Justice is Blind |『 Female OC...

By Mooogey

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The Demon Slayer Corps was an ancient organization whose purpose was to protect humanity from the threat of d... More

Act 2: The Will to Protect Others
Act 3: The Start of a Flamboyant Training
Act 4: My Own Breathing Style
Profile 1: Tadao
Act 5: Battling The Melodic Menace
Act 6: The Last Recital
Profile 2: Hibiki
Act 7: Flames of Kasai-ji Temple
Act 8: Trial by Fire
Profile 3: Rizumi
Act 9: Tales Told in Hushed Tones
Act 10: Not Child's Play
Act 11: Between Two Worlds
Profile 4: Aoki
Act 12: In the Heart of Natagumo
Act 13: Clash of Vengeance
Act 14: Edge of Despair
Profile 5: Mizu
Act 15: A Trial for a New Tomorrow
Act 16: In the Breath of Recovery
Act 17: Onward to the Next Mission
Profile 6: Kage Akio
Act 18: Wrapped into the Coldest Mist
Act 19: A Light in the Dark
Act 20: Echoes of Winter
Profile 7: Ayuna Akumu
Act 21: A Familial Urgency
Act 22: Shadows of Rikubetsu
Act 23: The Breathless Slayer
Act 24: Winter's Embrace
Act 25: The Chills of Legacy
Profile 8: Touya Kazemaru
Act 26: Whispers of the Infinite Forest
Act 27: War of Two Souls

Act 1: Winter is Coming

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By Mooogey

Demons were creatures that parents used to scare and warn their kids of the danger of the night. However, unknown to any of them, these creatures existed and fed themselves on humans. Thankfully, an anonymous organisation, the Demon Slayer Corps, fought these demons for centuries to protect humanity.

The protectors of humankind, or demon slayers, fight the demons in their favourable environments during the night. This war had been going on for centuries, with more casualties on humanity's side, but they still hoped it would end.

During the winter in Rikubetsu, one of the coldest areas of Japan, a baby was crying. "Congratulations, Chifuyu-sama, you have a baby girl," the nurse informed, earning a smile from Chifuyu. "Can I see her?" she questioned, making the nurse nod before handing her the newborn. "She is beautiful..." Chifuyu whispered, caressing her daughter's cheek.

Upon contact, the child seemed to calm down and look at her mother. The two already had similar features: white hair and blue eyes. "What would you name her?" wondered the nurse, making Chifuyu hum. "I will have to wait for my family to announce it," she informed, making the nurse nod before they heard rapid footsteps.



Looking toward the door, they saw it burst open with three new arrivals. "Are we too late?" a man looking around the room asked. "You arrived just in time, Shuhei," smiled Chifuyu, making the three sigh in relief. Shuhei was a buff, pale-skinned man with dark hair and yellow eyes who wore a dark sleeveless shirt, black pants, and boots.

"I told you we were on time!" said a cheerful voice belonging to a young girl with pale skin, short white hair and grey eyes. She wore a black and white cap, a black crop top shirt under an opened white vest, black shorts and boots.

"Youkina..." mumbled a voice on her right, making Youkina chuckle nervously. "Fine! Fine! I said nothing," Youkina laughed, making the other person sigh. "How are you feeling, mother?" questioned the person, a slightly older version of Youkina. She had pale skin, long white hair fading to black at the tips, and blue eyes. She wore a white and black dress with dark boots.

"I'm a bit tired, but I'm fine, Asahi," reassured Chifuyu, making the now-named Asahi nod. "Have you decided on her name?" wondered Shuhei, making Chifuyu shake her head. "I was waiting for you all," she informed. Then, nodding, he approached her, making the baby in Chifuyu's hands focus on him. "...she looks exactly like you," he smiled.

He then put his hand on her head, earning a laugh from the newborn. "Shirayuki," he said, making them look at him. "I like it," smiled Chifuyu, looking back at her newborn daughter.

"I can't wait to teach her how to climb!" cheered Youkina before Asahi hit her lightly on the back of the head. "Don't go teach her your reckless ways," she warned, making Youkina chuckle. "Why not? I will be careful, I promise," she reassured, earning a glare from Asahi. "I said no," she replied.

