The Bronze Bracelets

Da DanyJ10

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*Discontinued* Months after the war against Gaia and the seven finally sending her to sleep, the gods must fa... Altro

Chapter 1: The Aftermath
Chapter 2: Uncomfortable
Chapter 3: New Master and New Heartbreak
Chapter 4: A Gift
Chapter 5: Training and Encounters
Chapter 6: Getting Lost in Heavens and a Dragon Visit
Chapter 7: The First Threat
Chapter 8: Under the Sea
Chapter 9: The First Encounter
Chapter 10: Blood and Water
Chapter 11: Flashbacks and Lessons
Chapter 12: An entrance Worthy of Zeus
Chapter 13: The Battle Between Sea Serpents
Chapter 14: Revelations and Heart Attack
End of Arch 1- Chapter 15:
Arch 2: Chapter 16: Identity and Training
Chapter 17: Meeting My Evil Twin
Chapter 18: Meeting C's Origins
Chapter 19: An Upgrade for a Friend
Chapter 20: The Fall of the Greatest(M)
Chapter 21: Grieving
Chapter 22: Order and Balance
Chapter 23: A Legendary Return(M)
Chapter 24: Bringing Back Order
Chapter 25: Percy vs Percy & Artemis vs Artemis (M)
End of Arch 2: Chapter 26: The Grand Battle of the Canyon
Arch 3: Chapter 27: The Two Maiden Goddesses and the Gooey Monsters
Important Announcement
Announcement for New Story

A/N & Sneak Peek at New Stories

302 6 6
Da DanyJ10

Hello there, I am the current author of The Bronce Bracelets and I am writing this note to let you readers know that I have lost creativity for this story... 

No, I am not abandoning it or giving one of those crappy one-chapter finals that some authors do. I am planning on finishing this story no matter how much time it takes me. This is my first true story and I am not abandoning it or giving it away to other authors. I will be uploading my other works: Sea Vs. Alien and The Curse of Time: Going Back. For my story: The Walking Deadmigods, I am probably going to let people do what they want with it or just erase it. Let me know what you guys think.

Being that said, I will personally be writing on things that I do have the creativity for. Just to let you know, those stories are not uploaded and will probably never be uploaded due to how crappy the timelines are or just because they are mostly based on mature content when I want to give a full story that isn't only based on sex.

Also, I will leave a small taste of two stories that I am working on that will be uploaded sometime in the future. 

Sneak peek for my new story called "A New Era" 

3rd POV
A 14-year-old with blond hair and sky-blue eyes was running through the woods in Long Island. Alongside him was a girl around his age with brownish-red hair that fell to her chin and brown eyes. Both had athletic bodies and carried backpacks with them.

They both had been running away from monsters trying to find the safe haven for people like them, children born from deities.

"How long are we from Camp Half-Blood?" The brownish-red hair girl asked.

"About 2 miles from it, remember to not tell them about our heritage, if they know about it Zeus is going to kill us," The blue eye boy answered.

"I know, but how are we going to explain our powers and skills to them?"

"We are going to tell them that we don't know who our parents are and we met at the orphanage, which isn't far from the truth," the boy muttered the last part.

"Alright then," the girl let out a sigh, "but we are going to end up telling them the truth one day,"

"Yes, but that day isn't today. Let's just get ourselves to camp before the chimera catches up to us. I don't want to have to fight another monster that breathes fire after the truck-size dragon we meet just outside New York," the boy said with an exasperated sigh.

"Come on, Percy, I know that you loved that shirt, but it isn't that important," the girl said as she rubbed her small silver chain bracelet on her left hand.

"You are right, Lara. Now, let's go before we gain more undesirable attention," The boy, now identified as Percy, responded.

Both of them resumed their run heading East and deeper into the woods. Lara was feeling comfortable in the woods, it was relaxing for her since she had memory. Percy was okay with it since anything that has sunlight is relaxing for him. As both of them ran for half-mile, they reached a clearing that was complete silence, like there wasn't even a sound in the world.

"This is weird," Percy said as he came down to a stop in the middle of the clearing.

"Yeah, it's weird that not even the sound of wind against the leaves can be heard. It's like this place is completely different from its surroundings," Lara supported the idea.

Out of nowhere, a soft and hypnotic voice started singing. It was so soft and sweet that you couldn't make out the words or what type of language it was singing in.

"I don't like this," Lara said as she flicked her left hand and a silver bow materialized in her left hand.

"Me neither," Percy said and he took out a fancy white, twist pen. He took hold of the pen with the point down and with his thumb and index, he twisted it clockwise. The next moment, the pen transformed into a silver, 3-foot xiphos.

"Keep your eyes open, this doesn't look good," Lara said as both of them got back-to-back and started making circles as they walked toward the end of the clearing.

