chapter 23

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

The commotion in the police station continued for a few minutes.

Yelling filled the offices and Y/n got oddly curious on what was happening around her. She gripped the wooden armrests of the chair she sat in and craned her neck upwards just in time to see the one person she trusted other than Dewey (SPELLING IS RIGHT THIS TIME) race up to her.

"Y/n!" Randy yelled, as he halted to a stop and crouched down infront of her, his hands gently grabbing her trembling shoulders.

"My lord..are you okay?" He asked, as one of his hands left her shoulder and cupped her cheek gently.

"I guess" was all Y/n was able to choke out as she looked at Randy.

Randy's eyes were filled to the brim with concern and worry for the girl that sat infront of him. Randy seen how bloodshot her eyes were, how red her face was, and how her bottom lip quivered.

"What all happened? Everyones been telling me some jackass attacked you as like a prank or some shit" Randy asked, his voice was soft and gentle sounding, the sound of his voice alone made Y/n feel alot more calm

Y/n nodded at what Randy said, she was attacked by some jackass who thought it would be funny.

Randy's eyes flashed with a sliver of anger. All he could think about was why....why would someone do that to someone like her?

Randy sighed and stood up before gently wrapping his arms around her, encasing her in a hug. Y/n felt her body tense up, then relax in his touch as she wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her head onto his chest.

"It'll all be okay" he whispered in her ear, rubbing her back gently.

Although Randy had never really been good at comforting people, he was sure going to try.. he didn't want the girl he had fallen for to be sad.. he wanted to help her anyway he possibly could. He wanted to be there with her and he wanted her to feel safe around him.

"Randy?" Y/ns quite voice whispered as she looked up at him.

Randy looked down at her as he heard her say his name. "Hm?" He hummed out, gently running his hand through her hair.

"Thank you" she whispered, letting her head fall back onto his chest.

"For what?" "For just being here"

Randy felt himself hug her a little tighter, feeling as if she would fade away if he dared to let her go...he didn't want to let go of her.

They both stayed like that for a moment, embracing eachother like they haven't seen each other in forever.

After a minute or so they both pulled away from each other, but Randy didn't dare leave her side, instead he gently took her hand into his as he stood next to the chair she sat in.

"How long will you be here for?" He asked her. And all she did was shrug.

Randy let out a small sigh keeping his eyes on her till he heard a voice saying his name.

"Randy wht are you doing here?" Dewey's confused voice said as he walked back over.

"I heard what happened and wanted to make sure she was okay" Randy said honestly and Dewey nodded.

"Well I'm glad your here" Dewey said. Dewey had originally thought to take Y/n back to his house and let her say there, bit deep down Dewey knew he still had to work and leaving Y/n alone wouldn't be the best choice considering how much she has already been through and now her tendency to scratch at herself till she bled. But now with Randy here, he at least had someone to look after her.

"Randy can I speak to you for a moment?" Dewey asked, his eyes trailing from Y/n to him. "Uh yeah sure" Randy agreed and Dewey started to walk, and Randy followed.

Dewey walked till they were a good distance away from Y/n so she couldn't hear them.

"Do you think it would be okay for you to take Y/n to you house and watch after her? If not she can-" "Yeah I don't mind" Randy interrupted Dewey as he spoke.

Dewey let out a relived sigh. "Great..just...keep an eye on her..." Dewey looked back at Y/n, seeing her grab the mug of hot chocolate he had brought out to her a while ago.

"She's picking up on the tendency to..scratch at her body till she bleeds." Dewey said, his tone dropping ever so slightly.

Randy felt his heart drop, yet he understood why she was starting to do it..if he was in her situation he probably would do it too.

"Yeah..I'll keep an eye on worries" he said. Dewey smiled slightly, he was glad Randy was willing to look after her for a while.

"Thank you Randy" Dewey said. "Now if you want you can take her back to your place and again thank you..I'd hate to leave her alone" Dewey said.

For some reason..Dewey started to see Y/n as a second sister, or even as his own daughter. He felt the need to protect her from any harm that came her way and help her through everything she went though. Dewey knew that now he had Randy to help look after her.....

(My dumbass  has been on C.Ai too much- I was typing the actions like *Randy felt his heart drop* like- I think I need a break from C.Ai-)

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