Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F...

By SadSaltyQueen

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Kid x Reader x Killer. Can Reader remember and embrace who she is to save the ones she loves before she lose... More

Chapter 1 : A Lullaby
Chapter 2: Dreams
Chapter 3: Lets go!
Chapter 4: Bloodlust
Chapter 5: Prank gone wrong.
Chapter 6: Confession
Chapter 7: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 1:Time to Shine
Chapter 8: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 2: Fyre To Burn
Chapter 9: Sabaody Archipelago Part 3: The Auction House
Chapter 11: Deep Sea Encounter
Chapter 12: Syren's Call
Chapter 13: I See Fyre
Chapter 14: Childs Play
Chapter 15: Rare comfort
Chapter 16: Whatever it takes.
Chapter 17: Broken Trust and Promises Part One
Chapter 18: Broken Trust and Promises Part 2
Chapter 19: Broken Trust and Promises Part 3
Chapter 20: Painful Truths
Chapter 21: Strong Emotions Part 1
Chapter 22: Strong Emotions Part 2 πŸ‹
Size charts!
Chapter 23: Betting GamesπŸ‹
Chapter 24: πŸ‹Midnight Desserts Part 1πŸ‹
Chapter 25: πŸ‹Midnight Desserts Part 2πŸ‹
Update 2
Chapter 26: Nightmare of Memories πŸ‹
Chapter 27: Behold Water 7, The City that floats!
Chapter 28: πŸ‹First night in Water 7πŸ‹
Chapter 29: πŸ‹A Day of Rest, A Day of Fun Part 1πŸ‹
Chapter 30: πŸ‹ A Day of Rest, A Day of Fun pt 2 πŸ‹

Chapter 10: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 4: A Prophecy to be told

411 14 17
By SadSaltyQueen

(A/n: hello my lovelies! I'm sorry for the late update. Just got my surgery to be sterile (yay!) So I was mostly asleep this past week healing up from being cut open. This is the last chapter that will be following the story cannon before the 2 year time skip so I'm really looking forward to the next chapters as it gives me wriggle room to really flesh out the readers story as we don't really know what the Kid Pirates were up to in that 2 year gap. But enough bout me! Hope you enjoy this whiplash of a chapter!
****MASSIVE SPOILERS IF ONE HAS NOT REACHED THE MARINEFORD ARC!!!!!*** Don't forget to like and comment if you can! Also, the first person who can connect the dots within the story and the name of this little story.... winner gets a chapter dedicated to an adventure of their choosing!)

Main story time!

The first thing you noticed when you woke up was how thirsty you were. Your mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton and your throat was full of sand. You tried to swallow but that didn't help. You slowly opened your eyes, your vision blurry at first but then it got better as you blinked a few times. You seemed to be in the infirmary back on Victoria Punk. You looked to your left and saw 2 iv drips, one red and one clear, both running down to attach to your left arm. You looked down at your body and saw that someone had changed your clothes. Instead of the white outfit you had on from before you were now clothed in a simple backless shirt and it felt like leggings. You let out a smile though when you saw a familiar red fur coat spread out on top of you and the bed, its presence soothing you.You made a mental note to ask who changed you as you slowly woke up, but you figured it was probably the Doc and most likely Killer. They've both been taking care of you for years so there isn't something that they haven't seen from you that would fluster them. You looked to your right and saw a glass of water on the nightstand. You tried to reach for it but your body failed you. You let out a frustrated sigh. You started when you realized that someone was with you. You groggily blinked your eyes as you tried to process who was with you. Blue hair, tattoos of stitches….you felt relief when you realized that Heat was with you. He was sleeping soundly but when you tried to get the glass, he woke up.

"Y-y/n?" He blinked the sleep out of his eyes as he looked at you. He almost fell out of his chair when he saw you. "Little one you're awake?!" He jumped up and came closer.

