The Return of the Supreme Bei...


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The Supreme Beings' Return. if before their final farewell, 41 Supreme beings appeared. ~~I don't even know... More

Chapter 1: The end or is it?
Chapter 2: The Beginning
Chapter 4: Touch Me's Justice
Chapter 5: Be Careful and never underestimate
Chapter 6: A big disappointed
Chapter 7: Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 8: The idea of parenting
Chapter 9: More idea
Chapter 10: Third talk
Chapter 11: This and this
Chapter 12: Quest!
Chapter 13: Poor Goblins
Chapter 14: The Luck
Chapter 15: The Cute
Chapter 16: About Time
Chapter 17: The Silence is Deafening
Chapter 18: Lucky Day
Chapter 19: Left Of Center
Chapter 20: Deserving
Chapter 21: Dreaming
Chapter 22: Suffer!
Chapter 23: Madness Eternal
Update Story
Update Story of the Chapters
Supreme Being Character Sheets
Chapter 24 (ReWrite): The Monopoly Showdown
Chapter 25 (ReWrite): The Lizardmen's Resolve
Check out my other stories
Chapter 26: Unmasking the Enemy
Chapter 27: Revelation of the Puppeteer

Chapter 3: The Expirement

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Can't find exact image from the meeting room with the Supreme being. Imagine they are on the sit perspective chairs.

The supreme beings had teleported to their meeting room as they sit in their respectives chairs and look around to check if no one here or outside to eavesdrop, then they sigh deeply."I'm so tired…" Momonga said. "You're not alone Momonga, ugh why do they think of us so damn highly?" Touch Me added as Ulbert said. " Yeah to them, we were like the most important people in the entire planet." Ulbert said in a rather dramatic tone. "They describe a different people for crying out loud." Nishikienrai said while rubbing his head. "So what shall we do now?" HeroHero ask Momonga respond. "First we must experiment, Ulbert's [Summon Lesser Demon] was the proof of that things have change." Momonga said in a serious manner. "Tabula and Ulbert shall test with spells alongside myself to see the changes while Peroroncino, Warrior Takemikazuchi, and Nishikienrai to test with skills." Momonga said looking Bukubukuchagama, Touch Me and HeroHero. "You three would oversee the process of protecting Nazarick." they nodded at Momonga. "Okay let's begin!"

It's been two hours since their meeting as for now Ulbert figure out that when they summon a demon they can be permanent if the levels of evil karma get too high which is awfully easy since Momonga and him have a really high evil karma and the fact that most of the servants in Nazarick much to the joy of Ulbert. "Yes I can finally create a demon army to my likings!" Ulbert said fanatically which got attention of Tabula and Momonga. "Ulbert? Are you okay" Tabula said which stop the laughing. "I don't know actually like I never been this malevolent since never actually." Ulbert said confused by his slight change of personality. Then Momonga found out why. "Maybe it because of your race and class Ulbert since they're the evil maybe it affecting you in someway" Momonga explain to them. "Yes it could be possible, I feel like I want to create something real bad."

Tabula said reason of this is because he is alchemist, a class that specializes potion creation, one of his job level is scientist being job that capable of adding buff and special skill which correspond to his alchemist class one of these skill is called [Create Abomination] which allows him to create any creature with levels varies with body parts of different species typically the level limit is 60 but then two of his job came to play which increase the power of his skill, philosopher's stone and Ultimate Brain eater are very powerful job which greatly increase power of his alchemist career and racial ability it is had been stated in the lore that a those with philosopher's stone job becomes addicted to create thing Everyone realized that Tabula is now addicted. "Great I'm addict" Tabula said in a grumble voice.

In the other room another test has finished. "So okay some of my skill now have longer range somehow" Nishikienrai said wondering how does he know how to use kunai and ninja techniques in one skill. "Yeah I never practice archery and yet here I am shooting arrow with unnatural accuracy" Peroroncino said while looking at his dummy target which is now a pincushion. "Yeah like you I never practice any weapon and somehow I used it with the skill that could make a master seem like a novice and that urge for a fight never seems to stop." Takemikazuchi said reason of this urge because of his job level true warrior lore, stated that the true warrior were the most skilled and most powerful warrior it had been that they have a urge for combat every time. "A nephilim that is very bloodthirsty huh, just don't go around challenging everyone you see okay?" Peroroncino said while earning a chuckle from Warrior Takemikazuchi.

