Percabeth Dirty One Shots and...

By Lex4205

422K 1.6K 1.1K

Percabeth dirty one shots and Drabble replacement I own nothing. All the original authors will be credited ... More

The Roommate Agreement 1
The Roommate Agreement 2
The Roommate Agreement 7
The Roommate Agreement 8
Roommate Agreement 9
The Roommate Agreement 10
In The Bedroom
Percy's Goddess
Would It Really Kill You (If We Kissed?) 1
Long Way Home
July Rain
For Her Sake
i don't want you like a best friend
Pizza Delivery
Made your mark on me
It's Not Serious (i swear) 1
Ins(is) 2
Ins(is) 3
Ins(is) 4
Ins(is) 5
ins (is) 7
ins (is) 8
Ins(is) 9
Ins(is) 10
Ins(is) 11
ins (is) 12
ins (is) 13
Ins(is) 14
Ins(is) 15
ins(is) 16
Back To Black
Okay, it's serious (The First Date)
OIS: first times
OIS: Jealousy, Jealousy
OIS 4: Dinners and Diatrides
Naturally Beautiful, Like You, Annabeth
When you get me alone, it's so simple
Made your mark on me
Better Than Ambrosia
A Crazy Christmas
Yours To Keep 1
Yours To Keep 2
Twin Sized Mattress
Being Productive
Blissful Morning
Ribbons and Lace
Your Voice, That Touch, This Night, Got Me Higher Than The Skyline
Broken Ego, Broken Heart 💔
Kickstart My Heart 1
Kickstart My Heart 4
Illicit Affairs
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 1
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 2
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 3
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 4
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 5
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 6
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 7
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 8
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 9
All Of You, All Of Me (Intertwined) 10
His bare neck
my hot blood's been burning for so many summers now
Wink (and im yours)
Pretty much the most impulsive first kiss of all time
Skeleton in the Closet (Ice Ring)
Ice Ring 5
Ice Ring 9
Ice Ring 10
Ice Ring 15
faster than a hairpin trigger
FTAHT 2 (Faster Than A Hairpin Trigger)
Someone Like You

Ins (is) 6

3K 22 14
By Lex4205

Goodgodwhy on ao3

She had hoped it could be a one off, she never slept with anyone more than once and especially not some guy from her High School but unfortunately Percy was an incredible lay and after the library incident the other day, it was nearly impossible to stay away from him.

She did try though, she really did, she lasted five whole days, and honestly, she deserved an award for that, because he did not make it easy for her. Granted two of those days were during the weekend, so she wasn't forced to see him, but the next few days of abstinence were truly impressive. She was pretty sure he knew exactly what he was doing. It was the way he would smirk and give her sly glances as he walked by in the halls, like he was reveling in the secret between them and loving just how desperate she was to repeat it.

The first day back at school, she saw him leaning against his locker, looking absolutely sinful with his hat smashed over his messy hair and his bright eyes shining. She had never much cared for leather jackets on guys, it always felt like a failed attempt at being dark and mysterious, but good God if Percy didn't look incredible in his, with his light brown pants matching perfectly to complete the whole look.

Apparently walking clichés didn't apply to him. He was the embodiment of a skater boy with some edge, in his dark attire and silver jewelry, but it worked on him without feeling completely derivative. It also didn't hurt that his broad shoulders filled out the jacket like it had been tailored specifically for his body.

Her head swivelled as she walked by, trying to keep her eyes on him for as long as possible. She almost said, 'fuck it' and turned around, but Nico and Will happened to pass by in front of her, blocking Annabeth's view of Percy and it broke the spell before she did anything stupid.

"I get it," Nico whispered on his way by.

"What?" she asked confused, still slightly dazed.

"The new guy. I get it, he's hot," Nico explained.

"Hey," Will pouted indignantly as Annabeth's cheeks warmed.

Nico pulled his boyfriend closer, "don't worry, he's not really my type, but I can see the appeal."

Will smiled and glanced over at Percy, "okay fine, we all have a little crush on him."

Annabeth felt like she should say something, deny it, but she couldn't find her voice. She only managed to shake her head and the boys both gave her pitying looks like they didn't believe her for a second, before moving on their way

The next morning, she spotted Percy entering the school as she pulled into the parking lot. He stood out in the crowd with the red bandana tied around his hair, probably to help with sweating in the sweltering weather. They had been hit by a sudden heat wave, so he had opted to wear fewer layers than normal. He was in just a simple black t-shirt and pants, but somehow it all came together to look incredible on him, anyway. His sleeves were short, and his tattoo which always took her breath away, was on display.

