chapter 22

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

As Dewey drove the police cruiser he glanced over at Y/n, seeing her claw and stratch at her own skin till it bled

"Stop that" Dewey muttered as he took once hand off the steering wheel and moved Y/ns hand away from her bleeding arm.

"I hate myself Dewey..sometimes death seems better then living...I feel uncomfortable in my own skin...I..I feel dirty no matter how many times I shower..I can't get those fuckers out of my mind..they plague my mind like a sickness...they haunt my dreams and make it impossible for me to sleep..I...I can't take it anymore!" Y/n started crying again as she rambled on

Dewey looked at her with soft eyes "listen..I promise...I'll help you through this...okay?" He said offering a soft smile to her.

He knew he couldn't fully fix what happened but he knew he, her friends, and boyfriend could help make her life worth living again.

"And I personally swear on everything that I'll find the sick disgusting people that did this and put them behind they won't be able to get you again" his voice was soft as he spoke to her, he spoke to her as if she was his sister or..his daughter.

"It'll all be okay" he said "just don't hurt yourself...okay?" He added

"I'll..I'll try"

"Try as hard as you can..I believe in you..
Your a strong girl Y/n..physically and mentally..and trust me...both me and Randy will be with you every step of the way"

With that Dewey reached his free hand upwards to her head and ruffled her hair slightly causing a small yet faint smile spread onto y/ns lips.

After a few minutes, Dewey parked the car infront of the police station and got out.

Dewey knew better then to leave Y/n alone, especially after all that she has said to him in the car.

"Come on Y/ can stay here till school's over" Dewey said with a soft smile as he opened her door for her.

"Thank you" Y/n whispered, her voice strained as she slowly stepped out of the car, her body trembling.

"Once we go in I'll see if I can find you something to eat or snack on" Dewey said as he started waking slowly, waiting for Y/n to follow him.

Y/n followed him, trailing close to his side. She felt herself feel comfortable around him. After what happened she lost her trust with everyone...
Everyone but Randy who had came to the hospital just to make sure she felt okay and safe.

Now she felt as if she has Dewey.

Dewey walked into the station keeping a close eye on Y/n till they made it to his desk.

"Sit here okay? Ima go find you something" he said.

Y/n nodded as she sat down on the chair at his desk. Then, she watched at Dewey walked off, leaving her at the desk.

Her bloodshot e/c eyes wondered around his desk, eyeing the countless small items he had scattered on his desk.

She was tempted to touch them or fiddle with them to maybe ease her racing mind but instead her right hand found it's way back to her left arm and she started to scratch at it relentlessly.

She felt as if she'd feel better if she could cut off all of her skin.

She left a warm liquid coat her finger tips, then she looked down, seeing the bright red blood lightly coat her fingers.

"Y/n I'm bac....y/n..." The semi happy tone in Dewey's voice dropped when he seen Y/ns arm.

Dewey sighed and put down the candy and hot chocolate he had found for her. "You said just moments ago you wouldn't hurt yourself" he whispered looking at her, sadness laced both his voice and his eyes.

"I'm sorry" Y/n forced out as she hung her head. She felt..guilt...rise in her body, filler her throat, causing her to struggle to breathe.

"It's..okay..come here" Dewey spoke as if he understood why she was doing all of this.

Dewey held out his hand to her, which Y/n slowly took.

Dewey led her to a small sink in the office and turned on the water.

"Put your arm under it while I grab some bandages" Dewey said looking at her, as if waiting for her to move.

Y/n nodded, not daring to speak as she slipped her arm under the water, and once she did, Dewey walked off.

She whinced slightly, feeling the cold water wash away the blood from her arm, the feeling made her clench her jaw as she watched the bright red fade down the drain.

Dewey was back in no time with a small first aid kit and a dry wash cloth.

"Can I see your arm?" He asked softly

Y/n slowly pulled her arm out from under the sink and moved it to Dewey.

Dewey slowly wiped away the water from her arm then disinfected the wound before gently wrapping it in gauze. (I can't spell the word)


"Thank you" Y/n muttered.

"I got you some things" Dewey said his eyes dashing over to his desk.

"I didn't know what you liked so I just got you some candy and a hot was all I can find"

"Thank you Dewey"

"No you can head back to NY desk..I got to make a few calls...but I'll have someone keep an eye on you okay?"


At that Y/n walked back to Dewey's desk, seeing the candy and the now semi hot chocolate waiting for her..

After maybe 15 minutes a voice rang through the station...a voice Y/n knew too well...

"Y/N?! Shit! No no where is Y/n I think I have a right to see her....what do you mean kick me out?! Get the sheriff I bet he'd let me see her!"

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