Touch Me overseeing the trees that would be covering the tomb for camouflage they are not yet finished but for now he should come back to the meeting room. When he got there he sit down for a bit and sees Bukubukuchagama and HeroHero talking to each other of the events that transpire. "Hey can you guys tell me what does it feel to be a slime?" Touch Me said in curious tone. "Oh beside the constant hunger and forced to wear a ring to keep you full, it's pretty weird with this type body I'm surprised that I can control with ease and talking too." Bukubukuchagama answer as while HeroHero said. "Yeah we can also control our acid to make sure we don't burn anything and shaping our forms is by far weirdest feeling we ever feel in our life." Touch Me got curious over changing shape. "Wait a minute can you guys change forms to a human like Solution?"

Touch Me said giving an idea to Bukubukuchagama and HeroHero they thought hard as soon as they think about changing they began to shape themselves to human shape, when they're done they had a shape of a human but not the skin they thought about the skin and it worked. "It worked! Here let me show Touch Me picked a mirror from his inventory to show them they seem disheartened at their forms. "What wrong you two?" Touch Me said in a worry tone."I can't change my form to that of my human body…" HeroHero said while Bukubukuchagama said. "Me too I can't seem to change to my human body." Bukubukuchagama began to change forms every time until she realized something. "Wait a minute… If I can change any form maybe I can…" Bukubukuchagama said before changing again only this time smaller as soon as when she finished she looked like a lolita she smile until Touch Me and HeroHero just tell her. "No." They said. "Why not!" She respond. "Trust us Bukubukuchagama just change back before Peroroncino see you or else he going to have a heart attack"

"Hey guys what are you doing he- WHAT THE HELL?!" Peroroncino scream as all of their comrades immediately came into the room in Peroroncino defense until they saw Bukubukuchagama changing formed to different Lolitas as Peroroncino looked like he going to have a heart attack. "Okay Bukubukuchagama stop with the changing before Peroroncino's heart explode." Bukubukuchagama huff at Touch Me until changing back to her slime form, Peroroncino calm down before telling his sister. "Don't do that again!" he said dramatically before Momonga said. "Guys maybe we should got outside to see what it like and take a breather okay."

Momonga said gaining an approval from everyone as they teleported into the first they walked up the stairs

until they three demons which belong to Demiurge who walked in surprised by their appearance.

"Oh my lords, I didn't expect you to come up here." Demiurge and his demons bowed to the supreme beings. "Demiurge? What are you doing here?" Ulbert ask Demiurge. "Albedo wants to meet me outside to have a discussion regarding of the forest, that is going to be finished." Demiurge respond he then ask. "My lords I apologize for asking but where are you going?" "We wish to see outside and get a better view of where we are." Momonga said. "Many apologies, my lords but can I accompany you?" everyone got curious. "Why is that? We are obviously capable of defeating any type of foes that come in our way." Warrior Takemikazuchi said, it was not arrogance or confidence, but the truth. "Very likely, however us guardians must a least accompany the supreme beings to secure their safety please." Demiurge explain.

"Very well then Demiurge you will accompany us for a time being." Ulbert said Demiurge bowed as the supreme beings and their guardian come out and then they see the most beautiful night they ever see.

Some of them used [Fly] while those who don't used magic used the ring of same spell to get up there Demiurge turned into a his real form and flew up with them.

The supreme beings marveled the night sky it was unlike anything they see sure the sky in the Colosseum was beautiful but this was beyond that. "Blue planet would lose his mind over this." Peroroncino said earning a chuckle from his comrades. "It's hard to believe that this world is real. This is like a chest of jewels" Momonga said earning a response from Demiurge. "Perhaps it is. I believe the beauty of this world exists to adorn my lords." Demiurge said bringing back some old memories of when Ulbert and other guildmates joke about taking over a world. "Perhaps you're right my creation. Perhaps the reason that we have come here it to claim this chest of gold which only belong to us." Ulbert said while reaching the sky and pretending that he grab some stars. "No, this is not something we can claim for ourselves. Perhaps these are meant to adorn the Great Tomb of Nazarick; ourselves, and Ainz Ooal Gown." Momonga said earning a look of surprise from his friends."What a moving statement. If that the will of supreme beings then by your command I shall lead Nazarick's forces to claim this chest of jewels. I Demiurge would like nothing more than to present this chest of jewels to my lords." Demiurge finished his saying everyone chuckle at his devotion and loyalty to them. "As long as we do not know anything about the beings which live in this world, I can only say that your idea is foolish. However conquering this world might be interesting." Everyone chuckle his comment they looked down and see the forest camouflage is complete

