chapter 14

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^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

The sight of my house made hope ignite in my heart.

I forced my weak legs to run faster, but...once I did... I heard heavy, booming, footsteps behind me.

I was running on autopilot, to scared to look back, and when i tried, my neck seemed to be locked into place.

My breathing was so loud I was convinced anyone could hear it.

Fear and anxiety loomed in my fearfilled mind as I forced myself closer and closer to my house....

I rushed up the stairs and wrapped my shaky fingers around the knob and to my surprise.. The door opened...

No thoughts passed through my mind as i rushed in and shut the door behind me, turning the lock.

My breathing became shallow as I leaned my forehead against the wooden door, it's coolness slowly taking the heat from my burning aching skin.

I took in greedy gasps of air as I stood there, trying not to think to much.

Then..I heard a floorbored creak behind me. My head whipped around as if a leanred instinct, and once it did... My eyes were meet with the dead black cloth covered eyes of a Father death costume.

A scream bellowed out from ny throat, millions of thoughts raced through my mind as the person pulled out a knife.

My eyes dashed around and a idea sparked. My screams died down and I quickly ducked down as the person swinged their knife right above my head.

I stopped breathing as I regained myself and started running through ny house, gunning it for the back door.

My heart was pounding in my chest, beating and rattling my delicate ribs.

I was quick to make it to my back door, but, as soon as i reached out to open it, a gloved hand shot out from my left and slammed the door shut.

The world froze in that very moment. My breathing hitched in my throat. I felt like i had died and gone to hell...

Tears brimed in my eyes as they slowly dragged upwards just to see a taller persom dawning the same father death costume as the other person.

I backed away from the tall persom infront of me. I was quick to take baby steps back, then, all of a sudden, my back hit something.

I looked up, stray tears dripping onto my neck as i saw the shorter person from before right behind me.

I went to scream, to yell and cry till someone heard me and called the police but... As soon as my mouth opened, the shorter person shoved two gloved fingers into my mouth.

I gagged slightly, choking on the person's fingers and my own scream.

The much taller person pressed theirself up against me and pressed something against my neck.

A cold feeling made me shiver. I looked down through soggy eyes and saw a knife pressed against my throat.

Noises escaped my lips, which only made the shorter one shove his fingers deeper into my mouth till they touched the back of my throat.

I cried and gagged as the short one used his free hand to grab both of my wrists and keep them togeather.

I gagged on their fingers as siliva dripped from my lips. The tall one infront of me pressed a long finger up against the large, elongated father death mouth, signalling for me to be quiet.

I never would have seen myself in this situation, being treated while someone else choked me.

I tried to use my tongue to force the person's fingers out of my mouth, but I failed..then a small idea popped into my mind.

I took in a breath through my nose before I bit down hard on the shorter persons fingers and quickly kicked one of my legs upward, kicking the taller one in the chest, making him stumble back.


The tall one stumbled backwards, bumping into the back door and almost dropping the knife that was only minutes ago pressed against my neck.

I didnt think as I ran, my feet almost tripped over one another. I took in short gasps of breath as I reached the front door.

Panic and fear made my hands shakey as I flung my body up against the wooden door, making it fly open.

I took a glance back as I stumbled down the porch steps.

The taller man was only a few feet behind me.

I cried more as I started running again. This was a run or die situation... And even if i kept running their was no guarantee that i would live.

"HELP!" my horse voice called out.


My cries of please and begs seemed to attract no one.. They were all asleep...

"please" my voice faltered as I ran.

"Your going to pay for this you bitch!" A deep distorted voice called out from behind me.

The same voice from the phone.

My legs almost gave out as they tired out.

"Keep running keep running" i whispered to myself.

I didnt want to die.. No matter how sad my life was... I never wanted to die... Sometimes the thought of death seemed comforting, but I never wanted it..

Out of no where... I felt a weight jump down on me, making me tumble to the road, hitting my head.

The gravel of the road scrached my head, leaving cuts on my face, and scrapped my exposed skin.

"Got you~" the distorted voice purred out as they put a hand onto my head and pushed my face farther into the gravel.

Rocks dug into the cuts on my face, widening them ever so slightly.

I cried and whinced from the pain of the person laying flush against my back and the cuts on my face being widened.

"Listen to me... You better be fucking quiet...if not...ill paint the streets with your blood and hang your organs from the street lights..."

Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now