You gave him a small smile. "Hello to you too, sugarcube." Your voice came out raspy and hoarse. Heat grabbed the water next to you as you began coughing. He helped you sit up and held the glass for you as you drank. "Thank you." You whispered as you finished.

"Of course." Heat replied as he set the glass back on the nightstand. "I'll be right back. Captain needs to know you're awake. He's not been in…the best mood." He let out a small chuckle as you groaned. He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on your forehead. "But I'm glad you're awake now, little one. The whole crew has been worried. Stay put. I'll be right back."

You gave a small nod as the bluenette left the room. You let out a sigh as you leaned back. You let out a hiss as the movement jostled your wings. Your wings! You turned slightly to try to look at them but were interrupted by the thudding of footsteps and the door slamming open. You looked up sheepishly to see most of the crew hanging in the doorway staring at you. You let out a small wave. "Hi boys."

Many had tears in their eyes as they jostled each other in an attempt to be the first to hug you. You watched with a warm smile, feeling a little overwhelmed yet touched from the clamor as the crew talked over each other as they showered you with affection.


Everyone looked at the door to see Killer leaning against the door and Kid glowering in the doorway.


The crew quickly left, saying their goodbyes as they shuffled out the door. You looked down as Killer shut the door. Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited. You heard both of them move to be on either side of you and heard a click and then smiled as a striped helmet was placed in your hands. You looked up as they both then sat down on the bed. You opened your mouth to say something but were stopped as Kid kissed you suddenly.

You melted into the kiss as you kissed him back, your hands moving to run through his red hair. The kiss was short but full of meaning. As Kid pulled away, Killer took his place, a sigh escaping him as he kissed you. You let a hand leave Kid and touched Killers face as you kissed him back. A tear escaped your eye as he pulled away. You reached out to both of them, placing a hand on either of their faces. They both reached up and placed their hand over yours as you pulled them closer to you.

"I'm sorry if I worried you boys. I'm so sorry." You whispered as tears began to fall from your eyes. You felt the boys shift and felt them pull you into a hug as you started crying.

The 2 men held you as you cried, both soothing you as best as they could. After a while you pulled away and wiped your face as you pulled yourself together. "How long was I out for?"

"You were out for almost 2 weeks, Caterpillar." Kid said as he reached for your hand.

"2 WEEKS?!" You squeaked. You looked at both of them in alarm. "I was out for 2 weeks? Are we still in Sabaody? Wha-" You were cut off when Killer placed a finger on your lips.

"Calm down Butterfly. It's ok." Killer said as he took your other hand. "And yes we are still in Sabaody." He looked at Kid pointedly.

Kid scoffed. "We still need the ship coated and we need to lay low from the marines. Plus we had some unfinished business we needed to do."

"Unfinished business?" You lifted an eyebrow as you looked at the 2 men. "What did you two do?"

Kid didn't answer you. Instead he shifted so he could look at your back. He looked at you for permission and you nodded. You shivered as he ran a hand over your wings, the ends of them still heavily bandaged. Killer leaned in and gave you a comforting kiss to distract you as Kid looked you over, his hands gentle as he inspected. Being impatient, you let out a hum as you turned to grab Kid's hands.

"Kid, hun. I'm fine. Really." You took his hand and placed it over your heart, letting him feel your heartbeat. You look up to him and meet his gaze, amber eyes to you (e/c) ones. He leaned in to kiss you again before pulling you into a hug.

"We almost lost you (Y/n)."

You felt your heart sink as the reality of what happened truly sank in as you hugged back, grounding yourself to him, his warmth, his heartbeat and breathing in his calming scent, a mixture of his unique body scent mixed with the smell of oil and leather. You looked over Kid's shoulder at Killer, taking a hand off of Kid and reaching out to the blonde. Killer gave a small huff and relented, moving on the bed so he was able to fully envelope you and Kid in a hug of his own, his long hair creating a curtain of gold as he held you both close. After a few minutes you let out a sigh as you pulled back unwillingly to look at both of them.

