Kind of a family

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Tarsem guides us to an empty spot with a new set up tent not that far from where my mother's is and we take the stuff that we brought here with us.

"I missed this so much, well, home. This is something new for me," I say arranging the space where we'll sleep.

"I remember that... the last time you were still in the forest, all of you. I didn't know that war had pushed you into these camps," Miles says and I sigh.

"Well... yeah but, we can go out in the day and such, it's just safer to be here than out in the woods all the time," I explain and he nods.

"Hey um... can you- are the-... are the humans... here?" Miles asks scratching the back of his neck.

Oh... he wants to see Spider, I forgot.

"Yeah, I'll show you the way," I secure Nakoa in the blanket around me and take Miles's hand as we walk to the science center.

The way there is really short and we soon see the entrance to the lab where they rest and test things and well... basically where the humans are living now.

"And... do I knock or get inside or...?" He wonders.

"Just knock, someone should be up," I say and side smile.

He hesitates for a moment and then takes a step forward knocking on the door. Norm opens quickly after.

"Ummm what do you want?" he asks.

"How's the kid?" Miles asks.

"Spider? Oh he's okay, he got some rest, he's been eating, he's fine," he answers.

"That's good," Miles says and nods.

I know he wants to see him but he just won't say it.

"Is he awake?" I ask Norm.

"Mmm I think maybe yes, do you... want to come in?" Norm asks Miles and me.

Miles turns to look at me and I shake my head.

"You go," I wave at him.


"Nakoa is too small, I don't want to risk him breathing that air and something happening to him," I explain.

Miles sighs and looks confused.

"It's okay, go say hi. I know you miss him," I encourage him.

"I don't miss him, it's just... he was... he had to come here," Miles says.

"If you come in you'll need a mask occasionally," Norm warns Miles.

"Yeah... yeah, let's be quick," he says and takes one more look at me.

I nod for him to keep going and soon the door closes behind them.

"So... what do you think about your home?" I ask Nakoa in a whisper now that we're alone.

He's asleep so the only sounds come from other people having dinner or distant Ikran cries in the night. I wanted to call Inet, I was dying to but... it's too late. I'll call her first thing in the morning.

Some minutes pass by and I'm starting to get a little bit tired, I cover my mouth when I yawn and then hear the door opening behind me.

"Hi," Spider says.

"Spider!" I say smiling, he looks less sick and more like himself.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm okay, look at you," I say.

"Maybe you'll gain some muscle back," Miles tells him.

"Shut up," Spider replies.

"Hey, he was dying to see you. Be nice," I defend Miles.

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