For some reason, the place seemed like a paradise with the sunlight shining down on the grass, the flowers of different colors and types, and the hypnotic singing. But they weren't beginners in this world, they had survived on their own for 5 years since they scape the orphanage. They knew that things can be deceitful and get you killed.

They slowly made their way toward the end of the clearing. They were about to reach the end of the clearing when they heard a dragon roar.

Both of them turn to look at each other and said at the same time, "Fuck, run."

They both bolted out of the clearing and into the woods. The moment they left the clearing, the hypnotic singing voice ended and the regular noise of the woods started once again. But that fact wasn't the one important to either of them, the important fact was that they were being chased by what probably was a dragon or a drakon, and neither of them, they didn't want to fight them.

"Any idea which of the two is it?" Percy said before he cut down a small tree in half.

"Wait for the sound," Lara said running right beside him.

They didn't hear a crunch or any other sound and they both knew that things just got worst.

"Fuck, it's a dragon, let's hope that it's a small one," Lara said as they kept running away.

"It could also be a wyvern, but let us hope that it's neither of them," Percy said as they kept running.

They soon reach a small creak. They noticed that the creek goes directly into camp and is probably the only place where they could be safe, but they didn't know if the creature could get in since they didn't know if it was a Greek monster.

"We can't let it get to camp, we don't know if it's a Greek monster and if it's not we can't let them know about it," Percy said as he turn around and patiently waited for the monster.

"Ugh, I sometimes hate your hero personality," Lara groaned before she also turned around.

She drew back on her bow and a silver arrow appeared already notched on the string. Percy decided to follow Lara's example and summoned his bow from the bow tattoo on his left forearm.

"What? You don't want to fight it hand-to-hand like always?" Lara taunted.

Percy just rolled his eyes before drawing back on his bow and an arrow made out of sunlight appeared on his bow. "I would, but this is not the hydra nor the chimera,"

The next moment, a huge flap of wings sent a tremendous force of wind with enough force to move the trees apart. A poisonous green scale dragon with just hind legs and wings that were 20 feet, landed right in front of the duo. It gave out a massive roar that even slightly shook the ground.

"Fire!" Lara said before she let loose of her string and fired an arrow directly at the dragon's eye.

Percy followed suit and started firing arrows at the dragon, "Why did I have to talk," The blue-eyed boy groaned and started moving around to avoid getting hit by the dragon's tail or wings.

"Did you bring silver?!" Percy shouted over the dragon's roar.

"Did you bring your stupid pen? What kind of fucking question is that?! Of course, I brought silver!" Lara sarcastically responded before she rolled underneath the wyvern's tail.

"Keep it distracted, you are more agile than me, I'm going on top of it, this beast can't be tame when they are grown!" Percy shouted and looked over at Lara who gave him a nod.

Percy nodded back and unsummoned his bow before taking out his pen once again and turning it into its sword form. The demi-primordial ran up to the beast's side when it was distracted by one of Lara's arrows. Percy used one of the dragon's wings as a jump pad and glided toward the wyvern's neck. The wyvern shrieked once it felt Percy's weight on top of its neck and desperately tried to shake him off of it. But the demi-primordial's grip on its scales was greater than the dragon's attempt to throw him off of it.

Lara used the opportunity to put away her bow and took out the silver sword that was strapped on her back the entire time but camouflaged(perks of having a friend who can use light to make things invisible). The demi-Titaness ran up to the wyvern and stabbed the dragon right through its chest. The dragon let out a roar of pain before it suddenly quieted when Percy's sword pierced its brain from the top. The body fell to the ground with a loud thud and Percy rolled off the body with his word covered in a reddish hue blood color.

"Ew, that is definitely going to smell bad if I don't wash it," Percy complained as he walked up to the creek.

"Yeah, we better get rid of everything before we gain any attention," Lara grunted as she pulled off her sword from the wyvern's body. "But you gotta say, it's the second time we encounter one of these, wonder what else we are going to encounter in the future."

Percy groaned before he stood up with a freshly clean silver sword that soon turned into its pen form once the blue-eyed boy willed it to. "You better watch for what you wish for. Next thing you know we are going to encounter a kaiju and I don't think this world is ready to fight one of those."

"Yeah, you are correct, now, let's get rid of the body, come on, help me," Lara ordered Percy.

Percy walked up to Lara and soon concentrated on his powers from the sunlight and focused them on both of his hands. Lara was doing something similar but hers was much dimmer since it was day and the moon wasn't out yet. They both grunted before they fired the focus beams of sunlight and moonlight at the wyvern's body and within a minute it turned into ashes.

"That... took... more... energy... than... anticipated," Lara said through breaths with her hands on her knees as she was almost double over.