"I didn't mean to make you worry. But I had to help the mermaid. I saw myself in her. I couldn't let her get sold off. I thought I could get to her in time but those assholes drugged me." You looked around suddenly as a thought struck you. "Speaking of which, I still owed my prize money from that stupid show. And to get a few questions answered." You threw back the blankets and tried to swing your legs off the bed but Killer stopped you.

"You don't need to worry bout that Butterfly." He chuckled as you pouted up at him.

"What do you mean? What did you two do?" You let out a squeak as Kid pulled you into his lap, holding you tightly, burrowing his head into your neck as he chuckled darkly.

"Remember when I said we had unfinished business Shrimp?" He asked as he began kissing your neck.

You let out a small whimper as your brain threatened to short circuit. "V-vaguely?" You felt Kid grin against you as he continued his assault.  You opened your eyes as Killer reached over and tilted your head up to look at him. He chuckled as he gave you a small kiss.


***7 days earlier***

"She's still asleep Killer." Kid let out a frustrated sigh as he looked down at you laying on the bed.

It's been 7 days since the auction house incident and you haven't woken up yet. You were in the infirmary of the Victoria Punk laying on 3 beds pushed together, your 6 wings were laid out underneath you, stitched up and wrapped in bandages. You looked so peaceful lying there, your hands placed on your stomach, your chest rising and falling with each breath as you slept. Killer watched from his seat next to the bed as Kid paced back and back within the room. The blonde shook his head and looked back at your sleeping form. He leaned over and gently brushed your bangs out of your eyes, gently stroking your face as he gazed at you.

"So what do you want to do then Captain?"

Kid stopped in his pacing and walked back to the bed. He leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead then placed his against yours. He took a deep breath as he thought. When he looked up, his face was dark. He looked over at his first mate with a wicked grin on his face. "Gather the crew Killer." He looked at you one last time before he stomped towards the door. "It's time to go hunting."


Night had fallen across the Archipelago and the shopping district was closing down for the night. One particular shop was just about to close for the night as well. The shopkeeper was about to head out when suddenly they were pushed back into the shop and thrown to the floor.

'What the hell?"

They turned to yell at whoever shoved them and froze when they saw a curved blade pointed at their throat. They followed the blade to see it attached to a tall lean figure wearing a striped mask covering a long mane of blond hair. He was flanked by two more men, one covered in stitches and the other covered in cloak. A chuckle brought their attention to a figure who walked in behind the three men. The shopkeeper let out a whimper as the man came into the shop,  his red hair catching the light from the street and casting a shadow across his face, a maniacal smile twisting his painted lips.

"Well well well. Look what we found boys." Kid snickered as he slowly approached the trembling shopkeeper. He drew out his dagger and used his devil fruit to have it float in his hand. "I believe you owe us some money, shopkeeper." He looked at the dagger in his hand. "And blood." He moved his hand and the dagger impaled itself in the trembling man's hand and into the floor beneath him, causing him to scream in pain. Killer moved to grab his throat, effectively silencing him as he gripped it tightly.

"Your charade ends here little man. I admit, it was a good way to get money. Lure people in only to sell them off as slaves to the highest bidder." Kid chuckled darkly as he paced back and forth. "But you messed with the wrong crew."

"I-if you're t-talking about the f-fairy, she never c-came back." The shopkeeper choked out. He pathetically tried to grab onto Killer's hand to no avail. The masked man tilted his head in amusement as he watched.

"That's because she was taken by somebody else before she could come back." Kid nodded to Heat and Wire. The 2 men broke off and began ransacking the shop, taking all the money and anything of value.

"Please spare me. I have a family." The shopkeeper let out another scream as Kid ripped the dagger from his hand.

"Heres a little tip, you don't mess with my crew and you don't mess with me but you especially don't mess with my woman. Because if you do, well… hell comes knocking." Kid licked his lips as he dragged the dagger down the shopkeeper's face, grinning as blood began to leak from the wound onto the ground.

