The wrong star

By anabe23

113K 4.3K 844

Humans are back in Pandora and Miles Quaritch is one of them, at least some form of him. If they couldn't win... More

Become the enemy
Now we can't go back
I see you
We need a plan
Fight for the future
---1,000 reads announcement---
I knew it
------ bonus -------
Tulkun hunt
Everything goes to hell
Last deep breath
Happy new year
Black out
---10k reads---
---10k special Miles POV---
I'm different
Happiness is a fragile thing
They're coming
Time goes by
War preparations
New heir
Almost time
New life
author's note
what follows
author's note
I'm not like you
Sister of the ocean
Trip back home
author's note
Kind of a family
Air view
Not blue
No signal
Have some faith
The battle of the halleluyah mountains
The hunt
author's note

----Journey, Miles's POV----

1.3K 44 4
By anabe23

It's my night shift which means Anatuat gets to be with me, right now we're discussing how to talk to Miles or Spider, and how she calls him.

We settle on ambushing him during the morning, it's the only move we got. There isn't too much privacy in this ship and if any of the team sees me talking to the prisoners for too long they would suspect.

Something else I want to discuss with her is how to talk to Sully, how can I let him know about what the people from the sky are planning.

"To you I know it doesn't make sense... buildings, apartments... it's not something from here, but it will to him, I just don't know what he can actually do with that information," I go next to her.

She always looks at the sea.

"I may not be able to imagine what those are..." she says, I sense some irritation in her voice. "but I do know that they are meant to have a lot of people in them and take up space that's not theirs so, I get some of it,"

"I didn't mean it that way, love," I say tilting my head. I didn't mean that she was dumb or something, I just think she can't picture them.

"Whatever" she replies and takes some distance.

"Well, about it, I really don't know what would be best. I can't send him a stack of papers about the plans and space and capacity, is not even important if we're gonna bring it down" I decide to continue talking.

"You could summarize it, you know, just gather the information about where it is and how to enter... how many people are there, that kind of stuff,"

"The messenger is still something we gotta figure out," I look at her from the corner of my eyes and see her lick her lips. 

"We'll figure it out later. For now, let's focus on talking to Spider and making it through the week," She proposes.



I stand and pace a little on the platform, Anatuar lets her legs rest and I see her trying to reach the water with her toes.

"Be careful," I warn her.

She scrunched her nose in the way she always does when she thinks that what I'm saying is dumb.

"I'm gonna be fine," she replies.

"If you fall into the water I'll have to jump in and save you," I say as I go take my place beside her.

"I'll save you," she replies. I squint and she copies me, after a while we laugh.

It's nice spending time with her.

"I tried finding you something else to eat, not from a box," I say resting my arm over her shoulder and pulling her close to me. Anatuat rests her head on my shoulder.

"I could only find another box of seeds and some type of cereal that they say is made from dried... grass or something, I don't know. Other than that there's fish and the stuff from boxes" I continue. I really did try, my stupid ass even went to the kitchen to talk to the cooks and see if they would trade anything with me for money, but nothing.

"I miss home," she says moving to rest her head on my lap, I brush some strands of hair out of her face.

"I promise you'll be back soon," I tell her. I'll make sure of it.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," she warns me.

"I'm keeping that one. No matter what happens you'll be back home," I say rubbing her cheek, her eyes shimmering with tears.

"You better be there with me," she says giving my hand a kiss. Oh my beautiful Anatuat...

"That's the plan," I say.

We stay silent as we look at the sky, in the memories of Miles I can't remember not one single moment where the sky on eart ever had so many stars, only from his memories of Pandora but somehow they're tainted with jealousy. I'm lost in my thoughts when suddenly Anatuat starts laughing.


"I feel safe with you," she says and I tilt my head.

"Why are you laughing?" she laughs even more to my question.

"It makes no sense. You took me away and I'm in a ship filled with all my enemies, and somehow I'm here looking at the stars resting in your lap... and I feel very safe" she replies.

"I mean... I wouldn't laugh about it but I get it" I shrug.

