Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

135K 7.3K 344

The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI

Chapter III

3.8K 164 15
By Krazy_Kupid

[III.] Inevitable Purpose

"Ned, you twat, let's go!"

Robert knocked loudly upon his closest friend's door, not caring for all the glares that the others shot at him for being too loud. It was the middle of the night and he knew there were others trying to sleep but for him, the night was young and there was alcohol to drink. 

He pounded his fist against the door once again when there was no response or indication of having been heard. Knowing Ned, Robert knew that he was probably being ignored. It wouldn't be the first time but with some coaxing, Ned always gave in. 

The door opened to reveal Ned in his bedclothes, looking unsurprised at the sight of his friend. "I could do without the name-calling, Robert."

"And I could use your company to the tavern, you lazy fiend. I have heard that the lovely barmaid will be there again." Robert drawled, his eyes taking on a dreamy fog.

"Thank you for the rather colorful invitation but I would rather not go." Ned answered, beginning to close the door. 

"What? You? But you've never refused to go with me." Robert blocked the door with his shoulder with his foot lodging to stop it from fully closing. 

Ned nodded, pushing against the door and trying to close it. "Yes, that may be true however I am not in the mood for the tavern at the moment. Besides, we have lessons in the morning and I would prefer to learn without the headache you are sure to have."

With a strong push, Robert forced his way into the chambers. "What are you even busying yourself with?" 

"Nothing." Ned said, trying to grab the letters on his bed before the other man could see them. Unfortunately for him, his friend intercepted one of the letters. "Robert!" 

"You don't want to go to the tavern to read letters!" Robert declared, his mouth dropping at the sight of the parchment scatted in his friend's bed. "When did you become such a bore?" 

"I am not a bore." Ned defended, gathering the rest of the letters and trying to reach for the letter in Robert's hand. 

"Dearest Ned, I am glad to hear from you. I certainly miss your company." Robert recited, waggling his eyebrows at his friend as he waved the letter around. "A love letter? Gods, you charmer." 

"Give that to me!" Ned demanded, throwing a feather pillow harshly in the direction of the other man. 

Robert continued, his tone getting higher and higher to mimic that of a woman's. "I assure you no one else compares when it comes to conversations. I particularly enjoyed your stories about escaping your tutor with Robert. Seven hells, you even told her about me." 

Ned threatened, closing in. "Robert, I swear to all the gods I will murder you."

"Sincerely, your friend, Cassandra Baratheon." Robert finished, his voice fading as his eyes scoured over the last words written in blank ink upon the yellow parchment.

Ned grabbed the letter from him, keeping it with the others before turning back to him. "Robert, I-"

"You're writing to my sister?" Robert asked, slowly facing his friend with a blank expression on his face. 

"Robert," Ned warily said, raising his hands in front of him defensively. 

"You bastard!" Robert tackled the other man to the ground, holding him by his collar. "You did not say anything about it, you arse! Not even a word!" 

"I knew you'd react rashly!" The usually quiet Ned shouted, shoving his friend off of him. 

"Rashly?! Are you going to marry her?" Robert yelled back, his temper and shock getting the better of him. 

"What?!" Ned exclaimed, not knowing how it got to that point so quickly. 

Jon Arryn burst into Ned's chambers at all the ruckus, having heard from the servants of the trouble occurring. Normally, the two got on well so to see them fighting was new. "What in seven hells is going on here?" 

Robert spoke out immediately, pointing at his friend like a child would do. "Jon! Ned is courting my sister!" 

Ned was quick to add, his eyes wide and his face entirely red with how loud they were being. "I am merely writing to her!" 

"Without telling me!" Robert roared, throwing a punch at the other man. His fist connected with Ned's jaw, making him cry out in pain. 

Jon stepped between the two of them, shoving them away from each other. "Both of you, stop it." He pointed to the bed and to the chair. "Sit down! Robert on the bed, Ned on the chair. Now, Robert speak." 

"What are your intentions with my sister? Are they less than honorable? Is that why you are keeping secrets?" Robert questioned, squinting his eyes at his friend suspiciously. 

"Ned, speak." Jon gestured for the other man's turn to state his part. 

"My intentions with your sister are completely honorable." Ned responded, a hand on his cheek as he rubbed the spot where there was sure to be a bruise in a few minutes. 

"Really? Prove it then." Robert challenged, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I've written to my father to ask your father for permission to court her with the intent to ask for her hand in marriage." Ned blurted out, knowing there was no use in hiding it from his best friend. 

"I-Huh?" Robert's anger dissipated at his friend's words. 

Jon smiled at them as if having already expected this. "Good. I'm going to bed. I'm sure you two can sort this out on your own." 

When the older man left, looking about ready to return to his slumber, the two friends finally faced each other with their tempers cooled. 

"Do you really mean that? Do you really wish to marry my sister?" Robert asked quietly.