"Captain, look what we found." Wire came back into the room, lifting a metal collar into the air for everyone to see. "He had a bunch of slave collars back in storage."

Kid tilted his head as he looked at the collar then back at the shopkeeper, an evil grin forming on his face. "Looks like it's your lucky day scum." He gave a slap on the trembling man's face as he stood up. He motioned for the men to follow him as he threw open the door and stomped outside.

Killer gave a dark chuckle as he figured out what Kid was thinking. He let go of the shopkeeper's throat only to grab him by the shirt and drag the whimpering man outside following his Captain.

"Attract!" Kid threw out his arms as he concentrated. 2 large metal beams came floating out of the shop and impaled themselves deep in the ground in front of men, forming an X. He let out a dark laugh as he turned to Killer and the shopkeeper, reaching a hand out to grab the man.

The shopkeeper frantically tried to pry himself out of Kid's grasp as Kid held him up to the X. "Please sir, I beg you. You can take all my belongings. Just please don't kill me." Before he could speak again, a flash of silver was seen as Kid cut out his tongue, causing the man to gurgle and cough as blood filled his mouth.

"Maggots don't talk."

Kid laughed as he used his devil fruit to then crucify the man, wrapping metal around his wrists and ankles as he lifted the man against the metal X. He then grabbed the metal collar from Wire and opened it, triggering the explosive mechanism as he then placed it around the bleeding man's throat. He snickered as he backed away to examine his handiwork. Kid then motioned to Heat as he started to walk away from the shop, loot in hand.

Heat nodded and faced the small shop. He took a deep breath in and as he breathed out, a great spew of fire spilled from his tattooed lips. He moved his head back and forth, coating the front of the shop in flames. He snapped his mouth shut with a satisfied hum, grinning as he admired his handiwork. The bluenette then gathered the bags at his feet and followed the group back to the ship, the men snickering as sounds of the flames grew, smoke billowing as screams and cries were heard as people finally took notice of the carnage.

***End of Flashback***

"We wanted to go after the auction house but that's still under marine watch unfortunately so we didn't want to risk it quite yet." Killer said as he finished his story, absently playing with his mask in his lap as he spoke. 

You reached back to run a hand through Kid's hair as his head was still buried in your neck. You felt him grin as you hummed low in your throat as you mulled over what Killer said. "Thank you. Bastard got what he deserved."

"For you Butterfly?" Killer leaned in and gave you another kiss as you felt Kid tighten his grip on you, "We would do anything for you."

You felt your heart swell with love as the 2 men showered you in affection. It still felt unreal, having them be so open with you now that you have established how all 3 of you felt about each other.

A knock at the door shook you out of your thoughts. Killer quickly grabbed his mask and put it into place as the door swung open, revealing Heat and Doc.

"Pardon us but something is happening Captain." Doc said as he walked over to where you were entangled in the embrace of the 2 men. "And I need to check on my patient." Doc gave you a warm smile as he approached the beds.

Doc had helped raise the 5 of you on that small lawless island when you were children. He was definitely a father figure for the crew, teaching and scolding you everytime one of you came to him for any problem be it for medical reasons or something else. He had agreed to be the ship's doctor when Kid created the crew claiming he had nothing left on that island. Which was probably true but you had a suspicion that he didn't want to be left behind, to not miss the craziness of the crew.

"Captain, you need to let her go. I need to check her wings." Doc tutted as he sat on the chair next to the beds, fiddling with his tools as he waited.

Kid grumbled but relented, gently placing you back on the bed but still staying close to you. You gave his hand a small squeeze as you smiled.

"Ready (Y/n)? I'm gonna take the bandages off now."

You nodded and tried to sit as still as you could as he began to cut the wraps. Kid watched intently as he did, his amber eyes never leaving your back. After a few minutes of unwrapping and inspecting you heard Doc let out a sigh.

"All looks good so far but you are grounded until I can take the stitches out." He turned in the chair and put his tools back on the desk before turning back around. "Shouldn't be more than a week. They are healing nicely. Can you stand?" He reached out a hand to help you as you nodded.

