Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

134K 7.2K 341

The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL

Chapter VII

3.4K 170 9
By Krazy_Kupid

[VII.] Nightly Escapades

Oberyn whistled to himself as he strode down the dreary halls of the Red Keep. 

He did not know why but he was in an extremely good mood. The smile had not disappeared from his face even upon arriving at the keep he hated more than anything. His smile remained even as he met with nobles he did not like, even as he suffered through dull conversations.

Although if one were to guess, it was probably because of the woman he met at Flea Bottom. An odd statement, to be sure. Usually, entering Flea Bottom only left you with ghastly food poisoning and a case of a terrible illness, not the memory of a beautiful woman. 

Of course, the prince had no shortage of men and women for his bed, usually more than one of them at the time. Even so, he could not get this particular woman out of his mind. For the past few years, he wondered what had become of her from time to time. The image of her delicate raven locks and cerulean eyes entered his mind at the most unexpected moments. 

He closed his eyes, remembering how she had looked in Flea Bottom. She had changed, gotten more mature. Her cloak hid part of her hair but when she had turned to him, he would recognize that beautiful face anywhere. 

Her fierceness called out to her like a siren's song. Whereas before he witnessed child-like joy and wildness within her eyes, now, he saw a distinct line of sadness hidden by ferocity. Instead of being repelled by it, he only felt inclined to know more. More about who she was.

She was a noblewoman, he would guess. It could explain why she was always in a hurry to be somewhere or hiding in secrecy. Maybe she was running from her duties somehow. Either way, everyone would be in attendance at the wedding and feast, he would look for her there. 

He laughed softly as he recalled how she had punched the thug without any hesitation. It had brought a surprise to him to see such fortitude in this part of Westeros, especially since she had punched the thug for him. 

"Laughing to yourself? Have you finally gone mad?" Elia asked from the end of the hall, having seen him stuck in his own thoughts. 

"You know me, I've been mad for years." Oberyn answered, smirking as he pulled his older sister into an embrace. "Hello, Elia." 

Elia sighed in obvious relief, uttering into his shoulder. "Oberyn, I'm so glad you made it in time for my wedding." 

Oberyn visibly softened, knowing nothing could have ever stopped him from being there for his sister on one of the most important days of her life. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." 

"Now, tell me why you were laughing on your own." Elia said, taking his arm as they began to walk past the candlelit rooms to reach the outdoors, taking comfort in the natural light that reminded them so much of home. 

"I remembered a woman I met in Flea Bottom." Oberyn answered honestly, never one to coat his words with secrecy.

"Oh no, nevermind. I do not wish to hear anything about your activities in such questionable parts." Elia cringed, having learned the lesson the hard way. 

"It wasn't like that. She defended me from a thug." Oberyn mused lazily as they entered the large gardens of the keep. 

"You truly never run out of adventures." Elia smiled, pinching his cheek fondly and laughing at his deadpan expression. 

"There are those who say that marriage is the grandest of adventures." Oberyn said, turning serious. "How is your husband-to-be? Is he as gallant as they say?" 

"Perfectly honorable. We have spoken only a few times but he is kind, generous, and gentle. He would treat me well." Elia answered, content with the husband that was chosen for her. He was a better choice than most. 

"Good. I will kill him if he thinks about stepping out of line with you." Oberyn threatened, itching to hurt anyone who would dare hurt his sister. 

"Don't worry so much." Elia chastised playfully, smiling as she continued. "Besides, Cassandra said that she would smash his harp on his head should he irritate me in any way." 

Oberyn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, asking about the unfamiliar name. "Who's Cassandra?"

Elia explained, brightening at the thought of her friend. "My lady-in-waiting and a beloved friend. She is my future husband's cousin." 

"Quite a violent woman." Oberyn commented amusedly, picturing the sight of the Targaryen prince with a harp smashed on his head. 

"She is protective of me despite being younger. Like someone else I know." Elia remarked thoughtfully, shooting him a meaningful look. 

"I like her already." Oberyn said, taking note of the name mentioned by his sister. 

"She reminds me of you most days." Elia added, reaching one of the seats that lined the pathway and sitting down. She always tired easily with her history of frailty as a child. 

"A Westerosi woman reminds you of me? I'd like to see that with my own eyes. I thought women here were prissy and uptight." Oberyn said in a disbelieving tone, sitting beside her. 

"You should take the time to meet her. For me." Elia said, excited at the prospect of them meeting one another. It could go two ways. It could go marvelously or it could go horrendously. 

Still, Oberyn could never say no to his dearest sister. 

"Very well. I can't wait to meet this illustrious friend of yours." 


It was the hour of the wolf and yet Cassandra could not find it in herself to sleep.

