Multi-Fandom One Shots

By OC_Femslash

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Female x Reader One and Two Shots. I'm finally reposting them here, thank heaven. More

Cellmates (Thirteenth Doctor)
My Lady (Moiraine Damodred)
Together, Alone (Thirteenth Doctor)
Got You (Moiraine Sedai)
Once Upon a December (Alma Peregrine)
Ascent (Moiraine Sedai)
Quiet (Farah Dowling)
Killer (Moiraine Sedai)
Lady of Stardust (Thirteenth Doctor)
Inn (Moiraine Sedai) NSFW
Joining Up (Siuan Sanche) Mild NSFW
Test (Moiraine Sedai)
New Things (Dahlia)
Defend (Moiraine Damodred)
Redemption (Brooke Augustine)
The Ultimate Chemical Reaction (Ancient One)
Darkened Hearts (Thirteenth Doctor)
Irresistible (Moiraine and Siuan)
Thorn (Morgana Pendragon) NSFW
Wheel (Moiraine Sedai)
Time; Part Two (Moiraine)
Settled (Maggie Walsh)
A Strange Sorceress (The Ancient One)
Dust (Moiraine Sedai)
Good Night (Buffy Summers)
Home (Charmaine Diyoza) NSFW
Back From The Dead Again (Julia Hoffman)
Jewel (Moiraine Sedai)
Four Times You Hated the Sonic; And the One You Didn't (13th Doc)
Night (Farah Dowling)
I Care About You (Moiraine Sedai)
I Did a Thing (Thirteenth Doctor) NSFW
Keeper (Alma Peregrine)
Heal (Moiraine Sedai)
Come (Agatha Harkness) NSFW
Incoming Calm (Moiraine Damodred)
Silence (Thirteenth Doctor)
Killer (Moiraine Sedai)
Mizunderstood (Moiraine Sedai)
Pleasant (Alma LeFay Peregrine)
Nap Acclimate (Rowena MacLeod)
The Shadows Reach (Angie Bouchard)
Just For Me (Rowena MacLeod) NSFW
The Daughter Who Never Was (Bookverse Alma Peregrine)
I'll Have You Restrained (Brooke Augustine) NSFW
I'd Wait Forever (Minerva McGonagall)
Moiraine as a Horrible Mother
The Warlock's Apprentice (Florence Zimmerman)
Poison, Savior (Marilyn Thornhill)
Forever In A Night (Alma Peregrine) SFW
Give In (Rowena MacLeod) NSFW
Sooted Fingertips (Agatha/Agnes)
Violet Fingerlicks (Agatha Harkness)
I Know You Feel It; The Shift (Larissa Weems) NSFW
Never Alone (Platonic Farah)
Forever Home (Alma Peregrine)
Love is Blind (Rowena MacLeod x Shifter!Reader) NSFW
Nightmare Mania (Aeryn Sun)
Where You Belong (Valka)
Always Wanted a Baby (Marissa Wiegler) NSFW
The Falconess and the Huntress (Alma Peregrine)
An Eternity of Longing ~ A. Harkness
Ahead of Her Time (Bookverse Emma Bloom)
I Know Something You Don't Know (Marissa Wiegler)
A Tale-less Dragon (Moiraine Sedai)
My Darling Doll (Agatha Harkness)
Found in Nature (Moiraine Sedai)
Give My All (Miss G) NSFW
When the Sun Sets (Agatha Harkness)
Hold You In My Arms (Farah Dowling)
Delighted to Keep You (Dark Alma Peregrine)
Don't Let Me Get Me (Agatha Harkness)
My Servant, My Guide, Mine. (Hela Odinsdottir)
I Was Blind But Now I See (Cordelia Goode)
Not This Time (Phoebe & Piper)
Holding My Heart Hostage (Dom!Lou Miller) NSFW
I May Chose (Moiraine x Damane!Reader)
The Spirit Is Willing (Moira O'Hara)
Stay Here (Phoebe Halliwell)
Vengeance. Justice. (Moira O'Hara x Witch!Reader)
Stay Calm and Love Me (Hela Odinsdottir)
Knocking on Heaven's Door (Shachath)
Could Never Lose It (Piper Halliwell) NSFW
Seeing You Forever (Moiraine & Siuan)
Fly Away With Me (Fiona Goode)
Our Tribe (Misty Day)
The Fiercest Protector (Moiraine)
Peace in Pieces (Moira O'Hara and Rowena MacLeod)
See Me (Liandrin Sedai) NSFW
Pfisters Three and Mina (Wilhemina Veneble)
You Can Pretend You're on Top (Mildred Ratched) NSFW
You Left (Carol Aird)
You Are My Sanctuary (Lana Winters)
Cursed to Love Her (Sister Jude)
From the Flame to the Phoenix (Established Myrtle Snow)
One Day at a Time (Lana Winters)
The Hand Dealt (Diane Sherman)
Blue Skies Fade to Grey (Myrtle Snow)
The Will & The Way (Gloria Mott) NSFW
We All Make Choices (Rita Santos)
In It Together (Amazon Eve)
Believe (Piper Halliwell)
Trapping Perfection (Elsa Mars)
To Trust In Me (Queenie)
Come Back & Stay (Sally McKenna) MILD NSFW
All She Can Be (Agatha Harkness) NSFW
In Love With The Devil (Sally McKenna)
First Customer (Cassie Nightingale)

I See What I Do To People (Hilda and Zelda) NSFW

436 13 0
By OC_Femslash

Warnings: Incest, smut (not epic yall, r focused, self indulgent), lots of abandonment, reader kinda sucks but everyone loves her

Times change. Everything does. With witches, it was slower. Whole families separated from the mortal world. But sometimes miracles happen: worlds collide.

