Within you I found home

By LovedAThousandLives

12K 706 123

A werewolf romance written from second person POV, otherwise known as 'reader insert'. No names. No descrip... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
Bonus pt. 1
Bonus pt.2
Bonus pt.3


274 17 2
By LovedAThousandLives

༓・*˚*・༓☾ NOW ☽༓・*˚*・༓

        YOU LISTEN TO THE POUNDING water hitting the surface below. The blue crystal liquid almost transparent. You can see the rocks and pebbles settled at the bottom, no signs of fish or other aquatic life.

        Sitting at the edge on top of a rock just big enough to perch your ass on, you dip your feet in. It's cold but the chill helps chase away the ache in your heels.

        Behind the waterfall itself is a cave which is currently where Mithun and Nico had disappeared to. You're not sure what they're doing, maybe they just wanted to catch up in private, and it makes you nervous.

        Mithun was never out of your sight. Something you imagine you were going to have to start getting used to.

        You sigh, leaning back against your palms and tilting your head up towards the sky. You allow yourself to enjoy the quiet moment after the awful week you'd had.

        Jessa's face flashes through your mind and you flinch, eyes shooting open. You hadn't realised you'd close them until her image, crimson and lifeless, had filled the dark void.

        You'd tried hard not to think of her. There had been no place for mourning whilst you were trying to get Mith to safety.

        You feel as if it isn't real.

        Something so violent and bloody and evil.

        She was so kind, and nurturing and loved...how could she die that way?

        You expect tears to come, but you remain numb.

        Diving deep, you attempt to latch onto an emotion – sadness, grief, distraught – but come up empty handed. They lay just beyond your reach, locked away.

        You're well aware they're there, so why aren't they coming out?

        You wonder if there's something wrong with you.

        But you don't have time to dwell on it. Movement from behind the waterfall catches your attention. A stone ledge juts out along the cave entrance, wide enough for Mithun and Nico to walk side by side.

        Clothed. Well, Mith was - sand-coloured trousers and a dark brown leather top.

        Nico's trousers were the same as Mithun's, but his chest is bare.

        A very broad, very muscular chest with bumps and ridges. Not unlike Andreo's, only Nico's was much larger - shoulders wider with biceps the size of your head.

        No wonder his wolf was so big. It had to accommodate this gargantuan man.

        You stand on shaky legs as they round the water, heading straight for you. Instinctively, you look Mithun over. He's smiling, eyes red.

        He'd been crying. Your heart squeezes. Happy tears.

        A glance over at Nico tells you he'd also shed tears. You gulp as you take in his features and you realise where Mithun got his looks from.

        Yet somehow, despite looking so similar, they were also very different.

        Same features, yes, but Mithun's were softer, hidden in a layer of baby fat not yet matured.

        Nico's face was a lot more angular, stronger, wider. He has a nice, well-groomed beard. Pouty, bow shaped lips and dark-lashes framing his blue eyes. His hair light brown, just like the roots of Mithun's where it was starting take colour, his baby blonde soon to be gone forever.

        He had to be the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on. He was also very, very tall and you had to crane your neck up the closer he got.

        Nerves have you playing with your fingers as they finally reach you, your eyes darting between them.

        Your lip's part but no words escape.

        You didn't know what to say. Nico's piercing eyes stare straight at you and you have no idea what his expression means.



        Surely not. Why would he look at you like that?

        And then he does something you'd least expected – he drops to his knees in front of you.

        Your gaze locks onto him, eyes wide. He grabs one of your fidgeting hands and brings it to his face where he touches his warm, soft lips to the back of it.

        Oh my.

        Flutters attack your chest.

        A deep, rumbling voice which you feel all the way to your toes vibrates against your skin, "I am forever in your debt."

༓・*˚*・༓☾ NOW ☽༓・*˚*・༓

        "Would you tell me, from the beginning?" Nico requests, stacking fresh wood on top of a circle of ashes staining the stone floor.

