The wrong star

By anabe23

112K 4.3K 844

Humans are back in Pandora and Miles Quaritch is one of them, at least some form of him. If they couldn't win... More

Become the enemy
Now we can't go back
I see you
We need a plan
Fight for the future
---1,000 reads announcement---
I knew it
------ bonus -------
Tulkun hunt
Everything goes to hell
Last deep breath
Happy new year
Black out
---10k reads---
---10k special Miles POV---
I'm different
Happiness is a fragile thing
They're coming
Time goes by
War preparations
New heir
Almost time
New life
author's note
what follows
author's note
----Journey, Miles's POV----
I'm not like you
Sister of the ocean
Trip back home
author's note
Kind of a family
Air view
Not blue
No signal
Have some faith
The battle of the halleluyah mountains
The hunt
author's note


2.1K 101 18
By anabe23

Neytiri and Jake try to keep Neteyam as awake as possible and we sit in a circle around them.

I'm still very worried but at least now his temperature is a little more warm.

I notice Spider outside the pod, but he's hiding, I signal for him to come here but he shakes his head.

I feel for him, I know he thinks of Neteyam as his brother but I also see the slash Neytiri gave him and the way he looks at her and quickly looks away.

"Come on," I mouth and signal for him to sit next to me but he shakes his head and goes away.

Kiri notices it and she gets up to after him. I sigh. Those two...

"Don't you think they should already be here?" Lo'ak asks me.

"I... don't really know how to keep track as they do," I say referring to Mile's watch or however Jake does it. "But I think it's been a while," I say.

Lo'ak only sighs in disappointment and keeps his eyes on Neteyam.

"Hey baby, don't close your eyes. Stay awake please, please, for me," Neytiri says in a soft voice as she takes his hand.

Neteyam murmurs something and Lo'ak purses his mouth. I want to tell him that it's okay to cry, but I think he won't appreciate it.

Jake's brows furrow when Neytiri begs Neteyam once more to please not fall asleep and then we hear it.

"Finally," Jake murmurs.

"I'll take them here, you stay with him," I tell him and I get up.

"Go with her Lo'ak," is Jake's response.

He gets up quickly and we get to the shore.

"What is this? What is these people doing here?" I hear the Tsahik talking, a few warriors at her back and his husband by her side.

"They're friends of us. They're here to help Neteyam," I speak.

The woman snickers at me.

"They've been here before and they weren't able to do anything. I can see I'm once again not appreciated," she says.

Tsireya comes to Lo'ak's side and he tells her something, then she goes after her mom.

"Follow me," I say when I see norm.

He is not such a stranger, he has always been around with Jake and for celebrations so at least he knows me. There are two other men behind him and they carry big boxes with I don't know what out.

We get to the pod and Jake and Neytiri make room for them.

"Come on Tuk," I say trying to get her to stand up and leave some space for them.

"I don't want to go, I want to be here for my brother," she says.

"We won't go, we just need to make some space for them okay? let's stand on this side," I say taking her hand and dragging her to my side.

Kiri and Spider haven't returned yet but Lo'ak is here, standing with his arms crossed as he watches over everything that they do.

I grow nervous by the moment when I see them remove whatever they were pressing on Neteyam's leg and all I see is blood. The smell so strong that I fear is on me now.

Neteyam screams when they touch the are and clean up whatever the Tsahik had put there first.

"Tuk, maybe we should go outside for a moment," I say.

"No! I'm staying for my brother!" She demands.

"Come here, Tuk," Lo'ak says calling her to his side. She goes there and takes his hand.

The fact that he lets her do it just tells me how scared he is.

I wish I had siblings...

They start putting all these machines around Neteyam and they have to hold him down, I kind of get that they have to open the wound and look for the bullet or something but his screams and the smell are unbearable to me right now.

I have to get out and get far before I throw up.

I've never been afraid of blood before, well not afraid but disgusted. I don't know why I'm being this way.

"You're too exhausted. It's not good for someone in your state," I hear a voice behind my back and when I turn back I see the Tsahik.

"I-I-..." She's kind of scary and I know that her husband didn't really want us here so, I have to be careful.

"I'm Ronal, the leader of the clan," She introduces herself.

"Thanks for taking me and my family here. I'm Anatuat," I say and make the I see you sign.

She only nods.

"How far along are you?" She asks looking at my belly.

"I... I'm not really sure," I say resting my hand there.

She comes close and starts circling me, then stops in front of me and I lean back my head a little, I'm still afraid of her.

