chapter 15

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(Okay this chapter gets DARK )

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

My heart practially stopped when those words left the persons lips.

"If you dont want to die id suggest you be a good girl and stay quiet" the distorted voice whispered in my ear.

My breathing was shallow and quick as I laid face first on the road.

My eyes desperately looked up and at houses, praying that id see lights on or see someone comeing out to help me, but my heart was crushed when not a soul showed up..

I felt the persons hand grab a fist full of my hair and yank me up as they stood up.

I whinced as blood trickled down my face from the cuts i had gotten.

The person yanked my head back, making me look up at the dead eyes of the mask.

I saw wide, excited eyes behind the fabric.

Pain flooded my body, erupting from my scalp. "Such a Pretty face" the distorted voice whispered, lifting his gloved hand up to my face and ever so gently tracing along my cheek.

A dark giggle escaped his throat as his grip on my hair got tighter, breaking a few strains of my h/c hair .

The man started walking, pulling me by my hair behind him.

I wanted to scream, but.. I also didnt want to die...

He dragged me all the way to my house.

Once he got me into the door, the threw me onto the floor.

A groan of pain left my lips as i fell hard onto the floor, hearing a small crack in my side as I hit the floor, I yelped loudly, feeling a crack form in my ribs.

Tears swelled in my eyes as I pushed myself up, leaning on my elbows as I used my hands to push myself away from the man. Pain flowed through me, growing worse the farther I pushed myself away.

The man shut the door behind him as he walked up to me slowly.

His foot steps ringed around my head as i moved myself farther away.

I reached my hand back again, but this time, instead of grapping onto the soft carpet, i grabbed onto something hard and cold.

My breath hitched in my throat as I tilted my head to the left and saw a shoe under my hand.

My eyes dragged upwards, looking at the glittery fabric then up at the White father death mask.

"Hello again" the shorter man dawning the same outfit as the taller man said, the voice sounding the same as the other one.

My heart was pounding in my chest as the shorter man harshly grapped onto my arm with so much force it was bound to bruise. The man pulled me up and chuckled.

"You look almost pitiful..." The man said, i could practically hear the smile painting its way onto his lips.

"Please... Let me go.." I choked out, my own voice sounding odd to me.

The two men chuckled at me, mocking me..

My body shook as I cried, my eyes were sore from all of it.

"Please...please" i said, getting louder.

"Shut up you fucking bitch" the taller man hissed out as he harshly grabbed my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, the making me look at me.

"Your so pretty..." The tall man said before snatching a knife from the shorter mans left hand.

I held my breath as the man lifted the knife.

Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt