Alexandria Octavias

By SapphireRiddleSnape

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Alexandria Octavias life from her parents to her death. Follow along her life and live her pain, her joy, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 25

85 2 0
By SapphireRiddleSnape

Alex ran to her D.A.D.A. class as she fixed her tie. Alex walked in and knew she was late. "Ms. Octavias, your late and now have detention." The teacher purred in a sickly sweet voice. Alex sighed and found an empty seat beside Draco. "Now Vampires are extremely dangerous and cunning creatures," Alex got a bad feeling. "They, like Veela, are stunning but when a Vampire reveals their fangs their true nature is revealed." She looked around the room and her eyes landed on Alex. Alex swallowed hard. "Ms, Octavias, would you care to deminstraite?" She purred. Alex felt her gut dropped. "Excuse me?" Alex asked. "Seeing as you are a member of the oldest Vampire lineeage," Alex stood up and glared at her. "How dare you!" Alex shouted. Potter stood up. "Professor, you have no right to accuse Alex of such things." He spat angrily. "In fact, Potter... I do," she beamed as she looked around the room. "The students and parents of Hogwarts have a right to know that a Vampire is attending this school." She said in a sickly sweet tone. "But she isn't a Vampire, Professor Umbridge. Vampires can't survive in the sun and we have all seen Alex outside in the day and she eats food." Hermione said as she came to Alex's aid. "True, Ms. Granger, but Ms. Octavias is only half Vampire." Alex felt the tears build as everyone stared at her with fear, doubt, and disgust. "You have no right to these accusations!" Draco spat as he stood. "There not accusations when there true," she drew her wand in a flash and pointed it at Alex. Alex stepped into the isle and backed away. "For example... Silvercorperus." Alex raised her hands as the spell hit her. Alex screamed and hit the ground as she convulsed. "STOP IT!!" "HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" "PLEASE STOP IT!!" These were the veried responses from the three. Alex's eyes rolled up in her head as she convulsed violently. Umbridge stopped the spell and Alex laid still, not moving and not breathing. Hermione ran to her side and started to do chest compressions. "YOU KILLED HER!!" Potter roared. Alex then gasped for air, surprising and shocking everyone. Hermione helped her to her feet. Alex used the deak to steady her. "Move away from her, Ms. Granger." Umbridge warned. Alex turned and walked to the door, stumbling as she went. Alex stumbled down corridors and made it to the transfiguration room. Alex walked in as Minerva explained how to turn a pet into a silver goblet. Alex stumbled and grabbed a desk as Minerva stopped. "Mum..." Alex whispered and hit the floor. Minerva rushed to her daughter's aid and checked her pulse. "Someone go get the nurse!" Minerva shouted franticly as she pulled Alex into her arms.

Minerva stormed into Albus' office, interupting his conversation with Fudge. "She attacked Alex!" Minerva roared. Albus stood up. "Who, Minerva?" He asked, his protectivness seeping through. "Doloris Jane Umbridge, right after she exposed Alex's illness to the entire class!" She snapped. Fudge remained silent. Minerva turned on him. "Do something!" She demanded. Fudge cleared his throat. "Ms. Octavias is a Vampire and that should have been shared to the students before hand." He said politicly. Minerva stared him down with a fridged glare. "She is only half and has complete control over that side and has never nor ever been a threat to anyone's safety!" Minerva spat. Fudge just shrugged.

Alex walked into her common room amd everyone stopped and stared at her. Alex froze in her tracks. They all knew. A boy stood up. "So your a blood sucking whore, now that makes sence." He sneered. Alex glared at him. "How dare you!" She snarled. Parkinson stood up and got in Alex's face. "Find somewhere else to sleep, Vampire. No one wants you hear." She spat. "You have nothing to fear, I don't eat pugs." Alex hissed. Parkinson reached for her wand but Alex waved her hand and sent her flying backwards. Parkinson hit a table before hitting the floor. People started whispered even more. "Listen up, all of you!" Alex shouted, commanding silence. "I have never killed or fed off anyone. I am a animal blood type of girl and only the blood Hagrid supplies from his chickens!" Alex announced. "I am still the same Alexandria you all know... the only difference is you now know what I was fighting to remain secret." Alex said. "Vampire!" "Whore!" "Blood sucker!" They yelled. Draco walked in. How dare you all treat the Dark Lord's favourite like a mudblood!!" Draco roared. That shut them up. Alex was reliefed he said favourite instead of pet. "Draco, shut up!" Alex ordered. "I never want to here that halfblood's name used in the same sentance with regaurds with me." Alex spat. She then was hit with a spell that knocked her out.

