
By JessicaLouAuthor

129K 6.9K 3.4K

{18+ COMPLETED} "I don't understand why you won't tolerate the idea when we're both about the same no-strings... More

Author's Note
Chapter One ~ March 2028
Chapter Two ~ March
Chapter Three - March
Chapter Four: March
Chapter Five ~ March
Chapter Six ~ March
Chapter Seven ~ March
Chapter Eight ~ March
Chapter Nine ~ March
Chapter Ten - March
Chapter Eleven ~ March
Chapter Twelve ~ March
Chapter Thirteen ~ April
Chapter Fourteen ~ April
Chapter Fifteen ~ April
Chapter Sixteen ~ April
Chapter Seventeen ~ April
Chapter Eighteen ~ April
Chapter Nineteen ~ April
Chapter Twenty ~ April
Chapter Twenty One ~ April
Chapter Twenty Two ~ April
Chapter Twenty Three ~ April
Chapter Twenty Four ~ April
Chapter Twenty Five ~ April
Chapter Twenty Six ~ April
Chapter Twenty Seven ~ May
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ May
Chapter Twenty Nine ~ May
Chapter Thirty ~ May
Chapter Thirty One ~ May
Chapter Thirty Two ~ May
Chapter Thirty Three ~ May
Chapter Thirty Four ~ May
Chapter Thirty Five ~ May
Chapter Thirty Six ~ June
Chapter Thirty Seven ~ June
Chapter Thirty Eight ~ June
Chapter Thirty Nine ~ July
Chapter Forty ~ July
Chapter Forty One ~ July
Chapter Forty Two ~ July
Chapter Forty Three ~ August
Chapter Forty Four ~ August
Chapter Forty Five ~ August
Chapter Forty Six ~ September
Chapter Forty Seven ~ September
Chapter Forty Eight ~ September
Chapter Forty Nine ~ September
Chapter Fifty ~ September
Chapter Fifty Two ~ October
Chapter Fifty Three ~ October
Chapter Fifty Four ~ October
Chapter Fifty Five ~ October
Chapter Fifty Six ~ November

Chapter Fifty One ~ October

1K 76 1
By JessicaLouAuthor

September - 2022

I stumble up the driveway in my heels, barely able to stay on my feet. I'm losing the will to stay upright, but I only have five more steps to get to the front door.

My head is buzzing, spinning slightly, a silly little smile on my lips. Wobbling as I stop, I reach into my purse to try and find my key.

"Where the fuck are you?" I grumble, scowling into the black abyss with no success. My hand scrambles down, into the bottom of the fabric, raking over my hairbrush and make-up, passing my phone, across the papers covered with boys mobile numbers. "Come on!"

The door in front of me is suddenly hauled open and I stumble back slightly, eyes wide as I look up. Oops! I woke someone up.

"Hi Mom," I squeak as she raises an eyebrow at the sight of me.

"Get inside, Rebecca," she orders and I nod, hurriedly trying to squeeze past her. I reach for the zipper on my boots, yanking it down and tugging the hideous footwear off, leaving them on the floor.

I go to stand up, nearly collapsing onto the floor before Mom grabs hold of my arms, hauling me upright and grumbling under her breath. I giggle, letting my head drop onto her shoulder as she leads me through to the kitchen.

"You are a nightmare, Rebecca," she tells me before depositing me on the stool next to the island.

"You wouldn't have me any other way," I slur slightly and she scoffs.

"I wish you wouldn't drink so much."

"Never gonna change."

"And why not?"

I shrug. "It's fun."

"Are you even going to remember this tomorrow?" Mom lectures and I force a fake smirk onto my face. The awful memories of what happened last month at college are still fresh in my mind. Not knowing what those boys did to me, whether I encouraged it, sickens me to my stomach.

"I'm not that drunk, Mother," I insist, knowing it's true. I know my limit, I know where I am, what I'm doing. I may be wobbly on my feet, but I can fight off anyone if the need arises. I will never put myself in that situation ever again. "I'll remember this lecture tomorrow." I smile.

"I worry about you."

"Well, don't," I counter. "I was out with friends at a party. There's no harm coming to me when Sav is there."

Mom hums before sliding a glass of water across the counter towards me. "Sav?"

"Yeah." I nod. "It was one of the old high school footballers having a party before the next college year kicks off properly and we all leave Edgewater once more."

"Footballers? Are Savannah and Brett still together?"


"And you spent all night with them?"

"Obviously." I grin at the fact I'm reassuring my mother that I was in safe hands all night.