Split families can be mended.

The sky was dark and gloomy on a day so full of hope. A family apart from five young adults spread like insects. They dispersed then vanished into nothing, one at a time. The four kids and a teen were the only ones left on the property.

Well, not quite. A single silhouette stood by a car not owned by a resident. Curiosity donned on a single mortal blonde. The three siblings simultaneously brightened and the boy's eyes filled with tears.

The eldest took charge and raced to the vehicle. Her hand landed on your shoulder, turning you to face her, before pulling you into her arms. Cinnamon whisky and tobacco engulfed your senses. You brought your own arms around her. Tears spilled over your cheeks. You exchanged words for a long moment, obviously needing your older sister's permission.

Zelda led you back to the house. Her ginger locks billowed in the breeze; your gaze remained entrapped on them. You hadn't seen red hair in over a decade. You faced the group as you neared. You stared at the blonde before breaking into a smile. "You must be Diana!" You took her hand and gave it a fir shake; Zelda glowered at your joined hands over your shoulder. Your eyes fell to her stomach. The boy stepped forward and he instantly held every ounce of your attention. Your entire face lit up and the very flowers at your feet blossomed; even the off-season herbs. Your hands cupped his cheeks and wet drops flowed down yours again. A smile remained glued to your face. "Ambrose," you greeted your son fondly, if guiltily.

The tall boy leaned down and wrapped his arms around your midsection, lifting you from your feet.

"Oh!" you squeaked. Your hands traveled, one to his shoulder and one down his back. You cradled him to you as he held you up.


There was a lot of food, an international comfort tradition. You all sat around the kitchen table, Diana in her husband's la[.

You raised an eyebrow at them, a faint smile painted on your lips. Ambrose had pulled a chair from the siting room and sat just off from the table, a little behind and beside you. Your full plate rested on your knees and you half-faced him. The family babbled pointlessly and no one bothered to ask about your time away. Looking at those around you, you took a deep breath and lived in the moment and the warmth of being with your family again.

Bit it couldn't last. It never could. Lunch finished and the family returned to the sitting room. Ambrose remained attached to you, at the hip, though Zelda was throwing her weight around, elbowing her way to your other side. The couch was only supposed to seat 2 so you were somewhat pulled onto your older sister's lap. Your son continued to take up the majority of your attention, but your siblings tried to muscle in too.

Edward and his wife re-told their meet-cute and your sisters were plainly bored while you were enraptured by the tale. Hilda reported on a new potion she was engineering. She claimed it would allow her to find anyone, anywhere in the world. You had your suspicions on its origin, though said nothing other than supportive claims which you felt deep in your soul. Zelda mumbled in your ear about the filthy novels her roommate had found an interest in, yet told no one. Your telepathic sister scoffed at the tattle tale before her focus slowly pulled to your thoughts. She flushed at the strength of your pride and knowing that you'd been waiting for the middle sister to find herself for decades.

"Why did you leave?" Diana asked, gaining another glare from the eldest Spellman. You calmed Zelda on purpose with your hand, though accidentally with your laugh. "Let's not stir up that old drama. They're gone."

Diana looked toward the cemetery behind the house, for Spellmans and autopsies left unclaimed. Her disapproving mother-in-law had just been lowered into the ground that morning so she could guess the root of the 'drama'. Nodding, the mortal woman let the topic drop. Looking at her husband, the blonde could see he had wanted her to let it go as well. It was worse than she thought.

Ambrose touched your elbow to draw your attention next, back to him. "Did you visit Stonehenge?"

You flexed a stern eyebrow. "Did you visit the Vatican?" you reflected.

Ambrose was coy as he turned away. He never wanted you to know the full story, and so you let the truth fade into his memories. No matter how much you wanted to know, you had little right to push yourself into your son's immortal antics. He had nearly 40 years left of his sentence and each year was marked by letters you sent on every special occasion.

The sun touched the horizon and your magic was brewing again, seemingly of its own volition. You felt it when none of your surrounding family did.

Hilda was off in the kitchen again, baking and cooking the evening's supper, humming cheerily despite having just buried her mother for the final time. Zelda was off preparing a spare room "without you knowing". Ambrose was clearly tasked with distracting you until Edward dismissed him to do so himself. Your only brother sank beside you on the same couch, though you were permitted to sit on a cushion now. "So, how long are you staying this time?" Anytime you visited back when the mortuary/home was owned by your now-dead parents, you never so much as stayed the night. Now that they were gone, clearly everyone thought your days of leaving home were done.