The two adults smiled at the interaction before the nurse gained their attention. "Chifuyu-sama, you should try to get some rest," she said, making her nod. "It would be for the best," Chifuyu said before Shuhei leaned and kissed his wife and daughter's forehead. "Get some rest then," he smiled, making her nod before they all left the room.

On that day, Shirayuki Kazemaru was born, the third and youngest daughter of the Kazemaru Family. The wealthy family of the north was also known for its mysterious connection with winter.


Years passed after Shirayuki's birth, and as the bright child she was, she always followed her sisters around. Now aged five, she was running after Youkina. "Come on, Shira! It's not too far," said the oldest, making Shirayuki run faster.

The two soon arrived in front of a small hill. "Today, I will teach you how to climb," informed Youkina, making Shirayuki frown. "But Asahi-neechan said that it's dangerous," she reminded, making Youkina shake her head.

"Don't listen to her! She is just scared of heights," laughed the older before striking a pose. "Plus, you have me! I'm the best climber in the region!" she boasted, earning a cheer from Shirayuki. "True! There is nothing to worry about!" she smiled before the two set the equipment to prepare for their climb.

"Okay, Shira, remember not to look down and watch your steps!" Youkina reminded her, making her sister nod. "Okay! I will do my best!" she cheered before climbing under her sister's supervision. Quickly rising, Shirayuki smiled. 'It's not that hard,' she realised before going to grip a bit far for her tiny body.

Unfortunately, this was a mistake because she lost her footing and nearly tumbled. "Shira! Are you okay?" asked her sister, who rushed under where she would fall. "I-I'm okay!" reassured Shirayuki.

She took deep breaths to calm her nerves and looked down at her sister before gulping. "You got this!" encouraged Youkina. Nodding, Shirayuki gained a determined look before resuming her climb. 'Youki-neechan, believe in me,' she thought, going faster.

She soon arrived at the top, "I did it!" she cheered before looking down at her sister. "You sure did!" she smiled. Suddenly, Shirayuki gained a scared look, making Youkina tilt her head in confusion. "Y-Youki-neechan, b-behind you!" she warned.

Still confused, Youkina turned around before her eyes widened when she saw her older sister glaring at her. "H-hey, Asahi! F-fancy seeing you here...hehehe," she nervously laughed before Asahi grabbed her ear. "I told you not to do it!" she reminded, pulling her ear and earning a painful cry from Youkina.

"But Shirayuki made it!" Youkina countered. Then, glancing up, Asahi saw Shirayuki up and safe, making her release her sister's ear. "I will keep her safe!" said Youkina. Sighing, Asahi looked at her sister. "You promise me you will be careful?" she asked, making Youkina nod. "Nothing will happen to her," she vowed.

After a staring contest, Asahi smiled. "Okay, I believe you," she said, making her sisters nod. "Shira-chan, come down! We will have dinner," she informed, making the youngest nod. "I can't wait to eat mother's food!" she smiled.


After being secured down, Shirayuki followed her sisters. "Asahi-neechan," she called, making her sister glance at her. "Is it true that you are scared of heights?" she asked, making Asahi blush out of embarrassment. Then, glancing at Youkina, who whistled innocently, she turned toward Shirayuki. "W-who told you that?" she asked with an irk mark on her head.

"It was Youki-" "What will we have for dinner?" before Shirayuki could finish her sentence, Youkina put her hand on her mouth to stop her. However, Asahi understood what her young sister was about to say and smiled at Youkina.

"Youkina Kazemaru..." she called with her eyes closed. Youkina started sweating after her older sister called her name. "Y-yes, my dear and loving sister?" she tried to appeal before receiving a chop on top of her head.

"Stop embarrassing me in front of our sister!" scolded Asahi, earning a nervous laugh from Youkina. "Sorry, I will try not to," she said. While the two argued, they didn't realise what Shirayuki was preparing. "Okay! Let's go eat dinner!" cheered Youkina.


However, a sudden snowball to the face stopped her movement and earned a giggle from Asahi, who looked at the thrower. "That will teach you from interrupting me!" said Shirayuki, crossing her arms and pouting.

Wiping the snow off her face, Youkina turned to her. "You were about to tell on me!" she defended, making Shirayuki turn her head even more. "...you little," she grumbled before smirking. "If this is how you want to play," she said before throwing a snowball at Shirayuki, who barely dodged it.

