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By HoneyLixie00

135K 5.6K 4.5K

"Every piece of me aches for you." -- Being transferred to a new school just before the year started was the... More

Epilogue | New Beginning
Epilogue II | Matrimony


1.2K 47 13
By HoneyLixie00


I'll never get used to the feeling of being back in loud crowded halls after having peaceful quiet for a while. Lockers slamming, the buzzing of every conversation. The only thing that makes this easier to deal with are the friends I get to see throughout the day.

I held my bag strap tightly, weaving through the hallways towards first period. My head already began hurting at how loud the girls were yelling down the hall at each other in excitement.

So I quickly rushed through the door of my chemistry class. Jung kook was turned around watching the door. Probably waiting for me to show so he could ask where I was yesterday.

I smiled at him and he just had his arms crossed with a brow raised. "Mind telling me why you missed the first day back?"

"Uhm.. personal stuff?" I said, sounded more like a question because I had no idea how to categorize the situation that lead up to my absence.

"Personal stuff? That's the excuse you are going with? You know our teacher will ask you right?"

"Yea yea. I know."

"But seriously, where were you?"

"We slept in late on accident."


The conversation was interrupted as a woman walked in, not our teacher at all. "Hello class, I'll be your sub today." She spoke at she wrote her name on the board.

"Looks like I can keep my excuse." I cockily smiled at Jungkook as he playfully rolled his eyes and faced the front.

Jisung arrived just as the bell had rang and he quietly sat down in his seat. His eyes had dark circles underneath them and he hadn't attended to disheveled hair.

I reached my leg out and tapped his foot with mine. He looked at me with his bloodshot puffy eyes. "Hey what's up?" I whispered and he just shook his head.

"I'll tell you later." He whispered and just hugged his own arms.

I had the fuzzy worry feeling in my chest, but I just nodded. Him telling me on his own time was probably better.

I followed the instructions of what our sub had given us, taking out my textbook and notes. Apparently all we had been assigned today is partner notes. Jungkook turned around and I automatically knew what he was going to ask.

"Wanna pair up?"

I looked over at Jisung who just had his head down.

"Actually," I leaned in with a whisper. "I think Ji needs a friend right now, would you mind?"

Jungkook turned his gaze to our friend and frowned at the sight. "Go ahead. I'll partner with Minjin."

I gathered my stuff and took the empty seat next to Jisung. He raised his head to look at me and then at the materials I had brought over.

"Sorry, I didn't hear what we are supposed to be doing."

"Just partnered notes over Chapter 31."

"Oh okay." He seemed so tired.

"Jisung what's up?"

"Nothing, I just-" he sighed and held his head in his hands. "Kai and I got into a disagreement and that lead to a huge argument because I mistook what he said. Now I just feel like shut and can't stop thinking about it."

"Have you tried apologizing? Or explaining yourself?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I tried but he's not answering my texts." He shrugged and I frowned.

Sometimes I'm so caught up in my own love life struggles, I forget that other people have those issues too. Not that it's any of my business, but I'm not the only one going through those problems.

"I'm sure you'll get a chance. Maybe during lunch?"

"Yea, but it's gonna take forever for lunch to come now." He sulked and laid his head down again.

"Hey, it'll be okay." I tried to comfort him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Skip next period with me." He said, his head jerking upwards.


"Please! I don't wanna be in class, it's not distracting enough. And I can't scream at the top of lungs here." He whined and pleaded.

"I- uh-" looked around, mainly to see if anyone had heard, but then I looked back to see Ji giving me his best puppy dog eyes and I sighed. Knowing I had no chance at saying now. "Fine. But only til lunch and then it's back to class."


We set that conversation aside and began outlining the chapter in our notebooks. We decided to right down separate information so we absorb twice as much than if we noted the same materials.

However, Jisung's very visual mood didn't changed. Not even slightly.

"Maybe I'm just too sensitive? Mistook his tone? I don't know. Cause after he left all I could do was think about it and it made me feel so stupid." Jisung hung his head upside down from the bench he laid on and I did the same across from him.

"You can't blame yourself for how you feel about something in the moment. So yea, maybe you realized that you misunderstood him, but given the context what he said shouldn't have been said in the first place. Especially with the amount of room he left for it to be misunderstood." I said lifting my head a little bit to stop the dizzy spell. "I'm not saying he's in the wrong, or you are. That's up to you guys and your terms. But you can put it on just one person. Conversations, disagreements, arguments. Those all take more than one person."