She wanted to run her hands over it again, trail her nails along the defined lines of his forearms and trace the veins down into his fingers. As he walked up the steps, she stared at his ass which was unfairly nice for a guy. She remembered how she had gripped at it while he pumped into her, trapping him inside her so he could shoot his load and fill her with incredibly fulfilling warmth.

She was forced look away from Percy when she nearly ran over her friends who were waiting to greet her at her parking spot. When she glanced back, he was gone, and her heart was beating out of her chest. She got out her car and gave them a sheepish smile as an apology.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she told them.

Frank and Hazel waved her off, but Piper zeroed in on her and grabbed her arm.

"What's got you so distracted?" she asked.

Annabeth shrugged but her eyes flickered over to where Percy once was, "nothing, nothing."

Piper looked at her suspiciously for a moment.

Hazel leaned in, "Beth, I forgot to ask, how is your thing with that Percy guy going?"

Annabeth's feet stuttered and she nearly tripped, "what? What do you mean?"

Piper kept watching her curiously, her gaze piercing, as Hazel continued, "I thought you said you've been meeting with him? Like at the library. I'm just curious what he's like, he seems super quiet, I've never even heard him talk except when we were at the restaurant."

Her beating heart slowly returned to its normal pace, "oh uh, yeah it's been good. He's pretty nice."

"Yeah, he seemed nice," Hazel said with a smile. "I wonder if we should try to talk to him, it must be hard starting at a new school halfway through the semester."

Annabeth shook her head immediately, "no, no, he- I think he likes being alone and stuff."

"Oh okay, well I just thought it would be nice but if he prefers being alone, then that's cool," Hazel muttered.

Piper wrapped an arm around the smaller girl's shoulder and shook her lightly, "you are too nice for your own good, Hazel. A little sweetheart."

Hazel laughed, "yeah, yeah, whatever."

Annabeth forced a smile, feeling like she dodged a bullet. The last thing she needed was Percy becoming friends with her whole group. She would never be able to escape him then.

They walked into class and her eyes went to him immediately, sitting in his usual spot in the back. She tried to pay attention to Mr. Blofis, once she sat down, but she kept peering over her shoulder as subtly as she could to watch him. She was mesmerized by the way he rotated his head from side to side to crack his strong neck. She loved the way he spun his pencil in his nimble fingers, she loved the deep pull of his brows as he gazed out the window, she loved the strong outline of his defined jaw and the bobbing of his Adam's apple. He was driving her insane.

She only managed to pull her gaze away because Rachel nudged her in the ribs and gave her a curious look.

"What is up with you?" she questioned.

Annabeth knew her behaviour had been off for weeks now, but she just shrugged noncommittally and hoped it would be a suitable answer, "nothing."

"You've been so distracted lately. Is everything okay at home," Rachel asked genuinely.

"Yeah, it's fine, honestly," she whispered softly, despite the bouncing of her knee as she fought to not turn around and look at Percy again.

"Okay well then you need to get laid or something. You have way too much restless energy," Rachel decided.

Annabeth almost choked, "uh, yeah maybe," she stammered.

Rachel eyes sparkled, "ooh yay, really? I was invited to a frat party this weekend, we should go! We can find you some college dick."

Annabeth just nodded, "sure, sure," she agreed.

Then she couldn't help it anymore and she snuck another glance at Percy lounging in the back.

Rachel followed her gaze, "no, not him. That one's mine," she whined jokingly.

Annabeth laughed uncomfortably, "I don't want him, I just thought I saw a bee," she lied.

Rachel didn't look like she believed her, but she just turned back towards the front of the class, and whispered an unconvinced, "uh huh," before dropping the conversation.

Annabeth's mouth was dry; it had been nearly impossible to get the words, "I don't want him," to escape her lips without combusting. She didn't think she had ever told a bigger lie in her entire life.

That night when she got home, she couldn't hold back anymore. She thought of him as she snuck her hand down and delved between her legs to release tension. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her fingers working furiously as memories of the way Percy fucked her played on repeat in her mind.

