Dreaming Of You - Jenna Orteg...

By quinnfabrays_cumsock

398K 12.6K 2.9K

compilation of you and jenna (and her characters) in love gxg unless req! taking requests i guess?!?! More

But I'm right where you left me - j.o
Heaven knows your name, I've been praying - j.o
Baby, why can't I have you? j.o
You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring - j.o
I really believed you were into me - j.o
Maybe I'd change for you someday - j.o
you make me feel like a fool waiting for you - j.o
I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs - j.o
I will be your friend, but love you in my soul - j.o
I miss you, and I hope that you're okay - j.o
Focus on the friendship - j.o
Your lips, my lips. Apocalypse. j.o
If I betray our lonely nights spent out like a light - j.o
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace - j.o
And I don't want to have another heart attack - j.o
Do what your heart desires - j.o
How do I make you want me? j.o
She took my heart, filled it with nothin' but pain - j.o
It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you - j.o
Escape this town for a little while - j.o
Made you smile and look away - j.o
I just adore you - j.o
You are the only ones who know - j.o
Be that attached to the person I'm holding - j.o
So shame on me now - j.o
Crazy insane, got no brain - w.a
You acting like it's somebody you don't know - p.a
You said you might be into girls - l.d
I would love just to be stuck to your side - j.o
This is a love song for a girl who will never know it's about her - t.c
Weakness, tension in between us - w.a
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing - vc
Hell I'll do 25 to life if it makes me a king - wa
please let me go - jo
And I could taste it on her lips when we kiss - vc
She might want a kiss - jo
Tangled in love, stuck by you from the glue - vc
But I just can't be with you like this anymore - wa
I'd like for you and I to go romancing - wa
But I want to love a boy the way I love the ocean - jo
You don't know the half of it - pa
Oh, and I miss my lover - jo
You're delusional, you're delusional - jo
How could you be so heartless? jo
I'm so mature, I got me a therapist - jo
You're so pretty it hurts - tc
I can't say anything to your face - jo
If I can't have you baby, no one else in this world can - tc
Been here all along - cm
Spider-boy, king of thieves - tc
As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face - jo
Would you break it, if you're honest? jo
I didn't wanna believe my feelings for you - jo
Take her from him and I leave him with nothin' - jo
Let's smoke, ghostface - tc
I think you're holding the heart of mine (my heart is yours) tc
My infatuation Is translating to another form of what you call it? tc
How could you hurt a little kid? jo
Like you already know you're never sayin' goodbye - jo
My heart won't start anymore, jo
If you know about me and choose to stay, tc
I lost the joy in my face. My life was simple before. jo
Lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense, jo
This was the very first page, not where the story line ends, ld
I don't want to play this part, but I do, all for you, tc
You looked back at me once, but I looked back two times, jo
Only bought this dress so you could take it off, jo
Polaroid of you dancing in my room, jo (1)
You make me feel nice, jo (2)
What is happening to me? jo (1)
Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me, jo (2)
Fight or flight, I'd rather lie than tell you I'm in love with you, jo (3)
Shining like gun metal, cold and unsure, jo (4)
You were the sweetest apparition, such a pretty vision, jo (1)
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye, jo (2)
You asked for my heart, but I didn't know where to start, jo (3)
What are you willing to do? jo (4)
Where worlds collide and days are dark, jo (1)
I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this, jo (2)
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', tc (1)
I want you to stay, even though you don't want me, tc (2)
Heaven is a place on Earth with you, tc (3)
The distance and the time between us, it'll never change my mind, tc (4)
I wonder how I managed to end up in this place where I couldn't get away, pa (1)
I'm always ready for a war again, pa (2)
And there was something about you that now I can't remember, jo (1)
I'll always love you (requested)
Pathetic (requested)
Regret (requested)
Guitar (requested)
Behind the Scenes (requested)

Do you know when you're coming back? k.t

3.6K 149 24
By quinnfabrays_cumsock

In which you come back home after seven years

Listen to: Reflections - The Neighbourhood

You and your family had been close friends of the Torres' for a long time. Your fathers were friends, so, you grew up Katie. You two were close, conjoined at the hip. At least, until you had to move to a private school in another state. It broke your heart being away from your best friend, but as the years went by, you slowly moved on, the two of you slowly drifted away.