"Ha! You can't even hit me!" she challenged, preparing to throw another. "Don't get cocky with me, little girl!" said Youkina. Then, the two started a snowball fight, making Asahi sigh.

"It always ends like this..." she smiled, watching the two. "Come on, we need to go eat," she reminded them. But a snowball hit her in the face, making the two youngest stop and look at her.

They could see the snow slowly lowering from Asahi's face and saw a deadpan look on her face. "...seriously?" she wondered. The two youngest looked at each other before laughing, making Asahi smile.

Shaking her head, she motioned them to follow them back. "Shira-chan, tomorrow we will start your ice skating lesson," informed Asahi. Hearing this, Youkina crossed her arms. "But tomorrow we planned on climbing a bigger hill!" she complained.

However, one look from Asahi made her stop and smile nervously. "A-actually, you can hang out tomorrow," she said. Asahi smiled at her before turning to Shirayuki. "Will I be as graceful as Asahi-neechan?" she wondered. Patting her head, Asahi nodded. "We will make sure of it," making her younger sister cheer.

The trio soon arrived home, where they could smell the food their mother was preparing. "It smells like...curry!" cheered Shirayuki, running toward the smell. Chuckling, Youkina shook her head. "Shira, you need to go clean up first," she reminded her sister, making her stop and turn toward the bathroom.



The two oldest heard footsteps and saw their father stepping forward. "How was it?" Shuhei asked, making Youkina smile. "It went well! She will be a top climber in no time," she said, making him nod before he sighed. "I'm sure she will be okay, father," reassured Asahi, seeing his sad expression.

"...I want to believe it," he said before shaking his head. "Let's not talk about it," Shuhei said, smiling at them. "All we can do is support her no matter what," he said, making the two older sisters nod.


Years passed, and Shirayuki recently turned nine and practised skiing with Asahi. "Make sure to keep balance on both your feet," Asahi reminded her sister, making her nod. Drifting near a corner, Shirayuki saw a small hill before accelerating toward it. 'Tug your legs in to get more speed,' she repeated her sister's words.

Asahi saw Shirayuki take the jump before successfully landing and gliding next to her. "Your balance is perfect," complimented Asahi. Smiling, Shirayuki hugged her sister. "It's thanks to you!" she said, earning a smile from her.



The snow crunching made the two turn around, seeing their mother approaching them. "How are you two doing?" she asked, handing the two cups of hot beverage. "It's going good, mother. Shirayuki is improving quite well," smiled Asahi, making Chifuyu nod before looking at the youngest.

"This is so good!" she cheered, gulping down her drink and earning a gentle laugh from her mother. "Not too fast. We wouldn't want you to burn your tongue," she said, making Shirayuki nod while slowing down.

Chifuyu then turned toward Asahi and frowned slightly. "Shirayuki, could you head home first?" she asked, making her nod. "Okay! Hopefully, Youki-neechan and father are back," she said, running away.

When Shirayuki was a reasonable distance away, Chifuyu turned to her oldest daughter. "How is she?" she wondered. Asahi gripped her dress, lowering her head. "...it's getting worse. That's why I have to stay close to her," she revealed, making Chifuyu close her eyes.

"Mother..." called Asahi, making her look back at her. "I think we should tell her," said Asahi, making her mother bow her head. "She doesn't understand what is happening to her," reminded Chifuyu before tears gathered in her eyes. "How can I tell her something like this?" she asked, wiping her tears and making Asahi step forward and hug her.

"I'm sure she would understand. Shirayuki is a smart child," Asahi reminded her, earning a smile from her mother. "I know that," she said before nodding. "I will tell her tonight after dinner," she promised, making Asahi nod.


Shirayuki was running toward her house with a bright smile. "I hope father caught something good today!" she hoped. Suddenly, she ran face-first into a tree, making her dizzy. "That hurt!" she complained, grabbing her head. "Where did this tree come from?" she asked before shaking her head. "I should be more careful," she reminded herself.

She soon arrived at her house and saw shoes belonging to her sister and father. "They are back!" she cheered before looking for them. After looking around the house, Shirayuki saw a room with light, making her walk forward with a bright smile.