The images flashing through her head had her soaked and dripping but it still took a while to actually come because she couldn't get as deep as his cock or as precise as his tongue. Obviously, she was far too hooked on him already, because she used to be able to get herself there in minutes. With a frustrated huff as she finished, she knew that she was truly screwed. Her resolve had broken, she couldn't stay away any longer.

On the third day, she went searching for him. She didn't see him all morning, but at lunch she finally spotted him just as he was entering the men's washroom. She looked down the hallway, making sure that there was no one around, before following after him. She poked her head through the door, relieved to find that he was the only one inside, washing his hands at the sink. She stepped in and cornered him against the counter. He turned in surprise before replacing his expression with his signature smirk.

His outfit must have been some sort of sick joke. Due to the continued warm weather, he obviously decided that the best course of action was to wear nearly no clothing at all. He had on a light grey silk shirt, only buttoned together at the very bottom so that it revealed practically his entire chest. It was the first time she had seen him in anything with real colour and it made his eyes pop beautifully. Maybe he had finally run out of dark clothing.

Part of her missed his signature style, but the other part of her truly appreciated the change. She was torn and turned on at the same time.

She could still make out some of the faint bruises that she had left all over his neck a few days before and her stomach clenched with desire. Not only did he not attempt to cover them up, but it looked almost as if he was trying to put them on display.

She couldn't help staring at his abs that peaked out from beneath his loose shirt. Any time he moved, they rippled with power and she had to wonder what he had done to become so strong. She also noticed a few faint scars, ones that she had passed over in her haste to get her hands down his pants, but she was equally curious to hear the story behind the small, ragged lines that were littered along his skin.

He looked at her with amusement and interrupted her train of thought, "is there something I can do for you?"

She gestured between them, "no one can know about this?'

He raised his eyebrows, "and what exactly is this?"

"It's nothing," she answered, feeling flustered.

She was making this up on the spot. It certainly hadn't been part of the plan, all she knew was that she needed to have him again, and clearly, she couldn't restrict herself to just one more time. She had been saying that since the start and here she was, back for round three.

"Which is why you followed me into the boy's washroom?" he responded sarcastically.

"It's nothing, with a side of something," she corrected.

"A side of something," he repeated like he was trying to follow her confusing train of thought.

"Yes, if you want it," she said, trying to hide the nerves in her voice.

His eyes flickered down her body with hungry eyes and she tried to keep her face impassive, "I could get behind that," he answered finally, and her cheeks began to heat up.

"Good, but no one can know. This isn't anything serious but if people hear about it, they'll make it into this whole thing, and I already have enough rumours following me around. We're not exclusive, we're not dating, we just fuck from time to time, you good with that?" she repeated.

Annabeth didn't do relationships. She fucked around, she went to parties, but she did not do relationships, and that still hadn't changed. She liked Percy more than she expected, but she was off to college in less than a year, and school was her priority, she wasn't looking for anything to mess that up, not even criminally attractive boys with dark hair and rippling abs. She wished she could just stay away from him completely, but it was too late to go back now. She was just a little too obsessed with his magical cock to stop herself. It had some kind of spell over her or something.

"I don't do serious either, and people talking about me would go against my whole 'fly under the radar' loner vibe I've got going on," he agreed.

She bit back her smile, "good, so we have an agreement. Give me your phone so I can put in my number," she said, placing out her hand and grasping demandingly at the air.

He just chuckled, shaking his head but he handed it over without a word. She entered her number and texted herself from his phone so that she could reach him whenever she was in the mood.

He ran his fingers through his hair as she passed his phone back to him, and her eyes caught on a colourful, horrendous bracelet wrapped around his wrist.

"Interesting piece of jewelry you've got there," she joked, gesturing her chin towards it.

He looked down at the messily braided accessory and smiled, "thanks, some kids at the skatepark made it for me."

She didn't really know how to respond to that, because it was extremely unexpected and it was kind of doing things to her heart, so she ignored it altogether. She was about to change the subject, when Percy shoved her suddenly into one of the stalls. Before she could chastise him, he clamped his palm over her mouth and closed the door behind them.

She tried not to think about how hot it was to have his powerful hands gripping her forcefully. She implored herself to skip over the thoughts of those same hands wrapping around her throat again and forcing her mouth all the way down his thick cock.

Instead, she glared at him indignantly as he signalled to his ear to listen. She realized somebody had walked into the bathroom to turn on the tap in the sink. Percy retracted his palm carefully and they breathed heavily face to face, trying to remain quiet.