You had gotten busy living your life, captain of the swim team and top student in your school. Even though you were busy, you somehow managed to add in parties to the mix. You and your friends would often post about when you guys would go out and have fun. You and Katie still followed each other, so one tended to stalk from time to time.

You both grew up, very differently, but you're both mature and have changed.

Your dad wanted to move back for your gap year before you start university. You were going to spend part of the year exploring and the other half just staying back in the place that you called home.

Tupac blasted through the speakers as you and your dad bopped to it while on your way back to your old home. He didn't want to sell it, knowing that you'd want to come back at some point. You pulled into the driveway, the feeling of nostalgia secreted from the house. You got out of the car, grabbing your bag from the back.

"There is no way we have new neighbors, they never sold their house, Carlos." You heard the voice of Allison call out as she walked out of the door.

"God, I hope we didn't sell the place." You joked, causing the woman to turn around in shock.

"Y/n! Oh my god." She exclaimed, making you chuckle and open your arms so that she can hug you. She pulled you into a tight hug before pulling back to take a good look at you. "You've grown so much! How many years has it been?" Your dad came from around the corner, greeting Allison as well.

"I think it's been like seven years or something?" You pondered, crossing your arms, a smile still residing on your face.

"What's all the commotion?" Carlos came out of the house as well, seeing that his wife was with two other people. "Martin?"

You let out a laugh seeing the two men reunite and walk off, catching up on the years. You turned back to Allison who's been studying you. "Are you okay?"

"You look so different!" You laughed, shaking your head and looking away as you two walked to their house. "Seriously, last time I saw you, you were so tiny."

"Oh really? I think there's this thing called puberty, and it changes people." You pretended to gasp in shock, making the older woman sarcastically laugh. "How are the kids?"

"Grown up," You nodded, opening the door for her. "What a gentlewoman!"

"Mom, who are you talking to?" You heard a voice round the corner. "Y/n?"

"Ellie!" You exclaimed, she let out a squeal running into your arms for a hug. You lifted her up, although she's heavier, you were still able to do it. "God, you've gotten bigger."

"So have you! How long are you back for?" She asked, her head tilting to the side, similarly to how she used to when she was a lot younger. You pursed your lips then shrugged.

"Not too sure, Els, kinda just wanna be here 'till I wanna start exploring." You explained, dropping your bag onto a bench nearby. You saw a boy walking down the stairs. "Nando?"

He turned at the sound of his name. "Y/n, hey!" His voice cracked, making you wince and lean towards Ellie.

"Is he going through his voice crack phase?" You whispered as he jogged to you.

"Yeah, it's terrible." She whispered back, making you nod in agreement before smiling and taking the boy in for a hug.

You grabbed him by the shoulders. "Oh my god! You're in high school now!" You shook him, making him smile in embarrassment.

"You're acting as if you're so much older than us."

You just shrugged. "Kinda am."

"What's with all the screaming?" You heard, this was the voice of a more matured Katie. You turned smiling with a wave.

"Hey Katie." You flashed a charming grin. "How are you?"

"Y/n?" She looked as if she was in disbelief, her eyes were wide as she stood there, frozen.

"In the flesh." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Are you good?"

"Y-yeah, I just- I forgot something upstairs." She stammered, very obviously flushed.

There was no use in denying the Katie had grown up to be very stunning. Seeing her in real life after all these years could not compare to seeing her pictures on instagram. If you were being honest, you kind of had a crush on the girl since you were kids.

You watched as she turned on her heels and went up the stairs. You made eye contact with Nando, who just shrugged, then eye contact with Ellie, who leaned to whisper something to you. "I think she still likes you." You felt yourself flush at the comment.

You turned to her, narrowing your eyes on her. "I thought we don't tell other people's secrets?"

"I wasn't going to lie." She had made a point, making you shrug.


