Chapter 34 Everything Is Painful

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It's been nearly 2 months now. I'm nearly 11 months pregnant. And everything hurts every part of my  body hurts I'm nearly 2 months overdue which can be a risk towards our baby because the placenta may stop doing its job at this point so I have to get check ups by my mid wife every 2 days so that we can see if the placenta is doing its job and azailey is OK and not in distress.

Everything is fine with her shes just being a stubborn baby. Both my midwife and diego want me to just get induced but I don't want to i was Azailey to come out on her own timing. Worst part is layla can't come over until she is out which I feel bad for her and Donovan but they both said that's it OK.

I can barely do anything for myself anymore. I avoid walking as much as I can because of the pain so  I wake up get ready and them live  on the couch downstairs all day and repeat. I can only have baths now because my feet cant handle standing up for so long.

I can't hold my son because it's just increases the pain level I literally can't do anything. All I can do is go on my phone or watch TV. That's why I literally text layla non stop everyday and we have become close friends.

It's currently 1pm and I'm sitting on the couch like I am everyday in diegos sweatpants and sports bra and then covered with a blanket.

I've been having on and off pains all day which I hate. Diego Is making me pancakes because I crave them and Tony is playing dinosaurs on the floor with Donovan.

"here baby." diegos says holding a plate stacked full of pancakes. He cuts a piece and start feeding me. I eat the pancakes happily until pain shoots around my body and I whimper as I squeeze diegos arm.

My eyes squeeze shut as I try to steady my breathing."ow ow ow fuck" I say as my other arm that was squeezing Diego goes behind my back I try to breathe through the pain and after a few agonising minutes the pain stopped I lean back in relief.

"baby I really think you should just get induced your in so much pain and it kills me to see you like this knowing I can't do anything to help you or make you feel better and on top of this it's my daughter causing the pain." Diego says guilt falling over his face.

I shake my head."no I don't want to be induced and also you being next to me holding my hand and telling me comforting words us more than enough help from you and it does make me feel better it makes me less focus on the pain and she my daughter as much as she is yours so don't feel guilty for her still being inside of me it takes two to conceive a baby so take that guilty look of you face also its more my fault then yours for the making of our daughter I'm the one who forgot to take the birth control not you either way we love our daughter and that's all that matters."

He gives me the cutest smile before pecking my lips.


It was now around 8 and everyone was in the living room watching some action movie whilst Diego put Tony down for bed.

I was bouncing on my ball a little whilst also trying to practice my breathing exercises. "OK he's finally down" Diegos phone starts ringing.

"it's the midwife" he says giving the phone to me. I put it on speaker. "hi Lorraine" I say. "hi I'm guessing baby's not here yet" I shake my head. "not yet" I hear her sigh. "well she needs to come soon before it turns to dangerous she could potentially pass away in your stomach"

I stop bouncing. "have you tried the methods I've given you to try and lure her out" I nod. "yeah all of them" "well there's one last method I don't normally give to my women but sex does help aswell" me and diegos eyes shoot to gabi.

"well we're not really comfortable with that" I say awkwardly. "Isabella listen to me I've been a midwife for nearly 45 years I've had over 2 million patients and nearly a quarter of them have been overdue and I've given the same advice to all of them and after that they had there baby a day or two later I've never had a patient as overdue as you and if you don't have this baby your placenta will give out so just listen to me and have sex with your husband already that's all the advice I can give you."

There was an awkward silence as I try to think about it."think about it atleast" she asks. "OK I'll think about it" I hang up.

"if you want to you can for my granddaughters sake" Gabi says. And it falls silent. "this is awkward as fuck" Diego says. Silence again "can you guys just go fuck already and be quiet about it" Briana says.

Me and Diego just look at eachother and then at the floor. "hurry up" gabi says. "I don't want to fuck her"
"I don't want to fuck him" me and Diego say at the same time before looking at eachother offended.

"why not" we both say at the same time "because your pregnant with my daughter and thats all I'd thinking about whilst I dick you down and Id feel like I'm about to touch her even though I most likely won't." diegos says. "well I don't want to have sex with you because I'm pregnant and it would be awkward."

He leans back folding his arms. "when has sex with me ever been awkward." the fact he's getting so offended is actually hilarious. "never but we've never had sex whilst I was heavily pregnant" I tell him. "first time for everything" he says sitting up straighter. "you literally just said that you didn't want to" I say with a slight smile.

"yeah well I change my mind cause you said sex with me is awkward." my mouth drops open "no I never your such a word twister" he smirks. "I'm also an inside twister" I gasp a little as a flush red.

He stands up sticking his hand out. I look at it before taking it. He slowly pulls me up and we go upstairs.

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