You smiled adoringly at your older brother before turning your head to look out the window.

Edward followed your gaze, then deflated when he realized. You didn't practice as they did. The moon phases and star placement and geographic leylines made all the difference when it came to your craft. He couldn't follow it well enough to follow or limit you, but he understood enough to follow a silent explanation. "One of these days..."

You laughed. None of your family could control you, but that didn't stop them from trying. You were the youngest, if you didn't count your mortal in-law, though you were the black sheep. You were the most loved, though the most frowned upon. You bought into very little, borderline nothing, the family valued so highly. Your parents, your High Priest, even your oldest sister tried to alter your way of thinking, but you'd refused to change, to convert. Your father dropped to the ground, dead within a moment of you saying so. You almost thought he was faking, or being dramatic until he was buried later that same day. That was the longest you'd stayed in the Home until then and the longest since. Your mother had beaten you with mere inches of your life, and you'd lived that life, with them, for a month until Zelda first killed your older sister and buried her next to your father. You'd run away without another moment's hesitation, two years before your Dark Baptism. You only returned 20 years later, five measly years older, a powerful and capable witch of another brand. It wasn't for some time before your return that you understood Hilda was dead only temporarily. Your 16th birthday had passed without a hex or retrieving spell tossed your way, and you'd hoped they'd given up hope on you. You didn't return for nearly a century.

It was the Witching Hour when you appeared in your sisters' room and interrupted their sleep. You'd had an enraged and petulant pre-teen Ambrose holding your hand. They started awake and sat up in their respective beds, taking in your young son and your tear-streaked face. You told them your son wanted to respect his family's tradition and craft and the boy vehemently agreed. He jerked his hand from yours and your sister nearly came out of her bed. They took him in and taught him their filthy ways. It broke your heart, but you left before your mother discovered your return. You started your letters that year. Untraceable yet undoubtedly from you, Ambrose read them out loud on those holidays. But he didn't respond until after the Vatican. He never informed you of his terrorist attempt, though you always seemed to know anything he tried to keep from you. You visited some years, though you only stayed when both your mother and son approved and when your mother swore not to start shit. Her vows were rarely kept, but she grew weaker and weaker with every broken oath bound to her power.

The sun disappeared beneath the far land and you disappeared too, standing from the couch and pulling your jacket on. "Kiss that baby for me." Was all you said before turning into shadow yourself.

Edward stared at the empty space you had just inhabited, wondering how you sensed when even your mid-wife sisters hadn't.

The elder sauntered into the sitting room again, surprised to find Edward sitting alone. One shared look and Zelda sighed, shoulders drooping slightly. She wasn't even surprised.


A decade and a half, and some change, later, a summons crossed your mind and the source was your blood so you were helpless to resist. You were home in an instant and you didn't pause for greeting, instead choosing to step forward and hug your niece. She held you back, just as tight, and it felt as though all was right in the world. The loneliness, your constant companion, faded for a time. You'd met Sabrina a few solstices back and you'd exchanged a few letters. She mostly had questions about boys and relationships.... Because parenthood apparently constituted successful love connections. Most of your advice consisted of encouraging her to follow her instincts and feelings. It didn't feel like helping to you, but she kept writing so she must've gotten something from your communication. Now, she had bigger things to discuss with you.

"It's... about my 16th birthday."

You paused. All Hallow's Eve was her birthday and that was tomorrow. You smiled faintly. "Big plans with that boyfriend?" you asked optimistically.

Sabrina stared you down until the brightness dimmed and you accepted that she was discussing her Baptism. You just hoped she wouldn't ask you to attend. You'd nearly been turned away from Ambrose's and you weren't sure you could face that High Priest, your brother's mentor and successor, and walk away unscathed again.

"Auntie, there's a lot we need to talk about."

Your heart sank.


Your heart pounded, for several reasons. You sat at the more often used, though smaller, kitchen table.

Sabrina hovered around, setting a cup of tea and Zelda's in front of you. She even started breakfast out of nervous energy.

Hilda and Zelda descended the steps late that morning. You knew why and you'd have blushed if you'd been in the mood. Hilda squealed and barreled toward you for a swift hug before moving to stand by Sabrina. She seemed shocked by your niece's proactive actions.

Zelda slowly trailed into the room. "You're here," she commented un-intelligently.

You brought an eyebrow up on your face. Your eyes slowly turned to bore into your oldest sister. The chair immediately to your right slid from the table.

The women's eyes all bulged while something clattered overhead in the attic. The ladies had never seen you power after moving on from their religion.

One person left alive had, though hard footsteps pounded on the steps - and that person crossed the overhead hall, looking over the banner at you. "Mum!"

You smiled up at him fondly.