She did not particularly know why she was feeling restless. It was not as if she was the one being wed the next day nor did she have any issues that needed addressing. There were no troubles with the dresses, the food, and anything that Elia could possibly need. All that was left was for the wedding to take place. 

Perhaps she could not descend into slumber because of the events of the day. Ashara's question and the events in Flea Bottom lingered in her mind. It had just dawned onto her that she had yet to be wed when she was betrothed for so long. 

It was an odd circumstance as betrothals only last for about a year or so. Elia had only been betrothed at the start of the year and she would be married tomorrow. Truth be told, Cassandra was more than grateful for everyone's excuses as she could not see herself as a wife. 

Ned was lovely, as dutiful as any man could be. She was thankful for that as she would not know how to react if he was anything like her brother who had fathered bastards left and right. A thing they constantly argued about.

She and Ned had exchanged letters like clockwork, talking of Robert's betrothal, Winterfell, and King's Landing. They avoided the topic of marriage altogether and if she wasn't constantly reminded of the fact, she would surely have forgotten. 

As for the other matter that took up her mind, the mystery man who had swooped in out of nowhere. Gods, how could he have shown up there? From his rugged looks and trained form, she reckoned he was a knight or a warrior of some sort. 

Watching moonlight trickle in from her window, Cassandra decided to sit up from her bed. She had not told anyone of her encounter with him in Flea Bottom, not even Ashara or Elia. She did not even know why. It was a mystery to her like he was. 

Knowing she would not be able to get any sleep like this, Cassandra grabbed her silk robe and wrapped it around her nightgown. Taking a lamp from her bedside table, she decided to venture into the godswood, knowing that there would be no one there at this late hour. 

On nights like this, when sleep evaded her, she would go to the sacred tree to say a quick prayer and she would be able to sleep once more. The gods were a constant company and though her brothers had lost their faith, hers became a place to draw strength from. 

Her footsteps were quiet as she traversed the halls and reached the godswood. Placing the lamp on the ground, she sat by the roots of the heart tree, whose great oak limbs had overgrown with smokeberry vines. 

Closing her eyes, she whispered a prayer for her brothers, for her friends, for Ned, and for Elia whose wedding was tomorrow. Once she had finished, she opened her eyes and stood, brushing off the dirt that could have clung to her robe. 

It was then she heard the sound of a twig crack behind her. She picked up the lamp and spun around immediately to be faced with a figure cloaked by shadows. Her blood ran cold as she thought of who the figure could possibly be and what they wanted. 

"Forgive me, I did not wish to interrupt your prayers." The man said, raising his hands to show that he meant no harm. It was when he stepped forward that his face was illuminated by the lamp in her hands, his face flashing with recognition. "You." 

"You." Cassandra stepped back, her tone full of accusation and suspicion. Seeing him at Flea Bottom was a coincidence but here, in the middle of the night, it was skeptical. "How are you here? Are you following me?" 

"No, are you?" The mystery man countered, crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes scouring over her form. 

"No! I do not even know who you are." She exclaimed, looking at her exit and not knowing whether she should dash for it and return to her chambers. She did not feel as though she was in danger but one could never know. 

"Something that could easily be remedied if we exchanged names." He said teasingly, his voice meant to ease her.  

Though still apprehensive, she chuckled, not helping herself. "You're a stranger. I'm not even supposed to be speaking with you."

He stepped aside, letting her pass. She walked to the keep's entrance, keeping her eyes on him as she moved to pass him. 

Before she could enter the keep once again, he called out to her. "At least, tell me something about you. One thing. This is the third time we've met and I don't know anything about you." 

"And why should I?" She turned around, raising a challenging brow. 

"If you don't, I might just look for you tirelessly, asking around about your activities in Flea Bottom." He trailed off, a cheeky smile on his face. 

She shook her head at him, responding. "Has anyone ever called you out on your insolence before?" 

He replied, not backing down from wanting to know her more. "Tell me something first and I will answer." 

Cassandra debated on what to tell him, thinking of something about her that would not fully reveal who she was. Laughing to herself, she decided to tell him. "I prefer the warmth over the cold." 

"I suppose that is better than nothing." The mystery man laughed then, not having expected her to play along with him. He moved to go in the opposite direction she was going, toward the Blackwater Rush. 

"Wait." Her voice made him falter in his steps as he looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue. "You did not answer my question."

The mystery man grinned, bowing to her. A secret joke shared between just them. 

"I think you already know the answer to that." 


Hello everyone! Love their banter sm!! Also Oberyn and Elia, aahhh I love their sibling relationship. I really wanted it to contrast Robert's and Cassandra's brother-sister dynamics. 

The next chapter will be the royal wedding hehehehe and we will be seeing some interesting things taking place. Stay tuned and sending you all my love<3!!

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