabeth's eyes inevitably wandered over to Percy again and she went straight back to her staring.

She was so busy spacing out, taking in the swoop of his messy hair, that she didn't notice Mrs. Dodds clobbering up to their table, until it was too late.

She was the only teacher who didn't let Annabeth get away with just about anything she wanted. Most of them would raise their eyes at her outfits but let her go on her way. Annabeth's flawless image and perfect grades usually allowed her to coast by without much dissent. But not Mrs. Dodds though. Normally Annabeth made sure to avoid her, but she had been gawking at Percy, and she wasn't able to hide from the evil teacher in time.

So really it was his fault that she ended up in detention at the end of the day.

Her outfit wasn't even that bad today, Mrs. Dodds was just being a bitch. Annabeth had purposefully worn a turtleneck because the day before, she had forgotten about the smattering of hickeys covering her chest and decided to wear a flowy top that had her friends and most other students staring and giggling at her. It had taken a lot of bullshitting to get out of all of Rachel and Piper's questions. Even the dress that she had layered over her turtleneck was longer than what she usual wore.

She walked through the door, searching for a seat when she spotted the least surprising person in the world. Percy smirked at her immediately, looking amazing as ever, and her feet began drawing her to him before she had even decided whether it was a good idea to sit with him. She looked around at the other students, but they were too busy on their phones to notice her with Percy, so she decided she could afford to take the risk. She just hoped there wouldn't be any stupid rumours following her around tomorrow.

She dropped down onto the desk next to him and said drily, "are you following me?"

Percy didn't skip a beat as he shot back, bored, "I'm pretty sure you came to me."

She didn't really have a response to that, so she switched the topic, asking, "what are you in for?"

He shrugged, "a few assholes were going after Grover again," he answered nonchalantly.

Her pulse quickened at his words. Despite his indifferent appearance, this just proved to her that Percy had a much bigger heart than he let on. Annabeth loved Grover, he was one of her oldest friends even if they hadn't remained very close in High School and she did what she could to help him, but she only had so much sway on the bullies even with her status. She appreciated that Percy took matters into his own hands.

"What about you, Miss Perfect?" he asked, breaking her from her thoughts.

She gestured down to her clothes, "finally got caught."

"I always wondered how you got away with that," he said with a chuckle. He looked her up and down, "but this isn't even bad," he mused. "Still very hot, but not that bad."

"That's what I said!" she exclaimed, choosing to ignore his compliment in the moment, but filing it away for later.

His face broke into a surprised smile at her outburst and with pink ears she cleared her throat to fall back into her casual expression.

He nodded in agreement, still grinning at her reaction, "yeah I've seen you in much shorter skirts and much tighter shirts."

She smiled, "you've been paying attention," she taunted, feeling extremely pleased.

He shrugged again but his face looked a little flushed, "it's hard not to pay attention to you. Sometimes I feel like you're trying to kill me."

"Me?" she couldn't help crying indignantly. "What about you? You and your unbuttoned shirts that show off all your abs and stuff," she waved at him aimlessly.

It was her turn to look him up and down, taking note of his clothes. He was in his usual all-black ensemble, a casual graphic t-shirt paired with dark jeans and a cute bucket hat that squished down his soft black locks. It was a pretty simple and unassuming outfit for him but with the way his shirt clung to his chest, and the hem of his sleeve brushed over the tattoo on his veined forearm, it was hard not to stare.

She looked back up into his flawless face and she found him grinning that shit-eating grin that made her a mixture of horny and nervous. He slid closer, his seat scrapping loudly along the floor, until they were practically touching, reminding her of that time in the library, when he had his fingers tucked inside her. She was reminded of her own hand inching up his thigh and jerking him off in class, just the day before.

"You've been paying attention," he teased, his warm breath sweeping across the back of her neck, making her shiver involuntarily.

"Hard not to pay attention," she repeated, and she hated that she sounded a little breathless.

"I know what you mean," he whispered in her ear.

"Oh really?" she gulped, unsure what to say.

"Mhm, you look so good in that little dress. I've been staring at your legs all day," he told her roughly.

"Yeah?" she asked, feeling like an idiot for not knowing how else to respond.

"Yeah, you have no idea what I wish I could be doing to you right now," his voice low.

Her heart was in her throat, "what- what?" she murmured.

He dropped his hand to trace over her bare calf causing goosebumps to raise on her skin, "I want to bend you across this desk and lift your dress over your hips, so I can see your perfect ass on display."

Now she was reminded of him whispering dirty thoughts into her ear over the phone when she was at that frat party.

She could feel moisture dampening her panties, "then what?" she breathed out, desperate to know more.

He smirked, "then I would get on my knees and eat you out from behind until you were begging for my cock."

She whimpered and closed her eyes, picturing his words, "what else?"

His fingers continued to trail higher, smoothing up along her thigh, "then I would finally give you what you wanted, and fuck you until you were coming all over me."

The insistent throbbing in her cunt began to expand through her body, feeling it in the back of her skull. She didn't know she could be this turned on, but something about Percy had a magical effect on her.

"Is that what you want Annabeth?" he asked gruffly.

She bit her lip, "mhm."

"I bet you've been thinking about my cock all day," he taunted, and he wasn't really wrong there.

She was practically purring as his hand reached the hem of her dress, his experienced fingers playing with the edge of the material. She nodded mutely in answer to his question, but he wasn't satisfied with that.

"How long have you wanted my cock? How bad do you want it?" he spoke throatily.

His lips ghosted along the shell of her ear, and she was barely even aware of her surroundings when all she could whisper was a broken, "please."

She needed him.

Then suddenly it was all gone, Percy pulled back with a satisfied smile, leaving her panting and utterly disheveled.

Her eyes snapped open, "what are you doing," she asked in a hushed and frantic tone.

Now she was really reminded of the library incident, when he had threatened to leave her wet and desperate for him. Except this time, she had a feeling he wasn't going to cave and give her what she wanted in the end. This time, he really was going to leave her a quivering mess without the chance of release.

He just smiled wider, "what? There are people around, I would never do anything inappropriate in such a public place," he taunted.

"But..." she trailed off. "You keep doing this on purpose," she huffed.

He shrugged innocently, "pay back for yesterday Chase. I'll always have the upper hand."

She hauled her seat away from him, giving him her best glare, "we'll see about that," she mumbled, already plotting how to get her revenge.

This would not stand; Annabeth Chase did not lose.

Notes from og author (goodgodwhy on ao3):

Okay, is it likely that Annabeth could give Percy a handjob in the back of the class without anyone noticing? No. Is it likely that Percy nearly fingered Annabeth in the middle of detention without anyone noticing? No. But you know what, we're going to pretend it is possible, because I think it's fun and this is my fantasy.

Visit my tumblr if you have any questions, I'm just getting it up and running.

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