Now we can't go back

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Miles and I haven't directly spoken since that night three days ago, no one seems to really notice except for Spider since every once in a while he suspiciously looks at me when we are on our daily walks.

I have apologized to him and explained him why I was not happy at all about the soldiers having Ikran but I wouldn't talk about his father with him.

Right now we're in the control room of the ship, apparently they have a new lead on Jake's location.

Spider and I listen carefully and I try not to react to anything, in case they are playing us or something.

"Here... over this islands" the general says and shows the soldiers a map of many of the southern islands.

"All due respect, if we extend the signal I think it would actually lead us here, to the north" Quaritch says.

The water tribes... I feel sad imagining my family leaving their home. They probably also had to step down as clan leaders and that makes my heart ache.

It must be hard on the kids and specially Neytiri, my aunt loves her people... she loves all of the forest to say goodbye to it. I stop myself before they notice how upset this news make me.

"What's here?" Quaritch asks. I start answering as a reflex, they almost always ask me and Spider ads in but this time he shuts me up.

"Spider, what's in this islands?" He asks again.

Some of the soldiers look surprised and I turn to look other way to try and avoid their stares.

"I... I really don't know. We live in the forest, there's no need to go there" he says.

So the general is the one who fills Miles in about what's there and how extense the search for my family will be if they decide to go.

After hearing some more about it we are dismissed which for me means going back to my cell.

From what I gathered today we're not going out, and we will probably won't until we are near the islands.

It was easy to guess that I was mad. During this three days we hadn't gone outside not for lessons with all the soldiers, and not at night with Miles. All this search for my family was getting pretty intense, with almost two months as a hostage... one would've thought that I'll be getting used to this place but no.

"Come on sexy girl" Slovich says.

Slovich, the most stupid of them all in my opinion, I couldn't believe humans dared to bring him back to life although... being stupid helped him in doing reckless things so... maybe that's why.

Anyways, since I got here he's given me stupid nicknames and even threatened to hit me and right now he was the one taking me to my cell.

Nice. Said no one ever.

I try not to say anything to him as I start walking towards my cell. There'd no need for him to touch so he stays behind me... but this disgusting feeling I get every time he does tells me that he's probably not even look at me or my back.

My tail slashes nervously around and try to concentrate not to show it.

"Anxious aren't we?" He says to me once we are in the corridor to the cells.

I don't respond.

"Hey, hey. I know you do understand idiot, making some talk won't kill you" he says but I still don't answer, he tugs on my tail and I didn't expect that so I snap.

"Calm down" he says pointing his gun at me as I keep hissing and looking ready to murder him.

"Leave me alone" I say in english.

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