"May I?" She asks extending her hand to my belly.


She puts her palm there and closes her eyes.

"Come, you need to be checked," she says taking my hand.

"Checked? for what? is there something wrong?!" I start to panic.

She doesn't start walking until we reach the biggest pod in the village.

"Lay down," she says.

"Wait but, is there something wrong?" I ask. I can feel my body starting to tremble a little.

"I just want to make sure it isn't. You've been on one of those things the whole time right?" She asks and points to the ship now lost at the sea.


"Well then, just let me check," she says in a more inviting tone.

I take a deep breath and do as she says. She takes some kind of sea shell and puts it on my belly then her ear to it.

I try to hold still but she's not talking to me. She puts that thing down and now sits, her hands over my belly again.

"When did you start to notice your belly?" She asks.

"Maybe... 70 eclipses ago," I answer.

"You're halfway there," she says with a small smile on her face.

"The baby is okay?" I ask sitting up a little.

"Surprisingly fine," she answers and I smile, my hand covers my mouth and all I can think about is that I want to tell Miles the good news.

"Thank you," I say.

"We should thank Eywa for it," she answers and rubs her own belly.

"Are you having it soon?" I ask.

"I think maybe a month," she says smiling.

"I'm very happy for you, Ronal" I say and make a signal of gratitude.

She returns it to me this time. She's not that scary anymore.

"Same goes to you,"

I smile nad then notice that her gaze goes to somewhere outside.

"Thank you for taking care of my cousin," I say. "Well, actually, for taking all my family in," I say.

"They're all very different from us," She says looking to the ground.

"And still I know they try," I add.

Ronal lifts her brow and looks at me, she purses her lips a little and clasps her hands.

"They have, yes," she admits and I smile.

"Thank you for checking on my baby, I must go and see how Neteyam is," I say.

"Very well," she says and I get up and wave once before going.

While I go there I notice Miles from afar, he's still cuffed and on his knees. I must set him free. He catches my eye and I can't help but smile, the news of our baby making me happier than ever.

He looks a little confused and I just make a signal to him that I'll go there in a moment.

I hurry to my family's pod and see that they are all holding hands.

"Please no..." I whisper.

Norm gets up and talks to Jake and Neytiri and I don't want to get close enough to listen. Neytiri cries a little and Jake hugs her tight to his side.

I get inside.

"We need to observe him very very carefully, if there's any complications we have to act immediately," Norm says.

"You can all stay here, Jake and I will see that the kids get another place for the night," Neytiri says.

I don't say anything as I stand beside them.

"We also have to make sure that it doesn't infect," Another man explains.

Neytiri and Jake nod. Jake keeps rubbing Neytiris arm and keeps her close, I see that she leans on him, with her body and her soul.

I want that for Miles and me too.

"How's he?" I ask them.

"They got the bullet out and had to stitch him, we need to keep an eye on him," Jake says.

"Let's trust that he will be okay, he has already beaten many ods," I say trying to bring some positive energy to them. 

Neytiri looks at me and nods, she extends her hand to me and I take them, I squeeze her hand in support.

"My cousin is strong, he will be fine. Let's all think that," I say to them. Despite what Miles told me, I really do think that he has already beaten some ods. I think he can make it. I will believe it.

"Thank you, Anatuat," Neytiri says.

"I'll speak to the chief and ask if you and the kids can stay somewhere else for the night," Jake tells me. I know he's still kind of mad at me and they find my situation with Miles weird so I don't know how to feel.

"I don't care but I don't know if you trust me," I say. It actually makes me a little sad to think about it, they're my family. I would never turn my back on them. i would never hurt them, I don't think Miles, My Miles wants to hurt them.

Jake sighs and hugs me to his side.

"We do trust you. I still don't get... whatever that is," he says making a hand gesture. "But I know you, I see you... I want to keep trusting you," Jake says.

"I don't like him, but that doesn't mean that I don't like you," Neytiri says.

Their words are a little soothing. Just a little. I still have to prove them that Miles is not the same and I know it.

"Very well uncles, I'll take care of my cousins, you keep an eye on Neteyam," I say.

"Let me talk to the chief," Jake says and goes away.

Neytiri and I stay there, Norm and the others are gone and Lo'ak, Tuk and Kiri are sitting down around their brother.

"I'm scared," Neytiri whispers to me and I see her mouth tremble.

"Aunt..." I say and wrap my arms around her.