Percy gazed back at her with his swirling green eyes, his lips impossibly close. She tried not to shiver as his breath ghosted across her face, every inch of their bodies pressed together. She could feel each ridge of his strong, taut chest and the defined line of the very cock that she had just been picturing, pressing into her hip.

The random guy in the bathroom finished washing his hands and walked back out the door.

Before she could react, Percy leaned in until his mouth hovered next to her ear, "can we start that agreement now?"

She really wanted to say no, any person with an ounce of self-respect would say no, but it seemed like Percy could convince her to do just about anything, especially when he stared at her like that. Especially when his shirt was falling open, and she was already dripping with anticipation.

"This better be quick," she tried to respond in a bored tone but the breathlessness in her voice sort of gave her away.

He smirked triumphantly and went to work, grabbing her waist and pulling her to him roughly. His mouth attached to hers, pulling at her tongue before dropping his lips to her neck to suck more marks right next to the ones that he had left the last time they had been together. She fumbled frantically with his shirt, trying to pull it free from his pants, and get access to those taunting abs. Her fingers shook and she couldn't seem to get the buttons undone, and in her haste to get it open, she ripped them apart, the shirt unfurling with a tear.

"Oops," she muttered.

He just rolled his eyes exasperatedly and pulled her closer.

Just like the other times, it was rushed and heated, both of them looking for a quick release. There was no time for intimacy or care, nor did she really want it. She loved the way he took control, matching every one of her moves with just as much fervor.

He pushed her against the stall door, making it rattle thunderously in the empty bathroom, as he smoothed his fingers along her thighs. She lowered her hands, searching for the bulge in his pants, while he shucked her skirt up above her hips. Somehow his touch still caused goosebumps to raise on her skin and she didn't think she would ever get used to the feeling.

With trembling hands she pulled his already hard cock out of his jeans and began stroking it rapidly. Percy's lips faltered against hers as he let out a quiet groan, and she didn't think she would ever get used to that sound either. In response or retaliation, he pulled down her wet panties enough so that he could run his fingers along her dripping cunt. She couldn't wait another second to have him, not when his hands were toying with her like that, and she felt achingly empty.

Annabeth pushed him back, forcing him to drop down on the toilet, his thick length standing at attention, beckoning her closer. She was on him in an instant, straddling his hips precariously, with his cock squeezed between them as she ground down on him. Her eyes rolled back into her head at the overwhelming sensation, and she almost came on the spot. There was something so staggering about being with Percy, rubbing against him, it practically overpowered her senses, making it hard to think straight. All she knew was him and her.

She lifted up on her knees and sank down onto him, his cock stretching her open with every delicious inch. Her breathing turned ragged as she tried to accommodate for his size. This was another thing she still wasn't used to, being spread so perfectly. She was getting better though, at holding back that wave inside her that was desperate to crash over her the minute his hands were on her or his shaft inside her. She was pulsing, her toes curled and her heart pounding, but she refused to let him have anything else to be cocky about, she refused to release yet. Their first two times together were already embarrassing enough for her, with how quickly he had made her come.

And to think, less than a month ago, she had been complaining to her friends about the fact that all the boys she slept with were unimpressive. She had bragged that she could make guys lose it within mere minutes, but now the opposite was true. Percy had flipped the tables and she was the one climaxing, what felt like, every few seconds. He had all the power, and she was just along for the ride.

Percy nipped at her bottom lip, waiting until she was ready to move. She squeezed her walls experimentally and he growled against her mouth. She rose on her knees and dropped back down onto him hard, building up speed, taking him deeper with each downward thrust. He leaned back and rested his head on the wall behind him, watching her with lidded eyes as he toyed with her nipples through her shirt. She bounced as fast as she could, her thighs flexing and tensing.

This felt familiar, being in control, taking what she wanted. But while this was fantastic, she found herself missing being at his mercy, like the other two times they fucked. She loved giving up control far more than she ever expected and far more than she would like to admit. She was pretty sure Percy knew it too. He watched her with a smirk, not helping, just waiting as she tried to take enjoyment from him.

They both knew that it would never be as good as when he took the reins and fucked her into the next century, but he didn't have to be so smug about it. She wished she could prove him wrong, just ride him and be done with it, but she needed to come so bad, and she needed to feel him touching her, pounding into her, doing something.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and with a clenched jaw, she snapped at him between gasps, "do something. Just, fuck, do something."