"Oh mare has finished the camouflage, I knew he could do it." Bukubukuchagama said while looking around to see her creation. "Yes this is a perfect camouflage! Archer and assassins can hide in newly made forest trapping and keeping everyone out maybe we should make some poison swamps and pits capable of holding warriors to surprise intruders with brute force. " Nishikienrai said while earning a clap from Demiurge. "Remarkable expertise, lord Nishikienrai I doubt even a army can take it down without experiencing major losses to their side." Demiurge said praising Nishikienrai for his idea of adding swamps and the pit. "No matter forest is done, we should reward Mare for his accomplishments, Demiurge what do you suggest?" Warrior Takemikazuchi said. "I believe a thank from a supreme beings will be the finest he can receive, my lords… my deepest apologies, I suddenly remembered something I have to do. As for Mare…" Demiurge said while bowing. "It's fine. Go, Demiurge." Ulbert said. "Thank you very much." Demiurge fly off. "Momonga are you really interest with taking over the world?" Touch Me said asking if Momonga was indeed joking. "No i'm just joking, however I'm am planning to do something that have to do if there other players like us or maybe if our friends is here too." Everyone realized that maybe they are other players around too. "Let just go to Mare and talk about this in the meeting room okay." HeroHero said everyone agreed and fly to place where Mare is.

"Oh Mare!" Bukubukuchagama said in happy tone. "M-my lords w-welcome." he said. "Mare don't be nervous, we just here to praise you for servitude." Tabula said which surprise Mare. "Mare, your work is very important we need to have some defensive procedure against the inhabitant who could potentially be level 100 we must be prepare for everything." HeroHero to explain Mare . "Yes my lords I apologize for not understanding!" Mare bowed to the supreme beings. "Very good. Then, for your hard work, I shall give you a reward." Momonga said which shock Mare. "How, how could I accept such a thing? I was simply doing my duty!" Mare said while Momonga responded. "Nonsense you deserve a reward for your good performance." Momonga said which didn't calm down the young dark elf. "It, It not like that! We exist to give our all for the supreme beings, so working hard is only to be expected!" Mare said while trembling. "Mare, it not really that bad for a servant to have a reward." Bukubukuchagama said which calm down Mare. "I-is that really alright?" Bukubukuchagama later show the reward to Mare. "Bu-Bukubukuchagama… "I can't accept that!"

Mare said while repeatedly shaking his head.

"T-that the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown! Only supreme beings can have it!" Bukubukuchagama was shock how the Mare tremble at the reward."Mare, calm down teleportation is blocked in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and that generates all kinds of inconvenience." Ulbert said as Mare gained his composure. "You have to understand that incase during an enemy attack,the Guardians will command their respective floors and the ability to move around freely to insure that they could get there quicker instead of being slowed down by the tomb, therefore we give this ring to you." Ulbert said before letting Momonga explain. "Mare, we are pleased with your loyalty. At the same time, we understand your reluctance as an NPC to accept this ring which symbolizes us. However, if you truly understand our intentions, you will accept our orders and this ring with them as for the other in time we give the rings to them so don't worry." Momonga said while calming Mare. "V-very well then, My lords." Mare take the ring and put it on earning a smile from his masters.

"My lords, I'm glad to see you." Albedo appear to the supreme beings alongside of Demiurge. "Ah Albedo and Demiurge what did you two discuss in the first floor?" HeroHero ask. "Lord HeroHero, Albedo and I were talking about the defense we should put on the forest, we were thinking on using lord Nishikienrai tactics to further ensure the security on the forest." Demiurge answer while earning a chuckle from Nishikienrai. "I see... what brings you here you two, from that looks it seems you want to ask a question." Peroroncino said. "We just wanted to ask, how many archer and assassins we should put in position in the forest?" Albedo ask. "More likely hundred, about the pits? Warrior Takemikazuchi said while asking the two Guardians. "We will more likely have to pick a place perfect for a ambush, once we get that done we will look for perfect candidates."

Demiurge said earning smile from Takemikazuchi. "Ah yes we were planning to give you this" Tabula said giving his creation a ring while Ulbert did the same at first the two Guardians were dumbstruck at what they see now. "My lor-" Demiurge tried say but Ulbert interrupted him. "Demiurge don't give me that look, we have to give you the rings to make it easier for you and Albedo to move around, so yes we give you this ring and keep it with care okay." Ulbert finished while Tabula give the same look to Albedo, the two Guardians bowed from the looks of it they seemed to be twitching probably from excitement they have for trusted by their lords, the supreme beings smiled. "It appears that we done our part. We trust that you take our word for it, we'll be discussing something in the meeting room."

