Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis an...

By crustymustyrasin

355K 8.1K 5.5K

No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teena... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
author's note
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 🌢
chapter 28
chapter 29

chapter 10🌢

21.2K 372 428
By crustymustyrasin

(🌶= spicy stuff close to smut but theres no sex
🔥= full on smut like sex and all)

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Weeks passed... 4 to be exact..since Y/n had founf her best friend Casey becker dead, hanging from a tree with her organs hanging out of her body.

Y/n had tried to go to school the day after finding her friend... But everything was overwhelming... Between Stu and Randy making jokes about it to the feeling of Casey's blood on her hands....ever since then.. Y/n had been out of school.

She stayed in her room, laying around, crying, or scrubbing at her body till her skin was red.

No one really cared to come and check on her other then Randy and Dewy.

Every since Randy figured out, thanks to Billy, that you were close with Casey, Randy hasn't stopped coming by after work.

Hed always come by with a new movie for you two to watch and take out food since he knew you haven't been eating.

Dewy came over but not nearly as much as Randy did. Dewy came over to make sure you were okay, and to make sure you haven't harmed yourself due to guilt.

Normally when Dewy came over he'd bring you a little something, it might be a book he thought you'd like or a donut that he got from the police department. And after a while, he started to bring Randy something too since he was always there.

You thought it was sweet of Randy and Dewy to come and check up on you since hardly no one else did.. Hell you didn't even see Sidney, Tatum, Billy, or Stu other then when Stu would see you through your open window and wave at you like.a crazy person.

You let out a sigh as you sat up from your bed and fixed your loose button up pajama shirt.

Today you wanted to get up and not look like a mess.

You stumbled into your bathroom and shut the door behind you. You looked at yourself. You had slight bags under your eyes, your hair was messy and you had slightly gone paler.

You let out a sigh and turned on the sink and started to get yourself togeather.

By the time you were done you heard knocking on your window and a small smile graced your features.

You stepped out of your bathroom, still in your loose pajamas and walked to your window, and on the other side you saw the friendly face of Randy Meeks...

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

My heart fluttered when I saw Randy at the window. I quickly unlocked it and pushed it open, allowing Randy to climb in.

"Hey Y/n" Randy said as he fully got himself in after almost falling.

"Hey Randy...looks like im not the one sneaking through windows now" I said with a soft smile as I sat back on my rather messy bed "yeah true..its kind of fun". "  Anyway What movies you got today?" I asked him, my eyes slowly going to his left hand which held a white plastic bag.

I saw a smile pull at the edges of Randy's lips. "Oh I didn't bring movies today" he said as he walked over to my bed and flopped down beside me.

"Well what did you bring?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side. "Oh just a shit ton of snacks and two bottles of beer" he said as he looked at me. "You okay with that?" He added. I looked at him and nodded with a smile.

Over the past 4 weeks I have grown a crush on Randy.. He was the only one other then Dewy that I think actually cared about me and he cared about keeping my mind off of Casey..

Randy pulled two bottles of beer from the bag then dumped the rest of the contents onto my bed.

My eyes scanned over everything that laid on my bed and smiled brightly. It looks like Randy had bought one of everything at the store.

I looked back at him only to meet his eyes. "Your the best Randy" My voice came out in a low whisper as I looked at him..

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Randy felt his heart swell at those words.

Randy felt himself stop crushing on Sidney and start crushing on You.

He felt captivated by you... His crush on you was diffrent from the crush he had on Sidney. With Sidney.. It was a want, he realized he liked the thought of having sex with Sidney rather then dating her... But with you..he wanted to date you, he wanted something serious and intimate with you..

You were almost like a drug to him... He felt a need for you rather then a want... A need that grew stronger each time he saw you, each time he heard you, and each time he thought of you...

"Randy.. You okay?" You asked as you had noticed Randy had spaced out.

"Oh yeah" he said with a shake of his head, making you giggle. Randy pulled a small bottle opener from his pocket and opened yours and his beer.

