Thorns Around Roses

By callyhhh

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mature More

the call
the passengers
the visit
trouble knocks
state of mind
the turn
sharp snatch
IT'S halal.
Sweet et sour
Two can play.
the visitors
turn of event
love like
exposè et conceal
the 3rd wife.
flames to blaze
Everyone is a narcissist.
her royal highness
Royal highness(2)

cover lick.

24 4 3
By callyhhh


" I stabbed fahad to death" she said. I felt something go down my spine.
What's the meaning of that.
  actually, I  called to inform her how everybody was talking about her outfit., they all admired everything she wore, how she carried herself, also the absolute way she welcomed fati warmly, regardless of their differences. she embraced her. But right now, it seems my ear didn't hear well. I dropped the call,  took a deep breath and sat on the nearest sofa.
what if it's a joke. A lame joke indeed. I called again. After so many rings she picked

" sana I know you would never joke like that. but please tell me it's a joke"

" he was going to .............. rape me" with that, I could tell that, it's for real. My eyes wide like saucers. I immediately took my car keys and headed out

" ango where are you going to? amarya is waiting for you" I froze in my track, it was my mum. I needed to be cautious of what to say coz I still don't believe it's true.

" my baby, come and see your bride, She's eager to see you too." Aunty ainau said

" sana is out I think, she got the memo and gave you some space" another aunty said

" she knows better not to interrupt"they added. aunty ainau came forth and took me by the arm, we walked to one of the guest rooms. Fati's friends and cousins where all seated waiting for me. I looked at everyone and didn't know what to say. My thoughts are with sana. I am scared before she does something more crazy happens or someone finds out. What if it's still a joke just to gain my attention.

" sir ,  abamu kudi siyan baki da kudin sallaman kawayen amarya" I still didn't say anything because I am still not with them

" khalifa khalifa khalifa" my aunty kept calling my name.  hamza had to tap me.

" lapia" he whispered and I nodded

" khalifa why are you absent minded" my mum said and that called for everyone's attention, I looked round and every one was staring at me.

" I was taken by her beauty and realising how lucky I am" I lied

" awwwwwn" most people shouted.  However, my friends know for a fact that, that's a blatant lie. So I faked a smile

" salim please take care of everything I want to go get the chicken "

" you don't have to do it urself. Why are we here?

" NO!!!" I almost shouted.

" ah calm down masu amarya. No be querell"

"u don't know where to get it from"

" there is no chicken spot I don't know in this city"

" don't say that" I said

" okay fine.  you should send fahad the location since he is still out"

" yeah, he said he would be joining us shortly.  any moment he will show up" gang. my heart pounded very fast. I became uncomfortable.

"Fine. let me call him " I pretended and hoped silently he picks. I sincerely hope he isn't dead. I put the phone to my ear and it rang several times no reply. Indeed he is dead,
I stood froze in my track

" is he not picking" they asked bringing me back from my thoughts. I nodded

" that's unusual of him. Wayan shi kullum ajikinshi kaman wani  mai aikin mtn." One of their cousins said.

" he must be busy " I said. I leaned in further and told salim and the others to please handle the situation.

"You know it's gonna be a loooongggg night for us to merry" I said trying my best to play present, but my soul had left my body already.  I need to see sana before anyone does.

" khalifaaaaaa my baby how can you be so shameless" one of my aunties said. Every smile, i felt uncomfortable.

"let me go get the chicken. Try not to sleep now okay. it might take long enough though, Maybe late at night, however  I will  make sure to be fast "
I said

" keep your  whole self for me" I  added

" what type of chicken is that"saeed asked

" the type newly wedds eat"

" awwwwwwwn " they shouted

" she wouldn't dare" her friends said. With that, I managed to escape from them. Huh I said.

" keys" I said to my drivers and ordered my escorts to quit for the night. Then I zoomed off

" get the f* out of my way" I said shouting on the steerimg wheels  because my heart Keeps beating fast. I drove  like a flash until I was in the premises. I entered the compound and stood in front of the front door. I prayed and calmed my self as possible .
Don't panic. I walked in. everywhere was dark.
I used my phone light, walked into the bedrooms, toilets, passed the corridors and hallways and didn't see sana, then I remembered she said stab,  that should  be in the kitchen. I got there and switched on the lights just to see  fahad lifeless on the floor and sana sitting in the pool of blood with a knife in her hand about to stab her self after sustaining an injury on the hand

" heeeyyy"

" don't come any closer" she said but I walked  two steps closer

" hey!!!!" She shouted

" don't come any closer. I have reached my decision. "

" if you did, you would have stabbed your self before i showwd up long ago."
blood was also dripping from her hand.

" I chose to die"

" why"

" I don't owe you an explanation"

" I beg you to tell me why you chose this"

" because I will go to jail, no one would ever believe me, your  families are influential, I would never win a court case against them. Every one would see me as a murderer. I am a bad luck, a shame, an omen." She said as she cried out. Tears pour and blood drip.

" sana"

" I know it's not any better with you.  It's best I exit the face of the earth"  she added

" it's fine. It's okay if this is what you want, but I only have one question. WHAT WILL YOU TELL ALMIGHTY ALLAH."