You were out on a run, just to see the neighborhood once again. You felt yourself slow down, stopping at a bench and sitting down. You admired the sunrise, how the sky reddens, the few people that walk by. It wasn't cold, but it definitely wasn't hot. So, you had a hoodie overtop.

"Not surprised you're up this early." You turned to see Katie taking a seat beside you. "Don't know how you can do it." You huffed a smile before looking back at the horizon.

"I'm surprised you're up this early. What's your reason?" You crossed your arms over your chest, feeling the lactic acid seep in.

"Why did you come back?" She was immediate with her question, catching you slightly off guard. You couldn't tell her tone, so you looked at her. You couldn't read her face, which was weird, because you used to be a master at it. Maybe you've grown out of your skills?

"My dad wanted me to come home before I leave again." She raised an eyebrow, her eyes never leaving you, as if she was observing for any weird behavior. "Taking a gap year before I take that scholarship."

"When are you leaving?"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, you didn't know if she seemed like she wanted you to be gone already. "Uh, I'm not sure. Until this doesn't really feel like home and I need to go out into the world."

"So, soon?" Your head snapped towards her.


"Where to?" She ignored the call of her name.

You frowned, looking her up and down. "Stanford."

"On a full ride scholarship? Dang." She sounded cold. "Must be great living like you."

"What?" You shifted your body to look at her, but now she was the one who was avoiding you. "Katie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She snapped. She tried her best to hide a shiver. You pulled off your hoodie, you were warm from the run anyway. You handed it to her. "What are you doing?"

"You're cold, I'm giving you my hoodie and walking you home."

"Y/n, I don't need that." She tried to put it back into your hands, but you raised your eyebrows, asking her to dare you. "Why are you treating me like I'm still a kid?"

"I'm not. You're acting like one though." You quipped, still quick as ever. "And the same height as one." You smiled upon seeing her resolve crumble as her jaw slacked and she hit you.


"Whatever, let me take you home, a gentleman thing to do." She got up, begrudgingly putting on the sweater, walking with you towards her house.

It was quiet, neither one of you didn't know what to say and how to start this conversation. It was weird, because you two were always able to fall into conversation. Maybe because you've grown up? "So... How's... School?"

"Weird question, but it's fine."

"I didn't mean grades. I meant like boys and stuff." You cleared your throat. "Are you dating anyone?"

"Uh, yeah? Yeah, I'm dating someone." She answered, a little unsure.

"Is he treating you good?" You looked over at her.

"I guess?" She was confused with all of the questions.

You nodded, your eyes forward. "Well, if anything happens, you can call me. I never changed my number."

"Why are you pretending to care all of a sudden?" She snapped, turning to you and no longer walking. "Because, last I remembered, you've barely texted me these past two years."

"I never stopped caring." You answered, keeping your voice calm. It was still the morning, but the sun was starting to come out.

"Oh yeah, you care so much that you never texted."

"A phone works two ways Katie, if you wanted to text more you could've told me." You sighed and looked away. "I've been busy, I'm sorry."

"You've been partying! I'm not stupid, I can see the posts, y/n!" She was on the verge of yelling. Her hands waving in anger. She had the right to be mad at you. So, you stayed calm and quiet.

"What do you want me to say then?"

"I don't want you here." You felt your heart crack, but you kept up your front. "I don't want you to suddenly care and then leave me again! God, I don't even know if you'll be back."

"I never wanted to leave you, Katie."

"But you did. And you're going to do it again." She turned and walked away. You tried to jog after her.


"Leave me alone, y/n!" She yelled, her walking speed getting faster. You stopped jogging, knowing that she needed space to think.


You were reading a book inside your room, your record player played music quietly in the background. You hummed along as your eyes went over the pages. The ring of your phone was what broke your stare on the book. You hadn't thought much about the whole Katie thing, it made you upset, yes, but you understood where she was coming from.

You grabbed your phone, answering without looking at the Caller ID. "Hello?"

"Y/n?" The voice of the young boy made you sit up in your seat.

"Nando?" You glanced at the caller ID. "Why are you calling from Katie's phone?"

"I don't know, something happened with her." He sounded panicked, like he was pacing around.

"What happened?" You asked, putting the phone on speaker so you can get dressed.