"You are so strong, the strongest of them all. Your son is going to be okay, you must belive it," I say.

"That's not all I'm scared of," she says leaning back a little.


"That man. The people from the sky... even if he really wants to help us and be on our side, he's not the only one who came here. We still have to deal with him and I-" she stops talking and looks at her kids.

"I fear that any of my kids will get injured, our people... " she whispers. 

"We can talk about that tomorrow okay? you can hear Miles out and everything he knows, we can make a plan. For now, let's all try to be positive and save our best energy for Neteyam," I say. She takes it in and murmurs a yes to me.

We stay there for a little while, hand in hand until Jake returns.

"He told me Ronal will guide you to a new pod," He announces.

"Very well, I'll look for her, uncle," I say and murmur a goodbye as I go out.

I will go look for Ronal, but first I want to see Miles.

"Please let me talk to him," I say again to the soldier at the front and he makes a sign so they open up the formation a little.

"Is the kid alright?" Miles asks.

"Well they have to keep and eye out for him but... I guess he'll be fine. I want to think so. They're staying here to make sure of it," I say.

"Oh, I thought he was okay since you were smiling," he says and that brings back the smile.

"I have very good news," I say and grab his face with my hands. He raises his brows and his tail slashes nervously.

"Our baby is healthy and good," I announce.

Miles registers my words and tries to hug me, but he can't and he grumbles.

"I'll get you out of these," I say hugging him. He leands his head on mine.

"I knew our son had to be okay," he says in a firm tone.

"You think it's a boy now too?" I ask palyfuly.

"Well that's what you say all the time so, I hope he is," he says with a big smile.

I hug him again and stay there. I don't care that the soldiers see us, or that they heard, I don't care what they think of me for being with the prisoner, because all I care about is Miles and our son.

"God I want to hug you so bad," Miles laments.

"I think I got Neytiri to listen to you, but it will have to be tomorrow. I'll ask Ronal about where you're staying or what's gonna happen with you,"


"The clan leader, the wife of the clan leader," I explain.

"I don't care that much about me, you're okay? Sully's not being an asshole to you?" he asks.

"No, they told me they don't trust you but... they're okay with me," 

He purses his lips a little and tilts his head.

"I guess I can understand that," he says.

"I'll talk to them. I'll get you free tomorrow," I say.

"Just tell them not to kill me," he says and I know he is playing but I don't want to think about that, I smack his arm and one of the warriors snickers.

"I'll see you in the morning, love," I tell him.

He smiles to my words.

"Until then," he murmurs.

"Until then," I give him a kiss and I feel a pull to him, I don't want to go, but I need to. I need to talk to Ronal. I kiss him some more until I remember that we're surrounded by people and he's supposed to be a prisoner so I say goodbye again nd go look for Ronal.

I'm not able to talk much with her about Miles but she does guide me to a new pod where I later tell my cousins that we have to go and rest, that the first thing we'll do in the morning is come to see how Neteyam is.

During the night or well, during the time we try to sleep I hear Lo'ak  crying. I know him, he's too proud, to stubborn, to strong. So I know that he will appreciate it more if I leave him alone and pretend like I don't hear, but it breaks my heart.

Kiri decided to sleep a little far from me and Spider snuck in for a while but he ended up leaving, I don't know where. Tuk sleeps next to me, her body stretched in all directions and sometimes she murmurs brother.

I sigh. To be honest I can't sleep that well either. I know Lo'ak was able to sleep for a while but... I don't know if I could. Thinking about Neteyam, the people from the sky and wherever Miles was all night kept me awake.

Then the rays of sun start coming out and slowly I hear the village come to life, when I hear my cousins starting to get up I do too and we all head to see how Neteyam is.

Lo'ak stops at the entrance.

"What is it?" I ask him.

His lip trembles a little.

"What if he didn't make it while we slept?" he asks ina  whisper.

"Your mom and dad are just there, looking at him. I think he is okay, come on," I say rubbing his arm.

"Hi," I greet them, Jake and Neytiri look up.

"Hi," I hear Neteyam say in a hoarse voice.

"Neteyam!" Tuk screams and runs to his side on the floor.

Kiri doesn't say anything but hurries too.

"Brother," Lo'ak whispers and breaks out crying.

I smile and get close too, I don't want to make him feel trapped.

"What's up everyone?" Neteyam says, a little smile on his face.

Jake is fighting hard the tears and Neytiri is smiling wide as she takes her sons hand.

Thank you Eywa, for helping us once again. I pray in my mind.

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