Zelda tried to sit across from you. The moment her ass hit the seat, a wave washed over her, leaving her in the seat you'd originally indicated for her to use. Her ginger locks were instantly frayed, borderline fried, and her faux fur was ruffled. Livid eyes met those of her youngest sibling, living or passed, and were started to find the stone buried within them.

"I've heard..." The room began to tremble, the glass jars, vials, and china clinking against whichever surface it touched. "... disturbing news." Zelda looked around. "...of you." She met your eyes suddenly and showed a great deal of fear. "...killing my older sister." Zelda's favorite cup, the outer screen of the oven, the window behind where Zelda usually sat, and that stupid clay sculpture you'd formed with Satanic powers all shattered. The delicate shards transformed into sand, rose petals, or simply disappeared before they inflicted harm.

"Vesta," Zelda warned in a low tone.

"Zelda Phiona Spellman," you growled back, practically pushing yourself to your feet with your hands flat on the table.

The ginger cowered in her seat. "What did you tell our niece?" she mustered the maternal strength to demand.

Your stare didn't falter and you enjoyed her submissive reaction far too much. You sat back down. "Nothing. If you witness the Priest and his... recommendations, the least you can do is the same for me." You raised a cup to your lips.

Hilda watched with awed pride. She didn't dare speak to Zelda like that unless it was well and truly necessary. Apparently, you felt her murder made it so. The blonde's heart warmed

Sabrina bravely took Zelda's usual seat. She was allowed to do so. "I'm not quite sure where to start."

You set your joined hands on the table. "Then I will. A Dark Baptism will bind you to my sisters' deity. It will lock you into their religion."

Sabrina frowned. "That sounds horrible."

Zelda went to speak, but you got there quicker. "There is an upside. A few, if that's how you chose to look at them. This is how you were raised. You know exactly the changes that will occur. You already have the shaky morals and your power can only grow once you sign. This is our family's tradition and our magic."

Sabrina was deadly serious. "What do you use?"

No one said anything, including you, for a breath. That was the 30 silver pieces question. "That doesn't matter. I'm not a teacher and I made it up." Still, no one said anything. Your forehead suddenly wrinkled with compassion. "Wanting to sign the book is valid. Do you not?" you asked.

Sabrina looked down. "I don't know. Something doesn't feel right."

"Mortal influence," Zelda spat out. "Sull-"

Your eyes were hardly exceptional, but the ferocity of your sudden glare made your older sister mute. "I'll have you remember our brother had a very mortal influence and he remained a very powerful and respected Warlock."

Another set of teacups cracked. Zelda's eyes cast down in guilt. Hilda looked away too and you were even referencing anything about or to her. Sabrina looked touched at the reminder. "Now, you." You regarded the blonde. "Questions?"

"Does signing the book mean I'll go to Hell when I die?"

"Yes, but the fun side."

She frowned, alarmed.

"How the fuck should I know? Am I dead? Next."

"Is it possible my parents were killed?"

You frowned at the question, but answered it all the same. "Absolutely not. I had the whole planet searching for an answer. It was an accident."

Sabrina nodded, finally accepting that answer.


When Sabrina had all of her answers, she left. When only 3 sisters were in the kitchen, after a quick hug from your son, you released Zelda. You thought she would leap up, possibly hit you, but instead, all she did was light a cigarette. She offered you a drag, but you shook your head, leaning back in the chair.

Hilda snuck up behind you, hugging you from behind. You smiled and put your hands on hers. Zelda flicked her ashes already and the ashtray fixed itself. The ginger smirked at you before opening her newspaper. "Was Edward and Diana's deaths really accidental?" Hilda asked by your ear.

"No." They both look at you abruptly. "But I got the little Satanists. They aren't on the the fun side." You had your own wicked grin, none that neither woman questioned and both felt pride at your darker side just for family.

"You're staying for the Baptism?"

You looked up at your oldest sister, eyes on the offense. "Wasn't aware outsiders were welcome.."

Zelda looked caught.

It enraged you. You were not signing a contract just to see someone else sign the same rotten book. "I'll stay for the decision." You placed your feet on the ground and went to stand.

Zelda didn't dare try her magic, instead choosing to straddle you. Her hands on your shoulders kept you back, but her weight kept you pinned.


Your protests seized in your throat as she trailed one hand down your hair. The last time you'd been intimate was with Ambrose's father and he'd been far from kind. Your breathing shallowed and your eyes slipped shut. "Zelds," you whined, head instinctively following her tender hand as it trailed down your locks and away from your scalp.

She retracted all the way and stared down to see you pout up at her. Your older sister cupped your chin and turned you to see your ecstatic other older sister. "Look, Hildie, our kitten's back." Her hand trailed down your face, thumb catching your bottom lip to pull it away gently. "Our little Kitten."

Hildegard caught you off guard and lunged forward, cupping your face. Zelda rested her digits against your throat as Hilda pressed her lips to yours.