"She has the right to know, father!" came Youkina's voice, confusing Shirayuki when she heard how angry her sister was. "If you don't tell her, I will!" she threatened, making her father sigh.

"Youkina, I get your frustration, but you need to understand..." Shuhei began before turning to her. "This is something important. We can't just drop it on her like this," he said, making Youkina grit her teeth. "So it's better not to tell her? What kind of logic is this?!" she shouted, kicking a chair.

Sighing again, Shuhei walked toward his daughter. "Youkina, please calm down," he said, making her glare at him. "Calm down? How can I stay calm when my sister is going blind!?" she shouted, pushing him away before punching the wall. "Blind...?" mumbled Shirayuki, still hiding behind the door. "...they're talking about me?" she wondered with a frown.

"I know! It's frustrating for me, too," he said with sadness lacing his voice. "I wanted to tell her, but how can I?" he asked, turning away. "Every time I see her bright smile and how happy she is, I can't just tell her it won't last," Shuhei said, making Youkina stop and turn to him.

"...father," she called with a frown. "You are my precious daughters. How can I stop you from being happy?" he asked, lowering his head. "I know...I'm sorry," Youkina apologised, making her father shake his head.

"You have nothing to apologise for. You're just looking out for your sister," he reassured before clearing his throat. "Let's go prepare dinner," he said, making Youkina nod with a smile.



Hearing their footsteps growing closer, Shirayuki panicked and ran away, not to be seen. When they exited the room, Youkina stopped and looked at where Shirayuki was, making her father raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?" he wondered, making her shake her head. "I don't know...I had a sad feeling suddenly," she revealed, making Shuhei furrow his brows in confusion. Shaking her head, she followed him toward the kitchen before her eyes settled on the front door, seeing Shirayuki's shoes.

"Father..." she called, making him walk back toward her and see what she was looking at, making him frown. "...she was back?" he wondered before looking back at his daughter. "You think she heard us?" she asked, making him close his eyes.

"I have a feeling she did," he revealed, making Youkina curse before sighing. "I will go talk to her," she said. Before Youkina could go, the front door opened, revealing Chifuyu and Asahi. "You are back?" smiled Chifuyu. "I think Shirayuki heard us talking about her condition," said Shuhei, making the two eyes widen.

"Of course, when I was planning on telling her..." mumbled Chifuyu before walking toward her daughter's room. "Mother..." called Asahi, making her stop and turn around. "Let me talk to her," she proposed, making her mother look at her.

After a few moments, she nodded. "Okay, go ahead," she smiled before Youkina gained her attention. "I'm coming with you!" she said as she followed Asahi.




When the two arrived in front of Shirayuki's room, they knocked but didn't receive an answer. "We're coming in," said Asahi, waiting a few seconds before opening. They could see their sister sitting close to the window with her back toward them while looking at the falling snow.

"Shira-chan..." called Asahi, not receiving an answer, making the two frown while stepping forward. "...how long have you known?" suddenly asked Shirayuki, causing their hearts to tighten when they heard the sadness in her voice. "How long have you known that I would lose sight?" she repeated, still not receiving an answer, making her turn toward them.

When she did, the two older sisters could see tears sliding down her face. "I-I thought t-that w-we wouldn't hide anything from each other," she sobbed. "I-I thought you trusted me with important things," she said, making the two grow sad looks. "Shira..." mumbled Youkina.

Shaking her head, Shirayuki glared at the ground. "...is it because I'm too young? Is it why I don't deserve to know what is happening to me?" she asked, making Youkina shake her head. "Not at all! It's..." she paused, looking away before Asahi walked toward her sister and kneeled.

"Shira-chan, can you look at me?" she asked, frowning when her sister didn't meet her eyes. "...please," she begged, making Shirayuki raise her head. "Mother was planning on telling you today," she revealed, surprising Youkina.

"However, you learned it before she could," she said. "We never intended to hide it from you, but we didn't want to ruin your happiness with this information," she explained. "...father said the same thing earlier," she mumbled, making Asahi nod. "You do understand that, right?" she asked.

Nodding, Shirayuki felt her sisters hug her. "I hope you can forgive us," said Youkina, feeling Shirayuki tremble in their embrace. "...I can't stay mad at you," she said, making the two sisters smile before standing up.