"She brought me to this party, and then she went away, and then she came back, and I think she's drunk and she went with this guy." He rambled, obviously scared.

"Nando, where are you?" You got into your car, turning on the ignition.

"I- I'll send you the location."

"Alright, do you want me to hang up or just stay on call with you." You asked, speeding through the streets as you saw the location.

"Please stay on call." He whimpered.

"Alright." It went quiet for a second. "I can't believe that she brought you to this party." You whispered to yourself.

"She didn't want to. I convinced her." You let out a sigh.

You got to the house, seeing the boy outside. You put the car into park, running out to the boy. "Go in the car, Nando, I'll take care of your sister." He nodded, running in and sitting in the back seat. You locked the door before running inside.

You navigated the party of sweaty and drunk bodies, trying to find Katie. You yelled out her name over the music, but no avail. You ran up the stairs, knocking on every door and yelling out her name.

You banged on a door. "Katie! Katie, please!" You yelled.

"Y/n!" You heard her voice coming from another room, then you heard groans and her yelling at a guy to stop. You banged on the door, trying to open the door, but it was locked. Unlike all the occupied rooms.

"Open this fucking door." You growled, banging on it.

"Sorry man, it's occupied." A drunken man yelled, causing you to push off the door. You kicked it open. "What the hell?" He got up, he was shirtless, pants unbuckled. He tried squaring up to you, but you didn't back down. You shoved him back, causing him to stumble.

"The fuck were you thinking, huh?" You shoved him once more, he tripped over his own feet and fell. Once he got back up, he tried to swing, but he missed. Once he recovered from the missed swing, you landed a punch.

It wasn't the hardest but it was enough to make him fall. You straddled the man, grabbing him by the collar and punching him. All you saw was red. You grabbed a water bottle that had fallen, hitting him across the face until he bled. You stopped when Katie tried to stop you. You turned to her, panting and knuckles bloody. You dropped the bottle, getting up to go check on the girl.

Her shirt was off, her bra was coming off, her pants were pulled to her ankles. Tears were streaming down her face and her hair was disheveled. "Are you okay?" You ignored the sting on your hands, using them to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. "It's gonna be okay, I'm here now." She fell onto you, sobbing into your sweater. You rubbed her back until she calmed down.

"Fuck, Nando, he's here-"

"He's in the car right now, which means we should get going." You helped her get her clothes back on. You zipped the sweater off, putting it over her as you walked with her on your way out. You made sure she got into the back seat with her brother safely. You'd look at them every now and then, just to make sure they're okay. Katie was leaning against Nando, trying not to cry. "Do you guys want to stay with me for the night? We don't need to tell your parents."

"Can we?" Nando asked, you looked at him through the mirror and nodded. "Our parents don't know we left."

"Then you were with me the whole night." You winked, then looking at Katie, who remained quiet.

You helped the two sneak into your room, giving them both some of you and your dad's old clothes. Your dad was out of the house for the night, going out with some of his buddies. You let them stay in one of your guest rooms, checking in on them before heading back to your room.

You slipped back into your own bed, grabbing your phone and scrolling on social media. You were in the midst of watching someone rank the disney princesses when you heard your door creak open. You turned at the sliver of light, seeing Katie standing there.

"Are you able to sleep?" You sat up, opening the blanket. She shook her head, walking to you. You let her get into the bed with you, crawling into your arms. You held her tightly, rubbing her back every now and then until you felt her breath even out. Once you were sure she had fallen asleep, you went to sleep as well.

When you woke up the next morning, Katie was still sound asleep in your arms. You smiled but then wincing when you felt a stinging on your hands as the memories flood in from last night. You held her a little tighter, you should've killed that man.

You knew who he was, he was a creep that went to a bunch of high school parties. He always got away with it.

Katie stirred in your arms, getting up. You unwrapped your arms, your hands on her waist. "Morning sunshine." She winced, covering her eyes as she rolled off of you. Katie let out a groan as she covered herself with the blanket. "How much did you drink last night."

"Too much." She whispered, her voice coarse from last night. You smiled, getting up.