I'm shocked when her face clouds over, clearly unhappy.

"What?" I exclaim, reaching out and taking a sip of the water.

"The Winters' are bad news," she insists and I shrug, scoffing.

"Brett's learnt from his mistakes," I reply. "He's better now. Brett treats Savannah right!"

Mom shakes her head, gesturing for me to drink up. "Blood is thicker than water, Rebecca."

I furrow my eyebrow at the words, confusion funneling through me. Before I can ask her what she means, she disappears out of the kitchen, heading up to bed and leaving me alone with a full glass of water and my tormented thoughts.


Present Day - October 2028

"Promise me you'll be good?" I plead with Ellis, holding my hands together in front of me as I beg him.

He smirks. "And if I'm not?"

"I'll throw your fucking ass in the trash," I snap and he grins.

"As long as you join me," he answers, wrapping his arm around my waist and making me stumble on the doormat.

"What? No! You're missing the point."

"I think I'm making the most of a shit situation. You can join me in the trash."

"Fuck off. You're so fucking annoying."

Ellis shrugs. "You're the one who invited me."

"And regretting it every. Single. Second," I snap and he smirks once more. "You know what, you should feel privileged to be here. I've never brought anyone else—"

"Rebecca," my dad's voice cuts me off and I turn on my heel, plastering a smile on my face. He's dressed in a formal looking shirt as he stands next to the open front door. I smile at the sight, knowing he's made extra effort to meet Ellis.

"Dad!" I exclaim with a grin. "How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm fantastic!"

"Haydon told me about your Instagram page taking off. I'm so proud of you," he replies and I smile.

"She's a genius," Ellis pipes up from beside me. Both Dad and I turn to look at him.

"You must be Ellis," Dad exclaims. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too." Ellis grins.

"I have some beers ready for us," Dad tells him. "Come on in."

We both step into the large entranceway, ducking down to remove our shoes as soon as we cross the threshold.

"Becky, your mom wanted some help in the kitchen," Dad says and I pout before scowling.

"Why?" I moan. "I'm an awful cook."

"I don't know. Haydon is in there too," Dad replies. I groan before nodding and head towards the kitchen. I glance behind me to see Dad pat Ellis on the back, herding him into the living room.

I grin. I hope Dad gives him a hard time.


Dad doesn't give him a hard time. In fact, Ellis and Dad are practically best friends by the time we sit down for the pasta dinner that Mom has prepared. They're laughing, drinking beer together. Even Haydon has joined them.

I should be happy. I should be absolutely buzzing that my family loves him.

But this is the first damn man I've ever introduced to them. I expected some grilling, maybe giving Ellis a hard time.

How wrong I was.

I pout, digging my fork into the saucy spaghetti and twirling it around before shoving it into my mouth.

Ellis catches my eye from across the table, a bemused look on his face as he watches me struggle to shove the long pasta into my mouth as elegantly as possible. I roll my eyes at him.

"So, Ellis, Rebecca tells us you work at a media firm," Mom exclaims and Ellis nods.

"I do. It's not the most fascinating work, but I enjoy coming up with designs for other people's products."

"I guess you'll be working on the advertising for Becky's designs soon." Mom grins, her eyes flitting towards me. I feel my cheeks redden.

Ellis' head drops to the table slightly before he speaks. "I have actually already spoken with my boss about how we could help her. He's very interested in how fast Becky is growing, and I've managed to cut our costs by half with my charming words," Ellis reveals and my mouth drops open in shock. He turns to me. "Only if you want to, of course."

I smile. Wow.

"That's so lovely of you, Ellis." My mom is instantly won over. I shake my head at Ellis, amused. He knows what he's doing. He can charm the fucking pants off of everything.

"Hey! I can publish an article about Becky, you know!" Haydon pipes up, clearly teasing our parents with their instant infatuation with my guest. I giggle as Mom's eyebrows rise in worry.

"I know that, dear. You're wonderful too!" Mom quickly exclaims. "Rebecca is very lucky to have both of you."

"You know, I'd be fine without them," I choose to add fuel to the flame. Mom's eyes look like they're about to burst out of her skull.

"Classic Becky," Haydon answers, smirking. "Going to do everything on her own."

"There's nothing wrong with having some help, Bec," Mom insists and I laugh before reaching out and placing my hand on hers.

"I'll accept both of their help," I assure her with a smile. "I can't believe what's happened with it the last two weeks. I need all the help I can get."

"I agree," Dad says. "We don't want you getting stressed."