"It's nice," she says.

"I give it the magic touch," I wink to her, I know she loves it. She rolls her eyes at me which only makes me laugh. I'm sure she thinks I'm an idiot.

We keep talking and joking for a while until she falls asleep, she seems comfortable and I don't think anyone will come right now so I let her rest until my shift is coming to an end an we have to talk to Spider.

Now we're discussing outside Spider's room.

"Okay so what? we're just going to get in and stand next to him until he wakes up?" she whispers.

"I don't know. We get in and wake him up then."

"We clearly need to get in, this is not the best place to just be standing!" She whispers in a firm tone.

"This was your plan!" I talk back.

"Okay, you know. Let's just- let's- get inside," she says.

"Good morning sunshine," I say once we're in and I get close to his face.

Anatuat gives me a look that I'm sure means I'm stupid but I don't know what else to do.

She comes forward and covers Spider's mouth, then shakes him a little.

"Hey," She says and the poor kid bolts awake.

"This is very discrete, sure," I say crossing my arms.

"We need to talk to you and... you have to listen okay? I'll take my hand off" she tells him.

He doesn't nod yes but... I guess that's also not a no.

"What do you want?" he asks sitting up.

"You didn't let us explain," Anatuat says.

"I know I'm not your favorite person," I speak. "But everything Anatuat told you is true, I want to help bring down the sky people. I don't want to hurt you or her," I say taking her hand.

"Then why the hell are we still heading to another island where you plan not only to burn it but let this people kill their Tulkuns?" Spider asks.

"I have to keep up appearances kid, but we have a plan," 

Spider raises a brow, he's clearly not amused.

"Well, when you decide that I'm part of your plan then you can come to look for me," he says.

"Hey... Spider, don't be like this" Anatuat begs him.

"Like what? I don't even for how long you two have supposedly been together and it doesn't make sense. I mean, I don't want it to make sense, I don't care. But what you're doing is wrong" he says.

The kid is just hurt that he didn't know, I give her hand a squeeze.

"Let me talk to him," I propose.

"No, I don't want to talk with you" Spider says.

She looks skeptical but I nod to her, she needs to trust me.

"Please, listen to him," she says before leaving.

She's gone so I take some distance from Miles, to be exact I stand in front of the door so he can't escape.

"Okay listen," I begin.

He turns around so he's facing the wall.

"Miles..." I try.

"That's not my name!" He complains.

I sigh. Being his age is hard, being his age and so hurt is harder.

"Okay kid, Spider," I try now and sigh.

How should I begin? what can I tell him so he hates me less?

"Come on, you said you wanted to be included. I'm including you. I want to talk to you," I say.

I wait for some minutes and he slowly turns around, a scowl on his face.

"Just... listen okay? First of all, I'm sorry that we took so long to tell you. It is not fair, it's not fair because I understand that all this time you've felt alone and didn't know you could trust me," I begin. He rolls his eyes but I know that that's it.

"I'm sorry. I can't change the way you grew up, I can't change the fact that you're here now and Anatuat is too and I am in this mess. I'm sorry for all of that but... I've learned so much from her, and from you. You grew up with them, you think and feel like them and it shows and you two... you've changed me. I'm different now, I swear," I say.

I know my words are catching up to him because he looks to the floor, probably hiding the tears.

"What the hell do you plan on doing?" he asks.

"I'm getting us all out of here, I'm-," I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. "I'm helping Jake Sully take down the people from the sky," 

Spider scofs.


"How do I know this is not just you lying? How do I know you don't lie to her every day and promise these things to her and come here with me so that we tell you where Jake is?"

"Because I love her," it's simple. I love her, I fell for her and her people and this beautiful and dangerous world.

Spider scoffs again.

"I don't want you to tell me where Jake is, I don't even care that much if you believe any of the words I just said because I'm a man of honor and I know I'm not making anything up. The only thing I want from you is to stop being mean to her, I want you to stop not trusting me and making things harder. I'm getting us out, okay? And then we'll get the people from the sky down," I tell him looking him in the eye.

He shakes his head.