He quirked his brow and pulled his hands away from her tits, to tuck them around the back of his head with calm confidence. That was the opposite of what she wanted. Her frowned deepened as she tried to pivot and rotate her hips in a way that she liked.

"Do what?" he asked innocently.

She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him closer to get a better angle on his cock. His lips ghosted against hers as she huffed and puffed, and Percy just kept looking unaffected. Only the clenching in his jaw and the flexing of his fingers hinted that he may have been enjoying it too.

"Just fucking touch me, asshole," she barked, when she was able to catch her breath between bounces.

With a wide smile, Percy finally moved. He smoothed his palm up between her shoulders and wrapped it around the ends of her curly hair to yank her head back, her neck now straining and taut just like the rest of her, and God, that was more like it. She arched her back, leaning in closer and grating her clit against his muscular stomach, offering her blessed friction that had her moaning between hungry breaths. All that could be heard were the echoes of their loud whimpers, ragged exhales and the slap of their bodies coming together over and over.

As much as she tried to resist that tug in her lower gut, to fend it off, it did not care to listen to her. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to fight it as sweat collected along her hairline, but it was too much. She started clenching forcefully around Percy's cock and shivering uncontrollably in his arms. Her orgasm travelled through her with force, tingling every nerve along her spine and into the back of her skull. Her mind blanked and her vision whited out for a moment as she stilled on his lap.

"Jesus, you're going to make me pass out," she whispered raggedly as she slowly came back down.

She continued to shake and jerk, trying to catch her breath, but Percy wouldn't allow it. Without a word of warning, he began to lift his hips to meet hers, slamming into her from below.

"Oh fuckkkk," she jolted, not expecting the surprising assault.

Even trapped in her bra and shirt, her boobs still bounced and slapped together, from the sheer force of Percy's thrusts. She leaned back, placing her hands behind her on his thick, muscular thighs, digging into the skin.

Already, Percy was building her up towards another earth shattering orgasm. She bit down on her lip painfully, willing her body to heed her, and hold off on falling apart, just this once. She hooked her nails deeper into his legs until she was sure she was drawing blood.

"Oh God," she moaned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and her whole body pulsing.

Percy let out a deep, gruff laugh, far too smug with himself, just the way she liked him. She kept leaning back, arching into a deeper and deeper curve, desperate to take more of him, knowing he had more to offer. Percy was forced to release her hair and cradle the back of her head, so she didn't just simply slide right off his lap. Pleasure and fireworks lanced through her, as his cock collided against the deepest part of her, feeling like she might just tear apart at the seams.

"Shit, take it all," Percy huffed. "Tell me how bad you want it."

She couldn't deny him anything, especially now, when the fate of her orgasm was entirely in his hands. She also didn't really want to deny him anything, she loved the way he whispered dirty words in her ear, demanding and impossible to refuse.

"Shit, I want it so bad, fuck keep going," she implored pitifully.

Her cunt throbbed and gushed with each of his thrusts, and she was so, so embarrassingly close, when the bathroom door suddenly banged open, and her heart jumped out of her chest.

She and Percy stopped moving immediately, trying to hide their heavy breaths, staring at each other, stricken as a group of boys clamoured into the room. She tried to stop her trembling, but her climax had been so close that it was excruciating to stop now. Her thighs were sore and tired, and she just wanted to come, but they were stuck, frozen, scared that even the slightest movement might give away their compromising position.

Percy wasn't faring much better, she could tell from the erratic rhythm of his hips moments before, that he had been just as close as her.

She prayed that the group of guys would be quick, but from the way they chatted aimlessly, she knew they were in no hurry to leave. One of her legs nearly slipped from around Percy's hips, but he grabbed onto her thigh just in time. Unfortunately, the motion sent a jolt of pleasure through her, and she let out a quiet, muffled moan. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes as she attempted to stave off her release.

Percy obviously wasn't quite as worried about getting caught, or maybe he just couldn't hold still for a second longer, because he began to grind his hips experimentally against hers, sending delicious shocks through her body. His tip rested deep inside her, rubbing right against that sensitive spot that he was always able to locate with alarming ease, and she couldn't stop the gasp that escaped her lips. Percy clamped his palm over her mouth again, but he kept moving his hips agonizingly slow. She slammed her hand against the stall wall, sending an incriminating bang through the room, but she couldn't help it when Percy lowered his thumb onto her clit and started rubbing with precision, trying to push her over that perilous edge.

