Black out

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Miles goes to the wall where the extinguisher is saved and try to look for something else, a chair, a pipe... anything. I would use my axe but I lost it when everything started going down.

Then I notice another extinguisher on the other end of the room, so I take it.

Miles is already hitting the right window with it, the water making the process harder. I go and start hitting too. Nothing. I see nothing, no change in this thing, not even a crack.

Miles signals to me that we should hit it at the same time, he counts to three with his fingers and then we both hit it, and nothing again.

My arm is getting really tired now, I remember the effort I made when I held onto Miles earlier and helped him get to the structure, I think I hurt it really bad.

I try not to show it as I grab the extinguisher firmly and try to break the window again, I can feel my heartbeat in my ears and the urge to open my mouth. To breathe, to find air.

Miles notices that I'm weird and examines me. He shakes me a little, I guess he's seeing something I don't, but the thing is I suddenly don't see anything.

A stream of bubbles exits my mouth and nose as I close my eyes and feel a sharp pain in my chest, my eyes close automatically.

The next time I open my eyes I'm lying on a rock, at least almost all my upper body, the jacket is opened and I see Miles and Spider over me.

I am about to say something but I feel pressure on my chest and the urge to throw up.

Someone rolls me to my side as I cough up water and my eyes water. Everything is blurry and I feel dizzy. I start crying.

"It's okay, you're okay. You're okay..." Miles murmurs as he wraps me in his arms and rocks me softly.

"Are we dead?" I ask in a whisper, maybe I am and this is just a dream made up on my mind.

"We're not," Miles says as he rubs my back and chuckles a little.

I lean back a little and see Spider, I open my arms inviting him to the hug. He looks confused at first but he ends up leaning into it.

Thanks, mother Eywa, thank you so much. I pray again and again in my mind.

"What happened?" I ask taking Miles's hand.

"You passed out, the water was starting to fill your lungs and I could barely scratch the fucking window. I was starting to pass out too when this kid showed up." He says nodding at Spider.

"I dragged you here as I followed him and I really don't know how I held my breath, honestly I think that when I started giving you CPR I was not even thinking straight. But I was able to breathe meanwhile and thankfully you too," he explains.

I cry while I listen to him, we really could have died. We tasted it.

"Wait, where's Neytiri and Tuk?" I ask fearfully.

"Kiri helped them, I decided to come for you," Spider says, he scratches his neck when he says the last part.

"Thank you so much Spider," I say and smack Miles's arm.

"Yeah, thanks kid. We really needed your help," he says and Spider waves him away.

I make myself into a ball and take a deep breath.

"What now?" I ask.

Miles sighs and looks up at the sky. It's still night and we don't know where to go.

"I... think I know where Jake and the others are," Spider says.

"Let's go. I'll try to calm down Jake, let's go with them and see from there," I say.

The wrong starOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora