Rise Of The Red Dragon Empero...

By Dustinsage

62.7K 883 462

Ain't doing a description More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18: a fucked up reunion
chapter 19

chapter 1

9.3K 73 27
By Dustinsage

Third person POV

Issei hydohou the perverted leader of the perverted trio also known as the red dragon emperor since he bears the red dragon ddraig as his sacred gear, he was of average height, with spiky hair and an average build , his hair was brown same with his eyes he had a bright smile he was going to the orc where his friends are

He was happy why wouldn't he be, he has awesome parents, a good life, and best friends who he could count on he entered the orc and met with his friends Irina, kiba, Asia, akeno, rias, koneko, xenovia, rossweisse

Issei: hello everyone

Kiba: hi issei

Xenovia: hi

He was all greeted by his friends he saw rias and akeno standing next to each other as usual

Rias: hey issei I want to ask you something

She said with a warm smile

Issei: yeah anything buchou

Rias: issei how do you see me?

Issei: what do you mean

Rias: seriously how do you see me  after everything we've been through

Issei finally understood what she was talking about, how does she wants him to see her, she turned him to a devil saving him from the clutches of death. He helped her defeat riser saving her from her marriage arrangement, fighting kokabiel to save the entire kuoh and preventing a possible war between the three factions, fighting the white dragon emperor, Loki, diodora and the likes but rias could he ever see her as a lover not after what she did


He gave her his heart willing to stop being a pervert just to see her smile he was willing to give her everything give her his all but what did he get in return left on the ground with a hole on his chest and left for dead, she laughed at his love, mocked his pervertedness and broke his heart with her words and what was the cause his sacred gear, he was used treated like a peace of crap, even though the physical wound was healed the same can't be said for the emotional scars

But the question is

Would rias do the same thing, would rias break his heart like she did would she finish using him and dump him like that, would he give her his all and be left in the dust again left broken hearted and in pain no he can't face that again, he can't face what raynare did again he healed the last time but if it ever happened again he would be finished no coming back from that

There was silence all eyes were on issei he sighed

Issei: I see you as a great friend and a great president buchou and I can't thank you enough for that

Rias was dazed what the actual hell after everything, all what they went through together she was stunned

Rias: how could you, after everything we've been through issei how could you I actually loved you, I actually had feelings for you

Tears threatened to burst from her eyes

Akeno: issei you are a very terrible person

Asia: issei why

Kiba: how could you issei

Koneko: you're the worst

Irina: issei I'm very disappointed in you

Xenovia: you never cease to disappoint me hydohou

Issei was dumbfounded

Issei: wait buchou

Rias: I hate you issei hydohou, I wish I could have left you for dead

She instantly covered her mouth, issei was frozen on the spot so just because he rejected her love she said that uh does she know how he felt as he was slowly taking his last breath of course she'll never know, all her life she has been spoilt and treated like a princess

Issei: you know how it felt right uh to give your heart to someone to be happy to be actually be in love right have you ever felt having a hole in your chest  dying slowly on the ground breathing slowly, your organs shutting down what caused it oh yeah by giving your heart to someone just for the person to break it to kill you in cold blood just for loving someone. it leaves scars not physical scars emotional ones I wear a smile hiding the pain she caused uh

I was fucking depressed  People who have never dealt with depression think it's just being sad or being in a bad mood. That's not what depression is for me; it's falling into a state of grayness and numbness, you ever see me going for therapy no I bottled it up and now look at what you've caused you made me remember it you made me feel that same pain again

They all showed sympathy

Rias: issei I'm sorry, please forgive me

Issei: you're no different from her you're the same I'm a fool, a fool for thinking you were different same with the rest of you, I hate you rias gremory I hate you so much same with you all you heard me right I finally said your name isn't that what you've always wanted

Rias: issei please I take it back I never meant what I said please issei don't you feel anything

Issei: I don't feel sad I don't feel angry I feel nothing(like me when I loose a game of call of duty)

Issei: the biggest mistake I ever made was thinking you'll be different from her

Issei took his bag and was heading home

Kiba: issei wait

Asia: we can't talk about this

Akeno: wait don't go

Issei: don't waste your breath I have nothing to do with every single one of you

Rossweisse: issei you can't just...

He slammed the door hard

Irina: what have we done

Rias couldn't believe it issei is gone, their relationship is already gone beyond repair

Issei was walking home

Ddraig:' partner how are you doing '

Issei: ' I'm okay is that what you want to hear because I'm not I'm definitely not okay '

Ddraig:' please partner try your best to heal don't let it get to you it could affect your....'

