chapter 16

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

An hour had passed since Y/n had left the Riley house and Tatum, Dewy, and Randy were all worried.

"It shouldnt be taking this long" Randy said as he looked at Dewy. "Your right" Dewy muttered as he grabbed his gun from his holster and also grabbed the keys to his police cruiser.

" come on, lets go" he said as he started to the door, Tatum and Randy following behind him.

Randy felt a feeling bubble in his gut as he walked closer to the police car. He was worried that something was wrong.

The feeling almost made him gag as he opened the back door to the car and slid in.

Tatum rushed into the passenger seat. "Hurry up Dewy!" She screeched as Dewy quickly rushed to the drivers side of the car.

Dewy fumbled with the keys as he started the car. Dewy had the same feeling bubbling inside of him.

Dewy got this feeling every time something bad happened..

Dewy sped down the streets, flipping his police lights on as he did.

The police siren cut through the damp air, ringing around Randy's foggy mind.

Randy bit at the inside of his cheek as his leg bounced up and down. He was worried for her....

Countless intrusive thoughts filled his mind as he watched the blurry images of tress pass by as Dewy drove.

After 4 minutes (thanks to Dewys fast driving) the trio had made it to Y/ns house.

Dred filled Dewys gut as he saw that the door to her house was wide open.

Dewy stopped the car and they all got out, not wasting any time to rush into Y/ns house.

Randy noticed how much of a mess the house was...

"Y/N!" Tatum screamed out.

Randy shoved Tatum out of the way as he rushed up the stairs and gunned it to Y/ns bedroom.

He saw the door was open and barely hanging onto its hinges (?? I cant spelllllll)

"Fuck" he whispered to himself as he quickly rushed into Y/ns room, but froze in his steps as he saw a horrid heart wrenching sight infront of him...

Y/n was tied to her bed. Her wrists was bleeding, She looked to be gagged, all of her clothes seemed to be missing, and blood oozed from a wound on her thigh.

It was obvious what had happened.

Randy felt guilt rise in his chest as he rushed up to Y/ns bed and quickly took the tape off of her lips.

"DEWY! TATUM!" Randy screamed, his voice breaking as tears clouded his vision.

Randy untied Y/ns wrists and started crying more when he saw how deep the rope marks were and how far the rope had cut..

"What?!..holy shit..." Dewys voice went quite as he rushed in, his eyes landing on Y/ns battered and bruised nude body.

Dewy was quick to untie Y/ns ankles.

Randy scooped Y/n up gently in his arms and cradled her.

Tears dripped onto her skin as he and Dewy rushed out as soon as Tatum amde her way to the door.

"Oh fuck!" She screeched as her eyes scanned over Y/n and Randy...and thats when Tatum saw it.... Someone had Carved the father death mask into Y/ns hip...

Everything else was a blur as Randy grabbed a blanket and rushed back to the car with Y/n in his arms.

He sat in the back seat and covered her nude body with the soft blanket.

"GET IN THE CAR AND FUCKING DRIVE!" Randy screeched out to Dewy.

Dewy didnt even get mad at Randy as he got into the drivers side and Tatum again got in the passangers side.

"What the hell happened!?" Tatum asked as she looked back at Randy, who cupped Y/ns cheek and traced her soft beaten skin, his tears peppered her exposed skin.

"Im so sorry" Randy whispered, ignoring Tatum.

Randy felt his world collapse into a dark hell that he couldn't escape.

He felt like it was his fault for not walking with her. Yes he asked her, but he shouldnt have listened to her no.

Randy hugged her body tightly, pressing her head against his chest as he lightly kissed her forehead. "Im so so sorry" he muttered.

Dewy heard Randy's cries as he drove to the hospital.

Dewy felt small tears prickle in his eyes. Out of all the years Dewy had known Randy, he had never seen him like pained Dewy.

Dewy stepped on the gas petal a little harder, he wanted to get Y/n to the hospital and fast.

Randy looked at Y/n. A thought washed over Randy, a thought that filled him with so much rage and so much sadness...

He thought of the highly likely possibility that Y/n was raped...

~~~~Time skip~~~~

Randy sat in the lobby of the hospital, his head buried in his hands as he cried.

Randy felt like screaming..

He had grown close to Y/n when no one else went around her...

He was there to comfort her through Casey's death, he was there to love her, he was there to try and make her life seem better.

Randy had spent countless nights in her room, sleeping on the floot next to her bed just because she was scared..

"Hey Randy" Tatum said.

Her voice made Randy jump slightly.

Randy quickly wiped his eyes before looking up at Tatum.

Tatum had tears swelling in her eyes, making them look glossy.

She sat down next to Randy and looked at him.

"Dewy said that the doctor said that Y/n is alive..but...she was raped" Tatum said, her voice going quiet as people stared at them.

"Do they know who did it?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"No..." She whispered.

"Fuck" Randy whispered, leaning his head back and blinking his eyes, feeling tears drip down his face.

"Dewy said the police station can take seaman samples if any was left and do a DNA test" Tatum added.

Randy just nodded.

"Did you tell the others?"

Right as Randy said that Billy, Stu, and Sidney rushed in, worry and sadness painted on their faces.

"Oh my god please tell me its not true!" Sidney said as she ran up to Tatum and Randy.

Randy and Tatum stayed quiet..

Billy and Stu walked over to the group, sad looks dawning onto their features.

Tatum rushed to Stu and engulfed him into a hug and letting to tears flow.

Billy glanced over at Stu, a look that went unnoticed by the group, but it was a look...a look of pride...

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