They teleported to the meeting room as soon as they sit down like last time they just sigh deeply. "Wow that was quite exhausting, well Momonga care to explain this plan of yours." Ulbert said. "Well then what I'm saying out there that maybe were not only ones that got here, perhaps that some players like us stayed log in after the shutdown so maybe if we make a name for ourselves and use our guild name to see if other players hears our tale and seek us out." Momonga finished while everyone thought about his plan to find other players. "what happen if they tried to kill us?" Warrior Takemikazuchi said while HeroHero said "It's unlikely that they would attack us and not only that we can easily take them out with our forces especially if they are lowered levels than us." HeroHero finished before Momonga said. "Well either way, we got two options and one of them is not pretty." Everyone tense when he said that. "First we find a way out or… we stay here."

Momonga said in a sad tone, everyone were silent after that. "I honestly don't wanna go back." Ulbert admitted while shocking everyone. "Why not?" Peroroncino said asking why would Ulbert don't want to go back. "Because I don't have everyone to care for me, I have a job that forces me to work to my limit, I'm tired of scavenging food to save money, I'm tired of hiding and running from criminals that took the easy way, I'm not coming back!" Ulbert explain his reasoning while Momonga said. "Like him I don't have nobody to care, just a job that doesn't care about my well being, working hours on end, endangering myself with the criminals I would rather stay here and put up their shit." Momonga said solemnly while Bukubukuchagama said. "Me and my brother don't really have much either too, we may have a job but they don't exactly treat us well as well, we only have each other so if anything we rather stay here." Bukubukuchagama said while Peroroncino said "She right we don't have anybody that care for us. While we have jobs it doesn't mean that we get pay well and the fact that the boss treat his workers like trash so yeah we stay, but I'll miss those H-games." Peroroncino said earning a chuckle from his comrades.

"I don't really care about my job actually, I only had that because it pays well and I want to survive, I have a cousin but we never get along well and never really cared for me so if anything I have nothing to lose, so yes I'll stay here." Tabula said while a wave of silence pass in. "I would rather stay here instead of going back to that job that never care about it workers, my parents are… dead they died last year." A wave of sympathy went to HeroHero. "My family has been disconnected for two years, I tried call them for a year in a half, but I give up hope after my brother says the he never want to see me again I been miserable after that, only with guys I forgot the sadness and grief I had so if you guys stay, I'll stay as well." Warrior Takemikazuchi said while earning a sad glance from Momonga and Ulbert."Well like Momonga and Ulbert I don't have anyone that cares for me, while my job certainly not as dangerous as theirs it doesn't mean that the boss isn't really nice either, he make everyone life a living hell, so yeah I'll stay."

Everyone looks at Touch Me, fully aware that Touch Me want to go back for his wife and child. "Don't worry we will find a way for you to go back for your-" Momonga said before being cut by Touch Me. "I don't have my wife anymore." Touch Me said in sad tone surprising everyone in the room. "WHAT!" Everyone shouted. "Touch Me, what happen to your wife!?" Nishikienrai ask. "My wife cheated on me." Touch Me said while clutching his hand. "Who did she cheat with!?" Warrior Takemikazuchi said while being angry at Touch Me's wife. "With a friend that I knew of since we were kids." Touch Me said earning a angry scream from Peroroncino. "WITH YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND!?" He scream. "Why did she do that to you?" Bukubukuchagama said while being angry. "I don't know, that the worst part she never told me anything about, not only that she lied that I'm abuse her and shit." Touch Me added. "Okay now that bullshit, I know you would never do that." Ulbert said pissed at Touch Me. "About your son, what happened him?" HeroHero said worry about Touch Me's son. "She was able to get away with our son it been one year since our divorce and I haven't seem my son since then." Touch Me said while trying not to cry, but then learn he can't cry at all. "I can't believe this, your wife cheated on you with your friend, and then take your child away, you deserve better."

Tabula said disappointed in Touch Me's wife until Momonga slam his fist to the table shocking everyone else with his rare display of anger. "HOW DARE HER, NOT ONLY DID SHE CHEATED YOU WITH YOUR FRIEND BUT THEN TAKE YOUR SON THAT BITCH, YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT!" Momonga yell in anger, everyone was about to calm Momonga down until a faint light appears and Momonga is now talking normally. "Touch Me, you deserve better you know." Momonga said in a calm tone which shocked surprise everyone. "What was that about?" Peroroncino said in surprise. "Oh I forgot, yeah apparently since I'm undead any emotions get suppress, if anything else I'm effectively very calm but from looks of it massive anger can break the passive for short time." Everyone understand and sigh in relief. "I had... nothing to lose and you guys is all I had now. Stay with you guys." Touch Me said, everyone stay quiet for awhile. "I see that everyone wishes to stay, what do you guys think we should do now?" Momonga ask his fellow players. "I suggest we keep experimenting with everything we had. Maybe we should try out the Mirror of Remote Viewing." Everyone agreed, they went to tried out the mirror…

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