"Come on, let's go see mother and father," said Asahi. Nodding, Shirayuki grabbed her hand. "They will explain to you, I'm sure," said Youkina, following the two as they reached the living room.


Shirayuki sat in front of her parents with her sister on each side. "Shirayuki..." started Chifuyu, making her daughter turn her attention to her. "Know that everything we will tell you is true," she said.

Nodding, Shirayuki grasped her sister's hands. "First of all, for your condition," sighed Chifuyu with a frown. "It's something that ran in my family for centuries..." she began, making Shirayuki tilt her head. "We don't know when it could happen, but some newborn would have...a curse," she revealed.

Shirayuki gasped, hearing this before looking at her sisters. "...I'm cursed?" she asked, lowering her head. "It's not a curse, but..." lingered Chifuyu before Shuhei took her hand.

Squeezing his hand, she shook her head. "There are rumours that long ago somebody cursed my family, causing this to happen," she revealed. "We hoped that it wouldn't affect any of you, and after seeing that Youkina and Asahi were fine, we thought you would too," he said.

"...so somebody cursed us, and I inherit the curse?" she wondered, making her parents nod. "Can the curse be broken?" she asked, making her mother shake her head. "If it can, we don't know how," she revealed, making her daughter silent again.

"...why?" she mumbled with tears gathering in her eyes. "...why would somebody curse us? Who would do that?" she asked. Chifuyu and Shuhei looked at each other before the latter stood up. "Wait for a moment," he instructed.

After a few moments, he returned with a wooden box. "You're old enough to receive the truth," he said, making Shirayuki furrow her brows.

Opening the box, Shirayuki saw a white katana with red lining. "A sword?" she asked, making her father nod. "This belonged to my older brother Touya," he said before handing her the sword and making Shirayuki inspect it.

"Why did he need this sword?" she asked, looking at her father and making him glance at Chifuyu, who nodded. "He was fighting demons," he revealed, causing Shirayuki's eyes to widen.

"Demons? B-but I thought that they didn't exist," she wondered. "They do," nodded Shuhei before continuing. "People said that a demon is responsible for this curse," he explained. Then, with a sigh, he resumed. "Demons lurk in the night because they can't stay under the sun," before pointing at the sword.

"This sword can deal with them," he explained, making Shirayuki look back at it. "But it looks like a normal sword," she said, making him shake his head. "This is a Nichirin Sword. A sword built under the sunlight to fight demons," he explained.

Looking back at the sword, Shirayuki asked, "But...if they lurk at night, why haven't we seen one?" making Asahi stand up. "Let me show you," she motioned for her sister to follow before pointing at a tree. "You see this?" she asked, making her nod.

"This is a Wisteria Tree, and demons don't like them," she explained, making Shirayuki nod. "So we were safe?" she asked, making her sister smile. "We were safe," replied Asahi before the two sat back down.

"But if demons are real...why doesn't anyone know?" she asked, making Shuhei smile. "My brother told me that they know how to hide among us, and it would cause a mass panic," he explained before looking at the sword. "Which is why a secret organisation had to handle it," he explained, making Shirayuki tilt her head.

"Secret organisation? Like ninjas?" she asked, earning a laugh from her father. "Not quite. They are called the Demon Slayer Corps, and they fight to protect us," he revealed, making his daughter nod. Then, a question popped into Shirayuki's mind. "If uncle was a demon slayer, are you one as well?" she asked, causing her father to lower his head.

"Unfortunately, no. Touya refused to let me endanger myself and ordered me to build a family," he explained. Then, looking at Chifuyu, Shuhei smiled. "And I'm glad I did," he said, making her smile back. "I see..." Shirayuki said, making him chuckle at her sad tone.

"However..." he said, making her raise her head. "He still trained me for it," Shuhei explained. Shirayuki's eyes sparkled hearing this before she looked at Chifuyu, earning a laugh from her. "If you promise to be careful and listen to your father," she said. "I will be careful! I can't wait!" she cheered.


"Okay, one more time," came Shuhei's voice as he walked behind Shirayuki. Now aged fifteen, Shirayuki sat on her knees in the snow. "I'm ready," she said, making Shuhei nod.

