His Forever

By yummylittlepeachbabe

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Diego Romano (18) and Isabella Rico (17) have been dating since the last year of middle school but they only... More

Chapter 1 The Car Session
Chapter 2 OH SHIT
Chapter 3 3 months later
Chapter 4 Freedom
Chapter 5 The talk
Chapter 6 Girl or Boy
Chapter 7 Happy birthday
Chapter 8 The official name
Chapter 9 A friendly visit
Chapter 10 Labour day
Chapter 11 First day home
Chapter 12 Postpartum sickness
Chapter 13 To early
Chapter 14 Baby shower
Chapter 15 Karaoke
Chapter 16 Catch Up
Chapter 17 Tears And Smiles
Chapter 18 Talking
Chapter 19 A Surprise
Chapter 20 A Shock
Chapter 21 A Talk
Chapter 22 A Reaction
Chapter 23 A Bubba Or Sisi
Chapter 24 More Surprises
Chapter 25 The Attack
Chapter 26 Doubts
Chapter 27 My Big Boy
Chapter 28 Daddy's Birthday
Chapter 29 Presents And Cake
Chapter 31 Game Day
Chapter 32 Name Day
Chapter 33 Shopping Spree
Chapter 34 Everything Is Painful
Rooms And Closet
Chapter 35 Unexpected Birth
Chapter 36 Family Additions
Chapter 37 Meeting
Chapter 38 The Ricos Are Back
Chapter 39 Period After Birth
Chapter 40 Family Reunion
Chapter 41 Introduction
Chapter 42 Impatience
Chapter 43 More Than A Punishment
Chapter 44 Apology Excepted
Chapter 45 The Talk
Chapter 46 Expect The Unexpected
NEW Book

Chapter 30 Caught

2.9K 51 7
By yummylittlepeachbabe

I forgot how hard being 9 months pregnant was. The pain that travels down your back and to your hips. The shortness of breathes.the pain in your stomach and feet. And the urge to do.... Nothing not even your hair.

In the last 3months baby grew from this

To this

It was scary how big I've gotten. I was so scared that for a moment I thought I was having triplets I even went and paid extra to get a scan to see if there was any hidden baby's but no just the one. Nothing I mean nothing fits bit even maternity clothes it makes me so insecure that I literally cry about It everyday when It comes to actually wearing something. I never thought my biggest insecurity would be putting my bump on show.

I honestly think my bump is the ugliest thing ever but nowadays my bump had no choice but to be on show cause nothing can go over it without being sprung back up because its can't stretch over.

I've been living in diegos clothes (including his tank tops which I'm wearing right now) for the pass month now and he says it's totally OK as long as I'm Comfortable and so is babygirl.

I woke up really late so Diego wasn't with me. I walk Into Tonys room to see him looking in his toy box. "hey baby what are you doing" I ask him. "mama I loose jod" jod is the name of Tony first ever teddy bear that he loves and cherishes like a baby this is why sometimes I just get the urge to name babygirl jod to Tony can love her like his Teddy bear.

"you might have left it in uncle dons room do you want mommy to check" he nods vigorously which always makes me laugh. I walk out and into Donovans room without knocking. I've never knocked and he's always told me I never had to because one tradition so I won't ever catch him doing dirtys and two he changes in his closet so I won't catch him naked.

BUT this time I wish I knocked. Donovan was spread on his bed with a girl between his legs sucking his dick whilst he recorded it with the flash on. I scream a little as I cover my eyes, turn around and walk out. The door opens a couple of seconds later and Donovan stood there rubbing his neck.

"um come in for a sec" he says awkwardly. I walk in after him and stand there awkwardly as he rejoins the girl on the bed but this time just sitting. "sit" he says and I go straight for the bed before stopping turning around and sitting on his desk chair.

There was an awkward silence. "you came in here for something isa" he asks. I spot teddy tod on the floor so I grab it "Tony was looking for Teddy tod" I say awkwardly before clearing my throat. "I'm just gonna. Go" I say awkwardly spinning as I looked for the door. I grab the door handle.

"Bella wait" I turn and look at him. "I didn't break tradition she only when down" I smile. "OK. You know I wouldn't have judge you even if you did right? I mean I have no right too I'm 19 9 months pregnant and have a 3 year old son"  he nods with a smile.

I look at the girl and she was staring at my bump which made me insecure I try to close the hoodie but of course it didn't work. Donovan saw if and nudged the girl a bit to stop her staring. "this is Layla by the way" he says and layla snaps out of it. "oh hi nice to meet you" I smile  "nice to meet you too I'm Donovans kinda sister in law well I'm Donovans brothers girlfriend/ baby mama" she smiles at me waffling.

"Well I'm Donovans girlfriend." i see Donovan smile at her. "well congrats you got yourself a good one and he's really great with kids." she smiles wider. "your OK with the tradition right" she nods. "yeah I kinda like it makes me feel special that a man would want to marry me for more than just my body." i look down and nod.

"what happened if you don't mind me asking not saying that not not waiting for marriage is a bad thing either." she says making sure she wasn't being insensitive. "we were 14 young dumb and literally just hit puberty we kinda got addicted couldn't really help ourselves but it has brought us two beautiful kids so I'm not mad" I say rubbing my stomach.

"how far along are you?" she asks. "9 months baby girl can pop any minute. Um does gabi no about you?" I ask. "who's gabi?" she says worried. "oh gabis my mom and no but she will soon, after baby tho" he says. "ooo has Don been sneaking girls in" I say teasingly and he smiles. "oh shut up the first time I met you you were naked and freshly fucked by my baby brother" I grow red as Layla laughs. "sorry isabella but the fact the I'm getting introduced to the family after you gives birth makes me with you popped like any minute now" she says jokingly and I laugh and so does she.

"is babygirl good tho" Donovan ask seriously. "causing me pain in my hips back stomach and feet, she's huge and I can't even fit in my boyfriend clothes anymore and can't find maternity clothes big enough for my bump she's making me throw up and cry every hour is giving me bad posture which is fucking with my necks is actively kicking on my bladder and literally nearly makes me piss myself every day kicks her dad out of bed every night but other than that she's amazing." I say and he gives me a sympathetic look.

"MAMA" I hear Tony call me. "well my motherly duty are quite literally calling" I say waving Teddy tod. "it was really nice to meet you layla you seem cool and I hope to speak to you again very very soon if baby girl allows it and Donovan ill probably see you downstairs in like an hour" they laughs at the last part. "bye isabella nice to meet you too." "bye" Donovan follows with as I leave with Teddy tod.

I walk into Tonys room and give him Mr Tod. "tankoo mama" he says and I smile widely. "your welcome my love." i kiss his head before walking out and downstairs.

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