"True, but-" Percy cut himself shortly once he saw something that he didn't expect.

The demi-primordial turned to have a look at the white ashes and noticed something weird. The ashes were being spars by the wind and out of them, it left behind an egg the size of a pan, it was poisonous green with black spots around it.

Percy walked up to the egg and cautiously took hold of it before bringing it to his eye level. Percy's actions catch Lara's attention, who walked over to her friend and noticed the green and black egg that he was holding.

"Is that a wyvern's egg?" Lara asked with widened eyes.

"I think so. I've read about how they can leave behind scales and meat, but I've read that eggs are the rarest of drops. They usually happen once out of hundreds of them. The only ones who could drop an egg are the royal wiverns, so that means that we killed a royal one," Percy responded as he took the backpack out of his shoulders and placed the egg inside wrapped in one of his jackets since it was almost summer and he didn't need it anymore.

"Whoa, to think that we are barely one year into the complete mythological world without pantheon borders and get an egg, I'll say that we either have the best or worst luck to have our second wyvern encounter with a royal one," Lara confessed as she took one last look at the egg.

"Yea, but let's get back on our way to camp since we lost too much time with the wyvern and the hydra must be close by now," Percy stated and Lara immediately agreed before jogging upstream of the creek towards camp.


As you have read, the story I am working on is a multi-pantheon story. If you haven't guessed who the girl was even by her name, then you aren't someone who enjoys exploration and RPG games. Just letting you know that I am a big fan of the game franchise that she stars in.

Sneak Peek at my story "Time Reset"

Third POV

The war against Gaea was almost finished. The seven were currently fighting in Camp Half-Blood with their fellow campers against the forces of mother Earth. Leo, Jason, and Piper were on top of Festus and on their way to start the plan to defeat Gaea. But just as they were about to lift off the ground an ear-piercing scream stopped them from continuing.

Jason and Leo look behind them to find a bloodied bone sword piercing Piper's chest from the back and coming out on the front. Jason's face turned from confusion to shock and then to anger. The winds started picking up and lighting started coming down all around them. Leo was absolutely confused and shocked by this event that he didn't notice a huge boulder coming right towards them.

Festus was quick and moved them to the side to avoid being crushed underneath a 10-ton boulder. However, they didn't notice a grey-eyed girl coming from the side and quickly cut Leo's throat in one swift motion. Leo's eyes widen at the sudden insufferable pain coming from his throat. Warm red liquid oozed out of his throat and in under a minute he was already dead.

Jason was quick to respond to this and sent a lighting bold straight toward Annabeth, but the moment that the lighting was about to touch her a wall of dirt and rocks surrounded Annabeth in a dome. Jason was completely shocked at this. He was about to go and tell the others about Annabeth's betrayal when a huge earthquake shook the entire place.

Annabeth's and Jason's eyes widen at the sudden display of a 9.0 earthquake that destroyed everything in the surrounding area. The entire battle stopped and all of the allies and enemies looked at where the energy signature was coming from. They knew that only one person was capable of doing such a display of power. No one other than Percy Jackson was capable of having so much raw power.

Everyone's eyes widen when they saw the son of Poseidon slowly walking toward Annabeth, dressed in his battle armor with riptide in his right hand in a tight grip. He was radiating a sea-green aura that made everyone in his surrounding unconsciously kneel to him. He was calm, but you could tell that he was destroyed and barely holding up. All the monsters within a 10 feet radius of him instantly combust into golden dust.

"Everyone leave, we live to fight another day. I am gonna take care of my girlfriend." Percy ordered both Greeks and Romans. Reyna, centurions, and cabin leaders from their respective camps followed their leader's orders and retreat to behind the border of Camp Half-Blood. Percy was now standing in front of Annabeth and Gaea was a few feet behind her.

"Perseus Jackson, do you believe that by that mere show of power, you can defeat me?" Gaea laughed at her statement like it was the funniest joke in existence. "You are barely holding up your show of power and soon enough you will pass out from exhaustion."

"Maybe not today, nor tomorrow, nor in the following weeks. But one day, one day we will come back and take you down. Mark my words Gaea, mark my words..." Percy threatened in a cold and stable voice. He retreated back to his friends and fellow campers to process what had just happened out on the battlefield. Gaea smirk at this and transported all of her monsters as well as Annabeth to someplace on Earth.

Time Skip(3 months)

The demigods have been fighting against Gaea and her forces for months. Their numbers rapidly decreased, but once the entire mist had fallen since Hecated had faded due to Gaea, the mortals were hunted down by monsters. Gods and goddesses were quickly hunted down by monsters, giants, and the remaining titans that served under Gaea's power.