This was inevitable. You'd always known, if you'd stuck around, your sisters would always be your everything. Your love for them now came at a second to Ambrose, as you came at a second to Sabrina. But this was still everything. The way she held your face, the gentle massage of her lips against yours. The eternal, but now combined scents of your sisters wafting your nose back so many memories. You drowned in them. Kissing her back with a passion you drowned in her. The two of you moaned together and Zelda tightened her grip around your throat. Your whines cit off and gargled like a grunt.

One of the baker's hands floated up to fist similar locks and pulled.

The rough handling from the two of them left an obvious wetness between your legs.

Zelda's grip on your neck loosened and you greedily suck in as many lungfuls as you could. "Hildie, do that again." Pale red locked trailed over her shoulder as Zelda tilted her head in observation.

Your head jerked back and Hilda just kept going. Your scalp burned most deliciously and you couldn't restrain the deep gasp as your eyes slipped shut.

"Ooh," Hilda crooned enthusiastically. Her fingers scrabbled for more locks to hold.

"I knew it," Zelda gloated smugly. She leaned closer to you, knees hugging your hips in a way you couldn't forget. She eyed your lips obviously then re-placed her hands on your neck.

"Now- now-" you attempted to protest, purely on morality.

Her lips completed you before you had the chance. Your eyes slipped shut of their own accord and she moved against you in a way very similar yet os different from Hilda. Only when your lungs had been burning enough for colors to dot the nothing you saw, did Zelda pull away. She remained leaned in, though, the phantom feel of her nose against yours.

Your pupils were massive, staring up at your eldest sister. You breaths came in fast and they went likewise.


You weren't out of your family's sight for a moment, from the heartbeat you arrived. They feared you would run away. You contemplated teleporting away out of spite, but were distracted by Hilda's smile as she pulled you into the kitchen. She showed you your mother's recipe for the World's Best almond biscuit. You decided to give it a whirl, much to the delight of your sister.

You thought hard on how many you wanted to make, debating with your sister, very aware Hilda would be out of the house for much of the day. Footsteps taped down the stairs and into the kitchen. Just as it was before, Ambrose smiled wide at your continued attendance of the home.

He was the one to break the tie, saying they could take the extras to Sabrina's baptism.

"So, she said?" you asked, looking up at him firmly. Hilda tensed from where she stood.

Ambrose stammered, not sure what to say as he wasn't sure the truth. That could be bad in many ways and your temper was frightening to say the least. You abhorred lying. You knew when he was lying. Fuck.

"I don't know what I'm going to do!" Sabrina admitted as she turned the corner, entering the room. She didn't slow her pace, though her eyes lit up at the recipe in your hand. "Aunties, help me!" she pleaded.

"We can't make this decision for you," you informed the girl sagely.

Hilda smiled behind you.

"Well, can't you-"

You nudged Ambrose. "Flour, the good stuff." You flicked your fingers at your sister. "You, butter."

"Aunties! Ambrose."

"Hilds, when are you leaving?"

"Cousin, mother is correct," Ambrose admitted, eagerly going to work with your newest whim.

"I have 20 minutes-"

Sabrina spun and stomped, going to leave the room.

"You can't lick the bowls from your room, my love!" Hilda called after the blonde. After a hesitation, the teen re-entered the room.

You'd paused in anticipation at her decision and grinned widely at her return. "I have a plan, dearest. Fetch me all the small bowls, mortars, anything for something to be mixed in." The girl set off.

The routine was easy, remembered. You used to brew with your mother , and with Hilda when you were little and Ambrose used to bake with you when he was young. Mostly, he just sat on the floor, and on your foot, for you to cart him around.

"So, 2 sticks of butter?" Hilda asked, not feeling right about those measurements.

You grinned out the side of your mouth, the picture of mischief. "No, I'm thinking you should set out a few." You wiggled your eyebrows, leaning closer to your son. "Wanna experiment with your gran's cookie recipe?"

"Biscuit," Ambrose tried to correct you.

You stiffened your face and straightened your posture, sticking up one finger. Ambrose sank, clearly familiar with this. "I am your mother. I am not to be corrected." The boy mouthed the words in sync with your voice and received a light pop on the back of his head for his antics.

He turned his head to glare at you. "You want to experiment with the best biscuit ever? What're you gonna discover?"

You held up your hands. "Maybe not the best, but maybe another good cookie."

"Biscuit," Ambrose and Hilda corrected together.

"You're both wrong," you gloated, superiorially.

Hilda huffed, a laugh, dropping bulk amounts of every ingredient needed for mother's cookies and a few not.

"Thought about this before, have you?" you asked suspiciously. Hilda leaned closer to you, smirking with a confidence you'd never seen on her. Your gaze dropped to her lips and suddenly desperately wished she would- Something suddenly latched onto your leg. Looking down, you found Ambrose sitting on the floor, his arms wrapped around your leg, head laying against your hip. You paused before smiling sentimentally. You rested your hand on his head, officially stationary.

Hilda left with a kiss blown at the kids, and a quick peck on the cheek for you.