Slowly you swung your legs over the edge of the bed and stood up shakily, holding Doc's hand as you wobbly stood in place, getting your balance back. Killer moved to be in front of you, gently holding you by your waist as you let go of Doc’s hand to grip onto Killer's shoulders.

Doc moved behind you and gently touched your top wings. "Can you open for me?"

You nodded and closed your eyes as you concretated. Everyone in the room held their breath as your wings twitched slightly then slowly, very slowly, opened wide to their full span. A collective sigh of relief was heard from everyone as you then moved your wings to the docs instructions.

Kid watched as you ran through some sets of opening and closing, but grimaced when the light from the window illuminated your back. On the ends of each wing there was now a foot-long scar running down the center of each wing,a dark ugly contrast against the delicate (f/c) membrane of the wing. ( picture below on where the scars are and to see how intense the injuries are) As you looked back, you saw the pain written on his face.

"I'll be ok. Not a true pirate without a few battle scars." You let out a small laugh as Kid huffed.

"Can't you use your magic to heal them Shrimp?" Kid looked at you as you sat back down on the bed, Killer moving to stand next to you.

"My magic is still weak right now. I may have been asleep for 2 weeks but my stamina is still very low." You smiled as you reached out to tuck a stray hair behind his ear, his amber eyes never leaving you. "Besides, it adds character. It shows that I'm still human and not invincible. I can still be hurt."

Kid hummed and leaned into your hand. "Not while we are around."

You let out a small hum and rolled your eyes as you turned to Heat as the red head grumbled. "So what's going on then Heat? You said something is happening?”

Heat started lightly then nodded. “Firefist Ace is scheduled for execution and they have a video snail set up close by here to let people watch.”

You snorted and wrinkled your nose. “ The navy are sick bastards. Can't be helped though i suppose. There hasn't been an execution this important since Roger was killed. But I hope they realize that Whitebeard is not gonna stand by and let the World Government kill one of his commanders. There's gonna be blood.” you looked at the men in the room and nodded as you thought. “Doc, am I good to leave? I'm grounded but that doesnt mean I can't go places right?”

The older man nodded as he turned back to his desk. “Yes you can go but be careful, don’t want to rip the stitches.” he let out a small chuckle as you leapt up and gave him a hug from behind.

“Thank you Doc. ill be careful.” you gave the older man a kiss on the cheek before you turned back to Kid and Killer. “Well? Let's go! I wanna see action.”

Kid let out a small chuckle as he stood up. “Fine. Lead the way Heat.”

You moved to follow him but was stopped as Killer knelt in front of you, gesturing for you to get on his back. You let out a small giggle as you climbed on him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you placed a kiss on his neck. He hummed as he shifted you to a comfortable position for him then held you tightly as he stood up.

“Hold on tight.” with that he followed Kid out the cabin and left the ship.


You were watching the brutal live feed of the execution of Ace at Marineford with your crew and true to your musing from earlier, it had turned out to be an all out battle for his survival. Whitebeard had appeared with his whole crew and also all of the pirates who had sworn fealty to him had also shown up. Everyone in the square was watching the screen with bated breath, your crew included. You guys were sitting on a 2nd floor porch of a bar Kid had kicked everyone out of, watching intently as the battle unfolded. You were perched on the railing, leaning back against Kid as he had an arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to him. Killer stood close by, his mask glinting in the fading sunlight as he also seemed to be watching intensely.

“Think he's gonna survive?” You felt Kid hum deep in his chest as he pondered your question, amber eyes never leaving the screen.

“Hard to say Shrimp. Almost everyone important is there right now, including all the admirals, the 7 warlords and all the marines they could probably spare." Kid murmured. He thoughtly drummed his fingers that were resting on your stomach, causing a shiver to run down your spine as you leaned back into him, wiggling a little mischievously against him as you did.