" khalifa I just have to go...... this life is not for me. I have suffered more than I can bare"

" walahi that other life is not any better if you go in like This. Sana look at me, our lives crossed for a reason, you know GOD will never leave you like this, he will definitely show mercy on you and reward you for your endurance. I know this journey is way beyond what we expected but I will never leave you alone.  I will always be by your side. Sana please I beg don't do this."

"I don't want to go to jail......." she cried more

" who says you are going to jail" and her eyes popped out.

" sana you did what you had to do in your defence. It's called self defence. " I said walking slowly towards her until she was within my reach. i grabbed her hand firmly taking away the knife from her.

" this can never be a life I wish for you" i said pulling her to my self.

"Everything will be fine.   okay......." I said stroking her hair.

" it's not okay"

" nace it's going to be okay"

" what do we do now" she asked being curious

" any moment, rubbers will come into this house"

" I don't understand"


" you will"  he said

I watch him retreat from the embrace, then he removed his kaftan top and wore it over my head. He used my torn clothes to bandage my arm,

"After you came in where and where did you enter" clinging to my self, I feebly replied

" parlour, bedroom , and he pursued me to the kitchen."

" did you touch anything"

" no, I was merely looking at them except for my frames"

" that's good for a start" he said. I watch him pick a kitchen towel, then walked round. He srubbed every possible place I might have come in contact with. He cleaned even the handle of the knife. Then he asked me to move and stay next to the fridge. He picked the small wooden  pistol and broke the window glasses, he tore the net mercilessly and scattered some few things around making the whole place messed up creating a rubbery scene. I watch in utmost surprise coz I don't believe it. He picked my torn clothes and anything that seems recognisable of me. Once we got to outside, he took my keys and cleaned the doorknob

" muje" he said as he sets the house alarm in 20 minutes.

" I need you to get in your car and drive as fast as you can directly behind me. Don't give  space for any car to get in our mid, once we get to the first round about, we split ways,  reduce your speed limit and go wait for me at BELLMORE, I will join you shortly.
Move now before the alarm rings" I nodded and we left leaving the gate open. I did my best at speeding and we did split ways as instructed. I got to the hotel and waited in the parking lot. My head was on the steering wheels and I cried a river.


She did what she had to do. i  said to myself. I drove quietly as I had busy thought and. it's resulting to headache, I went to the pharmacy and got every thing I needed to stitch her injury, also, I got her some new jalabiy. Then I drove to the hotel.
her car was in sight since the lights were on. I parked next to her and swung into her car. she was still crying and I can understand. So I helped her change  outfit and I also changed mine. we both smell blood. I picked her up. Once i opened the door, I took her straight to the bathroom, I stitched her arm and we both just sat in the bathtub.
i still have to go home and it's already midnight.

" hey this is what i want you to do for me. You have to brace your self and don't do anything funny.  I will reach you tomorrow IN SHA ALLAH. please have a night rest"I said pecking her on the forehead.  her eyes were watery but I had to go. I know this is the time to stay up all night and tell her everything Is going to be okay. However, I do have to go.
I wish I could do better.  I walked out with a heavy heart.
On my way,  I got the nearest chicken I could see.  I told him to make a special kind of yaji. I guess the difference is in the yaji. 
                       Once I got home,  i took a deep breath and had to act normal, more than normal. I had to pretend happy when I feel in reverse.  I got into the house quietly using the back door and managed my self to her room. I didn't see anyone,  I went back to my room and changed into my pyjamas before going down to see everyone gathered in the big parlour  looking all sober. My eyes met with my mum and she called out my name

" khalifa" she said

" what's wrong"

" fahad is dead" she said.  Guy Act. I said to my self.

" I don't understand"

" he was stabbed to death"

" it's a fucking lieeeeee"

" walahi" aunty aina said. I looked round and indeed a death news has been passed.

" who did that" I asked as I went further to sit next to fati who is covered in tears.

" ace rubbers. the neighbours said they heard when they took off but didn't know when they came in and attacked him. They claimed they  heard loud outburst of glass breaking"

" this is unbelievable" I said.

" they said  when they heard the alarm, they came in as quick as possible to see a dead body in pool of blood"

" this is frightening"  I listened attentively to my handwork making sure I didn't make a mistake or leave a clue.

"  Ahmad I need you to deploy some boys over there" and he nodded

" yes sir"

"I need a thorough search and let the forensic department be involved as early as possible tomorrow morning"

" yes sir"

" I need you all to calm down. we all had a long day. May ALMIGHTY ALLAH console us all.  for his family, I pray that ALMIGHTY GRANT you all the fortitude to bare this loss. "  with that every one staggered to their rooms. I held fati by the arm and we walked to the room. I know this most be a day to remember forever. Still in her wedding stress, I helped her change into her night wears. We both sat on the bed and she leaned on me while I draw soothing circles on her back

" it's the worst day of my life"

" me too" i said as my thoughts are with sana.