"Alright, well, me and your brother are going to make some food. Rest up." You patted her thigh and went to grab Nando.


It had been a few days since you beat up the guy, you hadn't spoken to Katie, mainly just terrible timing. Whenever she was out, you were at home, and vice versa.

You and Ellie were having your usual gossip session, where she told you everything that happened at school and at home. She had told you about the first yes day that they had, it was a few years after you left. They had a bunch of ice cream, a car wash with the windows down, a water balloon capture the flag game, and they even went to Magic Mountain. She told you about the pink foam nerd party that they had, where they learned that their dad can be stern, and how Katie snuck to the festival that she wanted to go to, learning that their mom can be fun. She also told you about how they met H.E.R.

You told her about the competitions you had, all the school gossip, and the parties that went on. You told the young girl about all the exes you've had, ranking them with her.

"Look, I'm just saying, cheating is wrong, but she should've done it with someone who was better than you. But no one is better than you." She complimented, making you hit her thigh softly.

"Whatever, you know what, she can suck my-"

"Y/n?" Katie showed up at the door, cutting you off before you could swear in front of her sister. "Can we talk?" You frowned in confusion.

"Sure, I'll meet you in your room." She nodded going away. You looked to her sister, who gave you a knowing look. She raised her eyebrows playfully, nudging you to go on. "You know, for an 11 year old, you sure are snoopy."

"Go!" You raised your hands in defense, going to see Katie.

You showed up at her door, knocking onto the door way. She looked up from her phone, scooting over and patting the spot beside her on the bed. "What's up?" You asked, closing the door behind you and sitting with her.

"That night, you came for me. Why?"

You shrugged. It was an easy answer. "Well, other than the fact that your brother called for me. Which we need to talk about but that's a completely different topic. I told you I'm going to help you. I care about you."


"The guy- was he your boyfriend?"

She scoffed. "No, no. My boyfriend- he cheated on me. He's just some creep."

"Being cheated on sucks ass." You commented, leaning back onto your hands.

"You got cheated on?"

You pursed your lips, nodding. "Yup, but that was in the past."

"Did you date anyone else?" You glanced at her.

"Few, every now and then. I actually got dumped like last month." She looked at you with a raised eyebrow, wanting you to tell more. Looking at her reminded you about those feelings you buried deep down. "She's got a new guy, but it's whatever."

"Already? She moved on quick." She mumbled, leaning back as well.

You shrugged, sitting up higher to look down on her. "It's alright, I moved on too."

She looked at you in disbelief. "Oh have you?"

"I'd prove it to you." You told her, leaning close enough to brush her lips. "But that would ruin our friendship." You pulled back before your lips could make contact, sitting up. "And we don't want that."

"Yes, we do." She whispered, you turned to her, raising your eyebrows.

"We do?" She nodded, grabbing you by the nape of your neck and kissing you. You melted into the kiss, your eyes fluttering shut as you pushed her down onto the bed and straddling her.

Before the kiss could continue, someone walked in and let out a yelp. You jumped off of the girl, seeing Allison standing there in shock. You swallowed the lump in your throat. You weren't looking forward to running away from Carlos. "H-hey mom." Katie greeted, eyes wide.

"Carlos!" She called out. "We need to talk!" She turned to grab the man, but he popped up beside her.

"What's up, honey?"

"I- I should go." You stammered, flushing red as you tried to leave.

Allison stopped you. "No, you stay." You gulped and sat back down. "I just walked in on these two. Guess what they were doing." The older man looked at his wife then back at you two.

"Painting their nails?" He guessed, it made you crack a small smile.

"There's no nail polish anywhere here. No, they were making out!" You felt yourself redden, as you looked away.

"I really don't think I should be here." You mumbled, Carlos nodded.

"Yeah, I'll give you a thirty second head start." Your eyes widened as you ran out of the room and out of the house.

Katie watched you dash with her jaw slacked. "Dad, I think you forget how often she goes on runs, I don't think you can catch her."

"Oh yeah? Let's see." He went off, making Allison sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose.

(ive been writing quite a few using jennas characters so expect to see those a lot more soon)

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