They're coming

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"I told you he couldn't be trusted!" Jake screams pointing at Miles.

We're in the chief's pod, only Tonowair, Ronal, Jake, Neytiri, Miles and me.

When we told Jake that we had something urgent to tell them they got away from the party.

"Talk. Now," Neytiri demands him.

"The tracker was initially placed there in case he wanted to escape and... he would end up taking us to you," he says.

"Who has access to it's location?" Jake asks.

"Everyone on the ship you destroyed and... General Ardmore," he says.

The name rings a bell to me but I can't remember her, I concentrate and then I do. She's the woman back at the base who put us in cells and tortured us in that machine.

"What?" Neytiri asks noticing my discomfort.

"I don't like her,"

Jake seems meditative and Miles too, their soldier training probably guiding them into all the different ways this can go.

"Well if you say there's something in the mask then let's just take it off," Tonowari speaks.

"We can't do it, to do so we would have to take off the mask and we'll need tools to break it open and destroy it," Miles explains.

"Then let's just destroy the mask," Ronal says.

"Ronal, the kid can't breathe without it," I say.

"He doesn't belong," Neytiri whispers.

We're all in tense silence. I can see that Ronal and Neytiri lean more towards getting rid of the mask and don't care much about Spider.

I feel bad for him because I heard him earlier and I know that he would give anything to be able to breathe and be like the rest of us.

"It's too late for that," Miles says suddenly.

"What?" I ask.

They all turn to look at him.

"It's too late for anything. Destroy it or whatever, we've already been here for one week and no one at the ship has answered to the general. By now she must know that something happened and that if the kid is here then he probably is with you," Miles explains.

"Let's move the kid then," Neytiri proposes and Jake gives her a tired look.

"What? If we let him stay here he is risking everyone!" She exclaims.

"What's the protocol?" Jake asks Miles.

"If they went three days without any signal of us then they would track the ship and send a rescue team," he answers.

"So we're four days late," Jake says.

"Let's take Spider somewhere else, of they see that the signal moves then they'll go after him," Neytiri says.

"Aunt..." I beg.

"Can't your friends that came help your son come and get the kid away?" Tonowari asks.

"That would risks the people back home," I say.

"If the problem is the kid then we should take care of the kid," Ronal says.

Soon there's just noise because everyone is giving their opinion on how it would or wouldn't help to get rid of Spider, Miles argues with Neytiri that she shouldn't make such desitions and that Kiri will hate hef if she does, Tonowari and Ronal argue that this is their home and they have to protect their people while I try to calm down Neytiri and Miles before they kill each other.

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