Zoophobia: Beyond Visions

By MaskedDx

2.6K 111 43

An AU based on the Zoophobia comic series. A new year has started at zoo phoenix academy, as a teenage mechan... More

About last night
Kind of overslept a little
Drama in music class
More then meets the eye
Needing to work together
The Night Shift
A sticky situation
Inside the principal's office
Entering the O'Brien residences
The Secret hideout
A bird worth fighting for
Ice Cream Madness part 1
Ice Cream Madness part 2
Dining at The Rose
Human and the Cheetah
The Rise of a new Talent
Dreams part 1
Dreams part 2
Dreams part 3
Miles and Jay-Jay
A picture tells many words

Heading back home

79 5 1
By MaskedDx

Earlier that same day

Finally meeting up with Miles again, his partners in crime stopped to catch their breath while Miles stared at them in annoyance. "So, where's the fox at? Alex" Miles asks them. "He got away dude, we tried to cut him off at the gym but by the time we got there he was already gone" Alex replies. "Crud! He got away! No matter, I'll just handle this with Zill later. It's not like that fox has anything to do with it anyways" Miles said. "Whatever you say Miles" Alex comments. Then out of the blue Damian came floating back as Miles noticed he was empty handed as well.

"Let me guess Lucas got away as well?" Miles asks Damian. "Yep," Damian replies. "Of course he did, Alex and Ike lost the fox as well. again whatever not gonna waste my time with those two, I have better things to do anyways" Miles told his friends. "So what's your plan then? Since it's changed" Damian asks.

"Well since the fox wouldn't talk, I'll have to handle the situation by negotiating with Zill, we can't have your little argument become a bigger deal than it already is. cause if the principal knew I'm involved, my reputation and good status would be destroyed in a matter of seconds. Also my dad would kill me" Miles explains to Damian.

"Yeah that would definitely suck for you dude" Damian replies. Miles's phone then started ringing which he pulled up to see it's a call from the family's butler. "Hold on a sec you guys, my butler calling" Miles then answers the phone putting it up to his ear. "What's up Levi, I'm trying to study at this moment, so what do you need?" Miles asks. "Wait dad wants me home early? Well I don't know..." Miles said but then his eyes opened wide in excitement. "He said a ride will be in the parking lot in ten minutes! I'm on my way right now" Miles then hung up the phone looking back at his friends.

"Well guys it looks like I'm going home early, see ya" Miles said as he ran down the hallway while his friends watched him in confusion. "Is it just me or is this becoming a common thing for him?" Ike asks the other two. "You're not the only one," Damian and Alex said at the same time. "So you guys wanna hang out at study hall for the rest of the day?" Ike asks the two.

In the parking lot, Miles made his way outside of the school holding his backpack in his hand. He looked around for his ride home only noticing a blue and neon white limousine with silver rims on left side and gold rims on the right side. Finally to top it off all the windows were decorated with a black tinted film used to block the sun out. "I guess that's my ride" Miles said to himself as he walked over to the limousine and knocked on the window, which after knocking it rolled down to reveal a driver inside. "Ah Mr.Birdington you have arrived, shall I proceed to take you home?" The driver asks Miles.

"Yeah let's get going, don't want to keep my dad waiting" Miles replies as he then stepped inside the limo and so they went on their way.

Song playing in the background

Miles sat in the back of the limousine drinking some soda while on his phone looking at his social media and listening to his favorite music as the driver drove down the road back to his home. "Man ten thousand likes on me and girlfriend newest post, safe haven really likes that stuff after all" Miles says. "Indeed Miles, very impressive" The Diver comments. "So driver, do you by any chance, why my father wants to talk to me?" Miles asks the driver.

"No clue Mr.Birdington, but from how he called me to come get you, he seemed pretty urgent about it" The driver explains. "Huh strange, maybe he's just in need of spending more time with me, I sure know he hasn't been lately" Miles says. "Who knows really, Mr.Birdington" The driver comments as he stops the limo at a gate. The driver then gave the security personnel a hand gesture which after he did that, the gate then began to open up as the driver drove straight ahead.

Out the window, Miles saw a huge mansion otherwise known to him as his home while the limo parked in the driveway. Miles stepped out of the limo and walked over to the door, seeing Levi was there waiting for him. "Good you made it, Miles Birdington. Come on let's step inside your father is waiting for you downstairs in his office" Levi said as they went through the front door of the mansion.

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