Issei: ' my mental health is already affected I've finally lost it ddraig something I never thought was possible '

Ddraig:' issei '

Issei: ' I've lost my purpose I lost it I don't know anymore maybe I should go and fall asleep and try to get myself before I fall apart '

Azazel: issei what happened aren't you supposed to be in the orc

Issei: why so I can get hurt again

Azazel gazed at his student and saw something was wrong, very wrong the issei that used to smile now looked like someone died

Azazel: are you okay

Issei: no no I'm going to be okay but not today or tomorrow or anytime soon

Azazel: issei

He was very worried about issei, he looks like someone that can break down any moment

Issei: ask rias personally

He began to slowly walk away

Azazel:' something definitely happened between them but what could have led to this a broken issei something in all my eternal life could never have predicted this a broken issei  I just hope he can recover from all this '

Issei was slowly walking home he isn't in the mood to finish school

???: Hey pervert

He turned back with is gloomy eyes and the  person who called him was Muryama, she froze issei's eyes seemed lost and empty

Muryama: issei are you okay?

Issei: no matter what you call me it doesn't matter I've already been hurt to the extent those kind of things don't work on me to be honest Muryama the reason why I always was peeking on you was that I actually had a crush on you but you always saw me as a pervert never got the chance to know the real me so I listened I became the pervert you always wanted to see in me, I just want to say I'm sorry, sorry for being pathetic hope you can forgive me

He began to slowly walk away

Muryama: issei what happened to you was it because of me

She murmured slowly

He walked home, he saw the bed, the bed he once shared with those girls he got pissed and walked out of the room and chose one of the spares if he stayed anywhere near that room he may even suffer more

Azazel: what in hell is going on with you guys and issei

He said with a very serious gaze the rest was silent no one was willing to answer

Azazel: rossweisse what happened

She sighed

Rossweisse explained what happened to Azazel

Azazel: rias what is wrong with you, look at what you've done to him I have never seen someone has broken as him why rias after everything he has done to help you

Rias: I know I'm sorry I just want to make amends

Azazel: no no no no you stay the hell away from him I had to send my familiar to monitor him so he doesn't do anything bad to himself

Akeno: you can't do that

Asia:he needs our help

Koneko: he needs us you can't just tell us to stay away from him

Kiba: I'm afraid he's right

He said with a downcast expression

Rias: kiba what do you mean

Xenovia: explain

Kiba: issei is very hurt I'm afraid if we get to close to him his condition may worsen I think it's best we leave him for now

Azazel: at least one of you has their brain cells intact

He sneered before leaving

Would you die for me

Issei was one the ground with a hole in his stomach bleeding to death

Issei: not again please stop

Raynare giggled

Raynare: such an Idiot you really think I felt anything for you issei you're just a fool whose libido is way bigger than is IQ something easy to exploit

Issei: I had feelings for you I was willing to give you my heart why hurt me like this why

Raynare: why? Because it's fun silly

???: It's fun to watch you be happy and finally think you found love just for everything thing to shatter right before you issei

Issei turned his neck to see rias smiling sadistically

Rias: issei you are so gullible breaking you is so easy

They both began to giggle as the world began to fade

With a deep breath issei woke up he was panting trying to catch his breath

Issei: no not anymore I won't fall for it again

Ddraig:' issei what happened to you? '

Issei:' a nightmare I guess '

Ddraig:' issei you need help '

Issei: ' I don't need anyone I'll do it myself '

Ddraig:' issei enough '

Issei:' fine '

Issei got up and walked upstairs and thank Lucifer they aren't here issei  met with my parents

Issei: hey mom hey dad

Dad: issei I'm very disappointed in you

His face was filled with nothing but disappointment

Issei: what is it now

Mom: she really loved you issei why break her heart like that

Issei clenched his fist tight

Dad: she.....

Issei interrupted him

Issei: shut the fuck up I don't know what lies she has been telling you but be quiet

He yelled at his parents both of them were shocked

Issei: after yuuma i was broken and yet did you notice your son in pain no you didn't you ignored your son's suffering and now there's a repeat and now you blame your son what kind of parents are you

Dad: issei watch your tone

He sneered

Issei: it seems you guys aren't my real parents

Mom: what are you saying?

Issei: parents help their children when they need it but you guys promote my problem instead of helping me I don't think I can see you both as my parents

His dad scoffed

Dad: then you can leave

He sneered

Mom: wait let's think it through

Issei got up and entered his room and came out with a suitcase

Mom: issei wait

Dad: he'll be back don't worry

Issei slammed the door hard and was leaving as he was walking he came across a fountain

Issei: when did I get here, did I space out

Ddraig:' you did '

Issei gazed at the surroundings and remember this area where he was killed and became a devil

He scowled at the mere taught of serving that red headed slut

???: Issei long-time no see

He looked back and saw someone he wished he didn't Vali

Vali: so because of a broken heart you went into depression you really find new ways to disappoint me and you dare call yourself a red dragon emperor

He smirked

Issei: how's your mom

Vali was dumbfounded

Vali: what?

Issei: I mean how's your mom, abandoned you married and gave birth to children who would actually bring her joy and not feel like a monster for producing the anti Christ Vali

Vali was pissed he was angry

Vali: how dare you you'll pay with your life

He raged voice laced with bloodlust and killer intent




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