        He was making a fire. Your cheeks grow hot when you realise he didn't have one before you came along. It was still light outside, and neither him or Mithun needed one for either food or warmth, which meant he was doing it for you.

        "I rescue animals," you think it's a good place to start. You only hope he didn't make fun of you for it like the others. "And heal them so they can be released back to where they belong."

        From there you recall the events which lead you to Mithun. The young boy flinches when you mention Jessa's name and you wonder why you still didn't feel anything.



        When you finish, the fire is burning steadily and Nico was sitting opposite you on the ground, legs in front of him and knees bent with his elbows resting on top. Big hands hang between them.

        "Your people..." His eyes are serious, narrowed. "Would you like me to end them?"

        You splutter a noise between a laugh and a choke. You think he must be joking.

        His expression doesn't shift an inch.


        He meant it.

        You fidget in your spot on the floor. "Wow. I mean. I'm not exactly fond of them but I couldn't live with that on my conscience."

        "It wouldn't be your burden to bear. I'd be happy to take full responsibility, if it helps," he offers.

        You're strangely flattered.

        So much so, you're actually smiling. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

       "No problem," he says as if offering to commit mass murder was as casual as talking about the weather. His gaze shifts to Mithun who sat next to you. "Your. . .Biological mother will want to know you're okay."

        You're so thankful he says biological, subtly acknowledging how Mom was your role alone.

        Mithun appears hesitant, eyes cutting to you. For guidance or your reaction, you weren't sure.

        You smile encouragingly. This was his decision alone. "It's ok, Mith."

        He takes a deep breath. "I. . .I'd like to meet her. But I don't want her trying to push my Mom out."

        "I won't allow that," he reassures. "I meant it when I said I'm in your debt," he's speaking directly to you this time. "My ex does have a habit of pushing boundaries. The rules don't apply to her, or so she likes to think. If she steps out of line just come and speak with me."

         You're conflicted. Relieved you have Nico on your side but concerned just how hard she's going to push.

         "When will we see her?" Mith wants to know.

        "When we return to the pack I'll send word for her," Nico answers before gesturing to your leg. "How bad is it?"

        Burning. Achey. Fucked. To name a few. You miss Harmony's pain killing herbs already.

        But you down play it. Didn't want to come across as the whiney, weak mortal. "It's. . .sore. But I'm ok."

        He cocks a thick eyebrow at that. "A new born fawn walks steadier than you can."

        Oh. Right.

        You'd forgot he'd witnessed your limp.

        Your smile is sheepish and you give a half-assed shrug. "It is what it is."

        "We won't travel until you're no longer in pain," Nico decides. "I still have three weeks left on my retreat, so my pack won't be expecting me back anyway. In the meantime, you rest," he says it lightly, as if to take the bite out of the blatant order. His eyes sparkle. "We'll look after you, bambi."


        You're not sure what to make of his nickname for you. A part of you must enjoy it however as warmth spreads within you all the way to your cheeks.

        You duck your head, hiding your smile in your shoulder.

        Nico smirks and changes the subject. "Have you both eaten?"

        Mithun perks up at the mention of food. "This morning, but nothing since."

        Nico stands and you try to avoid watching the way his muscles flex with the movement. "I'll go hunting. You stay with your Mom...Mithun," he says as if trying the name out.

        Mith tilts his head. "What did you call me? Before I went missing?" he asks curiously.

        Your eyes find Nico, also intrigued on the answer.

        A beat passes. You begin to wonder if it was too sore of a question.

        Before you can assure him he doesn't have to tell you, he answers with a lopsided smile:

        "I called you Zuka," he reveals. "It means morning. Dawn." Looking down at the ground, he shakes his head with a quiet chuckle.

        "What's funny about that?" Mithun's confused. He glances at you, but you shrug in return.

         You weren't in on the joke, either.

        "I always believed in second chances," he explains. "And that's what the dawn of a new days is. Another chance to do better. To make things right."

        Blue watery eyes land on Mithun. You'd never seen anyone look more grateful than Nico did in that moment.

        Nico finishes, "The name held up - I've got my second chance."

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