Alex woke up tied up in a dark room. Alex tried moving her jaw but she found she was gaged. Alex moaned and tried to move but couldn't due to her hands and feet were bound behind her. The door opened and light poured into the room. Alex groaned and squinted her eyes. "Well, well, well. Look who is finally awake." Parkinson sneered. Alex saw three Slytherin boys walk in with her. There was a cool breeze and Alex shivered. She looked down and realized they took her robe off of her and she was just in her blouse and skirt. Alex struggled as they came closer. "She is all yours." Parkinson said amd left the room, shutting the door and leaving them in complete darkness. "I have always wanted to know how your breasts felt." A boy jeered. "Breasts? Try that ass." Another said lustfuly. Alex struggled even more. "You guys are thinking like boys, imagine what fucking her would feel like." Another hissed. They laughed as Alex finally removed the gag. She met their gaze as she lifted her head off the floor. "You are going to go find Professor Snape and tell him where I am and then you will go to the headmasters office and tell him what you have done and who was involved." Alex hissed as they relaxed and nodded, leaving the room. Alex laid her head back down and waited. The door opened again and in came Snape. He drew his wand and cut the ropes. He made her lay on her back as he checked her over for any wounds. Once he was satisfied, he helped her to her feet and guided her from the room.

Alex stood in her room and eyed Snape's door. She was wearing just a flimsy black nightgown and extremely horny and a touch hungry. It was around 2 in the morning and Alex really needed it. She got up and walked over to the door, opening it and turnin into her panther. Alex padded into the room and looked around to see no one was in there. Alex hopped up on the bed and sat there, staring at the door as her tail swayed. The door opened and in stumbled a very drunk Snape and a very sober Grubbyplank. Alex watched as the women kissed his lips desperatly. Alex grew fierious as she realized this bitch got him drunk. Alex stood up and let a growle escape her. The women gasped and stopped. Alex bared her teeth and let an angry meow escape her. The women tried backing out of the room but stopped when Alex hissed. Snape snickered and sat down on the couch. Alex hopped off the bed and readied herself to pounce. The women shreiked and ran as Alex chased her but stopped at the door. Alex head butted the door closed and turned on Snape. He laughed and it turned Alex on even more. It was a baritone laugh that shook her to the core. Alex padded over to him and hopped up on the couch. Alex turned back and straddled his lap. "Your mine." She snarled. He smiled cupped her cheek. "Always." He slurred. Alex moaned and viciously attacked his lips. He groaned as he pulled her closer. Firewhiskey was all she could taste. Alex broke the kiss causing him to pout. Alex laughed and snorted only to cover her mouth. Never had Snape ever pouted and no one would believe her if she told. Snape growled at her and flipped her onto the couch and was ontop of her in an instant. "You want to laugh do you?" He growled. Alex bit her bottom lip while nodding to keep from laughing even more. "Well, I don't want you to be embarrassed if..." Alex trailed off as Snape stared her down with an arched eyebrow. "Oh, please finish that sentance... I dare you." He hissed. Alex felt suddenly uncomfortable. "Well, Alchol effects a man's, er, performance and sometimes they finish earlier than intended to." Alex asked carefuly. Snape growled and viciously attacked her neck causing her to call out. Snape rubbed himself against her center. Alex was moaning and groaning and shreiking his name. "Now whom is going to... finish early." He hissed as he moved so he could see her face. Alex caught her breath and kissed his lips tenderly. "Your drunk, love." Alex whispered. He glared at her and pinned her hands above her head with one hand as his other slid down her side and rested it on her hip causing her to gulp. "This isn't fair, Severus. You wouldn't touch me when I was drunk so I will denie you the same." Alex said and almost regretted it. He arched an eyebrow again. "You dare to denie... me." He hissed. Alex shivered. "I-I do." Alex stuttered. He leaned down to kissed her chest but Alex moved in a blurr. She tripped and landed on her back in front of the fireplace. Alex groaned and sat up on her elbows. Snape got up with a chuckle. "And you call me drunk." He snickered. Alex glared at him. "I'm just hungry." Snape came to stand over her and started to take off his teaching robe. Alex swallowed hard as he tossed it to the side. His eyes smoldered as he stared into her eyes. Alex slowly laid back down on her back, her hair sprayed on the ground as he started to undo his frock coat. "I-I said no." Alex stuttered. He took it off and tossed it to the side. "Yes, I do have ears but your hungry." He then started unbuttoning his dress shirt and Alex watched his skillfull fingers glide of over the buttons, revealing bit by bit of the flesh she so very much desired. Alex's breath quickened as she watched his every move. He took off his dress shirt and let it hit the floor. Alex drew her knees up and pressed her thighs together. Snape got down on his knees and crawled to her. He parted her legs and crawled between. He kissed her lips as he braced himself with one hand while the other ran up and down her thigh. Alex groaned and kissed from his lips to his jaw line and to his neck where a vein pulsed quickly. She didn't realize he had taken off his trousers and boxers until he had slipped her nightgown off. Alex whispered something against his neck franticly. "Do you still want me to stop?" He purred and thrusted into her causing her to cry out. "Gods, no! Don't stop!" She shreiked. Snape moved in and out of her with long quick thrusts causing her to sink her fangs into his neck. He grunted as she fed and he moved faster. She was moaning against his neck causing shocks that when straight to his cock. He grunted and moved harder as Alex finished feeding and removed her fangs. Alex licked the tiny wounds and they healed. Snape kissed her lips as they both neared their climax. "Don't stop! Don't stop! Severus!!" Alex shreiked. He growled and gave it to her harder. He then pulled out and thrusted back into her hard and rough. They both cried out and fell to the floor as they climaxed. Snape stayed perfectly still, enjoying the feeling of having her beneith him. He pulled out and kissed her lips before flipping them so she was laying ontop of him. Alex laid her head on top of his chest. "I love you." Alex whispered sleepily. He smiled and sank a hand into her red locks. "I love you too." He whispered back. Alex smiled and snuggled into his chest causing him to smirk.

