God of War (Book 1) Male Read...


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Your 26 years old, you thought of yourself as a normal guy, but you had anger issues, your skin is literal di... More

Pilot Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Pilot Part 3
Stronger Together Part 1
Stronger Together Part 3
Fight or Flight Part 1
Fight or Flight Part 2
Book 1 Trailer
Fight or Flight Part 3
Quick Vote
Livewire Part 1
Livewire Part 2
Livewire Part 3
How Does She Do It Part 1
How Does She Do It Part 2
How Does She Do It Part 3
Red Faced Part 1
Red Faced Part 2
Final Trailer Book 1
Red Faced Part 3
Human For A Day Part 1
Human For A Day Part 2
Human For A Day Part 3
Trip With The Dead Part 1

Stronger Together Part 2

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Y/N was called by the DEO of a murder in Plastino Chemicals, he this time wore a black trench coat, black shirt, black pants and shoes as he walked to the crime scene, he walked towards the yellow tapes seeing a cop, just to quickly take and show his ID Card.

Cop: Agent Y/N.

Y/N snickered as the cop let him in, he puts his hands in his pockets as another cop took the other's place.

Y/N: So what happened?

Cop: Murder. Chemist was impaled by an unknown object, like some kind of stinger jewel thing. Stroke his heart and he is... *points* right there.

Y/N manages to look at the body, in the floor bleeding from its chest, though the blood was at this point bit dry.

Y/N: Hrm.

He walks towards it kneeling... seeing it closer... it was a stinger... an insect. He looks around, until he hears the sound of someone flying, as Supergirl lands by the entrance silently, as she walks towards the yellow tape, until the cop stops her.

Cop #2: Hey, government crime scene, ma'am.

Y/N: She's with me.

He looks at Supergirl and then at Y/N.

Cop #2: Really?

Y/N: Yes, by me and Agent Alexandra Danvers from the FBI. Let her in.

The cop shrugs and moves the yellow tape up as Supergirl walks in.

Supergirl: Thanks.

She walks as she sees Y/N still knelt, as she looks at it... not the first time she sees something like this.

Supergirl: What... what is that?

Y/N: A stinger... from a very large insect, alien probably.

Supergirl kneels as well... until Y/N realizes she was using the same knee he was using. He hears steps seeing Hank and Alex walking towards them.

Hank: What is she doing here?

Alex: We called her, sir. We hunt aliens. She is one. It's a resource we didn't have before.

Supergirl stands up looking back at the two.

Supergirl: What can I do to help?

Hank: Don't cause any oil spills.

Alex: Take a look around. Don't touch anything.

Supergirl didn't really like that idea, but still did it.

Hank: Alex, this whole facility specializes
in chemical manufacturing. Sodium hypochlorite, ammonium nitrate.

Alex: Ingredients to make a chemical bomb?

Hank: Yeah.

Y/N: Is there a chance this... alien is able to absorb radiation? If he went here, can't be just to kill him.

Alex: It's a theory but we can hold that for a while.

Hank: We need to find this alien, fast.

Supergirl saw as they take the stinger out... gave her memories... flashbacks of her life in Krypton, she still can remember every piece of it. Y/N looked at the stinger just to look at Supergirl.

Y/N: You okay?

Supergirl reacted and looked at Y/N, nodding.

Supergirl: Yeah... just... might have an idea who this belongs too.

Y/N: Do tell.

Supergirl: *voice* Is a Hellgramite.

Scene changes to the DEO as Supergirl walks to the main computer where Alex, Y/N and Hank were.

Supergirl: You're looking for a Hellgrammite. That stinger you pulled out, I've seen it before on Krypton. My mother sent one of their kind to Fort Rozz.

Alex: According to the data we salvaged from the wreckage of Fort Rozz, there was a Hellgrammite prisoner.

Y/N: Just our luck.

Hank: What do we know about this species?

Alex: Not much.

She puts a photo of it in the screen... it was a very humanoid like insect.

Y/N: Great, we're hunting Predator now. Where's Arnold?

Supergirl: It's basically a large insect, but he can camouflage himself into any shape he wants. Humanoid included.

Hank: *walks towards Supergirl's side* A giant insect trying to steal bomb-grade chemical compounds. This job never ceases to surprise me.

Supergirl: You guys track him down, and I'll take
him out, just like we did with Vartox.

Hank: Sure thing, Miss Danvers. If you can prove to us you can handle yourself without getting killed.

Supergirl looks confused as Y/N sighs.

Y/N: It is time. Come on.

He wrapped an arm around her as she looks confused.

Supergirl: Wait, where are we going?

Y/N: You'll see.

The two walked away as Alex sighs.