You were rewarded with a low growl that you could feel against your back with him then tightening his grip on your waist as he dipped down to whisper in your ear.


That one word alone had you almost melting in his arms. You let out a small whimper as you pouted. You heard a chuckle from Killer, your actions not unnoticed by the masked man. Shouting from below brought your attention back to the screen. You gave a gasp and leaned forward as you saw a familiar raven haired teen flash across the screen, his hat a dead give away as the crowd below erupted in noise.

"Well I'll be damned. Little Straw Hat is alive." You let out a laugh as you watched the battle continue, with Luffy fighting desperately to get to Firefist Ace. Your jaw dropped however when it was made known that Ace was the son of the Pirate King himself, Gol D. Roger and Luffy was the son of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon himself. You watched with bated breath as the battle raged on with the pirates seemingly getting closer to winning against all odds. Everyone let out cries of disappointment when suddenly the screen went black.

"Looks like the Navy doesn't want the world to see them get their ass handed to them again by StrawHat." Kid let out a hearty laugh.

He pulled away from you suddenly, causing you to yelp slightly as you wobbled from the lack of his body holding you in place, your wings flapping pathetically as you tried to regain your balance. Before you could fall though, another warm body took his place. Arms covered in a black shirt polka dotted with white spots wrapped themselves around you, steadying you before you could fall.

"Easy there Butterfly. I got you." Killer murmured as he shifted you so you were back on the railing comfortably,

"Thank you Sunflower." You said as you leaned back against him. You felt his chest vibrate as he gave a content hum at the nickname. You smiled as you thought back to why you gave him that name. Ever since you could remember, Killer was always there for you and Kid. One day you noticed though that no matter where Killer was, he always had an eye on you, his blue eyes covered by his long golden bangs as a child or by his helmet as he got older. Like how a sunflower follows the path of the sun across the sky, yearning for the warm rays it gives. You gave a small chuckle as you remembered how red his face got when you suddenly called him that for the first time. Kid thought it was hysterical when you explained why. He did point out that Killer's attitude always changed for the better when either one of you came into view. You were shaken out of your thoughts however when the screen flicked back to life.

Killer let out a quiet snort when he saw Buggy the clown trying to claim the screen himself before whoever held the small snail video moved away to show how the battle was turning out. You felt his grip tighten on you as he pulled you closer to him as you watched the battle rage.

"No fucking way."

You looked over and saw that Kid had come back to stand next to you, his amber eyes never leaving the screen. He had a wild grin on his face as he watched the great emperor, Whitebeard himself, join in on the fight. You watched fascinated as the giant of a man used his power, The tremor tremor fruit, to cause havoc for the marines.

"YES LUFFY GO!" You heard Killer give a chuckle as you cheered Luffy on when he was able to free Ace. It looked like they were gonna win after all. However that hope was soon dashed to pieces as you watched in horror as one of the admirals, Admiral Akainu himself, found himself within striking distance of Luffy, who in the heat of battle, had lost Ace's vivre card and went after it without a thought to the danger behind him, and was gearing up to strike the teen down. What happened next however, made time seem to stand still.

"Oh no."

You heard Killer whisper as tears began pouring from your eyes as the smoke cleared to let the World see what happened. You let out a choked sob as you saw Ace standing protectively over Luffy with Akainu's lava coated fist punched through the fire logia's stomach. Your heart sank as you watched the traumatized teen break down as Ace died in his arms, his mind and spirit broken as the battle raged on, forgotten by him.

You watched through tear filled eyes as Whitebeard himself attacked the Lava Admiral, giggling slightly when the Pirate used his power to pound the man into the ground in rage. Doing so caused the whole island to be ripped apart, giving the pirates a way to retreat and get Luffy out of there before any more lives were lost. What you didn't expect was to see the crazed new rookie, Blackbeard himself show up to face Whitebeard, his old captain. The whole world watched in horror as the younger pirate attacked Whitebeard with his rag tagged crew, cowardly you thought in disgust as they all swarmed him at once.

