Chapter 21

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~~~A flash back~~~

"She's going to ruin our plan Stu" Billy said harshly as he grabbed at his brown hair.
Stu sat on the couch, one that sat in front of the TV in his huge house. He seemed to be thinking.

"But she is cute" Stu said with a giggle. "Shs going to fuck it all up!" He huffed out grabbing onto the back of the couch tightly. Billy's jaw tightened and his teeth grinded together. "I don't care if she's cute or not!" Billy said louder, almost screaming.

Stu leaned his head back. "I careeee" he whined. Billy hit stu in the back of the head, making him groan out in pain. "I'm not letting some bitch fuck up my plan to get my revenge" Billy said.

Stu rubbed the back of his head and pouted. "Dosnt mean we have to kill her" he muttered.

Billy raised his eyebrows and looked at Stu. "Then what else can we do?" He asked. "Break her so she can't" he said and with that, a smirk played its way onto Billy's lips.

It wasn't a sassy smirk, but a smirk that was devilish and unnatural on his normally monotone face...

~~~present day~~~

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

When Y/n jumped up and ran, she ran to the office. Hot tears stung her eyes as she did. She felt all eyes on her as she ran. She wished everyone would go away and leave her on this world alone.

Soon, she busted through the doors of the office and looked at the lady behind the front desk. "Can I use the phone?" She asks as she uses the sleeves of her t-shirt to wipe the salty tears off of her face. The lady looked at her, she knew what had happened.. and nodded

Y/n snatched up the phone and with a shake hand she pulled out the crumbled slip of paper with Dewys number scribbled on it.
Slowly she punched in the numbers and pressed the hard plastic phone to her ear and heard it ring.

1 ring....

2 ring......

3 ring...

"Hello this is Dewy" his voice rang out as he picked up.

"Dewy.." y/n choked out as she gripped the phone with both hands.
She opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was sobs.

"Y/n? Oh god what's wrong?" He says, his voice gental and soft.

"Please..please come get me" she says, her voice cracking.

"I'm on my way"

With that he hung up on her.

"Hey sweetie if you want to stay here till who ever you called comes you can" the front desk lady said.

Y/n nodded before sitting in one of the seats. She shifted and shifted, feeling uncomfortable in her own skin the longer she sat there.

Y/n dug ger nails into the soft wood of the chair, more tears filling her e/c eyes.

Her face was red, her eyes were puffy and she looked like a mess, everyone around her couldn't help but feel bad for her, no body deserves body.

The lady behind the desk looked at y/n and felt pain in her heart just looking at her. She didn't know what to do as she watched the little girl cry.. so, she picked up a small candy dish and held it out to her "get you some candy baby" the lady said ( lol this has actually happened, I Stan most front desk ladies)

Y/n looked at the lady and wiped her eyes before taking a f/c (favorite candy) "thank you" y/n said. The lady nodded as Y/n ate the candy and wait on whoever she called.

After less then 7 minutes the sherif rushed into the office, worry painted his features but they softend once they landed on Y/n.

"Y/n" Dewy muttered before crouching down in front of her and putting his hands on her shoulders "What happened?" He asked, his voice soft.

Y/n looked at him, her eyes glossy and her bottom lip quivering. "People" she whispered, her voice sounding dry.

"What did they do please talk to me" Dewy said as he used his thumb to wipe away stray tears that ran down her face. "They dressed like them.... and... attacked me" she said, struggling the force the words out of her throat.

Dewy nodded before standing up and helping Y/n up to. "Ma'am make sure who ever did that gets punished. It's not funny to torment a victim of something as bad as this" Dewy said before walking out eith Y/n by his side.

Y/n stayed closed to him, scared, terrified, shaking, thinking the killer would get her
.. that they'd hang her from a tree or slice her stomach wide open for the world to see what the inside of her torso looked like.

She didn't want her body to be mutilated or tortured, she just wanted to rewind time, redo it all...

Dewy walked Y/n to the police cruiser and helped her get in before shutting the door and walking to the driver's side.

"Do you know who did it?" Dewy asked as he buckled up. "Alex Johns" she says quickly. "I know his father. He'll be getting a call from me later on" Dewy said as he put the keys in and turned them, allowing the engine to roar to life and soon they started to dive away from her own personal hell on earth..

(Sorry if I'm not active I forget I have a wattpad and igot.exams soon)

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