Have some faith

598 36 2

Now everyone's scared and hurrying.

We didn't think they'll come here but the posibility is now clear and we don't want our people to take a chance.

Going to the tree is not safe but staying here at camp isn't either, so anyone who has an Ikran must go and we'll meet somewhere near the waterfalls.

The others will be evacuated and the clans who came for war will stay here, help if it's needed.

The original plan was to go and attack the base, take all the humans out and win, like Jake did last time.

Then bring down the base so that place may no longer pose a threat but... they're coming our way. The fight will probably take place here and if we win, then we'll go on and destroy the base.

If we lose, I don't want to think about it.

It's kind of good that people were already scared so they were alert and the evacuation is going smooth but it's also sad that we have to move places, once again.

I have to talk to my family before anything goes on.

"Neytiri!" I call for her, she was giving instructions to a group.

"Where is your mom? Make sure you go with her and please keep and eye on everyone," she says approaching.

"I'm not going with them," I state. Neytiri's eyes widen a little.


"I can't!"

"What about Nakoa?! Are you not thinking about him? About him needing you?" I don't want to think it too much.

"My mom will take him and Spider will protect them," I say.

Neytiri shakes her head a little.

"I can't leave the man I love behind. I just can't!" I half scream with a broken voice.

She looks at me and purses her lips.

"But you have a family now..." she says.

"And Miles is part of it, he is a part of me. I can't just go and hope that he'll be fine," I plead.

My words seem to get to her and she hisses, her mind probably telling her something but her heart something else.

"If things get too ugly, promise me you'll get out of here," she says looking me in the eye.

"I'll try, but I need to get Miles first,"

Neytiri seems exasperated.

"What about my cousins?" I ask.

"They're not staying. I don't want to risk them anymore," she says looking down.

"See? You fight for them too. I'll fight for my family," I say.

Neytiri reaches for my face and gently brushes my cheek.

"I hope Eywa wants to help us again... because if they come near and take us by surprise... I fear for us," she admits.

"She will, she knows What they do is wrong. She'll protect Pandora," I say.

Neytiri gives me a side smile and we separate.

Now I need to find Spider and my mom and I fear none of them will like what I'm about to tell them.

"Don't do this," Spider pleads in a not so happy tone.

My mom hasn't spoken.

"Spider... they have Miles. You remember what they did to us? I-I don't even want to think what they're doing to him. He didn't sound good when he answered and I know those people take joy in pain. I can't leave my husband," I explain.

The wrong starNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