Alex was walking to the entrance hall when she heard Umbridge's voice. "Pardon me, Professor but what exactly are you insinuating?!" The women demanded. Alex ran past students and pushed through a crowd to see her mum confronting Umbridge. "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students AND my daughter, you conform to perscribed dissiplinary practices." She snapped and stepped up on the same step as Umbridge. Alex watched, not noticing the trio coming to stand beside her. "So silly of me but it sounds like you questioning my authority in my own classroom," the evil women took another step up. "Minerva." The women finished testily. "Not at all," Minerva stepped up on the same step as Umbridge. "Dolores, merely your medival methods." Alex moved forward but she felt Potter put a hand on her forearm. Alex pulled her arm away but stayed put. "I'm sorry, dear but to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extention, the Minister himself." Umbridge said it as if she were in love with him. "I am a tolerant women but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." She snapped. Minerva stepped down a step. "Disloyalty." Minerva said as if she were looking at a hypocrit. Umbridge took another step up and turned toward the crowd. "Things at Hogwarts are far wost then I feared... Cornilous will want to take immediate action." She announced. Alex took a step forward. "He may not care about my well being but he will care when I let slip to the daily prophet that your torturing students and then I can't imagine all the concerned parents's letters just piling up on yours and the Minister's desks." Alex said loudly. Umbridge turned her focus on Alex. "How dare you threaten the Minister!" She shreiked. Alex took another step forward, looking up at the women. "I see no Minister or a good leader for the magical world!" Alex took another step forward. "Just a scared man that is too afraid or too cowardly to open his eyes to the truth and put defences in place before we're all doomed because he failed as a leader!" Alex shouted. Some people nodded in agreement. Umbridge grew red with rage. Alex turned toward the crowd. "I have been hiding too long because I was afraid of what people might think of me if they knew what I was but after Voldemort," people gasped and/or flinched at the name. "Held me captive in my own home this summer... I realize that fear of something only increases the fear itself. So I am done being afraid and I am willing to die for a world that will shine brighter without him in it." Alex said. Some people shouted their argeement. Alex smiled and turned back to Umbridge, taking note on the pride in her mum's eyes. "Please, Professor Umbridge... stop being afraid and see the truth." Alex said with a soft expression. She had her wand out in a flash and Alex backed away as everyone gasped. Umbridge sent a spell towards her but Minerva stepped in the way. She was blasted backwards and Alex moved in a blurr, she caught Minerva before she hit a wall. She was out cold as Alex struggled to keep her up. Alex laid her down on the floor. "Mum?! Wake up, mum!" Alex cried as she shook her. Hermione ran over and checked her pulse, Alex couldn't think straight. She stood and turned on the women who looked bored. "You, ugly stupid toad!" Alex shreiked. The women grew angry. Alex moved forward as her fangs throbbed angrily. "She's alive, Alex!" Hermione called. Alex stopped. "You attacked my mother and your going to pay!" Alex roared and moved forward quickly but Snape appeared out of no where and stood between her and Umbridge. Alex was glaring murderously at her. "Move, Professor. I don't want to hurt you when I'm going to hurt that foul women." Alex hissed. "No your not, Ms. Octavias. Now go to your mother." He ordered. "But she-" Alex begain to argue. "Now." He barked. Alex stood up straight. "Yes... Professor." Alex spat and turned to attend her mother.

That night, she held Ms. Noris while Filtch hung up an educational decree, stating that Dolores Jane Umbridge had been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High inquistor. Alex knew it was an outrage but remained quiet.

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