"Spider... I'm with her, and with you. I know Miles was not a good father nor good to your mother but I'm not the same. I've tried to... protect you and be good to you, with Anatuat... she's my family now. And I'm making things right," I tell him. I'm not sure how much of it he will understand.

He purses his lips but sighs.

"I'll try," he murmurs.

"I didn't hear that," 

"I'll try," he repeats louder.

"Very well, thank you, kid. I promise you we're getting out of here," 

He doesn't say anything else and I leave him alone to process everything.

A week later I think Spider is better, I've seen him talk to Anatuat a little more and he still... hates me I guess but he doesn't show it too much.

I notice Anatuat on the deck, once again she's looking out.

"Hi," I say standing next to her.

"No one's here?," she wonders.

"No, they're having some type of strength contest down there." 

"Good for them," she says.

"And good for us," I reply.

"Yeah," She comes close and I know she's about to kiss me but we hear heavy steps coming.

I'm not happy about what I'm going to do.

"Sorry," I murmur and she looks confused, I push her and point my finger at her.

"Stop with your attitude and sneaking around or you'll see!" I scream at her.

She looks afraid of me.

"What she do now?" A girl from the team asks me.

"She had a little chat with the boy, apparently they wanted to escape or something," I say.

She hisses at me.

"You're welcome to try, but I think you'll die before you ever reach the land," the soldier says.

"Can you imagine the boy trying to keep up with her? He'll be the first to die," I say and laugh.

"You want me to take her to her cell colonel?," 

"Nah, I got it," She nods at me and goes away.

I wait a little to speak.

"Couldn't you come up with something else?!" Anatuat complains.

"There was no time to think. Now, let's go. At least we can talk on the way to your room," I say grabbing her by the arm.

"I can walk," 

"Just follow along," I beg her.

Thankfully there's no one around right now.

"You see? I miss you but we can't risk being seen together during the day," she says.

"I just wanted to talk to you for a while," I reply. I miss her, and it seemed like a good opportunity to just talk.

"I know... and I want to talk to you too but it's risky," she says rubbing my arm.

"Did you know how pretty you look when you're distracted?" A smile appears on her face with my words.

"Stop it," she says playfully.

"I'm serious. You're just there, so pretty and innocent" I start. "I can also notice that things are running all the time around your head," I say tapping the center of her forehead.

"So my overthinking is showing," she says and I snicker.

"Your beauty," I correct her.

Spider suddenly appears and we take our distance, I didn't even hear him come.

"Hi," she addresses him.

"You know... there's one thing that is really showing," he says, making sure that we know that he was listening to us and he points to her stomach.

Anatuat looks down and her hands go nervously around her body.

"Hey, come here!" I call for the little shit.

"Is it really?" Anatuat asks with panic.

I bite my lip. Her old flat stomach has changed, not too much to know that it's due to her being pregnant but is different than before.

"It's... not that evident but you do have a little belly," I say.

"Do you think they'll notice?" she asks with panic.

"They shouldn't... they don't really spend time with you, do they?"

"No... but, I don't think they have to be geniuses to figure it out either." She places a hand over her belly protectively. Our baby...

"Right now it's very small okay? I promise," I assure her.

"Yeah... right now but, when we get to the island I'll have a belly that won't pass as just eating too much. Hell, I barely even eat in this place" she complains.

"Anatuat, breath. They're not gonna notice okay?" I take her hands and rub them softly.

"What if they do?"

"Let's not think about that right now okay? everything's gonna be fine," I hug her to comfort her.

"I'll try to stay away but I know that I'll be showing," She says rubbing her belly.

"I'll protect you both with my life, always. So be calm, okay?" That's a promise I tend to keep for whoever long I'm able to live this life, I place my hand over her belly too and then hug her again.

We need to act fast.


NOTE: Hi! So lol I know I forgot about this chapter for long enough but it's crazy how his mindset changed from the other POV and this one, I love them together, also... I wanted them to have a little peace before the storm of the war that's coming for them continues so, enjoy.

Thank for reading!!! 

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