"I do. I-I wish to get to know her more but I wanted your father's blessing first and yours, of course." Ned nodded sincerely. 

Robert sighed, handing a piece of cloth to his friend to wipe the blood from the punch he inflicted. "Ned, you are my closest friend. I consider you as close as a brother and I know you are honorable and true. If you wish to marry my sister, you have my blessing."

Ned accepted the cloth gratefully. "Thank you, my friend."

As the two friends reconciled, sharing a pitcher of Dornish red between them, everything was well. They gave no thought as to the woman they spoke of, of her thoughts about the match because that was the way things were done. 

Men arranged matches and women abided by them.   


Cassandra hummed to herself as she replied to missives from their vassal lords. 

Her father had returned home after aiding the king with the troubles at Duskendale and upon hearing news of her brother's birth. Renly Baratheon, her baby brother. Another boy. As if there weren't enough of them already.

With her father and mother fussing over their newborn child, it was up to Stannis and Cassandra to keep the house running. They had already divided the tasks equally between them and fell into the process of accomplishing them smoothly. 

Her brother preferred working in silence but from time to time, she spoke up and tried to start conversations just to keep their spirits alive, despite only receiving grunts of acknowledgment from her older brother. 

"How is Proudwing? Is he healing nicely?" Cassandra inquired about her brother's hawk, knowing that he was fond of it despite Robert making fun of its low flight. 

"He is. His wing is damaged but his muscles are strong." Stannis answered softly, a small smile gracing his lips. It was a sight only meant for his younger sister as the man rarely smiled. 

"I'm sure he will be soaring through the clouds in no time." She said, signing a missive with a stamp of the Baratheon seal. 

Before Stannis could reply, a knock echoed throughout the chambers and upon being granted entry a soldier entered. "My lord, my lady. Lady Cassandra, your presence is requested by your parents in their receiving room." 

Shooting her brother a grin, Cassandra followed after the soldier, unsure what it was her parents needed. Consciously, she recalled everything she had done since she had arrived and she didn't think any of them granted her any sort of issue to deal with. 

Once she had arrived at the receiving room, she knocked on the door gently before entering. Inside, she spotted her father and her mother deep in conversation, both of them beaming with a gurgling Renly between them. 

They looked perfectly happy and she hoped that when she had her own family one day, it would be just like hers. Her mother spotted her, gesturing for her to come closer and sit on one of the divans across from them. 

Handing Renly to one of the nursemaids, her mother then embraced her and pressed a kiss to her temple. "I am so very proud of you, my dear." 

Cassandra pulled back, confused about how her mother was acting. "I don't understand. Has something happened?"

"Sit, Cassandra." Her father uttered, placing down the letters he had in front of him as her mother returned to her place by his side. 

"Have I done something?" Cassandra could not help but ask when only silence permeated the air. 

"I have received a letter from Lord Rickard Stark of Winterfell. He has written to me on behalf of his son, Eddard Stark. I assume you met him when you visited your brother at the Eyrie." Lord Steffon began. 

"Yes, we've met. He is very honorable and kind, a good influence on Robert. Has something happened to him?" Cassandra answered, albeit unsure about where the conversation was heading. 

"Eddard Stark wishes to ask for your hand in marriage." Her father finished, making her eyes widen. 

"Marriage?!" Cassandra gasped, paling at the thought of the lifelong commitment. She had been raised as all noble ladies had and she knew that she would be married one day but she did not expect it to be this soon. She had only learned how to manage her life recently. How could she be expected to be a wife? 

Her father said, a proud gleam in his eyes. "It seems you have made a good impression on the young man. His father is intent on the match."

Her mother had the same expression on her face as she spoke. "My daughter, a woman grown. You did not even need any encouragement or arrangement, he was simply charmed by you." 

Her father added, looking down at the pieces of parchment in front of him. "Yes, Robert wrote to me as well and he speaks highly of this young man. He would be a great husband indeed. I have agreed to your betrothal." 

Whereas they saw their daughter's accomplishments on those pages, all Cassandra could see was her future being decided for her. She did not feel victorious, instead, she felt somehow suffocated. With no warning from her brother and her friend, it felt wrong. 

But at the same time, it didn't. She did not understand why she was the only one unhappy when her parents were very proud. For once, her accomplishments were of merit. She had made them proud. All her days being shut with her septa learning ethics and histories were finally worth something. 

So she smiled and accepted their embraces until her cheeks ached from the effort. She gushed about her betrothal with her mother, the two of them seeing eye to eye on something while her father wrote back to Lord Rickard. 

With a flourish of a signature, her fate was sealed. 

For now. 


Oomphs! Hello everyone! Just dropping this chapter with a smile. Definitely wanted to show the dynamics between Robert and Ned, Cassandra and Stannis, and Cassandra and her parents. 

Also, a certain Dornish prince will be making his entrance in the next chapter teehee:> Stay tuned and sending you all my love<3!!

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