No signal

585 40 3

"Mom," I sigh getting to the tent and collapsing in her arms.

"Do you think they'll come here?" She asks.

"They can't, the Ikrans would never let them," I say.

We break apart and Nakoa whimpers.

"I know, I know baby, I know," I tell him as I gently bounce him in my arms, trying to calm him down.

"Are we supposed to stay here?" Mom asks.

"Yeah... for the moment," I think about Miles and my eyes water. "Everyone who could fight is already gone,"

My mom gives me a sad smile and comes to my side.

"Miles looks strong, you also said he was a warrior right? He's going to be fine," she tries to console me.

Anyways she's my mom and I'm scared and I want someone to repeat to me that everything will be okay.

"But what if he's not?" I ask, my voice breaking.


"What if he gets hurt and he dies mom?" I ask again and one of my tears lands on Nakoa's arm.

"Sorry baby," I murmur wiping it away.

"Anatuat, war is never easy... and being here, waiting, I guess it isn't easy either but you have to hope for the best. You have to think about Miles coming back and him being well," Mom keeps explaining.

"Okay... okay... I hope he is. What am I supposed to do here then?" I ask, I'm really torn apart.

I feel like I should be fighting, but I'll never forgive myself if we leave Nakoa alone and anything happens.

"My daughter... I know your heart yearns to run and fight because you're strong and you care but, now you have someone else to look after," Mom says brushing some hair away from my face.

I take a deep breath and scrunch my face.

"I wish I could do both,"

"But you can't, so don't be hard on yourself. Take care of your son, and you and... I guess the human kid," she says.



I open my eyes. Yeah... I can do that, I can keep them safe.

"Stay here mom, be careful," I say. I have an idea.

"You should stay here too,"

"I am, I'll just keep an eye out," I say bye to her and don't let her talk more as I walk to the base.

When I knock on the door a long moment passes before someone comes and that someone is Spider.

"Where's everyone else?" I wonder.

"They went out to fight," he shrugs and looks down.

I open my arms to him and he looks a little confused. I step closer and do it again, he looks at me and reluctantly gives me a hug.

"How are you?" I ask him.

I feel his body get less tense.

"I'm just a little worried," he admits.

"Yeah... me too," I answer.

"Wait, you're not here to tell me to look after him and you go, right?" he asks stepping back.

"No," I snicker. "I wish... I wish I could do it, I want to go out and fight and make sure Miles is okay but... I can't leave him alone," I say looking at Nakoa in my arms. "I'll stay here and take care of you two," I say.

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