"Too late for that, Dad." I grin. Hell, I was stressed back in March before I even got anywhere. Who knows how bad this is going to get now?

"At least your living situation is less stressful now," Mom comments and I cock an eyebrow. What?

"Excuse me?"

"Haydon tells me you're living with Ellis," Mom answers and I purse my lips, sitting back in my chair as my brother shoots me an apologetic look.

"I'm staying with him most nights of the week. That doesn't mean that all of my stuff is back at his," I comment and Mom nods slowly.

"It's only a matter of time though."

"Maybe." I shrug. "Who knows?"


"No." I drop my fork onto my plate as Ellis watches from across the table. "Don't 'Rebecca' me. Tell me what you're really thinking."

Mom huffs, wiping the edges of my mouth with a napkin. "You know how I feel. I'm glad you've moved out of the Winters' home."

I shake my head, letting out a low chuckle as I twirl my fork around my plate once more. "The Winters' home?"

"George was always a problem. What a father does always passes down-"

"You do realize that Brett's best friend is sitting next to you?" I snap, gesturing towards Ellis who's looking ridiculously fucking awkward. "And Brett is nothing like his dad."

Mom purses her lips before slowly nodding. "You need to distance yourself from-"

"You," I finish for her, standing up and dropping the cutlery to the table. "I have no idea what your problem is, Mom, but Brett and Savannah have kept me safe for years. They've always looked out for me, always cared for me. George was the fucking devil, but his son is not."

Mom looks slightly taken aback before nodding, dropping her eyes to her plate. She's given in. For now.

"Ellis, we're leaving," I snap. He quickly gets up, mumbling his apologies under his breath as I head for the hallway. Grabbing my boots from the floor, I tug them on, utterly furious, determined to escape into the fresh air.

What the hell is her fucking problem? Why does she keep doing this? I don't understand. Brett is nothing like his fucking dad. Let it go. Move the fuck on...

"Becky." Dad appears in the hallway. "I'm sorry. I don't know..."

"It's okay, Dad." I smile at him. "I just need a bit of space."

"I'll talk to her," he tells me and I nod.

"I'd appreciate that."

"It was good to meet you, Ellis," he tells his new friend. I grin as they shake hands and turn to leave, just as my brother pops his head into the hallway.

"Mind giving me a ride?" he asks and I simply nod before heading out into the cold. I shiver as Ellis wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his breath tickling my ear.

"I will be," I answer honestly. "What about you? It's your best friend she was bashing." I scoff and he shrugs.

"I didn't live on the same street as George Winters for twenty years though."

I sigh, unlocking the car and shaking my head. "It's no excuse."

We all slide into my car, silent as I pull away from the house. Haydon tells me to head towards a town on the other side of Edgewater and I cock an eyebrow at the unfamiliar address, but keep driving quietly, not willing to talk.

It's over ten minutes later when Ellis and Haydon strike up a conversation, discussing the recent football game between themselves as I drive along the windy roads, trying to focus on the way the tarmac looks in the night, trying anything to stop thinking about how rude my mother was.

I don't understand.

I just don't get why she's so against the entire Winters family.

Nothing makes sense...

"Turn left here," Haydon instructs and I quickly turn, scowling in the rearview mirror.

"You left that fucking late."

"Sorry." He grins. "Alright. Here."

I pull up next to the sidewalk and Haydon opens the door.

"Thanks for the lift, Bec," he tells me and I nod. "Try not to think about what Mom said. She's clearly going through something, but Dad will get her out of it." He smiles and I nod, not saying another word. My brother shuts the door behind him before heading down the winding path beside the apartment building we've stopped beside.

"Are you going to head off?" Ellis asks from beside me as I squint my eyes after my brother, trying to see where he's going.

"In a minute," I reply absent-mindedly. "I just want to see where he's going."

"You're the worst sister," he comments and I roll my eyes. Haydon stops at the nearest yellow door, reaching up and knocking on the door. It's only ten seconds before a small brunette opens the door. My jaw drops open as she hugs him and they disappear inside.

"Oh my god," I breathe out before laughing and smacking my hand on the steering wheel.

"What? You know her?" Ellis asks and I nod, turning the engine on and smirking.

"He's sleeping with Elena."


"Sav's roommate from college!" I remind him before grinning. "She's going to be so excited."

Ellis furrows his brows. "Sav is Haydon's ex-girlfriend."

I shrug. "They've always wanted the best for one another."

Well, at least there's a highlight to an otherwise awful evening.

And at least Dad likes Ellis.

You gotta start somewhere, right?

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