After a few seconds, he ran toward her without making a single sound before bringing a wooden sword to the right side of her head. Shirayuki tilted her head away to dodge it before dodging more swings. "You're doing great," her father complimented her.

Then, bringing the wooden stick near her midsection, Shirayuki jumped away. "Your reflexes are always on point," he smiled, making her smile back. "It's thanks to you," she said, making him chuckle. "I'm trying my best," he said before putting the stick down.

Next, Shuhei pulled out balls before throwing them at Shirayuki, who barely dodged the first one. "Don't let your guard down," he repeated, making her nod before she gained a determined look as more projectiles approached her.

After a few minutes of dodging, she didn't expect her father to be near her with the wooden sword close to her neck. "You did great, but keep in mind that unpredictable movements can happen," he reminded her, making her nod.

"Don't be too hard on her," came the voice of Chifuyu, who smiled at the two. "Sorry, I sometimes get carried away," he said, scratching his head. Then, shaking her head, Chifuyu watched Asahi step forward with a wooden cane.

"Here, Shira-chan," she said, handing it to her sister. "Thank you, Asahi-neechan," she smiled, grasping the cane before walking toward her mother. "I find it so cool that you can still sense us!" came Youkina's excited voice. "It's thanks to father," repeated Shirayuki.

Laughing behind her, Shuhei shook his head. "You're giving me too much credit. This worked because of you," he explained, making her shrug. "I wish I could learn that too," complained Youkina, earning a laugh from Shirayuki. "I can try to teach you," she said.

After some thought, she shook her head. "Maybe later," she said before smiling. "But it suits your style more anyway," she said, making Shirayuki smile. "Are you being lazy again?" she asked.

After being discovered, Youkina blushed out of embarrassment. "Your face got hotter. Are you blushing?" asked Shirayuki with a teasing smile. "Why are you like this!?" pouted Youkina, making her sister laugh. "Sorry, I will stop teasing you," she said with a smile.

Shaking her head, Youkina smiled back before hugging her sister. "I'm proud of you," she said. "Thank you for helping me," she said before they pulled out. "I'm starving," said Shirayuki, making them laugh. "After this training, it's understandable," smiled Chifuyu before motioning them to follow.


Later that night, the family enjoyed their evening, with Shirayuki sitting with her mother near the fireplace. "Where did the others go?" Shirayuki wondered, feeling the fire's heat before putting another log inside it. "They went to buy supplies for the upcoming winter," responded Chifuyu with a smile, making her daughter nod.


Suddenly, her stomach grumbled again. "I'm still hungry," complained Shirayuki, making her mother laugh. "Since you started your training, your appetite only grew," she said, earning a blush from Shirayuki. "I'm sorry," she apologised. Smiling, Chifuyu patted her head. "Don't worry. I'm always happy to cook for you," she reassured.


Suddenly, the door opened, and the two turned to it. "Shuhei? What is going on?" Chifuyu stood up when she saw the distressed look on their faces. "This is bad," he gasped before taking a deep breath. "A demon is attacking the town below," he revealed.

Chifuyu's eyes widened upon hearing this. "This close? But I thought they had Wisteria?" she wondered. Sighing, Asahi explained, "They had a fire recently that burned them, so they were left unprotected," making her mother grimace.

"What do we do?" she asked, making the family grow silent before Shuhei gained a determined look. "I will go down there and help as much as I can," he said, making Chifuyu frown. "I will be careful, but I can't let them die," he said.

Nodding, Chifuyu hugged him before she turned toward Shirayuki. "Your father will-" she stopped herself when she saw her daughter nowhere in sight. "Where is Shira?" wondered Youkina before they heard rapid footsteps approaching.

"The Nichirin Sword is not here anymore," he said, making them look scared. "Don't tell me..." mumbled Asahi as Chifuyu's hand went to her mouth, and tears gathered in her eyes. "Shirayuki..." she called.

Shuhei gritted his teeth before turning toward the door. "Stay here. I will bring her back," he promised, motioning for Chifuyu to sit. "Let me come with!" demanded Youkina, making him glance at her. "I can help! I'm a fighter, too!" she said, making him pause.

"Okay, but if I tell you to run, you listen to me and don't hesitate," he ordered. Chifuyu and Asahi watched them leave with the same thought running through their heads.

'Please be safe and bring her back.'

To be continued

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