Chapter 19

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(Yippy yay im here to stay! Im not dead i promise just forgot about my wattoad account😭)

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

After 3 weeks the doctors finally cleared Y/n to go. And once she thought she was finally free, people that wanted answers would surround her.

News reporters, cops, students from school was all she seen as she stepped out, turns out, word about her leaving the hospital spred quickly, although barely anyone knew she was coming home other then Dewy, her parents, and Randy.

"MISS. L/N! MISS. L/N WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT" a news reporter screamed as a camera was shoved into Y/ns face.

Y/n felt tears pool In her eyes as she shoved the camera out of her face.


Y/n felt her already shattered heart break even more.

"Please leave me alone" she whispered, bareluy finding her voice.

"Hey kiddo" a soft voice chimed out through all the choas as a hand lightly grasped her shoulder.

Y/n flinched and turned on her heels, her e/c eyes locking onto a pair of brown ones.

"Dewy" she said in a breathy voice as he pulled her towards him. "Come on lets go" he said as he eyed the reporters that followed them.


"Leave the kid alone!" Dewy yelled as he walked Y/n to his police cruiser.


Dewy kept Y/n close as he opened the car door for her.

"Thanks" she whispered forcing a small yet fake smile.

Dewy nodded as she slipped into the car.

Once she was fully in, Dewy shut the door and quickly made way to the drivers side and opened the door and hopped in before the reporters could bug him.

Dewy shut the door and started the car, looking over at Y/n as he did.

"Hey, kiddo, im sorry" Dewy whispered as the car engine roared to life.

"For what?" Y/n said as she wiped away her tears with the palm of her hand.

"I shouldn't have let you walk home at night" he said, guilt lacing his voice.

Dewy started driving as Y/ns body went stiff.

"Its fine" she choked out

Dewy stayed quiet as he drove, tears stung his eyes as he thought of everything Y/n had been through.

Him, Randy, and Tatum have all been blaming themselves.

"Don't cry Dewy" y/n whispered.

"No no listen. Im so sorry i let you walk home alone, none of this would have happened." Dewy rambled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly.

Dewy saw the image of her, of her laying there, looking almost lifeless as Randy untied her.

Dewy heard Randy's screams, he felt the pressure of needing to hurry up before she died in Randys arms.

No amount of police training could have trained Dewy for that..

"I was the stubborn was all my fault" Y/n muttered, her voice cracking as she hung her head low.

If she would have let someone walk with her, she wouldn't have gotten raped...


A thought, a singular thought flowed through her mind..

And that was...

There was two of them...they were both If Dewy, Tatum, or Randy went... They all would have gotten hurt, maybe even killed...

Maybe it was for the better that she had went alone...

Yet... She wished she didn't.

Y/n moved slightly in the hard seats of the police cruiser as tears built up in her eyes.

She let out a small sniffle as she wrapped her arms around herself, finding a little bit of comfort.

"No..i shouldn't have taken no for an answer.." Dewy protested.

Y/n hated hearing people blame theirself for this...

It was all her fault...

She took full blame..

If she would have fought back more

Kicked and screamed more

If she would have just went the next day...

None of this would have happened.

Y/n trailed her fingers lightly over her covered thigh, feeling the thick bandaged that laid under her clothes.

"Were going to find out who did this to you.." Dewy said as he looked at her, the whites of his eyes were stained red.

Y/n looked up at him, she wanted to say something but the words didnt come out, instead they stayed in her throat.

"This is among one of the worst things to have happened here..." He muttered under his breath, fixating his eyes back onto the road.

Y/n stayed quiet, letting her head droop down, allowing her eyes to lock onto her hands.

Countless thoughts raced through her skull, mostly ones blaming her for all of this.

It was like all the sadness from all of this was hitting her all at one time, seeing her spiraling into a vas pit of darkness, one she couldn't climb out of as her world crumbled around her.

She wanted to give up at this point...


The rest of the car ride was silent, no noise filled the car other then Y/ns small sniffles.

"Were here" Dewy whispered as he pulled up to his and Tatums house.

Y/n looked at the house, thankful he didn't bring her to her own house.

Y/n feared going back to her own house, especially her own room.

"Thank you for picking me up" Y/n said with a soft smile.

"No problem" he said, returning the smile.

Dewy opened his door after he parked the police car, and Y/n did the same.

As she stood up and shut the door, her legs started to shake under her own weight slightly.

"Y/N!!" A group of voices screamed out in unison.

Y/ns eyes snapped upward only to see the whole group running at her.

In seconds, Tatum, Randy, Billy, Stu, and Sidney had their arms around Y/n, trapping her in a group hug.

Y/n gasped as she stumbled slightly.

She didn't know why, but something didn't feel right...

She felt that same fearful, gut wrenching feeling in her stomach..

The same feeling she had before she was attacked.....

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