The three of you came up with a dozen different recipes and you'd gone through all of the spoons in the house, letting the kids taste each of the dough mixes. You recognized the greedy leer of a child in Sabrina's gaze as she side-eyed the sheets full of freshly baked experiments. She casually inched toward a few of her favored raw dough when she thought you weren't noticing. Your back was actually turned at one point, courtesy of her favorite cousin. You separated the recipes in an old book, clearly yours, and Sabrina's hand eased across the open space. She hovered by one cookie and a snapping cracked over her knuckles. She jerked back and her hand was red.

Ambrose turned around and smirked at the guilty pout. "Eyes in the back of her head. I never got away with anything until I moved in with the aunties."

"You still don't 'get away' with anything. Or have you forgotten your commuted sentence?" You turned around and the book was gone.

Sabrina rocked up on her toes. "Can I have a cookie?"

"You may gorge until you are ill."

The girl grinned, fingers pinching to snatch one.

"After you finish your diner."

Sabrina deflated. "Just one?" she pleased.

You faced her, going about cleaning up. "Later."

A smug smirk traveled her face. "I'll give you the antidote to Aunt Hilda's lust spell," she sang in negotiation.

You raised an eyebrow. "My sister' magic, and Ambrose's, comes from a very dark place. Mine comes from somewhere very different. I'm not concerned with Devil Potions." You took a haughty sip of tea. "You've been eating raw cookie dough all afternoon. Now, out before you're tempted to ruin your supper." You watched her retreat with set shoulders and stern eyes. You took a deep breath and watched Ambrose steal more than enough for him to leave the room. "Give 'em to her. See what happens."

The mischievous boy paused and looked over his shoulder at you. At an expression related to his aunt Zelda in relations to severity, the boy ducked his head in disappointment. He wordlessly lamented at the sweets in his hands. He waited a whole minute, eluding to him thinking. He suddenly stuffed them all in his mouth. You barked out a laugh at the action before organizing the mess and grabbing a rag.

Your sisters were almost out of Ziplocks by the time all the desserts were packed away and labelled. Of course, the names of the cookies were of your creation and therefore utterly useless for indentificational purposes.

Zelda entered halfway through and she gawked at the massive amounts of sugar. Nonetheless, she smiled at the fact that you were here and occupied. "Good afternoon, sister."

You looked over your shoulder and smiled instantly, shining like the sun. You wiped off the flour-covered counter. "Hey."

The ginger smiled, moving further into the room. She came to stand behind you, resting her hand on your back. A subtle tremble rocked your spine and you shivered. Zelda smiled at the reaction and she propped her chin on your shoulder. "What's this?"

"The distraction you were hoping would come along," you deadpanned in response.

Zelda smirked over your shoulder. Her hand trailed down your back. She reached the bottom of your shirt and her smirk turned devilish. Her fingers wiggled, loosely curling them up under your shirt. She ran her skin along your, just above your pants' waistline. You shivered again. Her delightful laugh rang like a bell in your ear; then her voice did. "Hilda and I have errands to run and preparations for the Baptism to finish."

"She decided?" you asked, turning your head slightly to Zelda.

"It isn't a decision. Like you said, you can't teach her and, without magic, she'll age as a human or be Hunted down."

"And that's her decision."

Zelda raised her nose. "In any event, see to it that she doesn't leave the house until after sunset."

"You're not my mother," you quipped.

Zelda froze halfway to the door. She slowly traveled back to you, a predatory glare threatening to consume you. "No..." she drawled, walking back where she was before, behind you. Taking the lesson gleaned from her younger sister, she knotted her fingers in your hair and she pulled. She stared down at your stretched face smugly. "No, I'm your older sister."

You leaned away from her hand and ghosted your lips just away from hers. "And that's always meant so much in the ways of obedience." You laughed darkly, deep in your throat.

An enraged fire lit within the woman, but she was on a deadline. She viciously attacked your lips and took your breath, gulping down every gasp and moan which ripped from your throat. She pulled the slightest bit harder and you whined, the sound quickly fading into a moan. You accidentally bit her lip and she pulled away. You were dazed and oxygen deprived. Your swollen lips were pried apart and consumed again. She had wandering hands and she squeezed your backside. It sent a jolt to your clit.

You pulled away defiantly. Both of your chests were heaving, and you allowed each other to see as you both calmed down then Zelda was gone. She cleaned the lines of her makeup effortlessly and entered the sitting room where Ambrose and Sabrina were talking. "Hilda and I will be out of the house, preparing so you're to remain here with Ambrose and Vesta. You should read your verses. And you, Vesta will watch Sabrina with you and aid her in her way; you keep an eye on Vesta." She nodded one good time and Ambrose understood. Keep you both in the house.


It didn't take long for Sabrina to decide to go out. She planned with Harvey to go to Roz's party and you got roped into helping her prepare. You mentioned how little you partied in your day and even now, but Sabrina insisted she wanted your help. You paused at the dress hung up on her wall and smile at the sentimental energy floating off of it. You weren't sure what or who's it was but you felt it would strengthen Sabrina. She got into it and was the prettiest flower, a little lily, ready to bloom her petals. You used little makeup, but a bit of yellow on her eyelids to compliment her blonde locks and dark pink lips. You straightened her hair slowly and carefully so as not to burn her and it came out looking pretty clean, framing her face beautifully. Not that her light curls weren't beautiful.