As the camera shook, you heard Whitebeard call out as he stood dying, his last words ringing for all to hear.


Everything went silent as his words sank in. You cried even harder when the giant man finally succumbed to his injuries, his proud body still standing tall as he died. His jacket finally fell and it was revealed in all his adventures and despite all the wounds on his front, he never received a scar on his back, because he never ran away from a fight. As you watched the screen, you felt something switch inside you and suddenly you weren't in control of your own body anymore.

Killer looked down in surprise when he felt you go stiff and let out a small grunt when he saw your magic suddenly begin pouring out of you. He quickly pulled you back from the ledge and laid you down on the floor.


The red head tore his eyes from the screen about to make a sarcastic comment, but that quickly died in his throat when he saw you. He quickly moved to kneel down on the other side of you, his face pinched with worry as he looked at his first mate questionly.

"(Y/n?)" Kid whispered as he reached out his hand to touch your face gently. As soon as his hand made contact, your eyes snapped open but instead of your usual (e/c) they glowed a pure white.

The men watched in awe as your magic lifted you up, your wings opening wide, your hair moving around as if you were under water, your magic glowing around you. When you opened your mouth, the men felt a shiver run down their spines as they heard a voice that was not you begin to speak.

"To seek what is lost
The journey's begun

With the death of an Era
A new one comes

History forgotten
The Fairy keeps

With secrets buried
The magic sleeps

With battles ahead
And when all seems lost

A selfless love
Will be the cost

The ships that set sail
9 stand proud

13 of the strongest
Fight to gain the crown."

As the last verse left your lips, you collapsed, your body going limp as your magic faded. Both Kid and Killer dove to catch you before you touched the ground, the 2 men almost slamming into each other as you were caught. You let out a groan as your eyes fluttered. Kid hurriedly placed a hand on your cheek, his amber eyes never leaving you.

"Stay with us Shrimp. What the hell was that?"

You gave a weak laugh as you looked up at him and Killer, the later also looking down at you as you came to in their arms.

"That sounded an awful lot like a prophecy Butterfly. You've never done that before." Killer mused as he pulled you up so you were in a sitting position, pulling you close so you were leaning up against him.

"Magic works in mysterious ways Kil, but yes I'm pretty sure that was a prophecy. When will it happen, well it has already started." You tiredly waved vaguely in the direction of the livestream, as it was still streaming the events at Marineford.

Kid chuckled as he stood up to view the screen. "Yeah, things have just gotten more interesting for us. Can't wait until we reach the New World."

You let out a tired hum as Killer scooped you up bridal style and turned to stand next to Kid. You rested your head against the blonde as you all watched as Shanks and his crew arrived at Marineford and ended the battle once and for all. You smiled when you saw that Luffy was able to get away, granted with a huge wound given to him by the Lava bastard, as a certain raven haired captain was able to get him away in his submarine before the area was covered in ice.

You heard Killer grunt a little as you squirmed around in his embrace, trying to get comfortable. You felt him shiver as you buried your head in his neck, his long mane of hair hiding you as you began to give him little butterfly-like kisses on his throat. You giggled tiredly as you heard him groan slightly and tighten his grip on you.

"You are so gonna get it when we get back to the ship Butterfly." His voice low with a hint of a growl as he whispered in your ear.

You felt your stomach flutter as he spoke, letting out a tired giggle as you rested your head back on his shoulder.

"Oi let's go back to the ship. We are done here." Kid grumbled as he approached the 2 of you. He reached over and stroked your cheek as you leaned into his hand, humming tiredly.

"I may have been asleep for 2 weeks, but a nap with the 2 of you would be amazing right now."

Kid's eyes lit up with a mischievous light as he licked his lips in excitement. "I think that can be arranged Shrimp."

You felt Killer give a small chuckle as the crew began to head back towards the ship. You had a feeling that the boys wouldn't be letting you out of their sights anytime soon and you were just fine with that.

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