" Oh ALLAH SHOWER YOUR MERCY ON SANA, you know sana would never ever do that with a different intent. It was a matter of protecting her chastity" I prayed and a tear dropped from my eyes. I looked down and fati has managed her way to sleep. I slipped out of bed and disguised myself. I took my car keys and went straight to the hotel. just as expected, she was praying whilst crying and I waited couple of more minutes,
once she said her salam, I quickly engulfed her and together we both cried. I was crying because I feel her pains in triple fold. I can't remember when last I shed tears but today is exceptional.

" tomorrow as early as possible, Ahmad will personally take you home"

" has he been found?" She asked

" I went in time the news was sent in"

" you did what you had to do sana" I said again.
We didn't sleep. Once it was fajr I ran back home and mixed with others as they were coming out of the masjid. We walked back in quietly as everyone was sobber. Baba gathered us all and we got ready for the funeral. the number of people that turned up was quite amazing. Sunrise has began. His family stayed back and prayed for him but after a few minutes, I was left with his father next to his grave.

"MAY ALMIGHTY Forgive you fahad" I said out loud to his father's hearing

" AMEEN.He was a nice son but I don't know how he got obsess with that girl. He barely even know her much. He is always going to that house" he mentioned

" and the house became his death" i stated

" that useless girl deceived him"

" with all due respect sir, that's my wife"

" I hope she didn't kill him"he said and my heart raced round 360

" lol" I faked a perfect smile

" I heard rubbers attacked him "

" skilled rubbers like that walk with guns for smooth operations not cheap knife"

" that must be a joke coz rubbers walk around with all sort of weapons "

" I believe it's an inside job"

" fahad is nice to everyone" I said

" air comodore, I wish you visit the scene yourself. Why would the rubbers chose to use the kitchen knife not a small dagger .  they had to come get their weapon in the house. They are too skilled to not be prepared"

" hmmmm"I said

" i must see to the end of this investigation" he concluded

" you should" I said.

"We should go"

" I will stay a little" I said and he left, leaving me behind

" MAY ALMINGTY FORGIVE YOU" I said again before  for taking my leave. I walked slowly to the car lost in my thoughts. The condolence visit was held in fati's parents house, so before going home, my brothers and I went to give our condolences to his mum, after that, we went home to get showered then join them later on. I know I will have to split myself into equal half. I have to  Be there for them both. I walked into the house slowly and staggered to the room fati was taken to.
Once I stepped in, I dived on the bed

" he was the best brother I ever had" she said still In her praying position

" MAY ALMINGTY FORGIVE HIM "  I said. She was going to talk more but I was to tired for that, the best I could do was invite her to bed

" Dr please come over here" and she did with eyes full of tears. I made her lie next to me and wrapped my hands around her.  I sniffed into her hair

" sleep a little please, you cried throughout last night "

" he has been devasted after sana left him. Nobody knew he was this obsess about sana. He was always going there. He made sure the house was kept tidied up. Twice a week he sends in cleaners to clean and dust the place." She informed and that explained why everywhere looks tidied up.

" but I thought you all didn't support her coming into his life"

" I wouldn't have had a problem with her, even when you said I should look after her in that hotel when she was sick. However, the moment I saw her wearing that sweat shirt I gave you as a gift, I felt demeaned and angered. then she was going to marry my brother,

" you promised her hell"

" you married her to show me hell"

" what you didn't know is that, i let her go and ignored whatever I felt for her,   that didn't stop you from threatening her.  I couldn't stand  all of you bounce on one person on my course.  Just like I would protect you, I will protect sana with all of my life."

" I know you love her more" she said and I didn't answer her, instead I pretended to be fast asleep.
I slept for about 5 minutes and my eyes popped open. My head aches, I couldn't sleep. All I could think of was sana. How is she today? her heart must be heavy. I stood up quietly, just in time as the maids were stepping in to cleaning.

" dispose that chicken. Eat it or give anyone who wants to eat." I walked into the bathroom and had a nice shower and  prayed some nawafil. I was still in my praying position when her eyes opened

" you didn't sleep" she said

" I couldnt"

" I want to make a request"

" I am all ears "

" please allow me go home for a week" MASHA'ALLAH  I said in my mind knowing fully well I wanted to escape

" I understand" I said

" but you must have your bath and eat first then I will  drop you off"

" thanks" she said. After zuhr, I took her home,  stayed there abit, then I left. Immediately, i  travelled down to sana's house.

" I think it's high fever" her dad said. As she lie under the blanket.

"  Hafsat would be at your disposal" the mum said. The both parent excused us.
             locking the door, I joined her in bed,  turning her towards me, she buried her face on my chest and i wrapped my hands around her.
         Her body temperature has risen to 100 degrees. Her face swollen, I couldn't recognise her

" I  couldnt sleep" she said

" me neither"   i said drawing soothing circles on her back.  I reached for my phone and that was when I realised I haven't seen it  all day, inshort, since last night. Did I leave it at home ?

" I called several times  this morning but you didn't pick "   my  head banged. The last time I saw that phone was during that fuse at fahad's house when I received salim's call.


" what has happened "

" I think I mistakenly dropped the  phone at the crime scene"

" INNALILLAHI   we are dead". She said


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