"Now let's drink, snack, and talk shit" he said as he grinned from ear to ear.

~~~Time skip~~~

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

3 hours had passed and Randy and I were laughing at the most stupid shit as we finished off the last bit of the candy.

"Oh has today been fun" I said as I looked at him. Randy looked at me. "Im glad I could make it fun" he replied.

After that... The room feel silent, a comfortable silence with just us looking into each other's eyes.

I slowly moved closer to Randy and he did the same. I saw his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, a movement that made my heart cut flips in my chest.

Randy leaned down and crashed his lips onto mine.

I let out a noise of shock and Randy pulled away as quickly as he had pressed his lips onto mine.

"I' sorry..i..i-"

I cut off his rambling by cupping the side of his face and pulling him back to me, letting our lips touch once again. Sparks erupting in my stomach as oxytocin pumped through my veins.

Mine and Randy's eyes fluttered closed as Randy snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him to the point I was almost in his lap.

Randy bit softly at my lower lip as if asking me to open my mouth.

My lips parted without me even thinking about it and before I knew it, Randy had his tongue in my mouth, deeping the kiss.

I wrapped my arms around Randy's neck, intertwining my fingers in his hair as he rubbed his hand up and down my waist as his other hand rested on my ass.

My lungs started to burn and I pulled away from Randy's lips.

My eyes fluttered open and where met with Randy's grayish blue eyes.

I smiled softly at him before going back in to kiss him.

As we kissed I felt Randy slowly slip his hands up my loose button up. The feeling of his hands against my bare skin made goosebumps rise all over my body.

Randy's fingers traced shapes onto my skin as he made his way to my stomach, then he pulled away from the kiss, a string of Saliva connecting us.

Randy pulled his hands out from under my shirt as he slowly reached up to the top button of my shirt, then stopped and looked at me, as if asking for my permission.

I nodded to him and just as i did, he slowly unbuttoned my top, the pads of his fingers gingerly bushing against my skin as he did.

As soon as he unbuttoned the last button, the loose fabric slipped off of my arms, fully exposing my breasts and torso to him.

I heard Randy's breath hitch in his throat as he eyes wondered over me.

"God... Your so beautiful..." He muttered as he moved his head to the crook of my neck and slowly started to kiss, lick, suck, and bite at the tender skin.

I let out a soft moan as I moved my hands to his shirt and moved my hands up it, my hands graced over his torso.

He wasn't built, but he had very faint muscle, he was more thin then muscular..but i didnt mind it.

I moaned as his mouth sucked roughly at my neck, slowly moving down to my collar bones.

I moved my hands from his shirt and rested them on his thighs as he continued the assult on my neck and upper body.

Randy soon pulled away from my neck and pulled me into his lap. He wasted no time pulling his shirt off, then kissing me again.

I couldn't get enough of how his lips fit perfectly against mine as they moved in unison with each other.

I pushed myself closer to him till my bare chest touched his.

I felt something push against my inner thigh as I moved myself closer to Randy.

Randy's hands grabbed at my breasts and his fingers fondled with my nipples as he stuck his tongue into my mouth.

Our tongues danced as his pinched my nipples between his fingers, causing me to groan into his mouth.

I slowly started to grind my clothed cunt against his bulge as he moved his lips from my mouth and to my jaw, leaving tender kisses.

Randy moaned out as I continued grinding on him.

Randy stopped kissing me and picked me up from his lap and laid me down on my bed.

I looked up at Randy with hooded eyes only to see his eyes filled to the brim with lust and love.

I felt loved and wanted my him and he worshipped every inch of my body that was exposed to him. He started at my face, then my neck, to my shoulders, then my breasts, then my stomach, then... My waist line.

Randy looked at me as his fingers latched onto the waist band of my pajama pants.

I nodded to him and bit my lip as he egarly pulled my pants off my body and gently put them on the floor.

Randy rubbed my thighs..but... As soon as he did... The phone on my desk rang loudly...

(i know this is a poly! Billy and Stu fanfic but trust me! The Randy and Y/n stuff is setting up for other things)

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