You and your niece walked down the steps to find Ambrose with a vaguely attractive boy. He was stunned by your beautiful niece and you grinned at him while standing beside Ambrose. "She looks lovely."

"She looks like her mum," Ambrose answered, sentimental as well.

The boy stumbled up to her and babbled every sentiment he could.

You rolled your eyes. "Get out, honestly. Seriously, before my sisters get home." You gestured them out, following with flaring fingers.

"Sisters?" the boy asked as his girlfriend ushered him out.

"Yeah, Harvey, aunt Vesta; Auntie, this is Harvey, my boyfriend." She flashed you a grin then she was down the foyer.

"Don't be like me!" you shouted as the door shut behind them.

Ambrose pouted at you.

"Ohh," you huffed. "Baby...." You walked over to him and the two of you locked arms. You sat in the sitting room and talked for hours. Then, Hilda and Zelda came home. They scoured the house before saying a word to you or Ambrose.

"Have either of you seen Sabrina?" Hilda asked worriedly. She clearly didn't think you two would let her leave after Zelda's instructions.

"A birthday party for her, from her friends," Ambrose admitted guiltily. He caved immediately, the coward.

"And two fully grown witches couldn't stop her?!" Zelda demanded from the door to the mortuary. She stomped into the room and Ambrose retreated. He raced up the steps and you were left to face your kin alone.

You rose from your seat, standing tall. "It's her decision," you repeated that infamous phrase you'd mantra'd since your return.

Zelda glowered. She could've breathed smoke from her nose, but instead she stepped over to you too quickly, too easily.

"She will meet you there, she said," you amended.

"Enough." Zelda threw her clutch on the couch and growled low in her throat. "If you'll not be of aid, you're a hindrance!" She grabbed your throat, dragging you closer to her.

"Zelda, your blood pressure!" Hilda urged her older sister to have care.

"You will remain here until after the Baptism and we'll deal with you then. And execute your punishment." She grinned wickedly at you, letting you know whatever she did, she'd take great pleasure in it.

You didn't speak. You were absurdly arrogant about your capabilities to resist their magic, but even you had limits and weaknesses. Your sisters were two big ones. So when Zelda threw you down on the adjacent couch, you paid no mind to the foreign words spilling from her lips. And then you were sinking down, into the couch's softness, the nights temptation, the darkness of your mind. You rested good and well, needing it.


You were trapped in a deep sleep with your magic turned off and muffled beneath a thousand magic pillows. A spell tried to ignite in your body, but the sleep pushed it down until it fizzled out.


You slowly came around, when you finally did. You were warm and your brain moved as if held by tar. You felt your magic, muted and silenced, like hands around a snuffed wick. You slowly blinked awake, trying to fight the heavy pain behind your eyes. A hand moved along your hair, an attempt at soothing, but you simply found it suffocating. You jerked away, inadvertently grunting at the effort. Your center of gravity readjusted as you landed and you slowly lifted yourself.

"Mother- calm- don't!" your son attempted to scold you as you rose against his advice.

Your ankles threatened to roll as you rose to your feet, but you stumbled through the house you grew up in with only mild confusion.

A shout from outside drew both of your attentions and you both jerked to look at the door. Your son made for the voice, but you called, "Boy." and he returned to sling your arm over his shoulder. You moved down the stairs as quickly as you could, you moving your legs as best you could. You were summoning your powers inside you, trying to break through the blanket attempting to suppress you. You managed to open the door telekinetically and the two of you stepped onto the lawn.

Sabrina was in her slip, running toward the house. She was caked in mud and the three of you met in the middle of the yard.

"You won't believe what happened!" the blonde wheezed out, bent over.

The cult-coven moved in behind her, the High Priest leading his flock.

Sabrina stared at the moon above her, the deadline of this ritual. She refused. As cults always do, he was enraged at the refusal. he turned to his pet orphans and the three attempted to summon a hex for obedience.

You shoved yourself off of Ambrose. "This is Spellman property. You will not harm a member of this family on their own property, if I must drive you out myself!" you shouted much like Sabrina, gesturing her back with a hand on her shoulder.

The three witches honed their chanting on you.

You glowered at the whole damn coven. "Boom, bitches." A mist rose in the air, then lifted further into the sky. It moved fast, too fast. A loud crack pierced the air and the spots of empty land between the witches were struck by lightning, perfectly in the center. If that wasn't a show of precision, you didn't know what you could try to prove your capabilities. "Get the fuck off my land," you demanded, a fire in your eyes.

The High Priest couldn't face the Spellman family and win, the others would help with how diminished you were. Your bare feet ensured a deep connection to the earth and you could conduct as much magic as needed when you were set up properly. He made an indifferent face and turned away. The coven followed.