"Yea." He sighed and roll onto his stomach, so I copied. Thank god, I was tired of those brief dizzy  spells. "Enough about me. How did it go with Felix? We didn't stick around much after we heard he was there, mainly cause Kai isn't fond of him."

"Well.." I couldn't help but smile and fiddle my thumbs like an obsessed teenage girl who found out her crush likes her back.

"Oh my god! You guys had sex!" Jisung shot up onto his knees, his hands flying over his mouth.

"No! Well, I mean him and Innie did, but I didn't.."

"Wait, Innie? You mean your boyfriend who has been overly pissed at him?"


"It was angry make up sex wasn't it?"

"Maybe, I don't know. I didn't ask the details. I was too hung over on him telling me he was in love with me for the first time." I said it so nonchalantly, but I watched as Jisung's jaw nearly dropped to the ground.

"You're fucking with me. He did not." His eyes were wide as he search my face for any sign of a bluff, but all he could see was my red cheeks and giddy smile. "Oh my fucking- finally!!"

I laughed at how excited he was with me. Happy that his mood had somewhat changed. Maybe the distraction he needed was someone else life.

"Wait wait wait. You mean like he actually said I love you? Like officially, all romantic like? Didn't leave any room to think he meant it as a friend?"

"Jisung don't over analyze this for me, you're gonna make me overthink."

"Oh shit. Sorry." Jisung took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Damn, a whole ass confession though. From Lee Felix, the 'show no emotion' guy. That's big."

"I know."

"Are you guys like official?"

"We haven't discussed that quite yet. I mean, even though we know it's gonna happen, I think we are gonna take it slowly because of Felix's emotional boundaries and his limits. Going off our last mistake."

"That makes sense. But definitely discuss it, cause if gets all 'fuck emotions and love' and all that shot again. I will officially team up with Kook and Kai on the murder train." He said with a serious look on his face but I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm serious Jinnie!" He stated firmly, only making me laugh harder. Eventually he picked up laughter with me. After we calmed down the old door to this old abandoned classroom creaked.

"I thought it maybe have been you two." San said as he stepped into his old hangout spot. "What are you two hooligans doing?"

"Uhm, skipping class?" I said with a very sarcastic tone.

"No shit Sherlock." He laughed.

"Just gossiping about boys." Jisung ratted is out.

San cocked an eyebrow at me. "Does this pertain to a certain blonde that was over the other night?"


"Does this mean I can stop being mad at him?" He asked, with almost a relief like look.

"You never had to be mad at him to begin with." I informed him.

"Like hell I didn't." He shouted, then lowered his tone. "Sorry, but yea. I did have too. Not only because you didn't deserve that, but because he needed to know that his actions were fucking stupid."

"I agree with San." Jisung imputed and then shut up when I shot him a look.

"But he was your friend San."

"Yes, and friends have disagreements too. I just merely disagreed with his actions. Now he's fixed them."

"Yea I guess."

"Call him." He said.

"He's in his Lit class, he's not going to answer."

"Hyunjin, if it's you he will always answer."

I blushed slightly and pulled out my phone.

"What am I even supposed to say?"

"Ask him to come here." San shrugged. I nodded and dialed the number. It only rang twice before he answered and I looked at San with a curious look.

"Hey, Jinnie. What's up?" Felix's voice was at a whisper, as if he was trying not to get caught on his phone.

"Can you come the old classroom?" I asked hesitantly.

"It everything okay?"

"Yea, yea it's fine. But can you?"

"Yea, I'll be there in two minutes."

We gave each other little goodbyes before we hung up and I turned to San. "He's on his way."

"You know what makes me happy." Jisung spoke as he sank his body down onto my shoulders. "The lovers we all ship are finally back together."

I shoved him off with a laugh. And he chuckled. "What? You know I'm right. We all rooted for you guys, even after the whole thing."

Then I remembered something.

"How the fuck am I supposed to tell Jungkook and Heeseung?"



My weekly update!!

Next chapter will have a little bit off drama, but nothing too bad. I pinkie promise!

I love you guys! Hope you are all doing okay!

Sorry my authors note is short this time around, just a little busy. I just needed to make my update :)

Love you my little honeybees! Too my next update.
🤍🤍 ~ Cece

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