I see you

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"I've been thinking a lot about what you said... about me being more than just a body for his mind" Miles says.

We're both sitting on my mattress, he has already tended to my wounds, even the one on my leg from the kick.

"And?" I ask cautiously, fidgeting with my fingers as this response could determine what side he'll choose in the end.

"I don't know" he sighs and rests his head on the wall, his head is shaking a little.

I sit closer to him so our shoulders are touching.

"How do you feel? From the moment that you woke up in this body and... everything that has passed. Do you think that there are differences between you and him?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment and then lets out a sad laugh.

"Maybe I'm going crazy" he says and looks at me.

I look at him in confusion and fidget, this time with the fingers of my feet.

"I am having a discussion to see if what's on my mind is really me... like I'm two people" he elaborates.

"It's not that. Is just that you got a second chance, you're younger-" he laughs at that and I smack his arm.

"Listen to me, you're younger and as such you can learn many things again. You're you... you're Miles Quaritch but you have the chance to change. There's nothing wrong with that" I explain.

"And what does it mean if I do change?" He asks looking deeply into my eyes.

The question that's really bothering him.

"Listen to your heart" I say.

He sighs again and throws his head back.

I'm about to go rest against the other wall but he takes my hand and makes me rest there with him.

"Someone's gonna look for you" I tell him after some time has passed and he's still here.

"I know... I'll have to go but..." there's something he doesn't want to tell me.

"We're no longer going to be on the forest, Sully is somewhere in those islands and we have to track him out of there"

I purse my lips from that response, not only because I don't want to go but because he's still after them. This time I separate from him.

"Anatuat" he begs.

"So what? I don't have a say, let's go. Let's move" I say.

"We're moving tomorrow... if you want, we both go out tonight, okay?" he asks.

I'm still mad.

"I don't know" I answer.

"I'll come look for you later" he says as a goodbye and walks out.

After he goes I scream and throw my pillow at the door.

What if I escaped? what if we go out tonight and I run? Could I make anything better...? Could I find my family and tell them about the things I've heard... how many people they have and what they want from our planet?

I don't think talking would be enough... and what if they get to them before I do?

The only thing that brings me comfort so far is that given Jake's not here, they didn't attack our people like last time. Anyways... we've already suffered enough.

I am later awakened by Miles, as he said he came back for me for a last trip to the forest.

"Hi" he says.

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