Alex: He's gonna show her the ropes, right?

Hank: Yeah.

Scene shows to another room as the two walk around it, as Supergirl looks confused.

Supergirl: Where are we?

Y/N: Training room. Took this place to hone my skills and technique.

Supergirl: Skills and techni... do I really have to fight? Learn what? Tai-Chi?

Y/N: It is necessary you learn how to fight. Fighting like a kid won't get you anywhere.

Supergirl: K-Kid?

Y/N: You heard.

Supergirl: Dude, I kicked Vartox's butt yesterday, I don't need this.

Y/N: Sure?

Supergirl: Yeah.

Y/N: Okay... land one hit... and you can walk away.

Supergirl: One hit?

Y/N: Just one. If you can.

Supergirl looks confused as she throws a punch... which Y/N parried quickly.

Supergirl: What?

Y/N: Again.

Supergirl throws another punch which Y/N parries before it even goes halfway.

Supergirl: Huh?!

Y/N: Too slow.

Supergirl throws another punch but same result... but the parry was harder.

Y/N: Again.

Supergirl throws another but showing anger.

Supergirl: Enough!

Y/N: Again!

Supergirl throws another but... same result.

Supergirl: Shut up!

Y/N: Again!

Supergirl throws a full right hook but Y/N moves, quickly grabbing her by the throat and slams her to the ground, she groans as Y/N stood tall. She slowly gets up as Y/N took a step back.

Y/N: This anger, if you don't control it, your enemies will use it against you. Now... again.

Supergirl's eyes glow as she speeds towards Y/N who steps out of the way, grabbing her cape and slams her to the ground.

Y/N: Unnecessary. You still use your anger as the source. Control it!

Supergirl quickly gets up, she throws a hook which he blocks as he quickly punches her back to the ground.

Y/N: Think fast, never leave yourself open or go slow.

Supergirl dashed and throws another punch but he grabs her wrist and judo's her, shaking the room, as she coughs. She looks at Y/N in anger, Y/N kneels as Supergirl slowly sits.

Supergirl: I'm done.

Y/N: Is only a matter of time till someone almost as powerful but more skilled enters the arena and kicks your ass because you don't know how to fight properly.

Y/N goes to help her stand up, but she smacks his hand away angry.

Supergirl: Then maybe I'm not DEO material after all.

She gets up just to walk away bit angry.

Supergirl: Maybe I know why Kal prefers to work alone.

Y/N: Kal honed his skills and mastered his abilities. But he has faced enemies more powerful him, he had to rely on skill and abusing his powers to win. If you're not gonna fight dirty then you're not fighting at all!

Supergirl scoffs as she leaves the room, Y/N looks at her just to look away a bit ashamed. Hank walks inside as he looks at her walk away.

Hank: Agent L/N. How did it go?

Y/N: Awful. Maybe I went a bit too far.

Hank: Far? No. You just taught her a lesson. Power isn't everything, skill matters too.

Y/N glares at Hank as he had his hands clenched.

Y/N: Hmm.

He walks away as he sees someone about to grab the axe, until his presence made the man hesitate.

Y/N: Hands off.

He grabs it and puts the axe on his back, stomping out of the DEO.


Y/N was seated in the forest cooking meat, he grabs the meat from the fire bare handed and started to eat it, from the side Alex appears seeing him eat bare handed.

Alex: You're not-

Y/N: Burning? Nah. Got a bit hungry, that's all.

Alex: And went to eat... here?

Y/N looks around and snickered

Y/N: Mhm, bit of wilderness and time with the trees calms me.

Alex: Right... *smirking* Rage Monster.

Y/N slowly glares at Alex but scoffs smiling.

Y/N: Agree with that nickname.

Alex nods and sits by his side as he kept eating the meat looking down as Alex knew why... how she couldn't.

Alex: Wanna talk about it?

Y/N: What's there to talk about? She's in denial, believing she can surpass any encounter with her powers.

Alex: I mean, it's her first week still as a hero, let her get used to it.

Y/N: For what? Fort Rozz' criminals are out there, she needs to learn to fight back. She needs training... proper training.

Alex: Let her get used to all this. I spent five months remember?

Y/N: And you're human, she's an alien, yet you had it worse. She's living a fantasy still, not the real world.

Alex looks away as she looks at the fire... she takes a deep breath... part of Y/N was right, Kara is using her powers too much, in the sense she relies on them too much. But she's new to this, she doesn't even know all of her abilities and weaknesses... she doesn't know the darkness of this world.

Alex: You remember when we first met?

Y/N looked to the fire... he remembered it well... Alex was at her lowest... like... incredibly low.

Y/N: Yeah.