The only remaining demigods in the entire world were Percy, Reyna, Jason, Nico, and Will. The hunters had fallen by Gration's hand once he was reformed by Tartarus. The remaining demigods were in depression and barely holding up. They couldn't believe that all of their plans went to shit for one betrayal, the one that hurt the most of them all, Annabeth's.

Percy had encountered her and several monsters several times, but whenever he finally got the opportunity to kill her, she was sucked by the Earth and transported out of danger. The son of Poseidon had blamed himself for not noticing Annabeth being a double agent. He cried himself to sleep almost every night, beating himself up for being a stupid boy that was blinded by love.

In the middle of the Void

During all of this, a man sat on his galaxy-like throne watching the events unfold. He had raven-black hair, pale but healthy skin, eyes that demonstrated the galaxy, and a body that wasn't too built or lean. He was pissed-no, he was beyond pissed, he was absolutely furious at what the fates had planned for Earth. A battle that will be the doom of Earth in the following years. He knew that the only reason that they were still alive was because of the son of Poseidon who had the power to stop the fight. He was at a level rivaling a major god but still not to his father or uncles.

"FATES!" The mysterious man shouted from his throne and three simultaneous flashes appeared in front of him. Out of the flashes came three old ladies known as the fates.

"What can we do for you, Lord Chaos?" The three fates asked while kneeling.

"What is it that you have done to Earth?!" The man known now as Chaos demanded.

"We don't know what you are talking about Lord," Clotho responded and her sisters nodded.

"You mean to tell me that the current chaos(not him, the catastrophe) on Earth is not your doing of fate?" Chaos asked with a bit of confusion and anger.

"What problem are you talking about Lord Chaos?" Atropos confusedly asked.

"Gaea has taken control and the gods are in their last moments. The demigods were betrayed and almost extinct, there are only 5 remaining and one of them is Perseus Jackson," Chaos explained and the fates' eyes widened in shock. Now that was something new. In all of existence, the fates have never been surprised by any event that has happened because they are the ones that arranged for them to happen.

The fates looked at each other in shock and confusion before shutting their eyes for a couple of seconds before looking even paler than before and looking at Chaos with fear. Chaos raised an eyebrow at them waiting for an explanation but they couldn't give him the explanation because it will show that they messed up.

"Well?" Chaos asked after a minute of silence.

The fates sighed before answering. "We made... we made an error Lord Chaos," Lachesis responded.

"WHAT?!" Chaos raged at their response. The entire existence of the fates was for them to keep peace and shape civilization through time. They were made to not make mistakes and be impartial in their judgment.

"We are sorry Lord Chaos, but we forgot to change the fate before we left it for time to take its course. We weaved an alternate future in which the gods lost because of betrayal to their hero," Clotho responded while looking at the floor and her sisters followed her lead.

"Is there a way for you to fix it?" Chaos proposed to the three ladies in front of him. They stood quiet for a second before discussing it with themselves. After a few minutes, they turned to Chaos who was patiently waiting for their response.

"Yes and no," Atropos said before Chaos gave them a questioning look.

"We can't change what happened and there is no way for the demigods to win this war against Gaea..." Lachesis started explaining and paused for Chaos to follow. He nodded and told them to continue. "However, the only way for them to win this war is to completely prevent it from happening or finishing it before it gets out of hand." Clotho finish for her sister.

"If you're saying what I think you are saying..." The fates nodded at Chaos' intuition. "Then we need a hero to go back in time to help them stop the war from happening or finish it before it gets out of hand." Chaos stated and the fates nodded once again.

"Yes, but he will need a companion to follow and help him throughout his journey in order for him to not be alone and let the pressure get to him," Atropos explained and Chaos gave them a questioning look because she said 'him' as in a male demigod. The fates saw this and explained their plan fully.

"We decided that Perseus Jackson has the best shot at stopping this war before it started. For his companion, we will let you choose. We believe that it is better for everyone that is involved in this quest to send our memories back in time with your's and Chronos' help. We can send him back to his first quest so that he will be more precise and choose his companions wisely unlike this time." Lachesis explained and her sisters nodded.


These are the two stories that I have been working on for over a month, almost since winter break. These stories are going to be at least 4k+ words per chapter if not more. The paring for my story "Time Reset" is not going to be Artemis, just letting everybody know, I am still undecided if to bring her in into the equation or just make her do appearances but nothing serious. 

Well, thank you for reading all of this if you got to here and let me know your thoughts on the two stories that I am planning on releasing in the future. 

Once again, I am sorry for leaving this story in temporary hiatus and will start with new chapters until maybe spring break. 

Hope you all understand that I don't really have the creativity to write this story for now and even less with the short amount of free time I have this semester with new classes and work. Hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you guys in my next author's note on my other stories. 

(Pts. I am going to leave teasers in other stories whenever I get ideas for this story)

This is DanyJ10 signing out...(; 

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