"Is someone else in here?" one of the boy's asked suddenly.

If her heart wasn't already beating as quickly as it could go, she guessed that it would have raced at those words. She couldn't really stop her grinding though, she would rather get caught than have to stop again at this point. She felt her walls fluttering and she knew she was right there.

"Holy fuck," she whispered raggedly in Percy's ear, unable to stop it from tumbling out of her lips.

He swivelled his hips, hitting particularly deep against her soft spot while his thumb pressed down roughly on her clit, and everything aligned in just the right way until she couldn't hold on anymore. She was flung up through the air and then sent crashing back down to earth, shuttering and clenching violently, moaning into Percy's hand.

Her own release triggered his and he faltered once before planting his cock as deep as it could go and shot wave after wave of cum inside her, filling her with exquisite warmth. Their foreheads fell together as they caught their breath and came down from their highs. A soft ringing sounded in her ears, muffling everything around her, and her sight was blurry.

A bang on the door made them jump in surprise, both having forgotten they weren't alone.

"Hello? You good, dude?" the guy questioned.

Percy cleared his throat and tried to mask his panting, "yeah, I'm good thanks," he croaked.

"You're making a lot of noise in there," the boy responded, snickering with his friends.

"Got it, you can fuck off now," Percy said more forcefully, and it sent another spark through her tired core.

"Alright man, calm down, I'm just joking," the guy responded with a laugh and he and his friends finally walked out of the bathroom.

She extricated herself from Percy's lap, his cock sliding out her, bringing a flood of liquids with it. Her knees cracked noisily as she stood on her shaky legs. She was forced to grab onto the door behind her as her head spun. When her vision came back into focus, she looked down at Percy, who had already cleaned himself up and tucked everything back into his jeans. He fiddled with his ripped shirt, eventually deciding to shove it into his pants so that it had a semblance of still being together. When he was satisfied, he rose slowly to his feet, until they were chest to chest, just like where they started.

She could feel her release and his warm cum dripping out of her sore cunt and down her thighs and she tried to hide the embarrassed flush in her cheeks. He just watched her, looking smug as she grabbed some toilet paper and tidied up as quickly as she could. She smoothed her hands over her clothes, hoping to be at least somewhat presentable when she left the bathroom. Percy continued to smirk at her, and she almost pushed him back down to repeat what they had just done, a second time. Instead, she threw on an unimpressed glare and tried to match his gaze.

"Well, I'm glad we agree, I'll text you if I ever need you," she told him when she finally found her voice.

"Works for me, but how do I differentiate between project needs and sexual needs?" he asked with a shit-eating grin, just to be an asshole.

"You'll know," she answered with a roll of her eyes, "now get out my stall."

"You're so bossy," he exclaimed exasperatedly, although from the way his eyes shone with amusement, she had a feeling he enjoyed it more than he was letting on. "Besides this is the men's bathroom, you followed me in here, remember?"

God he was so infuriating she would probably strangle him if she wasn't busy fucking him every chance she got.

"Fine, we'll both go. You can make sure no one is looking before we leave," she ordered, and he just smiled with a shake of his head.

"Got somewhere to be?" he asked, just like the last time in the library study room.

"Once again, I actually have people I would rather spend time with than you," she shot back.

That was a lie. At the moment, there wasn't really anyone she'd rather be spending time with. She hoped that feeling subsided soon enough.

"A boyfriend to visit?" he taunted.

"Exactly," she confirmed.

Truthfully, she hadn't been seeing anyone at all since Percy had walked into her life, even before they started sleeping together. She just hadn't really been interested in looking at anyone else, when they all seemed to pale in comparison to him, although she would never admit that to Percy.

"Are you going to tell him what we did?" he asked, his eyes sparkling like he knew that she was lying.

"Can't say there's much to tell," she replied with a sweet smile.

He lifted his brows, "need another reminder? I feel like we've already gone over this," he said with a low chuckle that she felt in her toes.

"Yeah whatever," she conceded with another roll of her eyes, "get a move on Jackson, I don't have all day."

She gave him a shove out of the stall, both of them laughing lightly. She looked in the mirror on their way out. Her perfect curls were completely mussed, her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen and red, and a spattering of dark bruises surrounded every inch of her neck. Well fuck, there was no way they weren't getting caught.

She decided it was worth it.

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