Zelda stormed past you, and Sabrina, and Ambrose. She made a beeline for the door. Ambrose helped Sabrina and you bent over, spent despite your limits. Hilda made for you and you clung to the blonde. "What happened?"

"Sabrina couldn't go through with it." She said it as though she were expecting that result.

You gathered your strength again as you approached the house, trying to gain some independence before entering your sister's domain.

The family dispersed throughout the house and Hilda tended to you. You suspected she needed something else to focus on to deal with the major plot twist. You didn't drink anything and you didn't speak, but Hilda wouldn't be deterred. She determinedly maneuvered you until you were in her and Zelda's shared room. You smiled at the same room they always shared. You remembered sneaking in when their beds had been much shorter and you didn't want to sleep alone. Hilda loved having someone to cuddle with as well and Zelda would pretend she was burdened by your needs, but they loved you and they accommodated you anyway.

You stood at the foot of Hilda's bed, watching her go about undressing and cleaning her face of her makeup. The door to their personal bathroom opened and Zelda emerged from the room. She smiled faintly at the sight of you within those walls again. She passed her own bed to reach for you. Hilda watched with her own peace as you seemingly completed the puzzle between the three of you.

Zelda's painted fingertips tipped your chin up so you looked up at her. She twiddled your hair and relaxed as she took you in. "And which will you be sleeping with tonight?" she asked, as if she didn't already know the solution.

You still played coy. She was getting old, perhaps she had forgotten. "You know I can't stand sleeping with someone."

Your older sister smirked knowingly. She knew. The beds moved in unison to meet in the middle of the back wall. Green eyes stared down at you and, despite the wickedness in her face, you saw the delight in her eyes. You saw how happy she was in that moment, and you knew how sad she'd be when you next left. You opened your mouth to remind her you weren't staying the night, the decision made, but your center of gravity was flung over on top of the beds, right in the middle. Not the most comfortable, but Hilda got onto the bed next, and she had not changed into night clothes, though she still wore her undergarments. Zelda snapped her fingers, the most efficient (impatient) of you three, and she was naked. You were the only one on your back and you were a bit anxious about that, but you also wore the most clothes.

The two women went to work remedying that. You moaned into Hilda's mouth while Zelda worked on undoing your jeans. She 'accidentally' missed a few times and bumped and rubbed along your legs and so close to where you needed her. You were burning hot, your clothes uncomfortable. You moaned and whined as your blonde sister explored your mouth and groped your chest. Zelda dropped her game and straight up rubbed you through your jeans. Her hand slipped into the open fly and she grabbed at your bare thighs before pulling your pants down. She couldn't get far and grabbed your hips, pulling lightly to get you to lift. "Up, dearest." She laid a kiss to your belly. You were unable to deny her anything and whined at your helplessness as you obeyed. She got your pants and underwear in that one go, sneaky woman.

The ginger licked her lips at the feast offered before you crossed your legs. She caught your knees and Hilda grabbed the tops, prying from your thighs. "Come now, pet," Hilda cooed, easing you to relax. You panted. Zelda went to work down there, kissing and stroking your thighs before going for your sopping center. You clamped your lips around a whine, losing yourself to the sensations.

Hilda slipped her hands up your shirt, ghosting her fingers along your abdomen. You writhed beneath her, accidentally jostling Zelda's work as you wriggled your hips. She pinched the exposed muscle between your cunt and your thigh just as Hilda slipped her hands beneath your bra to palm your breasts. Her soft yet firm warmth caused more wetness to flood by Zelda's head and Hilda quickly removed both your bra and your shirt. This had to be the most impatient, non magical way to strip someone. You reached around Hilda and unclasped her bra next. She was hesitant to drop the garment, but eventually did. You latched onto her breast just as Zelda started lapping at your wetness. You whined and accidentally tried to close your legs around her.

Zelda held your thighs open. "Now, now, kitten. You're going to let me see. Honestly, I don't know how two of my sisters can shy from their bodies so." She licked a long strip of arousal. "You're both beautiful." She kissed your lower lips. "So beautiful." The ginger closed her lips around your clit and Hilda took the chance to manipulate you while you were high on pleasure. She let your head tip back and she suckled at your neck. Zelda moved lower to lap at your weeping core again and she took Hilda's hand to stroke your clit.

Your hips jerked and you felt the fire light up in your lower back. Hilda gripped your throat tight and moved her lips to connect with yours again. She licked your parted lips in time with her rotation against your clit. You bubbled with abrupt moans and Hilda tightened her grip. Your breath caught by her hand and the feeling made you dizzy. She bore down on your hard clit and nibbled on your bottom lip while Zelda stuck her tongue out, into your hole. You moaned with the weak breath that could escape your lips and tensed. Your hips jerked, but everything else was paralyzed as you went out of your mind with pleasure.

You never quite tuned back into reality before you succumbed to sleep. You remembered vague flashes of your sisters around you, warm and comforting. Perhaps you'd slept together for some time. Another spell tried to ignite in your body, and without the sleeping spell to push it down, you and your every belonging turned into shadow.

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