3 years ago

(Starts music)

???: Let them all know!

Scene shows Y/N seated in a nightclub with his friends from High School, drinking Rumpkin beer.

Y/N: That we Team Avalanche are good doing THREE THINGS! Smashing guys, fucking ladies, and pissing beer!

Literally Team Avalanche were raised their beer and hell... even most men in the bar also did it. Many cheers were heard as the girls in it, most were disgusted... others... you know their reaction. Shows the team in the dance floor as Y/N was trying to keep a smile... but he felt weird... yes he has drank a lot like so much but... he hasn't even drank 5, why was he feeling weird. He walks outside as he was by the parking lot, as he goes to puke, as he pants, he smells smoke as he sees none other than young Alex looking away smoking, he slowly got up and walked away.

Alex: There was a trash can near the entrance, why not puke there?

Y/N stopped and looked back at her slowly.

Y/N: None of your business... missy.

Alex: Says the one who likes to fuck.

Y/N: So you heard...

Alex: Yeah... bit disgusting, don't you think?

Y/N: Well... stating the obvious of course, fucking ladies? Definitely my style.

Alex: You truly are different... veeeeery...

Alex had a beer and drank as well.

Y/N: *smirking* thought I was similar to most.

Alex: True.

Y/N snickered as he tried to stay in his foot.

Y/N: I'm... Y/N...

Alex: I'm Alex.

Y/N shook her hand though he was but a bit drunken... or maybe very?


Y/N: I still remember all of it... even... it...

Alex: We don't talk about that.

Back in the past

The sound of moans and groans were heard, as it shows Y/N in the bed and... well... Alex jumping on his... yeah this is what happened later... like... yes it did happen. Alex kept moaning with Y/N grabbing her waist putting more force on her, the ecstasy was getting higher and higher, her insides shivering and tightening, the feeling was-

Y/N: *present* Good! My greatest mistake.


The two were eating from the cooked meat Y/N had done as he kept eating with his hand.

Y/N: We were both drunk and you got filled inside.

Alex: Is not the first. You're second, Capraro was the first. But yours was... better? It doesn't sound right.

Y/N: It doesn't. Worst next day, I find out you're into women. You know what it is? To smash a lesbian? It doesn't feel right, at all.

Alex: And the fact you were drunk, I was playing with death, godly strength? Luckily your drunken self was holding back, but still... you didn't shoot inside, your... substance felt like a lot of punches. We're lucky I didn't get pregnant!

Y/N: And we didn't have to take care of a godly strong baby.

Alex: Agreed. Now back with Kara, she is in her little fantasy world, but is one that she... wants to make real. She is aware she can't do everything but... give her time, she'll come around and... she'll know that there's more than just raw strength.

(Starts at 2:36)

Y/N looks away as he slowly stands up looking at the fire but saddened.

Y/N: She won't, Kara will not accept it.

He grabs the last piece of steal and stomped the ground, which created a small shockwave, turning the fire off. Y/N starts to eat it as Alex slowly gets up as well.

Y/N: She has her eyes only on being Supergirl, creating some... reputation like Kal.

Alex: She wants to be like him.

Y/N: Except she isn't. Kal became Superman because he wanted to save people, not because he had to... or needed to... he wanted to do it, he liked to save people, either here or out in space. People called him the devil but that wouldn't stop him from doing what he wanted... give humanity a second chance. Kara became Supergirl because she wanted to be like Kal and be herself, she doesn't have the same thrill as Kal does. At this point, she does this for reputation and not for the thrill of saving people, thanks that Kal already made the "S" a popular symbol.

Y/N looks down and slowly walks away as he extends his hand and his axe returns just to put it in his back.

Y/N: She was not ready... not yet.

Alex: At least hope that she will-

Y/N: Hope means nothing. The only thing that hope brings is more destruction, by hoping, you lose more than when not. Kara... is still too inexperienced, too rash, angry and naïve. Kara was not ready to be Supergirl... I shouldn't have helped her.

Y/N kept walking as Alex extends her hand about to stop him... but she stops herself... not this time. She grabbed her phone looking at some news that appeared in her phone.

(Ends music)

The news were about Supergirl... saving a cat from a tree, able to help an ambulance send a injured patient and more. She sighs and quickly walks out of the forest towards her car... but someone was watching the whole debacle... it was a figure with a black cloak which covered also his head... he sees Alex drive off as scene turns black ending the chapter.

Part two is here everyone... sorry it took a long while but I had to rewrite the chapter again... story after Y/N training Kara was gonna be different. It was gonna introduce a new character to the story but I thought it was way too early, he is still gonna appear that is confirmed but much later in the story. Still hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote for it and towards the last part.

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